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Scarlett Tally-Ho No.13 by KWP (KS)

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Re: Scarlett Tally-Ho No.13 by KWP (coming soon)
« Reply #50 on: November 15, 2014, 07:24:40 PM »

Don Boyer

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Does NO ONE believe in posting links anymore?  :))

I did end up getting two of the "entry level" decks.  Still thought they were on the costly side, but went ahead anyway because I'm a fan of the Tally Ho brand.

Anthony - I'll grant you that the collectors are buying for adding to their collections.  Unfortunately we also have an influx of speculators as well, people who purchased solely for the purpose of reselling later at a higher price.  It's why a rather humble deck like Jerry's Nugget sells for over $400.  Who knows how many thousands exist out there - but people start paying more money so other people sniff this out, take notice and see an opportunity.  Welcome to Ferenganar.  It's part of what is making me a bit sour about the entire hobby.
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
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Re: Scarlett Tally-Ho No.13 by KWP (KS)
« Reply #51 on: November 15, 2014, 07:43:04 PM »


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There are Ferengi out there, no doubt about it. However, Jackson's pricing for these decks may well alleviate the speculation trend. Unlike the original Fed 52 decks which resell for 2 to 5 times their KS price, these decks may well be priced high enough on KS that its Jackson who profits and not the Ferengi. Anyways, I hope so.

For those of you who belong to 52+Joker, I'll note that Jackson was selling Fed 52 decks for $10 a piece at this year's convention. I don't know if he'll have any Scarletts left after the KS, but join the club, come to next year's convention and maybe you'll get lucky.


Re: Scarlett Tally-Ho No.13 by KWP (KS)
« Reply #52 on: November 15, 2014, 10:09:27 PM »


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Oh, I agree Don, the speculators are out there, there is no doubt.......where there is money to be made and all. And I know what you mean about it souring the hobby for you, it is a difficult pill to swallow at times, but as collectors and aficionado's the best thing we can do is stick to our "Personal" guidelines when making purchases and ignoring all the peripherally BS  ;)

Re: Scarlett Tally-Ho No.13 by KWP (KS)
« Reply #53 on: November 15, 2014, 11:27:39 PM »


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Ah everyone needs to earn a crust, how they do it is their own business. It doesn't effect my enjoyment of playing cards. Great decks are going to be chased, doesn't matter if there are 10,000 or 1,000. Not excited over this campaign anymore, it's almost sold out so it's done unless something happens there. Could run a 48 hour campaign with this much limited. :P
Part of my Collection updated infrequently but occasionally, when I remember. (I haven't in months.)

Re: Scarlett Tally-Ho No.13 by KWP (KS)
« Reply #54 on: November 15, 2014, 11:58:44 PM »


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Well done on a successful campaign, wish there were higher numbers on each product but half the fun is sometimes not always getting your way :)

Re: Scarlett Tally-Ho No.13 by KWP (coming soon)
« Reply #55 on: November 16, 2014, 12:19:12 AM »


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While i agree with Sparkz it is unfair for Don to make such statements, you would also be kidding yourself if you think it is going to be anywhere cheap. I'm just going to ask back the same question, are you guys willing to pay any amount for a deck just because it is limited?

PurpleIce, I never meant is was going to be cheap, but, and this will answer the second part of your question, beauty lies in the eye of the beholder, Don might have looked at it and decided that "THIS" particular design and concept was worth purchasing. As far as how much I'm willing to pay, I don't know......It really is based on the deck, the amount, the print run, etc...

But, and this brings it back to a point I always make, that cost is effected by your intentions as well. I'm a collector, my only intention is to add it to my collection, it's worth and value isn't monetary to me, its based on what I like. This is going to be different for everyone, there is no right or wrong answer or price point. But look at the current state of Jackson's Tally campaign and you should get the a pretty good indication as to where his customers are in the question you posed.

I like Jackson's work, very much so, but I also liked it at $6.00 a deck. It's unfortunate that the Arrow's ended up as they did, I know Jackson wants to please as many people as he can, but the reality is that when it comes to card design and Kickstarters, they need to fund for Jackson's business to continue. And any business knows, you sell what made you who you are...........It seems pretty evident what the majority want from KWP. I can't and won't blame Jackson for that.

Hey Sparkz, i hope you take no offense. That question wasn't directed at you, but to everyone in general. Maybe it is the way that i wrongly phrased it.
I was simply trying to agree with you on not making any deductions any we see evidence. But in our mind, simply, we all know that it ain't gonna be cheap. The latter part was directed at everyone else.

There are Ferengi out there, no doubt about it. However, Jackson's pricing for these decks may well alleviate the speculation trend. Unlike the original Fed 52 decks which resell for 2 to 5 times their KS price, these decks may well be priced high enough on KS that its Jackson who profits and not the Ferengi. Anyways, I hope so.

For those of you who belong to 52+Joker, I'll note that Jackson was selling Fed 52 decks for $10 a piece at this year's convention. I don't know if he'll have any Scarletts left after the KS, but join the club, come to next year's convention and maybe you'll get lucky.

The thing is, as all logical businesses might go, that bulk buyers get better pricing. There are decks that i buy a brick of, even though i only need 2 decks as a collector, is so that i can get a much cheaper average price per deck, and sell the rest off at a small percentage above what price i paid.

Now, with Jackson selling a maximum of 2 each, the price is going to soar like crazy, simply because those who did not get any, will find it difficult to find these decks in the resellers market as well. Collectors like us will be very unlikely to sell simply because of the open 1 keep 1 thing that we all do. It is basic economics actually, when demand outweighs supply, inflation is bound to kick in. Only my wife doesn't know that, selling my decks at cheap pricing to some other people online.  :(

I'm not too sure what are the Fed 52 decks sold, but i think it is those printed in excess, that is not cellophane wrapped and comes with KWP seal rather than the FED52 seals? Probably the same as those in the Halloween bricks?

Re: Scarlett Tally-Ho No.13 by KWP (KS)
« Reply #56 on: November 16, 2014, 12:34:37 AM »

Don Boyer

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What it really appears like - and I can't blame Jackson for this - is that he's seen the premium that his decks go for in the secondary market and decided that he wanted at least a portion of that extra cash for himself.  Considering that he did the lion's share of the work getting the decks to market, he should get a better share of the value of the deck.

He was among the first, if not the first, to charge $15 (including domestic shipping) for a pack of playing cards.  Umpteen others followed suit, with varying degrees of success - both people with a respectable record of making good deck after good deck and n00bz who thought they could put any old crap on a crappily-made pack of playing cards and get rich.  It's not often that prices creep LOWER - the general trend tends to be higher.  So if this ends up becoming the average of what I have to pay for even a typical deck in the near future (and at a rate that far outraces my pay increases), I'm going to get priced out of the hobby and I'm sad to say I won't be alone.

It's a lot like what happened to ticket prices for live events in New York.  Scalpers were making boatloads on the tickets they resold, so the theaters decided that the market could bear higher prices and did much the same thing.  Now, it's rare that a live event has two tickets for under $200, especially after the surcharges for buying online from a ticket service company.  Even a night at the movies for two with drinks and popcorn can run to about $60 in this town.  In the end, I see far fewer live events these days than I ever have before and it's been a few years since I've seen a movie in the heart of the city, instead going to the outskirts and the suburbs for somewhat more affordable pricing.

Where are the suburbs of the playing card industry?  WalMart and the dollar stores?
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
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Re: Scarlett Tally-Ho No.13 by KWP (KS)
« Reply #57 on: November 16, 2014, 01:15:43 AM »


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What it really appears like - and I can't blame Jackson for this - is that he's seen the premium that his decks go for in the secondary market and decided that he wanted at least a portion of that extra cash for himself.  Considering that he did the lion's share of the work getting the decks to market, he should get a better share of the value of the deck.

He was among the first, if not the first, to charge $15 (including domestic shipping) for a pack of playing cards.  Umpteen others followed suit, with varying degrees of success - both people with a respectable record of making good deck after good deck and n00bz who thought they could put any old crap on a crappily-made pack of playing cards and get rich.  It's not often that prices creep LOWER - the general trend tends to be higher.  So if this ends up becoming the average of what I have to pay for even a typical deck in the near future (and at a rate that far outraces my pay increases), I'm going to get priced out of the hobby and I'm sad to say I won't be alone.

It's a lot like what happened to ticket prices for live events in New York.  Scalpers were making boatloads on the tickets they resold, so the theaters decided that the market could bear higher prices and did much the same thing.  Now, it's rare that a live event has two tickets for under $200, especially after the surcharges for buying online from a ticket service company.  Even a night at the movies for two with drinks and popcorn can run to about $60 in this town.  In the end, I see far fewer live events these days than I ever have before and it's been a few years since I've seen a movie in the heart of the city, instead going to the outskirts and the suburbs for somewhat more affordable pricing.

Where are the suburbs of the playing card industry?  WalMart and the dollar stores?

My decision to run the Scarlett Tally Hos how I am, actually had nothing to do what the after market does or might do with my decks. Sure tons of people made money of the Feds and other decks of mine in the after market.  I didn't really care one way or the other, I for sure wasn't ever upset or felt like I was getting jipped out of possible income. I was happy that I was getting to design cards for a living.

The structure of the Scarlett Tally Hos has 100% to do with what the people that allow me to design cards for a living wanted and spoke loud and clear with the voices and wallets. Sure I would love to produce a $5 deck but the reality is it will not be the deck that I want it to be.

I tried that with the arrows and it failed. If you went to your job and didn't get paid you probably wouldn't go back. Thats exactly what I did, I went to what brought me to the game and also what people wanted to pay for.

I have realized that I will never ever, ever, ever please everyone, but I can please those who support me. I can also please my self. It may sound selfish but in the end I am still an artists and my decks are my art. The playing card market is super saturated, but thats ok. I'm glad it is because that forces me and everyone else to compete at a higher level witch in the end benefits the industry. It may fatigue peoples wallets but it will also weed out weak stuff and creates a crucible for the highest quality work out there.

I honestly thought the days of Limited Editions were at an end, thats why I set off to do the Arrows as I did. When I couldn't have been further from the truth.

My dad always said "Ride on the horse that brung ya" no matter how dumb that sounds its true and until my rent and health insurance premiums force me to find work else where I will keep doing low runs and limited edition because it's the LTDs that are paying my rent not failed attempts at making people happy and calling it Silver Arrows.
Jackson Robinson

Re: Scarlett Tally-Ho No.13 by KWP (KS)
« Reply #58 on: November 16, 2014, 02:50:21 AM »


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I can understand that you tried creating a "staple" deck that was affordable and many complained about and that a majority of your fans want LE deck, but why such an extreme? The majority of your decks funded well over 100k with a single print run but you have never had a project with only LE decks. Aren't you cutting your own throat by limiting the amount of funding you could get by not completely limiting the decks? I'm sure you're making plenty with the prices you're charging but having a standard deck, you could fund higher.

Re: Scarlett Tally-Ho No.13 by KWP (KS)
« Reply #59 on: November 16, 2014, 03:40:10 AM »


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I can understand that you tried creating a "staple" deck that was affordable and many complained about and that a majority of your fans want LE deck, but why such an extreme? The majority of your decks funded well over 100k with a single print run but you have never had a project with only LE decks. Aren't you cutting your own throat by limiting the amount of funding you could get by not completely limiting the decks? I'm sure you're making plenty with the prices you're charging but having a standard deck, you could fund higher.

There is no throat cutting in a successfully funded project. It's not about a big funding number. It's about an efficient workable business model. The days of big multiple deck projects are gone I I think.
Just because it's not over 100k, does it mean it's a failure. My past projects were beasts to handle and also BEASTS to pay for.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2014, 03:43:47 AM by JacksonRobinson »
Jackson Robinson

Re: Scarlett Tally-Ho No.13 by KWP (KS)
« Reply #60 on: November 16, 2014, 06:39:59 AM »


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Hey Sparkz, i hope you take no offense. That question wasn't directed at you, but to everyone in general. Maybe it is the way that i wrongly phrased it.
None taken  :)

My decision to run the Scarlett Tally Hos how I am, actually had nothing to do what the after market does or might do with my decks. Sure tons of people made money of the Feds and other decks of mine in the after market.  I didn't really care one way or the other, I for sure wasn't ever upset or felt like I was getting jipped out of possible income. I was happy that I was getting to design cards for a living.

Re: Scarlett Tally-Ho No.13 by KWP (KS)
« Reply #61 on: November 16, 2014, 06:44:05 AM »

Don Boyer

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My decision to run the Scarlett Tally Hos how I am, actually had nothing to do what the after market does or might do with my decks. Sure tons of people made money of the Feds and other decks of mine in the after market.  I didn't really care one way or the other, I for sure wasn't ever upset or felt like I was getting jipped out of possible income. I was happy that I was getting to design cards for a living.

The structure of the Scarlett Tally Hos has 100% to do with what the people that allow me to design cards for a living wanted and spoke loud and clear with the voices and wallets. Sure I would love to produce a $5 deck but the reality is it will not be the deck that I want it to be.

I tried that with the arrows and it failed. If you went to your job and didn't get paid you probably wouldn't go back. Thats exactly what I did, I went to what brought me to the game and also what people wanted to pay for.

I have realized that I will never ever, ever, ever please everyone, but I can please those who support me. I can also please my self. It may sound selfish but in the end I am still an artists and my decks are my art. The playing card market is super saturated, but thats ok. I'm glad it is because that forces me and everyone else to compete at a higher level witch in the end benefits the industry. It may fatigue peoples wallets but it will also weed out weak stuff and creates a crucible for the highest quality work out there.

I honestly thought the days of Limited Editions were at an end, thats why I set off to do the Arrows as I did. When I couldn't have been further from the truth.

My dad always said "Ride on the horse that brung ya" no matter how dumb that sounds its true and until my rent and health insurance premiums force me to find work else where I will keep doing low runs and limited edition because it's the LTDs that are paying my rent not failed attempts at making people happy and calling it Silver Arrows.

Honestly, I think that something like the Silver Arrows can be a success.  Look at the Classic Twins, Uusi Classic, etc.  There's a trend for this sort of product.  What happened with the Silver Arrows was that the limited edition color and the cost to obtain it overshadowed the entire point of the project.  I drove the conversation and everything else got drowned out.  Try a project like that but with no limited edition ANYTHING.  Make the box simple but attractive - the way playing cards looked for decades on end, without extra features on top of extra features.  It would dramatically reduce production costs.

If David Blaine can blow out a $5-a-pack deck by the brick in a matter of hours, you can make an affordable custom deck that's not so rare you feel the need for museum displays and armed guards to watch over them.  Decks people will crack open, use like crazy and enjoy.  If dealing with single- and double-deck orders is too much, sell by the half brick.  When they're cheap enough, a half brick isn't crazy expensive - it's something collectors and players can deal with.

Maybe I'm just being cranky, I don't know...
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
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Re: Scarlett Tally-Ho No.13 by KWP (KS)
« Reply #62 on: November 16, 2014, 07:34:15 AM »


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There was absolutely nothing limited edition in the silver arrow project. Nothing....... Nothing. What drowned out the conversation was people wanted kings wild to do what kings wild did. I'm not sure how it can be any more crystal clear than the first nine minutes of the Scarlett project even in the midst of a super saturated market AND at Christmas time when people won't even get their rewards until April.

Uusi classics don't back up your point at all I don't think. UUsi is straight as an arrow and was able to do what I couldn't not listen to the few and listen to there audience. There projects haven't trended in any direction and that's one of the reasons there projects are so stellar.

« Last Edit: November 16, 2014, 07:53:04 AM by JacksonRobinson »
Jackson Robinson

Re: Scarlett Tally-Ho No.13 by KWP (KS)
« Reply #63 on: November 16, 2014, 07:43:31 AM »


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1.This is like beating a dead horse, but what the hell............there was NO LIMITED EDITION!
2.Using Blaine as an example is apples and oranges, not by design standards, but financial. Blaine's $5.00 decks, I will guarantee, were part of a larger order....Black, Red, and on, and on.
3. The "Majority" of KWP Customers do not want "Simple Tucks"

Why is it that we want to make all designers conform to one idea? There are plenty of "Simple" tucks at low prices out there, guys, seriously, this analogy may be a stretch, but it's like your asking Ferrari to make, well.........and inexpensive Ferrari. Buyers of a given brand expect certain things. I don't see why this is so hard to comprehend.......ya the Arrows could have been just a regular tuck, no embossing, no foil, etc...but is that what Kings Wild has become known for?

Hey, simple tuck is not in Jackson's DNA,'s a struggle for him to dial down I'm sure, he likes pushing his design and presentation. I'm fine with that, I want him to keep building "Ferrari's" , I can find plenty of "Simple", "Standard" decks elsewhere.

EDIT: I can't afford a Ferrari, but I don't complain about it, but by the same token, I don't want a "Watered Down" version either. I know what I want from KWP, if I can afford it, and like it, I'll buy it, if I can't, I'll be happy for those who could.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2014, 07:52:45 AM by Anthony »

Re: Scarlett Tally-Ho No.13 by KWP (KS)
« Reply #64 on: November 16, 2014, 07:51:32 AM »


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There is no throat cutting in a successfully funded project. It's not about a big funding number. It's about an efficient workable business model. The days of big multiple deck projects are gone I I think.
Just because it's not over 100k, does it mean it's a failure. My past projects were beasts to handle and also BEASTS to pay for.
That's definitely understandable. I didn't consider how much more work there was with a bigger funded project. I'm just kinda disappointed that there's not a more economical version( standard edition ) with this project. I'm not complaining though.

Is this type of project what we can expect to see in the future( single LE deck with special editions of that deck )?

Re: Scarlett Tally-Ho No.13 by KWP (KS)
« Reply #65 on: November 16, 2014, 07:53:31 AM »


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Ultimately people should buy what they want because they want to. If a speculator wants to buy my decks it's ok. It doesn't matter who buys my decks, I can't force my will on anyone else just like they can't do the same to me. The only thing I can do is keep do what works for me and not what works for David Blaine or uusi  doing the opposite would be the definition of insanity. People can preach and talk and write page after page but predicting the weather is different than being the guy who is in the boat when the weather comes.
Jackson Robinson

Re: Scarlett Tally-Ho No.13 by KWP (KS)
« Reply #66 on: November 16, 2014, 08:25:31 AM »


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Hi Jackson,
Congratulations on your deck! :)  Also I have 4 questions.
1. I noticed you "will be teaming up with JP Playing Cards to fulfill all of my UK and EU rewards." Is there some reason that your KW fulfillment is unable to do this?
2. What are your plans for the remainder of the printed decks?
3. What does your daughter Scarlett think of the deck?
4. What are your plans for the Arrow deck? If any?
« Last Edit: November 16, 2014, 08:27:59 AM by Rose »

Re: Scarlett Tally-Ho No.13 by KWP (KS)
« Reply #67 on: November 16, 2014, 08:43:59 AM »


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Hi Jackson,
Congratulations on your deck! :)  Also I have 4 questions.
1. I noticed you "will be teaming up with JP Playing Cards to fulfill all of my UK and EU rewards." Is there some reason that your KW fulfillment is unable to do this?
2. What are your plans for the remainder of the printed decks?
3. What does your daughter Scarlett think of the deck?
4. What are your plans for the Arrow deck? If any?

1. I'm teaming up with JP because it makes it cheaper for the backer. KW Fulfillment has 100% capability to do it. I just wanted to try and evolve with the system to bring a little more savings (and hopefully more backers) to international backers.

2. The are no remaining printed decks the few slots left are all the decks that are left.

3. Scarlett is two and she thinks all of my decks are just another opportunity for her to practice her ripping skills. :)

4. The Arrow deck will return next year for sure. It will have a standard edition and a LTD edition.
Jackson Robinson

Re: Scarlett Tally-Ho No.13 by KWP (KS)
« Reply #68 on: November 16, 2014, 08:48:00 AM »


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3. Scarlett is two and she thinks all of my decks are just another opportunity for her to practice her ripping skills. :)

4. The Arrow deck will return next year for sure. It will have a standard edition and a LTD edition.
Ha, Scarlett sounds adorable, and I am sure when she is old enough she will treasure them!!!
Yay, Arrow deck will return.
Thanks for answering my questions Jackson!

Re: Scarlett Tally-Ho No.13 by KWP (KS)
« Reply #69 on: November 16, 2014, 12:48:03 PM »


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If I had my druthers, the gilded deck would have been the only limited one (discounting the wooden boxed one).  I would have loved to have one (I have no gilded decks yet and I actually made it through Amazon checkout and got the receipt for the tier with the gilded version but then Kickstarter said the tier was sold out, grrrr!), but I really, really wish the standard/basic Scarlett wasn't limited.  I would have loved to get at least half a brick because I think it's gorgeous and I would like to actually USE it and play cards with it.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2014, 12:50:51 PM by PrincessTrouble »

Re: Scarlett Tally-Ho No.13 by KWP (KS)
« Reply #70 on: November 16, 2014, 12:55:19 PM »


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I don't think most people are complaining about price or truck complexity. Lack of availability seems to be what I see going on. I think the sweet spot will show up at some point. I don't think 950 decks is it, specially for traditional cut since they scream to be used, but hey that's just me.

Curious how many of my fellow posters would enjoy someone popping up telling them how to do their job. That's what some seem to be doing here to Jackson. Remember fellas, this is how Jackson earns a living. He's taken the argument pretty well so far, but I'm sure it has to be frustrating repeating himself over and over. Which is what it looks like he's having to do to appease the peanut gallery. haha, At what point is enough enough? :P

When will we be seeing more of the deck? We've only seen the KoS so far and it's fantastic. How about a Joker, or a Queen, or an Ace? :)
Part of my Collection updated infrequently but occasionally, when I remember. (I haven't in months.)

Re: Scarlett Tally-Ho No.13 by KWP (KS)
« Reply #71 on: November 16, 2014, 03:30:49 PM »

Justin O.

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There was absolutely nothing limited edition in the silver arrow project. Nothing....... Nothing. What drowned out the conversation was people wanted kings wild to do what kings wild did. I'm not sure how it can be any more crystal clear than the first nine minutes of the Scarlett project even in the midst of a super saturated market AND at Christmas time when people won't even get their rewards until April.

This is really frustrating for me to read. Your Arrow project was killed by the Pearl edition, because it was limited. Not due to having a production cap or a number/a slighter larger number printed on a shiny sticker on the cello, but it was limited because not everyone could get it, it came with a prerequisite, and while you may have intended it as a thank you for the brick backers, it was an F*** you to the other backers. The Pearl Edition completely compromised what that project was supposed to be about, and the community believes that project would have been a success without it and haven't given up on that belief.

The problem here for me, and what is so frustrating, is that I believe you are the only person in the position to actually change the market intentionally, the only designer that could have made the Arrow ideal work, and you see it's failure as people not wanting that and I think that is flawed. Scarlett isn't proof of the opposite, Scarlett is proof that people aren't willing to miss out on one of your decks regardless of the price or availability. I myself am willing to put my living situation at risk so that I don't miss out on the Legacy box, where the only tier I could get is the J1 and I'm not willing to try and trade it and lose my opportunity to get the deck I want. That is my choice, and not the point of this post.

But you are making all of the cues and the crowd-fund design community is following your lead. the Arrow project was a good first step to correcting the problem in the community, but you scrapped that ideal after one failed attempt and rebounded harder than a high school girl that got dumped on prom and created the Scarlett project. People will see this, everyone will see this, and follow suit and the market is going to get more and more expensive and exclusive as Don is prophesying. You are the only person that has a power and the following to single-handedly direct the market and I hate believing that you took the absolute worst perspective away from the Arrow project.

While I don't get to say, even remotely, how you should run your business and how you should do what makes you happy and that people absolutely love, I just want to try and provide some lateral perspective on the situation, because you hold all of the cards (see what I did there? Eh..? Eeehhhh...??), and while you don't have any obligation whatsoever, people look to you for next steps.

And no matter what, I will continue to do what I have to do to make sure I get exactly what I want from every one of your projects. But I hope that that won't always see me pledging $370 I will never be able to afford so I don't miss out on your decks. Not because I want expensive, super limited edition decks (even if I love having something other people don't get to have.), but because I don't want to miss out on the best Jackson Robinson decks regardless of the cost.

Edited to remove a tacky smiley that somehow got in there...
« Last Edit: November 16, 2014, 03:38:18 PM by Justin O. »
Kickstarter completely revolutionized the way I waste money.

The people who handle playing cards are always in a world of delicate fingertip technology.

Re: Scarlett Tally-Ho No.13 by KWP (KS)
« Reply #72 on: November 16, 2014, 04:05:02 PM »


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There was absolutely nothing limited edition in the silver arrow project. Nothing....... Nothing. What drowned out the conversation was people wanted kings wild to do what kings wild did. I'm not sure how it can be any more crystal clear than the first nine minutes of the Scarlett project even in the midst of a super saturated market AND at Christmas time when people won't even get their rewards until April.

This is really frustrating for me to read. Your Arrow project was killed by the Pearl edition, because it was limited. Not due to having a production cap or a number/a slighter larger number printed on a shiny sticker on the cello, but it was limited because not everyone could get it, it came with a prerequisite, and while you may have intended it as a thank you for the brick backers, it was an F*** you to the other backers. The Pearl Edition completely compromised what that project was supposed to be about, and the community believes that project would have been a success without it and haven't given up on that belief.

The problem here for me, and what is so frustrating, is that I believe you are the only person in the position to actually change the market intentionally, the only designer that could have made the Arrow ideal work, and you see it's failure as people not wanting that and I think that is flawed. Scarlett isn't proof of the opposite, Scarlett is proof that people aren't willing to miss out on one of your decks regardless of the price or availability. I myself am willing to put my living situation at risk so that I don't miss out on the Legacy box, where the only tier I could get is the J1 and I'm not willing to try and trade it and lose my opportunity to get the deck I want. That is my choice, and not the point of this post.

But you are making all of the cues and the crowd-fund design community is following your lead. the Arrow project was a good first step to correcting the problem in the community, but you scrapped that ideal after one failed attempt and rebounded harder than a high school girl that got dumped on prom and created the Scarlett project. People will see this, everyone will see this, and follow suit and the market is going to get more and more expensive and exclusive as Don is prophesying. You are the only person that has a power and the following to single-handedly direct the market and I hate believing that you took the absolute worst perspective away from the Arrow project.

While I don't get to say, even remotely, how you should run your business and how you should do what makes you happy and that people absolutely love, I just want to try and provide some lateral perspective on the situation, because you hold all of the cards (see what I did there? Eh..? Eeehhhh...??), and while you don't have any obligation whatsoever, people look to you for next steps.

And no matter what, I will continue to do what I have to do to make sure I get exactly what I want from every one of your projects. But I hope that that won't always see me pledging $370 I will never be able to afford so I don't miss out on your decks. Not because I want expensive, super limited edition decks (even if I love having something other people don't get to have.), but because I don't want to miss out on the best Jackson Robinson decks regardless of the cost.

Edited to remove a tacky smiley that somehow got in there...

While I absolutely cherish your support I think that this conversation is a never-ending black hole of nothingness. On one hand you have people that view what I'm doing and the way it plays on the market as a bad thing and call it a "problem" with the market and then you have people including myself that don't see it as a problem mearly a call to all designers to step up their game and fight even harder for people's business and patronage. If I pushed for cheaper decks you as a Kings Wild fan would get less than my best because cheaper decks can't afford the things I want to do with the entire vision of a deck. People are quick to rush into the "We don't Bells and whistles" on our decks, when bells and whistles are exactly what brought me into this industry.

Wine and Spirit labeling is what indirectly brought me to playing cards. And in that world you have a wide range of labeling for a wide range of price tags on beverages. Just because you can go to the grocery story and buy a can of Colt 45 for $3 doesn't mean that a $4000 bottle of 100 year old scotch is a "problem" in the industry. It only means that the industry is deepening and widening.

This is really the one thousandth time I've conversed about this topic and it always comes down to one thing. It is up to each and every person to choose or not to choose to swipe their credit card. If my decks are to expensive or you feel they are not worth the price tag don't buy them. If no one buys them I will be forced to change my direction.

I feel my decks are the highest quality of design and thought I wouldn't remain in the playing card business if I had was forced to make diet Kings Wild decks. That doesn't interest me at all. What interests me is doing things no one else is doing, and that calls for a price tag both on my part and the consumers. For every 1 person who thinks what i'm doing is leading the industry down a problematic path there are 3 people who don't even care because they are not even in the industry but back everyone of my projects.

On a different note, I can't see in any world or universe how me creating a deck that was offered as an intensive was a big F U to my supporters. THE ONLY way the Arrows were going to be successful was if I sold a TON of decks and that was my incentive to sell a TON of decks. The average pledge for the arrows was $20 and around 2 decks a person. At that rate I would have need multiple thousands of backers to make it work. Even if I offered both decks to every one my backers would have still only bought two decks because those are the types of backers that make up the majority of my customer base. I don't heard thousands of magicians like Blain who buy brick upon brick. There were only round 90 people who bought a brick during the Arrow project when they were cheaper than two Gold Editions in the Scarlett project. The reasoning why the Arrows fails was simple my customers, for the most part do not buy bricks, they buy one or two decks.

What is the most disheartening aspect of this industry is for some reason everyone and their dog has taken it upon themselves to mount a all out attack on me and my moral motives as a designer and a business man. That is why I have left the pipe dream of making everyone happy behind me and am now laser focusing on enriching the experiences of those who back me and support me.

Justin like a mentioned first off, I cherish your support and promise you that no matter how long you chose to support me and buy my decks you will be assured that they will be unlike any other.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2014, 04:08:37 PM by JacksonRobinson »
Jackson Robinson

Re: Scarlett Tally-Ho No.13 by KWP (KS)
« Reply #73 on: November 16, 2014, 04:21:36 PM »


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And no matter what, I will continue to do what I have to do to make sure I get exactly what I want from every one of your projects. But I hope that that won't always see me pledging $370 I will never be able to afford so I don't miss out on your decks. Not because I want expensive, super limited edition decks (even if I love having something other people don't get to have.), but because I don't want to miss out on the best Jackson Robinson decks regardless of the cost.
Justin I can't say this with anymore honesty and sincerity if I tried, I know it's your choice, but this statement has me very concerned from one collector to another.

Re: Scarlett Tally-Ho No.13 by KWP (KS)
« Reply #74 on: November 16, 2014, 04:35:13 PM »

Justin O.

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Justin like I mentioned first off, I cherish your support and promise you that no matter how long you chose to support me and buy my decks you will be assured that they will be unlike any other.

I appreciate response, and I image you have a completely different view of all of this from your side. I didn't want you to feel attacked. But you are the largest name in crowd-fund design and you don't get to ask that people not attack you for your choices or business decisions, it comes with the territory. I strongly believe that people need to do what is true to themselves, but I think it is important to temper that action with forever trying to broaden the scope of their understanding of what it is that they do, and all I wanted to do was provide a little broader of a perspective on the situation from a perspective that I feel is very different from yours but also widely viewed. Your designs are excellent, and worth every penny, but I don't want everyone to think theirs is, and that, ultimately is my dilemma, because there are a lot of decks I want to own, and I am having to pay more and more to own them.

Justin I can't say this with anymore honesty and sincerity if I tried, I know it's your choice, but this statement has me very concerned from one collector to another.

I understand and appreciate that, and would really be more than happy to hear your concern and try to allay it through PM, but I really don't want to compromise the point I as trying to make by letting it get derailed by my unhealthy habits. But thank you for voicing your concern proactively.

And to stay on point a little bit better in general, I love this deck, even without any prior attraction to Tally-Ho decks in general, this is a gorgeous and stellar example of KW design, and yeah, it's really expensive, but I think it is worth it, despite the collateral damage.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2014, 04:54:26 PM by Justin O. »
Kickstarter completely revolutionized the way I waste money.

The people who handle playing cards are always in a world of delicate fingertip technology.