Hey everyone, I'm Carter. I'm from Kamas, Utah. I am not a magician, cardist or even a collector, but rather a designer of cards currently plotting out his first deck. The reason I joined this forum is actually because my longtime best friend Isaac (or as you know him, Mr. Mollusk) has been prodding me to join for a while and so I finally have. I am familiar with some of the people on this forum as Isaac has shown me many of it's threads and given me the basic rundown of the most notable forum regulars and moderators. I became interested in cardistry and magic several months after Isaac had begun his interest when he started getting me into it. Being that I am an artist on my spare time, it was only natural that I eventually began to plot out my own deck designs and now I am starting to push past plotting and into pre-production, once I have all of my artwork done, I will post the betas on this site for review.