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Cthulhu Mythos Playing Cards (KS)

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Cthulhu Mythos Playing Cards (KS)
« on: August 12, 2014, 08:19:29 PM »


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You know it, you wanted them,  another Cthulu deck,  heck make that 3 new decks


Re: Cthulhu Mythos Playing Cards (KS)
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2014, 10:12:11 PM »

Rob Wright

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You know it, you wanted them,  another Cthulu deck,  heck make that 3 new decks

Actually I believe it is Three different tuck colors-Blue, Green, & Purple.........

......................and 1 Deck with a Teal back.

I guess that is one way to break up a 2500 print run.  ::)
Hopefully she will add a second deck in as a stretch goal.

I would say the artistry is pretty good. I've seen a lot worse that has funded.
Last night I stayed up late playing poker with Tarot cards. I got a full house and four people died.

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Re: Cthulhu Mythos Playing Cards (KS)
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2014, 02:10:17 AM »

Don Boyer

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Not ANOTHER one...  I thought everyone was already Cthulhu'd out by now...
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Re: Cthulhu Mythos Playing Cards (KS)
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2014, 03:03:25 PM »

D. Dorn

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You'd think I'd be done with Cthulhu by now.  One of the first KS projects I supported was a Lovecraft deck.  I've since pledged to 2 more (of how many?) and have yet to receive a single deck. 

I'm burned out, but the problem I'm facing is not over-saturation, but lack of fulfillment.  I happened to be reading Lovecraft when I discovered Kickstarter, and was quite excited.  It literally "kickstarted" my path to card collecting.  I may always have a soft spot for "The Great Old One" but this is getting ridiculous.

The art is not bad, though...  I especially like the AoS.

Re: Cthulhu Mythos Playing Cards (KS)
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2014, 12:19:03 PM »


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If you are going to do a movie sequel it should be equal to or greater than than the original, this rule should apply to Cthulhu decks.
Is there no other themes left to explore? Shows lack of imagination. Other than that the art is good, (on the court cards) and I would have loved to seen it applied to a deck with a different theme.

Re: Cthulhu Mythos Playing Cards (KS)
« Reply #5 on: August 15, 2014, 08:53:48 PM »

Don Boyer

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If you are going to do a movie sequel it should be equal to or greater than than the original, this rule should apply to Cthulhu decks.
Is there no other themes left to explore? Shows lack of imagination. Other than that the art is good, (on the court cards) and I would have loved to seen it applied to a deck with a different theme.

Actually, the rule of thumb is that the average sequel will make 80% of what the previous movie made, so if you can make it cheap enough to make a profit on that 80%, you get greenlighted.  Not a good rule of thumb for custom decks!  They've also added additional rules like how certain types of action movies that might bomb here are big enough in many Asian countries that multiple sequels will be profitable, or that some movies that crap out at the box office (or never make it to the box office) make good money on video.

But I digress...

There's been enough Mythos-related decks out there, even one that added steampunk to the mix.  If any new deck wants to stand a chance against the rising tide of decks, they need to be better than what came before or just end up lost in the mix.
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
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Re: Cthulhu Mythos Playing Cards (KS)
« Reply #6 on: August 17, 2014, 02:52:33 PM »


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This is one of the stranger campaigns I've seen. Launching at the same time she's supposed to be at Gen Con doing an artist exhibition is poor planning and bad timing. I sent her a message with several questions that she hasn't gotten back to me on. I'm guessing it will still be a couple days before I hear anything, Gen Con is no easy in and out. I am interested in seeing how this deck evolves over the next few weeks.

There are some problems with it aside from the obvious price point. I certainly won't be picking up any bricks of these.

The card back, I like that it doesn't look like a collage of Mythos ideas spammed across it. I do not like that she framed the radiating lines as she has. Leaving them open then framing that space as she has currently creates a ripple illusion for some people. It's a big no no to do that. I subscribe to the old, if it's going to be simplified make it easy to look at, school of thought.

Ace of Spades, I've never been a big fan of images with a spade stamped on somethings head or face. Great image of the head with wings. Slapping a spade on it doesn't do anything for it, or the spade. The background is negative space, why not use that? Or better yet, just leave the spade off entirely and let the indices do the talking. Also don't understand why she's using 808 branding.

Courts, the visible ones have a trend of having their mitts off to the larger side. While I like that courts move out of their frame, and appreciate the sense of motion in the Queen of hearts, I hope to see some more inventive poses.  They kind of make me want to do the hokey pokey and shake my hands all about.

The Pips, a little bland given the high price of this deck. Should have a little something custom about them. I like the font choice the indices look nice.

The Tuck, I don't understand. Cool looking tentacles, down on the KS page the paintings look very nice. Would rather see something else though. The deck feels much cleaner than that, the card backs, the pips, the framing on courts, etc. Three color choices, none of which match the color of the card back. Yea, I just do not understand.

I'm willing to give it a shot, see what it turns into. Only because I have an EB, even if it is an expensive one. I always reserve the right to withdraw my pledge, which may very well happen. I've not backed any other Cthulhu decks on KS, and I don't own any Cthulhu decks either. Not because I don't like Mythos stuff. I do, I have backed board games and card games and I enjoy reading H.P Lovecrafts writings. The decks are just, not really usable for me. This one shows more promise than the others I've seen. So, willing to give it a try for now.
Part of my Collection updated infrequently but occasionally, when I remember. (I haven't in months.)

Re: Cthulhu Mythos Playing Cards (KS)
« Reply #7 on: August 18, 2014, 12:31:24 AM »


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The Tuck, I don't understand. Cool looking tentacles, down on the KS page the paintings look very nice. Would rather see something else though. The deck feels much cleaner than that, the card backs, the pips, the framing on courts, etc. Three color choices, none of which match the color of the card back. Yea, I just do not understand.

1 Project.
1 Deck.
1 Teal coloured back.
3 different coloured tucks of the exact same design(Green, Blue, Purple) but none of the same colour as the card back.

This guy just took colour change to a whole new level. Wrong level though...