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Hello from San Diego California

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Hello from San Diego California
« on: March 17, 2016, 02:36:57 PM »


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Hello everyone,
My name is Jonathan

I am originally from New York, but I moved to San Diego about a year and a half ago.

At first, I stumbled accross cardistry around 7 or 8 months ago... I realized it's not so easy, especially getting into it as an adult. I learned several one hand and 2 hand cuts, that I am still working on, some fans, still trying to get that pirouette down... it's very difficult.
I quickly realized eveyrone was really always asking to see a trick, and so, I went and started learning a little magic. Magic quickly overtook my interest with the cards over cardistry, but I still try.
I still like collecting cards, and finding nice kick starters. In less than a year, I have collected a little over 200 decks I think... so... I guess I have a little of all 3? Cardist, collector, magician... .I would say magician is taking the lead these days.

I got into it for a few reasons, I started working from home, and had time to pick up a new hobby, in a new city were I do not really know anyone. I saw a cardistry video on youtube and thought, wow. That would be cool. Then my brother had a kid, and I thought, good, in 4 or 5 years, I will be able to do some magic and entertain the kid, maybe volunteer at some hospitals.

Then I found some good tutors online, conjurer community, pathways to card magic, and started reading card college.

I feel my magic has started to move much faster, I can entertain a kid already... and I am getting pretty decent at entertaining adults :) For a computer guy who never liked talking to people, I'd say that's pretty good so far.

I found out about this forum via a video blog by Aaron Fisher and Lee Asher talking about custom cards.

Re: Hello from San Diego California
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2016, 03:20:54 AM »

Don Boyer

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Welcome, Jonathan.  Why'd you leave New York?  (I'm from a NYC suburb.)

Lee Asher is one of the administrators here.  In addition, he's the president-elect of 52 Plus Joker, the card collectors' club that "powers" this forum (that's a fancy way of saying they keep the servers running and the lights on).

Definitely check out volunteer opportunities in your area.  I volunteer monthly at a hospital and it's a fun experience, plus great practice in the event you decide you want to take your magic to the next level.  Performing for kids in a pediatric unit gives you more varied experience, as your audience is more often than not the child and some portion of their family, with a few adults somewhere in the mix (what parent leaves their kid alone in the hospital indefinitely, right?).  It doesn't require a huge amount of skill or a massive repertoire, though those certainly don't hurt.  Just enough practice and skill to keep someone entertained for a few minutes at their bedside is more than enough - I typically do a set of at least three tricks, often the same set over and over, as I'm doing it for the kids on an individual basis rather than in a group setting.

I also make a habit of bringing decks of cards to give away to the kids, usually donated by people I know IRL and through this forum - you perform with a brand new deck that you hand the child when they're done, so they have both a souvenir and something to entertain themselves when the electronic gadgets need to recharge.  My favorite part is when I get a kid who thinks that it's the deck that's magic - they try doing what they saw me do, thinking the trick will just happen by itself, and it usually doesn't!  (The rare exceptions are the small number of automatic tricks I keep in my repertoire, which are among the tricks I'll occasionally teach to the kids so they can show off to their family and the hospital staff.)

I look forward to hearing about your journey down the conjurer's path...  :))
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
Playing Card Design & Development Consultant
Deck Tailoring: Custom Alterations for Magicians and Card Mechanics
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Re: Hello from San Diego California
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2016, 12:22:41 PM »


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I used to live in Queens, (born and raised).

I don't like the cold :) I wanted to move out west for a while, life kept getting in the way.
Finally, I just said I would make it happen. So... Now I am here.

I go back to NY often for business.
In some ways, I missed out, I only got into Magic, Cards all that recently. Now that I am into it, I found out I have a few friends in NY who are into magic a long time, and I could have some good mentoring. Oh well :)

Between cardistry and magic... I think I could have found myself some cheaper hobbies!

Re: Hello from San Diego California
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2016, 12:23:37 PM »


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Welcome, Jonathan.  Why'd you leave New York?  (I'm from a NYC suburb.)

Lee Asher is one of the administrators here.  In addition, he's the president-elect of 52 Plus Joker, the card collectors' club that "powers" this forum (that's a fancy way of saying they keep the servers running and the lights on).

Definitely check out volunteer opportunities in your area.  I volunteer monthly at a hospital and it's a fun experience, plus great practice in the event you decide you want to take your magic to the next level.  Performing for kids in a pediatric unit gives you more varied experience, as your audience is more often than not the child and some portion of their family, with a few adults somewhere in the mix (what parent leaves their kid alone in the hospital indefinitely, right?).  It doesn't require a huge amount of skill or a massive repertoire, though those certainly don't hurt.  Just enough practice and skill to keep someone entertained for a few minutes at their bedside is more than enough - I typically do a set of at least three tricks, often the same set over and over, as I'm doing it for the kids on an individual basis rather than in a group setting.

I also make a habit of bringing decks of cards to give away to the kids, usually donated by people I know IRL and through this forum - you perform with a brand new deck that you hand the child when they're done, so they have both a souvenir and something to entertain themselves when the electronic gadgets need to recharge.  My favorite part is when I get a kid who thinks that it's the deck that's magic - they try doing what they saw me do, thinking the trick will just happen by itself, and it usually doesn't!  (The rare exceptions are the small number of automatic tricks I keep in my repertoire, which are among the tricks I'll occasionally teach to the kids so they can show off to their family and the hospital staff.)

I look forward to hearing about your journey down the conjurer's path...  :))

Also, thanks for the feedback and tips on performing in hospitals and the like.
I think in a few months I might be at the point where I will have a couple of 3 trick sets I am comfortable with. So something to look forward too.

Re: Hello from San Diego California
« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2016, 03:56:31 AM »

Don Boyer

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I used to live in Queens, (born and raised).

I don't like the cold :) I wanted to move out west for a while, life kept getting in the way.
Finally, I just said I would make it happen. So... Now I am here.

I go back to NY often for business.
In some ways, I missed out, I only got into Magic, Cards all that recently. Now that I am into it, I found out I have a few friends in NY who are into magic a long time, and I could have some good mentoring. Oh well :)

Between cardistry and magic... I think I could have found myself some cheaper hobbies!

They can still mentor you.  That's what Skype and FaceTime were invented for!

YES, magic, cardistry and playing cards are luxury hobbies.  But if you become good enough, you might even make a side gig out of it, if not a full-time living.
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
Playing Card Design & Development Consultant
Deck Tailoring: Custom Alterations for Magicians and Card Mechanics
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Pre-Made Decks for Sale -

Re: Hello from San Diego California
« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2016, 05:36:20 PM »


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YES, magic, cardistry and playing cards are luxury hobbies.  But if you become good enough, you might even make a side gig out of it, if not a full-time living.

Maybe one day, I am not leaving my 20 year career day job just yet :)

Re: Hello from San Diego California
« Reply #6 on: March 25, 2016, 04:07:21 AM »

Don Boyer

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YES, magic, cardistry and playing cards are luxury hobbies.  But if you become good enough, you might even make a side gig out of it, if not a full-time living.

Maybe one day, I am not leaving my 20 year career day job just yet :)

That's the beauty of it - you don't have to.  Many magician gigs are nights and weekends!
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
Playing Card Design & Development Consultant
Deck Tailoring: Custom Alterations for Magicians and Card Mechanics
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