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[TXT] Executive Deck | Review

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[TXT] Executive Deck | Review
« on: May 11, 2013, 09:45:01 PM »

Loop Cuts

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Ellusionist is well known for there extreme eye for detail and flashy tuck boxes when it comes to there playing cards. We’ve seen some heavy production efforts from them in the past regarding decks such as Arcane and Infinity. This time around they seem to be taking a more layed back approach with there newest addition to the E line up, the Executive Deck. They were filled with an overwhelming amount of inspiration for a trailer but decided that the cards should speak for them selves this time.

Loop Cuts received the Executive playing cards today and wanted to offer up our first product review that we’ve ever done.

When first pealing off the cellophane I noticed that they have continued there recent style of sporting there decks with no seal. I personally enjoy keeping the box in tact rather than pealing back a seal to deal with as the box ages. Once it was free from its wrapping I did what most collectors and enthusiasts do, I examine the box for a brief moment. At first glance I focus in on the darker shade on the box that resembles a letter “X”. I like the accent style for drawing out the eXecutive in the deck. Keeps a thought of class with some edge when it rolls off the tongue. It’s all a personal appeal but it appeals to me. Once I got past that initial glory stair, I turned the box a bit quicker to examine each side. To my surprise every side is blank besides the dark stripped pattern that surrounds the box. Simple and refreshing and it all caught me off guard. On the bottom, of course, was the standard info you’d find on any Ellusionist deck along with there logo.

I opened the box and at this point I was not surprised by the blank flaps but notice they are using a Radiant White stock for the tuck box. When I removed the deck, the letter “X” hit me again as it was featured on a blank face in the center of the card. The other side was an Ellusionist ad Card. The Backs were simple at first glance with a two tone color. After taking the design in my eyes focused and found more detail in the design including the word “Executive” that was tracing the inner border of the design. Over all a very solid design with some nicely distributed negative space. The Court Cards all feature an “X” in the center of the card to carry the theme to the faces. I find the Courts to be unique, classy and yet they keep some classic elements from the standard English design. You’ll find some nice contrast on the diamonds and hearts. They really pop and will suit magicians nicely for color changes. The face cards all feature similar aspects of the back design within the pips that are featured on each card.  The Indexes feature a modern bold font that keep things up to date. The Aces are simple and as classy as the rest of the deck.  The Ace of Spades is of course featuring a unique spade as most do.  Jokers feature a Stud or Horse in a rather classy suit and makes me wonder if there is any correlation to there Chess reference on there product page.

“Executive is not the next move in playing cards. It’s full Checkmate”

The Handling of the cards are no different than any other deck that you’d find in the Ellusionist product line.  Slippery when first out of the box and smooth fanning.  The deck faros on both sides nicely which will allow for a very wide of shuffling techniques.  With the box remaining simplistic and true to its theme, it did not list the stock and finish.  One can only assume they coated the card stock with there exclusive “Performance Coating”.  The deck feels smooth in the hands but not flimsy and would feel safe to assume its printed on a Bicycle Casino stock.

Ellusionist has once again taken us by surprise with a new deck of cards.  Some would say that it would seem impossible for them to continue to entice us with what would be considered new.  Yet again Ellusionst proves why there such a major player in the playing card industry.  This deck is a perfect match for anyone’s repertoire so don’t miss out on the Executive era.