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Blue Crown Sale

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Re: Blue Crown Sale
« Reply #25 on: September 25, 2013, 11:21:51 AM »

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You're absolutely right in that the company isn't asking you to buy a dozen boxes of cereal - because one box of cereal represents a brick of cards, not a whole case of cereal boxes.  Y'see, when comparing the cost of a brick of cards and a single pack, it's much close to the comparison between a single box of cereal and a little toy surprise.  And you get one prize (rare deck) per box (brick), not one per dozen boxes (gross).

Its not really the same if we are going by units or cost per average income. You don't divide a box cereal (that normally holds prizes) into 1/12. Your required to buy 12 units to get the free deck. Big difference in buying a $3 box of cereal and a $50 - $70 brick of decks.

In what world is giving you something free known as "getting screwed over"?  'Cause if it's this world, I'd like to get screwed over way more often!

I guess in your world you get screwed over all the time since you get most of your swag free these days. Lol For the rest of us, it ain't free. Its given to us but its actually paid for with every one of the 12 decks bought. A free white deck that cost TBC $1 to make in Shanghai is the least they could do.

Personally I don't really care anymore. Not caring anymore about products of a company is much worse then those getting upset because they do care. In the end, I just don't like their products anymore.  I cant tell you the last time I've bought product from TBC/HOPC.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2013, 06:14:43 PM by Anonymous »

Re: Blue Crown Sale
« Reply #26 on: September 25, 2013, 07:08:53 PM »


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I still fail to see where your argument holds merit Anonymous. If the page said this, "For every brick you buy, you will receive this extremely limited deck that will NEVER be sold or given away in the near and distant future," then there would be substance to your argument. The principle of Dons analogy is what you should be looking at; ignore unit costs, etc - look at it from principle as it's a very good look at the whole situation. I buy the bricks and get the extra deck because I like the cards and will end up using them, not because I just want the one deck and feel that spending $130 for that one deck, and sell off the other 12 decks to recoup my money is worth my time. At no point have TBC held a gun down peoples throats, or threatened them, their family, or Mrs. Hendersen from down the street to purchase their deals. They do so on your own terms.
If I were an eskimo, I would build my igloo next to a supermarket.

Re: Blue Crown Sale
« Reply #27 on: September 25, 2013, 07:41:42 PM »

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I still fail to see where your argument holds merit Anonymous. If the page said this, "For every brick you buy, you will receive this extremely limited deck that will NEVER be sold or given away in the near and distant future," then there would be substance to your argument. The principle of Dons analogy is what you should be looking at; ignore unit costs, etc - look at it from principle as it's a very good look at the whole situation. I buy the bricks and get the extra deck because I like the cards and will end up using them, not because I just want the one deck and feel that spending $130 for that one deck, and sell off the other 12 decks to recoup my money is worth my time. At no point have TBC held a gun down peoples throats, or threatened them, their family, or Mrs. Hendersen from down the street to purchase their deals. They do so on your own terms.

No one is being forced... We all know that. I understand Don and your point of view. Im not complaining, I'm just trying to explain why people get angry. Not everyone buys decks to use. I know that sounds strange. These promotions tug at the heart of collectors who "want" these rare/limited decks to be hard to obtain. TBC makes them easy to obtain. I know some of us say its not about value but value is all part of the collecting hobby. It has nothing to do with reselling them. Its knowing you own a valuable deck that makes collecting fun. The words "rare" and "limited" mean very little to those of us that have followed this industry the last few years. Its more about deck obtainability.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2013, 07:45:09 PM by Anonymous »

Re: Blue Crown Sale
« Reply #28 on: September 25, 2013, 07:49:52 PM »


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Damn Jerks at TBC givin' me a free deck with my brick purchase.  And further more they had the audacity to disclose all the information about my free white deck being sold in the future at the time of purchase.  They sure gotta lotta nerve!   The unmitigated gall!  I have half a mind to write a strongly worded letter.   >:(

That was sarcasm, for the uninitiated.  These complaints are maddening.  This is not directed at you Anonymous, there are a ton of people screaming about getting a free deck and it's annoying me.  BTW the deck is still, as always limited to 2000 so it is fairly rare.  That is all.


Re: Blue Crown Sale
« Reply #29 on: September 25, 2013, 11:43:27 PM »

Rob Wright

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I think if this is TBC/HOPC's MO and they let everybody know about later sales. I just don't see what the big deal is. They are not the only people to do this. Every industry does it. I know Xbox's are not cards, but when they come out later this year- people are going to buy the limited supply for $500. Some people that couldn't get to Walmart early enough are going to pay $1,000 on eBay. They all know a year from now they will be $400 or less, but they just can't wait.
Last night I stayed up late playing poker with Tarot cards. I got a full house and four people died.

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Re: Blue Crown Sale
« Reply #30 on: September 26, 2013, 10:07:51 AM »

Don Boyer

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No one is being forced... We all know that. I understand Don and your point of view. Im not complaining, I'm just trying to explain why people get angry. Not everyone buys decks to use. I know that sounds strange. These promotions tug at the heart of collectors who "want" these rare/limited decks to be hard to obtain. TBC makes them easy to obtain. I know some of us say its not about value but value is all part of the collecting hobby. It has nothing to do with reselling them. Its knowing you own a valuable deck that makes collecting fun. The words "rare" and "limited" mean very little to those of us that have followed this industry the last few years. Its more about deck obtainability.

Well, if someone buys decks of playing cards they don't want or intend to use, they have a problem and should seek psychological help.

The collectors who complain the loudest are NOT the ones who want decks to be harder to obtain, just so they can try to have a monopoly on the market for this rare deck.  It's the people who were so jazzed to get this deck, they went and spent more money than they should have buying an entire brick (or two or even three) to obtain it, and didn't bother to read (or chose to ignore) that the deck would be made available later for sale, making the purchase of all those extra unwanted decks unnecessary.  They're fools for doing so.  TBC wen't out of their way to make it clear that the white Nauticals would come up for sale in the future.  They didn't say when, but what business wants to cling to inventory for any length of time?  It costs money to warehouse products, it makes money to sell them.

There's no other way to put other than that these kids are being little brats and are unable to appreciate something good when they have it or to have the patience to read the fine print and take the advice it gives.

The other contingent, the ones I think you're talking about in this post I'm replying to, are not standard customers - they're speculators.  They swoop in on a rare deck, buy up as many as they can and try selling them for a tidy profit on eBay.  Again, these are fools who didn't bother with reading the whole page.  Speculators are what makes the card collecting business so difficult for the collectors - they drive up market prices for no particular reason other than the desire to line their own pockets with more cash.  They have little interest in collecting, insofar as they're more into making money off collectors.  Well, speculating is a two--edged sword - anyone who didn't consider that this deck would be on the market in the not-too-distant future and shelled out money buying decks they don't want was risking their investment, as all speculators do.  They often choose not to see it as risk - they want the sure thing, they want to control the market to make their goods more valuable and sell for more money. 

Markets move in two directions - up AND down.  It's the stupidest thing in the world to "invest" in a pack of playing cards, just like it was to invest in comic books, baseball trading cards, etc.  For every guy holding a Honus Wagner, something that's worth serious coin under nearly any market conditions, there's millions others holding a ton of Joe Schlabotniks that aren't even worth the paper they were printed on.  Playing cards don't have a true Honus Wagner yet, unless you're talking vintage and extremely rare - the kind of rare not likely to happen in your own lifetime, like the War Series decks from 1918.  All this new stuff?  It's "Death of Superman #1".  I hear some collectors use those to line bird cages.  There's plenty of rare decks out there, but rare is relative.  How many people are actually even seeking out these rare decks?  How many collectors are there in the world?  I think to say there's a hundred thousand worldwide would be generous, especially if you're referring just to collectors of modern specialty decks, circa 2007 and later - or in other words, since the birth of Ellusionist and the Bicycle Black Tiger deck.  Sure, of the six or seven billion people in the world, you have one of only 5,000 copies of Deck X.  But the market of collectors as a whole is so small in comparison that at least one in twenty collectors also has a Deck X if not more.  Rarity only counts in relation to the demand for the rare object itself - it can't create demand all by itself.

OK, now I'm into rant territory.

BTW: the comparison of a brick to a box of cereal wasn't meant to be taken so literally, but your financial comparison is faulty as it failed to take into account the cost of the toy.  In this case, you have Nautical decks for $5 a piece and the rare white Nautical now selling for $10 - a brick of Nauticals would be $60, or a 6:1 ratio compared to the cost of the white deck.  For that $3 box of cereal you're talking about, the toy inside, including the labor, shipping to the cereal factory, etc., can't be more than about 50¢.  It's the same 6:1 ratio.  Actually, that's generous, since the toy probably costs less than that even, and I know cereal where I live costs much more.  But it was close enough for an analogy.  If you want to get truly literal about the whole thing, replace "box of cereal" with "12-pack of soda" and put whatever collectible item you can think of in the box with the cans.  Maybe even a deck of cards!
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
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Re: Blue Crown Sale
« Reply #31 on: September 26, 2013, 11:19:06 AM »

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Well, if someone buys decks of playing cards they don't want or intend to use, they have a problem and should seek psychological help.

You cant be serious. Why would someone spend $50 on a "recently printed" deck (hand made luxury crown) and use it? That's dumb. Why buy it at all then. You can use anyone of the recently printed and well designed decks for under $8. The way I see it, theres no difference in collecting stamps, match books, coins, dish sets or cars. Some things get used some you don't.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2013, 11:27:32 AM by Anonymous »

Re: Blue Crown Sale
« Reply #32 on: September 26, 2013, 11:45:03 AM »


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Well, if someone buys decks of playing cards they don't want or intend to use, they have a problem and should seek psychological help.

You cant be serious. Why would someone spend $50 on a "recently printed" deck (hand made luxury crown) and use it? That's dumb. Why buy it at all then. You can use anyone of the recently printed and well designed decks for under $8. The way I see it, theres no difference in collecting stamps, match books, coins, dish sets or cars. Some things get used some you don't.

The term 'use' does not have a linear meaning. I think what Don was trying to get at is that a deck purely for a personal collection is still considered to be of 'use'. Thus, if a person buys a deck that they don't even like/want, solely for the purpose of spending money; then they are not quite 'normal' (My interpretation of Don's opinion).

Your comment about people spending $50 on a deck to open up are 'dumb', is in my opinion quite a spontaneous and frankly, 'dumb' statement. Remember, everyone has different values and different demand elasticities. Some people wouldnt dare open an Archangel whereas some people 'mindlessly' open up BGv1s without a second thought.

In the end, it really is what makes the individual satisfied. No one has the power or authority to judge another with their own set of values. We live in a continuum in which almost nothing is linear. To each, his own. 

« Last Edit: September 26, 2013, 11:45:34 AM by Froggo »
Alex, stop fucking with my name you phegget. xx

Re: Blue Crown Sale
« Reply #33 on: September 26, 2013, 12:32:04 PM »

Don Boyer

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Well, if someone buys decks of playing cards they don't want or intend to use, they have a problem and should seek psychological help.

You cant be serious. Why would someone spend $50 on a "recently printed" deck (hand made luxury crown) and use it? That's dumb. Why buy it at all then. You can use anyone of the recently printed and well designed decks for under $8. The way I see it, theres no difference in collecting stamps, match books, coins, dish sets or cars. Some things get used some you don't.

Let me quote myself here...

Well, if someone buys decks of playing cards they don't want or intend to use, they have a problem and should seek psychological help.

Someone buying a $50 deck of cards obviously wants it.  Intent to use?  Sure - but people use things differently.  Yes, there are some people who may want to actually crack one open and use it.  It's a pretty classy-looking box.  Some will use them simply by displaying them on a wall as part of their collection.  Some may use it to start a fire...  But the difference here was that no one had to buy, as of the start of the sale, a single extra deck of cards they DIDN'T want to get that deck.

Getting back to the analogy, imagine a kid so anxious to get that toy in the cereal, he dumps the entire box all over the kitchen floor just to get at it.  That's a kid who didn't want the cereal, just the prize, so he see the cost of the cereal as the cost of the deck - which it isn't.  Of course, the kid's parents will freak when they see the cereal all over the floor...  But getting back from the analogy, this is a kid who doesn't care if he burns the rest of the decks, as long as he got the one special deck.  It's a kid who's either a little unbalanced or has far more money than common sense.

Froggo: as a matter of fact, most of the rare decks I own, I've opened at least one deck of.  Including BG1E!
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
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Re: Blue Crown Sale
« Reply #34 on: September 26, 2013, 02:42:46 PM »

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Well, if someone buys decks of playing cards they don't want or intend to use, they have a problem and should seek psychological help.

You cant be serious. Why would someone spend $50 on a "recently printed" deck (hand made luxury crown) and use it? That's dumb. Why buy it at all then. You can use anyone of the recently printed and well designed decks for under $8. The way I see it, theres no difference in collecting stamps, match books, coins, dish sets or cars. Some things get used some you don't.

The term 'use' does not have a linear meaning. I think what Don was trying to get at is that a deck purely for a personal collection is still considered to be of 'use'. Thus, if a person buys a deck that they don't even like/want, solely for the purpose of spending money; then they are not quite 'normal' (My interpretation of Don's opinion).

Your comment about people spending $50 on a deck to open up are 'dumb', is in my opinion quite a spontaneous and frankly, 'dumb' statement. Remember, everyone has different values and different demand elasticities. Some people wouldnt dare open an Archangel whereas some people 'mindlessly' open up BGv1s without a second thought.

In the end, it really is what makes the individual satisfied. No one has the power or authority to judge another with their own set of values. We live in a continuum in which almost nothing is linear. To each, his own.

Your statement about everyone having different values is very obvious.  Thank you for your in depth analysis. I'm sorry if I personally offended you by generally calling a particular buyer dumb. Your free to buy any deck you want at any price. I will keep that in mind next time I write something that could potently offend someone and cause them to respond as you have.

We are not talking about BGv1, Jerry's Nuggets or anything with history and  some age. I could totally understand buying those decks at their respective prices and using them.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2013, 02:47:04 PM by Anonymous »

Re: Blue Crown Sale
« Reply #35 on: September 26, 2013, 02:48:43 PM »


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Your statement about everyone having different values is very obvious.  Thank you for your in depth analysis. I'm sorry if I personally offended you by generally calling a particular buyer dumb. Your free to buy any deck you want at any price. I will keep that in mind next time I write something that could potently offend someone and cause them to respond as you have.

We are not talking about BGv1, Jerry's Nuggets or anything with history and  some age. I could totally understand buy those decks at their respective prices and using them.

I can never really tell sarcasm on the internet.. But no, i am not offended. Why would i be? I don't think i showed any form of discomfort or bias in my previous statement.

This is a pretty damn useless conversation. I dont even know what you guys are even debating about.
Alex, stop fucking with my name you phegget. xx

Re: Blue Crown Sale
« Reply #36 on: September 26, 2013, 03:07:40 PM »

Don Boyer

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This is a pretty damn useless conversation. I dont even know what you guys are even debating about.

He was trying to argue about how terrible it was that TBC released the white Nauticals as a deck that you could only get by buying a brick, then weeks later, offered it for sale at a reasonable price.  Isn't that awful, how they gave away the deck like that?  And they even said when they were giving it away that eventually, it would be on sale.  But people still thought this was so, so horrid of them.

To which I presented my "cereal box logic" theory behind the little kids whining about how the deck used to be this rare, precious, expensive thing, and now anyone with ten bucks plus shipping can get one...  It was expensive because they had to buy all those crappy decks to get the rare one, equating the cost of the brick with the cost of the giveaway deck it came with.  Which is ridiculous, because the deck was free.

People whined when the deck was first available, because you could only get it by buying a brick - now they're whining because people can simply buy it.  My conclusion: people, kiddies in particular, love whining for no legitimate reason.
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
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Re: Blue Crown Sale
« Reply #37 on: September 26, 2013, 07:11:32 PM »


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Freebie silliness aside, what did you guys get?

I got a Gold Crown, Nautical, and Snow Owl.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Re: Blue Crown Sale
« Reply #38 on: September 26, 2013, 07:21:49 PM »


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2 White Nauticals, Red Luxury w/plaque and a Blue Luxury w/ plaque.  Man those tucks are gorgeous on the Luxury decks!

Re: Blue Crown Sale
« Reply #39 on: September 26, 2013, 07:34:37 PM »


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In the end, it really is what makes the individual satisfied. No one has the power or authority to judge another with their own set of values. We live in a continuum in which almost nothing is linear. To each, his own.

Hear, hear.

I got a Snow Owl. Trying to be restrained after too much KS activity.

Re: Blue Crown Sale
« Reply #40 on: September 26, 2013, 07:40:50 PM »

Don Boyer

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2 White Nauticals, Red Luxury w/plaque and a Blue Luxury w/ plaque.  Man those tucks are gorgeous on the Luxury decks!

Yeah, the Luxuries are pretty sweet...  I always thought the plaque was a bit much, but it was Alex's brainchild - seems to have worked nicely for TBC.
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
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Re: Blue Crown Sale
« Reply #41 on: September 26, 2013, 10:12:36 PM »


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2 White Nauticals, Red Luxury w/plaque and a Blue Luxury w/ plaque.  Man those tucks are gorgeous on the Luxury decks!

Yeah, the Luxuries are pretty sweet...  I always thought the plaque was a bit much, but it was Alex's brainchild - seems to have worked nicely for TBC.

Yep, when we first went over the job brief for the Blue Luxury Deck, the Metal plaques were something that Alex had already found and had sizes figured out. I hope they don't mind me letting this out, but the original plan was for all of the BC Luxury Decks to have the real Metal plaques. Two separate bottlenecks caused the creation of the standard version.

First, USPCC couldn't do the skinny Seal Sticker that wrapped to the front of the Tuck Box, so those had to be printed by a third party printer and applied by hand. And then the costs on the Metal plaques came back much higher than expected and would've made the Deck MSRP price much too high. Applying the Metal plaques by hand took longer than expected as well. So, with the prohibitive costs and labor of the Metal plaques and custom-shaped Seal Stickers it was decided to create a standard version with a USPCC Seal Sticker and the Embossed version of the plaque.

I'm glad they created a small number of the Metal plaque versions as originally envisioned. They look really sweet with the Foil crest logo and are truly unique!

Thanks, Randy


Re: Blue Crown Sale
« Reply #42 on: September 26, 2013, 10:27:55 PM »


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2 White Nauticals, Red Luxury w/plaque and a Blue Luxury w/ plaque.  Man those tucks are gorgeous on the Luxury decks!

Yeah, the Luxuries are pretty sweet...  I always thought the plaque was a bit much, but it was Alex's brainchild - seems to have worked nicely for TBC.

Yep, when we first went over the job brief for the Blue Luxury Deck, the Metal plaques were something that Alex had already found and had sizes figured out. I hope they don't mind me letting this out, but the original plan was for all of the BC Luxury Decks to have the real Metal plaques. Two separate bottlenecks caused the creation of the standard version.

First, USPCC couldn't do the skinny Seal Sticker that wrapped to the front of the Tuck Box, so those had to be printed by a third party printer and applied by hand. And then the costs on the Metal plaques came back much higher than expected and would've made the Deck MSRP price much too high. Applying the Metal plaques by hand took longer than expected as well. So, with the prohibitive costs and labor of the Metal plaques and custom-shaped Seal Stickers it was decided to create a standard version with a USPCC Seal Sticker and the Embossed version of the plaque.

I'm glad they created a small number of the Metal plaque versions as originally envisioned. They look really sweet with the Foil crest logo and are truly unique!

Thanks, Randy

Sure is nice to have so many inside men around here!  Thanks for the insight Randy.  The luxuries with the metal plaque just look so much sexier than the standard versions side by side.  I was floored when I unwrapped them today.

Re: Blue Crown Sale
« Reply #43 on: September 26, 2013, 10:56:41 PM »


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I got the red handmade Luxury deck I was hoping for. Does anyone know how many we're made? I looked, but couldn't find it.

Re: Blue Crown Sale
« Reply #44 on: September 26, 2013, 11:07:31 PM »


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I got the red handmade Luxury deck I was hoping for. Does anyone know how many we're made? I looked, but couldn't find it.

Apparently 144 of each. Emphasis on 'Apparently'. But to be honest there really much difference between actual and 'revealed' numbers here. Even if there is a slight discrepancy, 'rarity' will still remain at the suggested quantity of 144. It's all psychological. I personally do believe the limit of 144 decks made (or close to) however i don't buy TBC's shit when they say that they 'found them in the back of the warehouse". If they really did then that raises a huge question in regards to their reliability if they cant even properly store and locate dozens of rare decks. So much bullshit going on, it's all a marketing game.
Alex, stop fucking with my name you phegget. xx

Re: Blue Crown Sale
« Reply #45 on: September 27, 2013, 06:29:00 AM »


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I got the red handmade Luxury deck I was hoping for. Does anyone know how many we're made? I looked, but couldn't find it.

Apparently 144 of each. Emphasis on 'Apparently'. But to be honest there really much difference between actual and 'revealed' numbers here. Even if there is a slight discrepancy, 'rarity' will still remain at the suggested quantity of 144. It's all psychological. I personally do believe the limit of 144 decks made (or close to) however i don't buy TBC's shit when they say that they 'found them in the back of the warehouse". If they really did then that raises a huge question in regards to their reliability if they cant even properly store and locate dozens of rare decks. So much bullshit going on, it's all a marketing game.

E are quite notorious for 'stumbling' across decks and uncut sheets. My only theory behind this phenomena is that they have been stored in unmarked boxes that have sat under some other boxes, which reside in a particular room, where the key to said room is only used on Thursdays or for holiday events, but the man with the key is only present in the warehouse once every lunar cycle.
If I were an eskimo, I would build my igloo next to a supermarket.

Re: Blue Crown Sale
« Reply #46 on: September 27, 2013, 08:23:14 AM »

Don Boyer

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I got the red handmade Luxury deck I was hoping for. Does anyone know how many we're made? I looked, but couldn't find it.

Apparently 144 of each. Emphasis on 'Apparently'. But to be honest there really much difference between actual and 'revealed' numbers here. Even if there is a slight discrepancy, 'rarity' will still remain at the suggested quantity of 144. It's all psychological. I personally do believe the limit of 144 decks made (or close to) however i don't buy TBC's shit when they say that they 'found them in the back of the warehouse". If they really did then that raises a huge question in regards to their reliability if they cant even properly store and locate dozens of rare decks. So much bullshit going on, it's all a marketing game.

E are quite notorious for 'stumbling' across decks and uncut sheets. My only theory behind this phenomena is that they have been stored in unmarked boxes that have sat under some other boxes, which reside in a particular room, where the key to said room is only used on Thursdays or for holiday events, but the man with the key is only present in the warehouse once every lunar cycle.

While we're not talking about warehouses the size of the one in "Raiders of the Lost Ark", we're also not talking about a massive stock crew, either.  It's easier than you'd think to misplace part of your inventory because it got buried in a corner behind something else.  I mean, hell - I misplace decks in MY OWN COLLECTION, only to find them later much to my surprise.  Until recently, I'd forgotten that I even owned a light blue Maeda Tally Ho deck!  But there it was, in the drawer...and my whole collection fits in about ten square feet of floor space, if not less.  So the fact that a company whose inventory dwarfs my collection suddenly discovers something when they empty a dusty shelf comes as absolutely no surprise to me at all.
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
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Re: Blue Crown Sale
« Reply #47 on: September 27, 2013, 10:11:42 AM »


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I got the red handmade Luxury deck I was hoping for. Does anyone know how many we're made? I looked, but couldn't find it.

Apparently 144 of each. Emphasis on 'Apparently'. But to be honest there really much difference between actual and 'revealed' numbers here. Even if there is a slight discrepancy, 'rarity' will still remain at the suggested quantity of 144. It's all psychological. I personally do believe the limit of 144 decks made (or close to) however i don't buy TBC's shit when they say that they 'found them in the back of the warehouse". If they really did then that raises a huge question in regards to their reliability if they cant even properly store and locate dozens of rare decks. So much bullshit going on, it's all a marketing game.

E are quite notorious for 'stumbling' across decks and uncut sheets. My only theory behind this phenomena is that they have been stored in unmarked boxes that have sat under some other boxes, which reside in a particular room, where the key to said room is only used on Thursdays or for holiday events, but the man with the key is only present in the warehouse once every lunar cycle.

While we're not talking about warehouses the size of the one in "Raiders of the Lost Ark", we're also not talking about a massive stock crew, either.  It's easier than you'd think to misplace part of your inventory because it got buried in a corner behind something else.  I mean, hell - I misplace decks in MY OWN COLLECTION, only to find them later much to my surprise.  Until recently, I'd forgotten that I even owned a light blue Maeda Tally Ho deck!  But there it was, in the drawer...and my whole collection fits in about ten square feet of floor space, if not less.  So the fact that a company whose inventory dwarfs my collection suddenly discovers something when they empty a dusty shelf comes as absolutely no surprise to me at all.

Granted. However you're a collector, while they are a business. It is their responsibility to ensure accurate stock levels. Not for the customers, but for themselves. There's no point ordering 5000 decks of cards, only to misplace 120 of them. That is an indication of poor organisation and inventory/stock level checking. I would expect this of a supermarket where stock is usually stored by department and/or aisle which results in a combination of various boxes of stock, but not a company who has such a niche market.

For example, at the time of writing this post, Ellusionist had 45 different decks of cards, including the limited edition ones numbering 6. I honestly can't believe that they could get hold of 1-2 thousand decks and 'misplace' several bricks of them. The only real explanation for finding them again is at a time when supply is low, while demand is high. This resulting in an elevated market price. A situation commonly referred to in the business sector as 'cashing in'.

To be convinced otherwise, it would be necessary to see the organisation which takes place from receipt of new stock, through to the completion of orders. This would answer may questions, but may also highlight areas of concern/error in the process.
Who wants to play '52 Card Pickup'?

Re: Blue Crown Sale
« Reply #48 on: September 27, 2013, 10:55:00 AM »


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Finding missing inventory in a warehouse is a pretty common thing in any business that deals in stocks of any size.

Strangely related, but I bought some 28 year old Cheddar cheese from Wisconsin Cheese Mart a few years back. They had bought it from a local longtime cheesemaker that had retired, adn he found it while cleaning out his cooler. Several 10 pound blocks had gotten shoved to the back of a shelf in a dark walk-in cooler, and had sat for almost 3 decades, aging gracefully in the cold climate. It was quite expensive, but incredible, much different from normal Cheddar. If a guy and his workers can lose cheese on a shelf in a small walk-in cooler, anyone can misplace anything. Anyone who's worked for a company with any kind of stock has seen it before. Boxes are mislableld, or not labeled at all. Stuff gets piled into a corner. It happens.

All that said, I'm not condoning any of these "We've found lost inventory" sales or stating that they are all genuine, just that it's a very real possibility. Besides, (although they have given no exact number of each deck available), we could be talking about a couple of hundred decks total, of all kinds offered, in a single box. This isn't a "We've found 10,000 "lost" decks. Walmart still loses stuff in warehouses, and they have a very advanced computer-controlled system. If they can lose things, then E or TBC or T11, with a couple of folks keeping tabs on a legal pad, can easily misplace stock, and potentially often. Again, I'm not trying to get them off of the hook, just providing another perspective to ponder from.

Re: Blue Crown Sale
« Reply #49 on: September 27, 2013, 11:04:59 AM »


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Just to stop the ambiguity/benefit of the doubt. I personally know a certain employee working in one of these playing card company giants. We've had multiple discussions on this topic and i can confirm with authority that such statements are total ass talk. Complete, authentic, fresh out the hole bull shit.

On topic: Have any of you received your decks yet? Pictures of the handmade luxuries would be appreciated! My blue luxury is gonna take a while to ship internationally =(
Alex, stop fucking with my name you phegget. xx