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Impressions Playing Cards by Make Playing Cards (KS)

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Re: Impressions Playing Cards by Make Playing Cards (KS)
« Reply #25 on: January 19, 2015, 12:00:17 PM »

Justin O.

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Got mine and want to say I am very impressed, I had a lot of negative expectations and none of them were acurate.

The embossing isn't tacky or gummy like I expected, and it doesn't hinder the movement of the cards at all (at least not with a brand new deck) They fan wonderfully, and look amazing when fanned. The added bulk took a little getting used to for some basic flourishing and the tuck is a little thicket than a pack of Bikes. I still suspect they will dirty up a little faster and loose the easly glide they have now, but the quality to the touch is immediately noticeable and I am curious to see how they hold up over time and use.

I would love to hear other people's thoughts on these now that we have them in hand.
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Re: Impressions Playing Cards by Make Playing Cards (KS)
« Reply #26 on: January 19, 2015, 04:08:40 PM »


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I have to chime in here as well. The raised effect is very noticeable, but not to the detriment of the card feel. I expected these to be a novelty and, like Justin, I somewhat expected them to be a bit sticky. I backed the first MPS Kickstarter and while I was pleased with those, the feel of these is way better in every way. The stock feels better, the cut of the cards is cleaner, it's just a huge step forward in every way. At the risk of sounding blasphemous, I'd have to say that these feel very similar to other famous decks that I own. Wait for it...Jerry's Nugget cards (flame away, I can take it). I'm not a cardist, I can only go on the feel from a layman's perspective, but they are closer in shuffle and handling feel than any other deck that I have run across. USPCC's cards always seem incredibly slick, but these have a smooth, almost "broken-in" feel to them right out of the box. They have a mesh/crisscross/weave-like pattern on them that is very close to the pattern on the JNuggs. They just downright feel good, and are very easy to deal with. The raised effect is just right, as far as percentage of the card face that the effect is applied to. Not overboard with everything raised, and not too subtle, just right. They definitely attract attention and everyone asks me where they can buy them. Simply as a fun/unique deck, they are a big hit, but the overall feel really might surprise you. While the design isn't earth-shattering (Although I really like the perspective and layout of the courts), in all of my collection of several thousand decks, there are in my "overall favorites" category. They are, simply put, great, fun cards.

Pictures tend to exaggerate the raised effect, in my opinion. It looks thicker than it is, although it's definitely noticeable even from just a glance.

Re: Impressions Playing Cards by Make Playing Cards (KS)
« Reply #27 on: January 20, 2015, 12:21:02 AM »

Don Boyer

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No, I don't own a deck, but I do have an observation based on people's comments thus far.

Some of the glide and slip characteristics of this deck may actually be due to the lamination that creates the raised effect.  Everyone's saying that the effect is noticeable but not obnoxiously so and that the cards are, when stacked, only a little thicker than a typical deck.  This could be doing something very interesting with the card's aerodynamics, in essence creating air pockets that are large enough to make a better cushion but small enough to not create turbulence.
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Re: Impressions Playing Cards by Make Playing Cards (KS)
« Reply #28 on: January 20, 2015, 05:11:09 PM »


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And while the raised area isn't tacky per se, it has less "slip" than the card stock and provides a very unique shuffle/handling experience. The resistance is markedly different than what you expect it to be. It's really nice.