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Wooden Deck Stands

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Wooden Deck Stands
« on: May 25, 2015, 02:29:20 AM »


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          hey guys! i feel like its been an eternity since ive been here, and im glad to be back ^_^ i have been really unwell, and quite busy for a really long time =/ anywacks...
a few months ago, remembering my uncle is a carpenter, and fairly talented at most anything involving wood, i decided to send him my UUSI redwood deck stand, to look over, and see what he could do that would be as, or almost as effective for what it is. maybe a week later, he sent me a bag of duplicate stands, which were very nice! rough, non-polished, no stain, but quite light, and worked incredibly well for cards, and many other things.
so, im wondering how much interest there would be in relatively cheap, wooden deck display stands with you guys? i mean, depending on how much detail is wanted (staining, design changes, sets of precise duplicates), how many, etc, the price would be slightly affected, but overall, he loves working with wood, and said he wouldnt mind if i wanted to ask you guys if you'd like to try them out ;)
let me know what you guys think, i appreciate any input, and ill post pics as soon as i can (im not on my PC atm). im pretty sure he would be down for personalized detailing of many sorts, as well, and i have been doing artwork of all kinds professionally for some 20 years, so i may help on some things too. ;) if you all (or some of you) are interested, i'll see about getting this going! thanks guys, and loving the site progress since i was last here! ;D will be trying hard to keep up, and get back to being a regular ;)


Re: Wooden Deck Stands
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2015, 02:37:28 AM »


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btw, Don, if this isn't in the best place for this post, could you relocate it for me? you're always so damn great at that ^_~ thanks bud ;)

Re: Wooden Deck Stands
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2015, 12:56:39 PM »

Don Boyer

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Have you discussed this with Uusi yet?  The design they're using could be patented or they could be registered trademarks for all you know!
« Last Edit: May 25, 2015, 12:56:56 PM by Don Boyer »
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
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Re: Wooden Deck Stands
« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2015, 10:24:17 PM »


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considering i only sent the Uusi stand (and a few decks of cards) to give him the idea of what the purpose was, as he has had no experience in this type of thing, it isnt really a concern.  for me, i can't see how the simple concept of using wood to hold up a deck of cards could be patented, but honestly, if i felt i was doing something hurtful to Uusi, i would have not done it period. they are great people, i wouldnt even consider betraying them, least of all for money. the only reason i was thinking of this was so others could have easy access to good-looking, quality stands, and i intended to make no money from it myself unless someone cared for abstract designs on the stands, or for me to redesign them in some fashion. personally, i have no need for any more of them, and my uncle is quite busy ^_^ it was just a thought, for anyone's convenience who is, like i was before finding this supply, without a way to aquire anything aesthetically pleasing to display thier decks. i do appreciate that you worry about me though =] but it's cool ;) even if you were just concerned for Uusi, that is also great, Don- the looking out for each other is something i always loved about those of us collectors who care about what goes on, to the kind and honorable people around us ^_^ if it makes you feel better, please delete the thread, it's not so important to me that i want anyone upset or worried =]
hopefully ill be seeing you in other threads, my health permitting!!


p.s.- rereading my post, im wondering if the word "duplicate" was what bothered you... i only meant they were duplicates of one another, and looked nice as a set. i f*'n wish my new phone was here, i would have just posted pics =/ oh well, -maybe- we can revisit this again in the future ^_^ i have a lot going on right now, overseeing album production, art projects... it really was never a big deal ;) hope you are well Don!

Re: Wooden Deck Stands
« Reply #4 on: May 30, 2015, 12:44:59 AM »

Don Boyer

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Simply put, if you based your design off of their design and sold it, even if you didn't sell them at a profit, those sales would be sales that Uusi wouldn't receive anything for despite their originality in creating the design you used without license.  They'd be within their rights to sue you for financial damages.

Now, if you had a wholly-unique design of your own, that would be a different kettle of fish altogether.
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
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Re: Wooden Deck Stands
« Reply #5 on: May 31, 2015, 12:29:15 AM »


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"simply put"??
so, to be clear, after reading all that, you still didnt get that im not out to screw anyone? i've been an artist and musician/composer for almost my entire life, and yes, that's only 36 years, but well enough to know the ins and outs of how to, and not to f**k people over. i said, again, i sent him the thing just so he could see what i wanted it to do, i.e., "be a deck stand", nothing more "the same" to Uusi than it being made from wood, which im pretty sure has been done before. anyway, im not big on being made to feel like you think im simple, when ive had all the respect for you in the world, Don. sorry i dont use caps or punctuation at all times, my stupid hands hurt, to go along with just about every single other part of me, so i dont bother. i figure my sense shows through regardless, but maybe not... so, again, as well, i dont give a damn about the stands now, at all. truly. my biggest mistake was being detailed about what i sent him, because had i not mentioned Uusi to start, this would have all been fine, im pretty sure. or, if i fucking had the ability to drive my cripple ass to a store and get a new camera so you could see them, either way. no need to reply, i wont be continuing the thread.


Re: Wooden Deck Stands
« Reply #6 on: May 31, 2015, 12:54:46 AM »

Don Boyer

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"simply put"??
so, to be clear, after reading all that, you still didnt get that im not out to screw anyone? i've been an artist and musician/composer for almost my entire life, and yes, that's only 36 years, but well enough to know the ins and outs of how to, and not to f**k people over. i said, again, i sent him the thing just so he could see what i wanted it to do, i.e., "be a deck stand", nothing more "the same" to Uusi than it being made from wood, which im pretty sure has been done before. anyway, im not big on being made to feel like you think im simple, when ive had all the respect for you in the world, Don. sorry i dont use caps or punctuation at all times, my stupid hands hurt, to go along with just about every single other part of me, so i dont bother. i figure my sense shows through regardless, but maybe not... so, again, as well, i dont give a damn about the stands now, at all. truly. my biggest mistake was being detailed about what i sent him, because had i not mentioned Uusi to start, this would have all been fine, im pretty sure. or, if i fucking had the ability to drive my cripple ass to a store and get a new camera so you could see them, either way. no need to reply, i wont be continuing the thread.

I didn't say you were out to screw anyone.  I presented the situation as it stood for clarity's sake so anyone else reading will have a clear picture, because your phrasing of it was not 100% clear.  The statements I made are of an "If you did X, then Y could happen" format, all hypothetical in nature, not "You did X, I'm accusing you of it, so Y will happen," as if I was some kind of prosecutor.  You're over-reacting and I'm not accusing you of anything other than having posted an idea.

It's like you said - I'm friends with Uusi, they're clients of mine and I was looking to protect their interests, no different than if someone was here trying to copy your music in some manner as part of a project intended for distribution and I came out to tell them that it's your music and they need your permission and license.  I'm in favor of an artist's right to benefit from their unique, original work and control how it's used by others seeking to redistribute it or build upon it, and clearly you are as well.

So, please remain calm, take a deep breath, and relax...  We're all friends here and on the same side!
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
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Re: Wooden Deck Stands
« Reply #7 on: May 31, 2015, 05:33:11 PM »


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well, i came back to say that i am sorry i let it bother me, though i did/do feel like you are missing what im saying about there being no similarity to the Uusi stands, other than being made of wood. well, and the fact that they display cards. im going through a lot, and i honestly feel like im getting worse, so im not really myself at the moment, and im sorry for being quick to become offended. i am very much a person who does not tolerate condecending or accusational remarks, as i pride myself on being honest and respectable, and also loyal to friends, and those who i find to be good people. i had to drop out of school right before heading off for my scholarship, and i have spent my life continuing my education and my search for knowledge, so that my strong mind does not falter. common sense has always been on my side, thankfully. so given my current circumstances- the pain, seemingly getting worse, passing out every 30 minutes, etc.- i suppose i was just in a bad place at that moment. i try my absolute hardest to never take my suffering out on anyone, ever, online, or otherwise. so, this was not really me, as i usually am, to let something like this bother me. i was feeling frustrated, too, that i was saying they are not the same, because i had only sent the stand to show him what a stand does, with instructions to do his own thing. also because i couldnt just take a picture and show you this, and be done with it. but i see your point, that there may be some who need to hear that you couldnt directly rip a piece, and that is true. i have had people try the same with my music, my art, and my dancing, and it is beyond upsetting when this is your livelyhood, and people dont have any respect for that. anyway, if you don't mind, could you just delete this thread? i feel like it now serves no purpose other than for you and i to have this talk, and im pretty sure we understand each other now. ;) (i didnt look to delete it yet as i wanted to give you time to see this reply) thanks for understanding... feeling like you could be dying can put you off your normal, rational attitude...   
thanks Don,
