kickstarter comment #400
Creator Chris Ovdiyenko 23 minutes ago
Okay folks, I had a couple of ideas that had seemed a little out of reach or impractical until now. But, these are very doable and I think are pretty awesome stretch goals:
135K - The Illustrated Guide to Arcana hardbound book released.
150K - Every KS deck vellum wrapped, signed and numbered. Essentially, every deck, for backers only, becomes a Limited Edition.
I think the hardbound book would be awesome, I have already looked into a reasonable source for the printing which would make the book come in around $25 or so. It'll be hard bound in fine book cloth, and have an illustration of every card in the full tarot set and explanation of it's meaning as well as methods for reading the tarot. This would be for the December delivery of the expansion deck.
I also think the vellum wrapping, signed and numbered, for every deck is a really big deal. I usually print extra decks to sell on my website, but these versions would only be for backers. So essentially, every deck you as a backer would get, would be a limited edition deck. This would make your decks much more valuable than any others, since only backers could get them. The cards and tuck would be the same as decks I sell later, but the wrapping, numbering, and signing will set these apart.
Super excited about these goals, thanks again everyone!!!