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Shoot the Dices;Burn the Cards -Gambling Facts Playing Cards by Simon Li (KS)

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Rob Wright

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Last night I stayed up late playing poker with Tarot cards. I got a full house and four people died.

 Steven Wright
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I'll say this. That is one sly looking fella on the card back.
Part of my Collection updated infrequently but occasionally, when I remember. (I haven't in months.)


Don Boyer

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These cards are HORRIBLE.  They are ugly as sin and nowhere near as much fun!

This is a deck even a mother couldn't love.

I get a laugh out of the stats he mentions on the home page.  He's based in San Francisco, CA, USA.  He quotes a stat from the "National Council on Problem Gambling" - but neglects to mention this is an organization in SINGAPORE, not the US, where he states the project is based.  And another mentioned organization, "", is based at McGill University in Montreal, Canada!

"Shoot the Dices?"  Does he even realize that "dice" is already the PLURAL form, and that "dices" is a tense of the verb "to dice", as in "to chop or cut into small dice-like cubes?"  The singular is "die," although few people outside of a pencil-and-paper RPG group use the term these days.

Read this paragraph, from his home page:

From Go Fish, Slap Jack, I Doubt It, to Crazy Eights with the kids to Texas Hold'em and Deuces with your friends, it is great way to have fun and spend quality time with family and friends whilst learning about gambling addiction.

So, wait a sec.  He want to teach people about gambling addiction - by having them use his deck to GAMBLE?!  Texas Hold 'Em is a game played for MONEY!!  The process is known as GAMBLING!!

He's got dozens of wonderful statistics quoted throughout the entire deck - and not a single referenced source for ANY of them!  There's no way to know if these are legit facts or just something he came up with off the top of his head.  But hey, he expects you to GAMBLE with them anyway, so what the hell, right?

He has a "limited edition" of 500 - but there's room in the pledges for far more than that.  So I think we're supposed to assume that the "limited edition" is called such because it has "first edition stamped on the inside flap [sic]."  So, it's INSIDE.  Where NO ONE can see it.  So visually, there's NO WAY to distinguish between the "first edition" and what I supposed we'd consider to be the "other" edition.  Niiiiiiiiiice...  Because, as we all know, collectors are stupid, blind and gullible - you say "limited edition" and they say "How many bricks can I buy??"  Right?  Because we're all that AND a bag of chips?

He's got a really original (and massively bad) piece of art for the jokers.  And, lacking adequate creativity, he makes the joker art part of the backs of ALL of the CARDS as well!  He might as well use a Sharpie to write "LAZY" across his forehead and call it a day!

He doesn't appear to be either stoned OR stupid, so I can only assume that he's just another wanna-be deck maker thinking he can make an easy buck with whatever craptacular design he can slap onto pasteboard and call a deck.  When your artwork is so profoundly cheesy and like clip art that your project could have been created using an ten-year-old version of MS Word, your deck is falling from the ugly tree and hitting every branch face-first on the way to the roots...

These cards are bad every day of the week and twice on Sundays.  I wouldn't touch them with a ten-foot pole.  If offered a free deck, I'd scrawl "fire starters" across the tuck box and put them next to the gas stove in the kitchen with a pack of matches nearby.  I might save a few, but only because I have a few crooked tables in need of shims under the legs.  At US$8 a pack, they're still too expensive by at least $10!  I've seen dollar-store decks more desirable than this thing he's trying to call a deck!!

I'm not a religious man, really, but Lord, if you are out there, please save me, my fellow collectors and the world's most gullible and foolish project backers from this abomination, this poor excuse for a deck of cards, this paper nightmare, these foul and wretched pasteboards...  Spontaneous combustion would be a fun way to go, but perhaps just keeping it from getting funded will do in a pinch...

When I kid, I use smiley faces.  There's not one smiling face to be seen in this entire post.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2015, 12:21:28 AM by Don Boyer »
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They are ugly as sin and nowhere near as much fun!

HA!  I'm stealing that Don.  My wife heard me laughing from the next room, and I still can't stop smiling.   ;D


Don Boyer

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They are ugly as sin and nowhere near as much fun!

HA!  I'm stealing that Don.  My wife heard me laughing from the next room, and I still can't stop smiling.   ;D

It's a modified version of a line I'm often shouting to no one in particular when driving in traffic: "This guy is slower than shit and half as intelligent!"  Another favorite is "Dude, it's a STOP sign, not KEEL OVER AND DIE!"  I don't think either has the same effect as that one, however...  :))
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Lol I used to drive over 250 km a day, every day, in one of my jobs as a younger man.  Through a tourist area with a bunch of people who are usually used to driving on the opposite side of the road, and also tourist from queensland... ??? ??? ;D

I would use words that could strip paint off the walls on a daily basis.  Now, living and working from home and letting the world come to me I have not even done 30,000 km in the last 7-8 years.  Just as well because now I have kids and driving them to play group could be an issue if I still drove every day.   ;)

Anyway.  This deck has only $28 pledged to it.  I would have though that was statistically impossible...

Even the kings game deck and the movie monster one has more than that (and did so at day one...)


Don Boyer

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Lol I used to drive over 250 km a day, every day, in one of my jobs as a younger man.  Through a tourist area with a bunch of people who are usually used to driving on the opposite side of the road, and also tourist from queensland... ??? ??? ;D

I would use words that could strip paint off the walls on a daily basis.  Now, living and working from home and letting the world come to me I have not even done 30,000 km in the last 7-8 years.  Just as well because now I have kids and driving them to play group could be an issue if I still drove every day.   ;)

Anyway.  This deck has only $28 pledged to it.  I would have though that was statistically impossible...

Even the kings game deck and the movie monster one has more than that (and did so at day one...)

I've seen worse.  In fact, I seem to recall one deck concept - whacked-out three way cards or something, from EARLY in the deck craze - that went to term without a single penny raised...THREE TIMES!  There's been some horrendous deck ideas lately, but believe me when I tell you - there's always something worse.

EDIT: I double-checked my facts.  He tried twice to make a card game called "Triple Topper".  First time, raised $90.  Second time, Raised $66.  His account name at KS is "tripletopper."  Had three other equally-successful projects, too!
« Last Edit: February 01, 2015, 12:00:26 AM by Don Boyer »
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
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