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Decks of The Aftermath vol.1 (KS)

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Decks of The Aftermath vol.1 (KS)
« on: September 03, 2014, 05:38:00 AM »

Rob Wright

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Last night I stayed up late playing poker with Tarot cards. I got a full house and four people died.

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Re: Decks of The Aftermath vol.1 (KS)
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2014, 05:57:15 AM »


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Interesting project. I've grabbed a limited 'ambassador deck' pledge but have messaged them for more info regarding it so if it's of no interest I'll let it go. Undecided on the project though - £27 for the set is expensive, especially as there is another set coming as a stretch goal.
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Re: Decks of The Aftermath vol.1 (KS)
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2014, 06:20:16 AM »


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I was reading about these last night. Seems they're most likely to go with MPC, not a fan of that company. Design is pretty nice though.
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Re: Decks of The Aftermath vol.1 (KS)
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2014, 12:22:28 PM »

Don Boyer

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Seems awfully ambitious to release THREE DECKS on a budget of only £5,100 - that's just under US$8,400 at today's rate.  ONE DECK is ambitious at that cost, unless they're using the most bargain-basement printer known to man.

First stretch goal - three more songs on the soundtrack!?!?  WTF?  Are you selling cards or music?  I saw another guy years ago selling his music with his cards.  "Failure to launch" is a good way to describe his campaign.

The deck designs are actually interesting, but have a few flaws here and there.  A little fine-tuning, a more reasonable budget and better-quality printer and these cards could be very successful, far more so than they're likely to achieve in this project's present state.
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Re: Decks of The Aftermath vol.1 (KS)
« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2014, 12:32:32 PM »


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First stretch goal - three more songs on the soundtrack!?!?  WTF?  Are you selling cards or music?  I saw another guy years ago selling his music with his cards.  "Failure to launch" is a good way to describe his campaign.

I actually got the Eclipse deck (eventually), but the issue of the MP3 was never really addressed.

This is probably one of the most bizarre deck projects I've seen.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2014, 12:32:48 PM by MrMollusk »
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Re: Decks of The Aftermath vol.1 (KS)
« Reply #5 on: September 03, 2014, 03:23:01 PM »


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Even if they use a cheapo printer, that custom 6-Pack Box should cost at least $1,000 for the minimum print quantity. Another $1,000 or more if the Brick Box is custom too!

thanks, Randy

Re: Decks of The Aftermath vol.1 (KS)
« Reply #6 on: September 07, 2014, 10:51:20 AM »


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So when I first saw this the inner girl in me immediately thought, okay another war deck, then I saw the cards of the Ornament Deck, whoa I love this, the custom cards are awesome! Although having the designs go all the way to the edge may be problematic.The other two decks are not something I personally like but I really appreciate the amount of work.
Wait did I just read this is a MPC deck??? Why? I am sad now.

Re: Decks of The Aftermath vol.1 (KS)
« Reply #7 on: September 07, 2014, 11:54:30 AM »


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@Don - Yep saw the faults on the "Aftermath".  "1-side" back and the 2oH screams non-funtional deck.  Can anyone get the creator here?  I have a couple of words....
« Last Edit: September 07, 2014, 11:55:44 AM by sprouts1115 »

Re: Decks of The Aftermath vol.1 (KS)
« Reply #8 on: September 07, 2014, 12:27:32 PM »


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@Don - Yep saw the faults on the "Aftermath".  "1-side" back and the 2oH screams non-funtional deck.  Can anyone get the creator here?  I have a couple of words....

Yup, I've invited the creator(s). Sent them a message on Kickstarter with links to the forum and the topic page. Hopefully they're not put off by any of the criticisms.
SHOGUN Playing Cards coming soon to Kickstarter
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Re: Decks of The Aftermath vol.1 (KS)
« Reply #9 on: September 07, 2014, 01:12:05 PM »


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Thank you for inviting us to your forum.
Wow, this is a great place for discussing playing cards and design!

We appreciate the encouragement to come here and talk about our current Kickstarter project, Decks of The Aftermath. The interest that these cards have mustered is honestly quite flattering.

The theme originate from a Stalker and post-apocalyptic community where we have had years of activity, but obviously we appreciate the interest from any kind of community.

The music play a big role in this project, because this aspect has always been a key factor in the community that we originate from.

With this track we make an effort to create an atmosphere that is semi-instrumental and reflecting the kind of mood that is often seen in relation to this theme.

The 'worn and weathered' look is a vintage design factor that come into play in relation to the post-modern environment that we are trying to portray. All decks in this series have this.

We are blessed with a tremendous amount of encouragement and support from our network in relation to our design choices, but obviously we appreciate constructive criticism just as much.
We are here for the same!

Regarding our £5,100 project goal on Kickstarter we have probably spent as much time doing financial calculations as we have with the project layout. Multiple scenarios have been set up and we are very confident that everything should be well covered in the process in the event of a project funding.

We hope for your continuous interest in our project and would love to discuss all aspects of the decks with you as we go along and reveal more deck details.   

Obviously you must have some bad experiences with MPC.
We have already tested our decks with them.
What is your concern?

Could you elaborate on your statement that the deck screams 'non-functional'?
We'd love to know what it is you see.

The deck designs are actually interesting, but have a few flaws here and there.  A little fine-tuning
What would you fine-tune in the designs? What are the flaws?

« Last Edit: September 07, 2014, 01:21:16 PM by MiseryDevelopmentLtd »

Re: Decks of The Aftermath vol.1 (KS)
« Reply #10 on: September 08, 2014, 12:45:38 AM »


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It's hard for me to get behind more one way decks even though I really like the post-apoc theme. They're just not decks I can use and I have my fill of them. Even my gifts list is full. Legendary deck I Love the bear on the Ace of Diamonds, but I really don't like indices at all. That font choice is terrible imho. Pips are good though.

Think your brick box is a lot of fun by the way. That desolation definitely shows off the the post-apoc them.  :)
« Last Edit: September 08, 2014, 12:47:20 AM by Fes »
Part of my Collection updated infrequently but occasionally, when I remember. (I haven't in months.)

Re: Decks of The Aftermath vol.1 (KS)
« Reply #11 on: September 08, 2014, 01:24:58 AM »

Don Boyer

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Welcome to the boards, and yes, it's a pretty good place to go for information about decks and deck design.

I think what Rose might have been referring to was that there are other printers, less costly than US Playing Card Company (USPC), that you could have turned to who would have done better work.  Make Playing Cards does decent but low-budget work - some designers use them for demo decks, then print with a different printer. Others get their decks from them and are perfectly happy with them, but in terms of high-performance playing cards, they're not the best choice.

The deck designs are actually interesting, but have a few flaws here and there.  A little fine-tuning
What would you fine-tune in the designs? What are the flaws?


Wow, there's a lot to cover there, since you're working on three decks in a single release - unusually ambitious for a first-time deck maker.

First, the music - I understand it's part and parcel of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. community (and I had to research that term to learn it refers to a not-yet-released video game set in 2012 Ukraine as opposed to, well, "stalker") and fans of post-apocalyptic fiction and gaming.  However, you should be looking at your target audience with a wider field of vision.  People who crawl around Kickstarter may never have heard of your game, thought the cards were really cool, then scratched their heads about the music and thought the "stalker community" was a pretty creepy concept they wanted nothing to do with (or worse, wanted EVERYTHING to do with)!  If you were starting from scratch, I'd leave the music as a second project.  Make it either stand alone or pair it with something a little more appropriate - there was a project around here for a deck of cards by a company making what they called "steampunk goggles" who might have made for an excellent partnership.  Steampunk and post-apocalyptic are practically next-door neighbors, conceptually speaking.

Now, the decks.

I'll start with Ornament.  You have some very cool design ideas - if you want to leave this simply as an art deck project, the kind that looks pretty on the shelf and gets looked at once in a while but is left behind when it comes time to play a serious game of cards.

The biggest consideration is the faces printing into the bleed.  When a card is printed into the bleed, some of what's been printed right at the cut edge of the card can actually be seen from the side of the deck.  This means that for a card like your Four of Clubs or Ace of Hearts, I'd actually be able to identify their placement in the middle of the deck just by looking at the deck's edge.  For card players, particularly poker players, this is a huge no-no - your deck is effectively a marked deck at that point.

Another thing, less concerning but still important, is the index font.  You've got the size of the index down rather nicely, but the width of the value characters is a bit too narrow.  Indices should be quick and easy to read.  A narrow index is good for hiding the cards in a tight fan in your hand when playing, but too narrow and it's not so easy to read.  Keep the height and make them a touch wider - the only exception being for the "10", which despite being a two-character value should be kept at the same width as the rest of the indices.  Keeping the indices of a uniform width is also conducive to quick-and-easy comprehension.

On the card back - this is NOT a hard and fast rule, but most card players prefer a two-way back design - one that's the same when rotated 180 degrees.  A sneaky dealer might try separating some of the cards out facing one direction and leaving the rest of the deck facing the other, making it easy to spot cards of a specific range of values as they're being dealt.  This is commonly referred to as "cheating"!  :))  It's not the end of the world if your design remains one-way, but if you don't have a specific reason for keeping it as such, consider making it two-way instead and you'll increase the deck's functionality, thus its popularity.

It appears based on the back design and the three faces I can see that you may be looking at making this a four-color deck, in terms of having a different color for each suit.  There are two schools of thought on this.  Some people tend to like a four-color deck because it's easier for them to identify the suits from the different colors.  Others, however, find this somewhat less useful for the many games that rely on decks having four suits but only two colors.  The only scenarios where I've ever seen four-color decks in heavy use was among senior card players, especially when combined with a "low-vision" oversized face design - people with failing vision have a harder time distinguishing the suits, so the four-color scheme helps.  My call would be that if you have a specific artistic reason for using four-color suits, go for it, since it's not like you have a shortage of deck designs to choose from here.  Otherwise, stick with just two.  It will also help with making the back more of a one-way design, assuming you change the back to match the pip color scheme.

The second deck, Spectacle, is actually pretty good right off the bat, but needs a few tweaks.  Make the values larger and suits just a little smaller in the indices.  For a two-way design, move the central circular pattern to the top half of the card and create an identical, mirrored version on the bottom half.  Some might moan about one-way faces, to which I say, "get over it" - the bleak landscapes are great and should be shown full-card as you've presented them.

For the final deck, Legendary - again, same notes about a one-way back, though for this deck, it might actually be more appropriate to leave it as is.  It has more of an older vibe to it, like the kinds of decks you'd find in a hunting cabin your grandpa used to take you to in the summer.  Normally, I'd say get rid of the line work around the edges of all the cards, but for the old-style vibe, it works very well.  Small indices are also reminiscent of that type of deck, but I'd still make it a bit larger since you're using an atypical font and you want ease of readability.  The only other consideration I'd make is a stylistic one rather than a functional one.  While it's true many of these old-style deck designs did use a more orangey-red for the red pips, consider using a darker, "casino red" - really more of a blood red.  With the wild-animal theme going for it, I think it would create a more visually dynamic appearance for the animal art on cards like the Aces.

If you have any more questions, feel free to contact me - I do consulting work for playing card designers as a sideline business.
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
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Re: Decks of The Aftermath vol.1 (KS)
« Reply #12 on: September 08, 2014, 11:53:07 AM »


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Welcome to the forum MiseryDevelopmentLtd,
My problem is the quality of MPC, they do not handle as well as other decks. For me it is not a deal breaker, I am just disappointed, even though for some people the bleed of the design and the one-way backs are not ideal, for me that is not the problem.
My disappointment lies with such a great designed deck not getting printed in the quality I think it deserves. This a compliment to the design.
As I said I really like the 'Ornament Deck'.
Best of Luck with your project, looks like it is going great, so well done!

Re: Decks of The Aftermath vol.1 (KS)
« Reply #13 on: September 08, 2014, 07:16:27 PM »


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Really need to see more cards to make a judgment, but yea usually what Don says is true. 

"The biggest consideration is the faces printing into the bleed.  When a card is printed into the bleed, some of what's been printed right at the cut edge of the card can actually be seen from the side of the deck.  This means that for a card like your Four of Clubs or Ace of Hearts, I'd actually be able to identify their placement in the middle of the deck just by looking at the deck's edge.  For card players, particularly poker players, this is a huge no-no - your deck is effectively a marked deck at that point.

Ahh. That's 4oC and 2oH. 

@MiseryDevelopmentLtd - That's more ammo that you need the indices a bit longer and bigger.  I guess Don was not wearing his glasses.  MPC is a cheap and excellent way to get a demo deck to check for errors. Lets see some more cards....