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Console Wars Won!

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Console Wars Won!
« on: June 13, 2013, 03:56:56 AM »

Joshua Robinson

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Sony has won the war with the Playstation 4!

The two consoles certainly look a lot like each other. Both have angular shapes, black colouring and a combination of matte and gloss finishing.
We're not particularly sold on either design, but they do both hold more than a passing resemblance to the Sony PS2 - the best selling console of all time.
Let's take a look at the specs, features, services and peripherals of both consoles...
Always online


Xbox One looking good but PS4 has the edge
The Xbox One requires gamers to maintain a constant internet connection. If your Xbox One is disconnected for longer than 24 hours, your games will cease to function. You'll still be able to watch TV, use Blu-rays and surf the web, but your games will be off limit. This has made a lot of gamers very mad, so it's surely a huge advantage for Sony that the PS4 has no such limitations.
Unless you're playing online, streaming games or downloading, your PS4 does not need to be connected to the internet. Games will always work regardless.

Pre-owned titles

Another huge win for Sony comes in the realm of used games. Where Microsoft is allowing publishers the right to set their own rules with regards to allowing them to be re-sold, Sony is doing no such thing.
Pre-owned games will work on the PS4 just as they do with the PS3 and the PS2. You can lend a game to a friend simply by handing them the disc.
However, with Xbox One, you can only lend a game to a person you've had in your Xbox live friends list for longer than 30 days, and you can only do it once. This could lead to reduced availability and/or increased prices for pre-owned titles, though it's hard to predict how it will all shake down when the consoles and games finally go on sale.
"We designed the Xbox One so game publishers can enable you to trade in your games at participating retailers," said Microsoft on the Xbox site. "Microsoft does not charge a platform fee to retailers, publishers, or consumers for enabling transfer of these games."
The price

Both consoles will go on sale later this year - the Xbox One certainly in November, with no exact date confirmed for the PS4. We do have confirmed prices though, and again the Sony PS4 looks to be a more attractive prospect.
The PS4 will cost $399 in the US, £349 in the UK, €399 in Europe and $549 in Australia.
The Xbox One, meanwhile, will cost more - $499 in the US, £429 in the UK and $599 in Australia.
Price was always going to be a key battleground, and in these frugal times it will be interesting to see what percentage of gamers are willing to fork out the extra cash for the Xbox. You certainly wouldn't expect many to shift in Japan!

Agreeing on an AMD CPU

As much as the two warring systems are different, the heart of the Xbox One and the PS4 remain very similar.
That's because they're both running x86 octa-core CPUs, and these eight-core processors are built by the same chipmaker, AMD.
The use of AMD in the Xbox One and PS4 is certainly a switch for both companies.
Previously, Microsoft had used an IBM PowerPC processor, while Sony partnered with Toshiba and IBM on its own complicated Cell processor.
While the Xbox One will run a heavily modified eight-core AMD processor, PS4 will utilize a x86-64 "Jaguar" CPU.
PS4, while a no-show at the Sony event, has similar specs

AMD's Graphics Core Next

Both console makers are also relying on AMD to design their next graphics processors that will produce the next-generation visuals that differentiate console games from the emerging smartphone market.
The Xbox One marries its GPU to the CPU in a system-on-a-chip design, according to Wired, with Direct 11.1 support.
The single 40-nanometer SoC really contrasts with the two dedicated 90-nm chips found in the Xbox 360.
However, it only marginally contrasts with the PS4, which also combines its AMD CPU with the chip maker's GPU.
In the case of PS4, the graphics processor is described as semi-custom AMD Radeon that runs at 1.8 TFLOPS.
Developers are really going to appreciate PS4's 8GB GDDR5 RAM
Sony scores with 8GB GDDR5 RAM

One of the most impressive things about the PS4 specs has been its use of 8GB GDDR5 RAM.
Microsoft unveiled the Xbox One to have 8GB RAM as well, but it's DDR3 memory variety.
That may mean more to game developers in the long run as opposed to gamers themselves right now, but it's still an interesting choice for the Xbox One.

Which has the better controller?

The Xbox One controller vs the PS4 DualShock 4 controller is a debate that won't be won anytime soon, mostly because gamers' already have a locked-in preference.
The reason for this is that neither Sony nor Microsoft have radically changed their respective controllers over the years - they're more like evolutions 2000 and 2001.
The DualShock 4 is a little bigger in the next-generation thanks to its unique front-and-center touchpad. Sony stuck with the dual analog sticks down in front, but at least have a central divot recess for easier gripping.
Microsoft also didn't mess with success, only slightly modifying its controller in the jump to the Xbox One. It's 40 design innovations are subtle, including the tweaked D-Pad on the bottom-left of the game pad.

Xbox One Kinect vs PS4 Eye

While Xbox One and PlayStation 4 will appeal to "core" gamers with mature launch titles, Microsoft and Sony are charging forward with motion-sensing devices.
The Xbox One Kinect was unveiled along with the system during the May 21 announcement, when Microsoft refered to to the advanced camera as "human control for a human experience."
Expanding on that motto, the packed-in 1080p Kinect 2.0 will be able to process 2GB of data per second, analyzing more joints, the slight rotation of a wrist or shoulder and your heartbeat.
Less is known about the PlayStation 4 Eye, but Sony did state that its similarly shaped camera bar contains two two 1280×800px cameras.
The PS4 DualShock 4 controller will come into play with the PS4 Eye thanks to its multi-colored light bar. It will also be compatible with those PS4 Move motion controllers that have gone unused.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2013, 03:58:48 AM by Joshua Robinson »
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Re: Console Wars Won!
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2013, 08:52:39 AM »

Don Boyer

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Josh, the wars are never won - just the battles.  This one hasn't even started.

It's impossible to judge by specs alone.  If that was the case, the VHS videotape would have bombed and Sony's Beta and 8mm tapes would have been the ones everyone used for the three-to-four decades the technology was still in common use.

Don't get me wrong, I have a PS3 as well and no love for anything Microsoft.  I'm just saying you're calling the victor before the first shot has been fired.  Everything you wrote there is just the generals marshaling the troops.
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
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Re: Console Wars Won!
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2013, 04:05:24 PM »


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I'd like to make a correction. The PS4 is region-free so it's $399 world-wide. Order yours off of US Amazon for $399 if you live in Australia and save some dough.
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Re: Console Wars Won!
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2013, 05:16:02 PM »


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I watched both Xbox and Sony's conferences at E3 and oh boy have Microsoft shot themselves in the foot with this one.

"This one hasn't even started."

"It's impossible to judge by specs alone."

I will have to disagree a bit with you on this one Don. This battle has most definitely been started, a good portion of Sony's E3 announcement  specifically aimed at bashing Xbox for their stance on used games and online connectivity. Sony has even gone as far as making a short video making fun of this fact.

I agree that when it comes to consoles, the specs of the console is not the main deciding factor, it would be a combination of the games available (or being produced), the price of the console and any major policy differences (such as the 24hr checkin/lack of used games that xbox has). If a consumer is really only after high def gaming, they will be on a PC.

My main point is that the war is most definitely started, shots have been fired and microsoft is already behind because some of their shots have been friendly. Microsoft have definitely made some stupid decisions, and even stupider comments such as ( ). My bet is that Xbox will stick to their guns until release and see what the numbers are, if they are abysmal then they will be forced to rework the policies.

I think it is also worth stating that PS4 has an open publishing service for indie games, which is awesome if you are a fan. This hopefully will allow many new titles into the world that might not have existed without this ability. I know for me specifically this is a big deal because if I was to buy a console, which would be my first since I game on the PC, that the majority of games I would want to play on the console would be fun little indie games and not big blockbusters that I could play on my PC at a higher resolution.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2013, 05:22:06 PM by Curt »

Re: Console Wars Won!
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2013, 12:01:07 AM »

Rob Wright

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In general, most people do not like being told what to do by big brother. Especially when we are fucking paying for it. We also don't like being spied on. I guess we will see if consumers will tell Microsoft this with their wallets.
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Re: Console Wars Won!
« Reply #5 on: June 14, 2013, 02:21:23 AM »

Don Boyer

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I watched both Xbox and Sony's conferences at E3 and oh boy have Microsoft shot themselves in the foot with this one.

"This one hasn't even started."

"It's impossible to judge by specs alone."

I will have to disagree a bit with you on this one Don. This battle has most definitely been started, a good portion of Sony's E3 announcement  specifically aimed at bashing Xbox for their stance on used games and online connectivity. Sony has even gone as far as making a short video making fun of this fact.

I agree that when it comes to consoles, the specs of the console is not the main deciding factor, it would be a combination of the games available (or being produced), the price of the console and any major policy differences (such as the 24hr checkin/lack of used games that xbox has). If a consumer is really only after high def gaming, they will be on a PC.

My main point is that the war is most definitely started, shots have been fired and microsoft is already behind because some of their shots have been friendly. Microsoft have definitely made some stupid decisions, and even stupider comments such as ( ). My bet is that Xbox will stick to their guns until release and see what the numbers are, if they are abysmal then they will be forced to rework the policies.

I think it is also worth stating that PS4 has an open publishing service for indie games, which is awesome if you are a fan. This hopefully will allow many new titles into the world that might not have existed without this ability. I know for me specifically this is a big deal because if I was to buy a console, which would be my first since I game on the PC, that the majority of games I would want to play on the console would be fun little indie games and not big blockbusters that I could play on my PC at a higher resolution.

Ah, but what's said now and what's done at release could be two different things.  I consider the first shot to actually be fired when the console and its first wave of games are released.  Until then, it's all preparation and organizing the troops.  The odds are slim, going by Microsoft's track record, but they may wake up to realize the PR disaster they created and change their policies before the first sale is made.
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
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Re: Console Wars Won!
« Reply #6 on: June 14, 2013, 06:20:35 AM »

The Quadfather

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Being an xbox 360 owner already, I was looking forward to the release of the new xbox. But the fact that I can't play my old games, and if my Internet connection goes down for more than a day I can't play any games, it's kind of putting me off.

When are they going to release a Holodeck?!!!
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Re: Console Wars Won!
« Reply #7 on: June 14, 2013, 02:05:43 PM »


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Re: Console Wars Won!
« Reply #8 on: June 14, 2013, 02:20:05 PM »

Don Boyer

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Being an xbox 360 owner already, I was looking forward to the release of the new xbox. But the fact that I can't play my old games, and if my Internet connection goes down for more than a day I can't play any games, it's kind of putting me off.

When are they going to release a Holodeck?!!!

In Microsoft's own opinion, they probably already have!  :))

word count

But, the bigger question is what's the reverse compatibility going to be with previous deck's games?  I don't recall the 360 having much if any reverse-comp, while the PS3's reverse comp was phased out years ago unless you stopped updating your machine's OS.  My PS3 was the first model that lacked any capacity to play PS2 games.

Here's what I think they should be doing - give away the consoles and make all games available to all users by using a model like Netflix or Rhapsody.  As long as the monthly fee was reasonable, you'd have people going for it - who wants to invest hundreds if not thousands of dollars in hardware and software that will only be rendered obsolete in a few years?

Another way to picture it would be like having a cable box that was all video-on-demand with a flat monthly fee to access everything.  If you can't afford the normal monthly fee, create a subsidized version with ads, like Pandora, and a premium version without them.

But that's just pie-in-the-sky thinking, right?
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
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Re: Console Wars Won!
« Reply #9 on: June 14, 2013, 08:30:11 PM »


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I never understood why they don't just do reverse compat. via download. The issue with RC is that the new hardware is unable to read the old disks, so both the Xbone and PS4 cannot play their last gen games.

PS4, however, will have an online store that will allow you to download last-gen games for a price. Cool. That works great for someone like me who never owned a PS3 and never bought games for it. Why not let people who have a PS3 and games for it use something like download codes to get their old games on a new console?

People say just plug in your PS3 & play, but an entertainment center does not have unlimited space.
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Re: Console Wars Won!
« Reply #10 on: June 15, 2013, 01:56:35 AM »

Don Boyer

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I never understood why they don't just do reverse compat. via download. The issue with RC is that the new hardware is unable to read the old disks, so both the Xbone and PS4 cannot play their last gen games.

I don't believe that's true.  Blu-Ray players can read DVDs, and DVD players (including Blu-Ray) can read CDs.  The optical drives in those machines are just Blu-Ray drives, like any other.
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
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Re: Console Wars Won!
« Reply #11 on: June 15, 2013, 02:14:24 AM »


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I believe the lack of RC has something to do with both consoles using the x86 CPU and not a PowerPC. That is from what I have read, I am no computer engineer, so I don't know the specifics, but I would assume that the games being created need to fit the specific architectures in order to run.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2013, 02:15:35 AM by Curt »

Re: Console Wars Won!
« Reply #12 on: June 15, 2013, 02:42:34 AM »

Don Boyer

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I believe the lack of RC has something to do with both consoles using the x86 CPU and not a PowerPC. That is from what I have read, I am no computer engineer, so I don't know the specifics, but I would assume that the games being created need to fit the specific architectures in order to run.

A different CPU/motherboard would make it difficult.  The best solution, a daughterboard with the old processor on it, would make each unit cost more than it already does.  The next best isn't that great - creating a software emulator can work, but it's often a glitch-prone choice and it would probably make the games perform more slowly than intended.
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Re: Console Wars Won!
« Reply #13 on: June 15, 2013, 08:49:09 AM »


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I'll just be here playing "next-gen" games on my pc.
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Re: Console Wars Won!
« Reply #14 on: June 15, 2013, 11:44:53 AM »


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I'll just be here playing "next-gen" games on my pc.

If only good RPG  games came out for the PC. :(
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Re: Console Wars Won!
« Reply #15 on: June 17, 2013, 05:01:57 AM »

Joshua Robinson

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Like the last of us hey Alex :P
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Re: Console Wars Won!
« Reply #16 on: June 19, 2013, 06:40:36 PM »


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Re: Console Wars Won!
« Reply #17 on: June 19, 2013, 06:41:59 PM »


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Xbone still needs a $100 price drop and no Kinect to win me over.
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Re: Console Wars Won!
« Reply #18 on: June 19, 2013, 06:48:07 PM »


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Xbone still needs a $100 price drop and no Kinect to win me over.

I also am still more of a fan of the PS4, but that is mainly because I like Sony more than MSFT when it comes to consoles. At least this is a step in the right direction.

Re: Console Wars Won!
« Reply #19 on: June 19, 2013, 07:36:10 PM »

John B.

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I will wait till xbox one's start being sold used. Would rather it a bit cheaper. Hopefully games are still made for the 360. Then I won't need the xbox one.
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Re: Console Wars Won!
« Reply #20 on: June 19, 2013, 10:49:44 PM »


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Here in Australia the two consoles work out to be very similar in price due to import duties, sales tax, etc. I've always been a fan of the xbox, and I have no intention to and have never traded in a game, and have a stable net connection. If the internet goes out, I'll go outside and play with sticks or something, or use my pc. With that said, I may just give Sony a shot this time around since the two systems have incredibly similar performance, and thanks to the apparent x86 architecture that both consoles employ, games won't be ported so shockingly to the pc.

If I were an eskimo, I would build my igloo next to a supermarket.

Re: Console Wars Won!
« Reply #21 on: June 20, 2013, 01:48:05 AM »


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I've always been a fan of the xbox, and I have no intention to and have never traded in a game, and have a stable net connection. If the internet goes out, I'll go outside and play with sticks or something, or use my pc.

You won't have to worry about those thing anymore ( unless MSFT changes it's mind again ) since they announced today that they are backtracking on what they had said and are now doing the same as Sony in those areas.

Re: Console Wars Won!
« Reply #22 on: June 20, 2013, 03:45:40 AM »

Don Boyer

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I've always been a fan of the xbox, and I have no intention to and have never traded in a game, and have a stable net connection. If the internet goes out, I'll go outside and play with sticks or something, or use my pc.

You won't have to worry about those thing anymore ( unless MSFT changes it's mind again ) since they announced today that they are backtracking on what they had said and are now doing the same as Sony in those areas.

...except the higher cost thing...
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
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Re: Console Wars Won!
« Reply #23 on: June 20, 2013, 12:48:04 PM »


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I think people are going to be more willing to forgive the price than what the policies were going to be. At least from the people I know, $100 is going to be the decider when it comes to the console. You are going to spend $50+ for each new blockbuster game you buy for it anyway.

Re: Console Wars Won!
« Reply #24 on: June 20, 2013, 03:11:47 PM »


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I think people are going to be more willing to forgive the price than what the policies were going to be. At least from the people I know, $100 is going to be the decider when it comes to the console. You are going to spend $50+ for each new blockbuster game you buy for it anyway.

PS4 essentially comes with two free games and no idiotic bundled Kinect (motion sensors are the bane of gaming).

Honestly I'd rather pay $600 for an Xbox with no Kinectishit than $500 for a bundled, always-on, motion gaming experience.

I could never get into Wii for this reason.

Besides, the first year of release most of the games will come out for the 360, and the games that won't will be available for PC/PS4. Playstation exclusives notoriously don't get ported to PC.

It also looks like they switched out that really awesome Guide button on the 360 controller for a terrible touch-sensitive one on the One.
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