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How I Started This Addiction - er, Collection

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How I Started This Addiction - er, Collection
« on: February 04, 2013, 01:33:25 PM »


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A couple of months ago, an onlne friend asked me when/how I had started such an unusual hobby.

People are always surprised by it, and say they have never even heard of the hobby (it ain't exactly stamp collecting, is it?).

In response to my online friend I wrote the following, and thought I would share it with you all here at UC.

It's pretty long, but I hope to insert some scans of cards to make it more interesting.




In 1968 or 1969, when I was ten or eleven years old, my mother and I walked into a Hallmark Cards store in a local mall (we lived in Los Angeles County). She told me we could buy something for me as long as it was inexpensive (I think she said "less than a dollar"), so I started looking around for something that would catch my eye, and found a display of little boxes of decks of miniature playing cards. At the time, I enjoyed having kid-sized versions of things which I thought of as for adults, and these cards certainly fit the bill! Our family played lots of cards (mostly Rummy), and my siblings and I also played lots of Klondike Solitaire (we simply called it "Solitaire"), but the cards had aways been  bit large for my (kid-sized) hands.

Back at the Hallmark Store: I looked at all of the boxes of miniature card decks, and they seemed to be just the right size for my hands! The boxes were all sealed, so I looked at the images on them, figuring that what was on them would also be on the back of the cards.

Most of the images were pretty boring (landscapes, flowers, horses, etc.) until I found one which really caught my eye: it was  drawing of Snoopy on his dog house, against a "psychedelic" background of orange and yellow! I loved Snoopy (who didn't?), and the "psychedelic" design was cool (or I guess I would have thought it was "groovy" - it was the 1960s!). I showed them to my mother, and she hesitantly approved the purchase (I believe they were all of 75 cents). We bought them and left the store.

I opened them when we got home, and was, at first, disappointed that the Jacks, Queens and Kings in the deck were not the ones I was used to seeing. No, they were portrayed by the Peanuts Characters Linus, Lucy and Charlie Brown! The Jokers had Snoopy, wearing a jester's hat, juggling three balls and a dizzy Woodstock.

Even the Aces featured Snoopy again - dressed up as the World War I Flying Ace, of course!

Although initially disappointed that the deck was not just a kid-sized version of an adult's deck, I came to enjoy the deck and its unusual courts (we called them the "face cards" back then), jokers and aces. My friends and I played countless games of Rummy on the floor of my bedroom with that deck.

Eventually the deck, in its box, ended up in a dresser drawer where I kept small playthings I no longer used.


I know the exact date I purchased the second deck in what later became my collection: December 16, 1978.

I remember the date because it was the day after I married my first wife (at the age of twenty).

We went to Disneyland the day after our wedding for a "honeymoon" of sorts.

As we walked down Main Street in the park, we passed a glass booth on the sidewalk in front of a store.  The booth contained a mannequin dressed as a gypsy fortuneteller, and was seated with a crystal ball and a spread of playing cards which she was studying intently. If you put some coins into a slot, the mannequin started moving and a recording played, in which she told your fortune.

As we looked at the display, I suddenly noticed that the playing cards in front of the "gypsy" were unusual - The Jacks, Queens and Kings were portrayed by Donald Duck, Minnie Mouse and Mickey Mouse, and the Joker was Goofy (of course)!

Reminded of my Peanuts playing cards, I wondered if the deck was for sale somewhere in the park. We went into the store the glass case was in front of and, sure enough, the deck was sold there (with either a blue or red back). I purchased one and tossed it into the bag with our other souvenirs of the day.

The next day at home, I pulled the deck out of its box and examined the cards. I wanted to compare it with my Peanuts deck, so I pulled THAT out of its box (I still had it in a box containing some of my favorite childhood things (okay, so I'm a packrat).

As I compared the two decks I started to wonder: could there be other decks out there with unusual "face cards", perhaps depicting other cartoon characters? If so, wou8ldn't that be a cool thing to collect?

I mentioned this to my wife Cindy, and she said that she had seen some unusual face cards in decks she had seen during her frequent visits to antique stores and thrift stores. I had gone to such stores with her a time or two and been bored out of my skull. But I asked her if I could go with her the next time she went, and thus started more than twenty years of her and I scouring antique stores/malls, with me opening and looking at every deck of cards they had for sale.

I soon found that there were MANY decks with unusual "face cards", and not just depicting cartoon characters!

Some showed portraits of famous people (royalty, politicians, actors, etc). Others depicted characters from literature (Shakespeare, Melville, Mother Goose, etc), advertising mascots (The Pep Boys, "Snap, Crackle and Pop", etc), and more! I bought all the ones I found.

The decks with advertising mascots made me wonder if any then-current companies were still producing such decks. This led to my stopping in at various stores and asking if they sold unusual decks of playing cards.

This usually got me strange looks from sales clerks, with confused responses like "No, this is a clothing store!" (with an implied " idiot!" at the end).

But every once in a while there would be a payoff. I asked at a Big Dog clothing store once, and the clerk said "No...wait! hold a sec, let me check something..." She went into the back and came out with a handful of decks of cards!  "We just go these in last week, and didn't know where to put them. Afe they what you are looking for?

I opened one and - paydirt! The Jacks, Queens, Kings and Jokers were all portrayed by the chain's mascot, a large black-and-white, St. Bernardish dog!

The clerk was bemused, probably wondering why a white man was so jazzed to have found such a deck...

By this time it was around 1985. I only had about fifteen or twenty decks in my collection, but was confident there were many more out there - but, how to find them?

=====[ A NEW PLACE TO LOOK ]=====

By the mid 1990s, I was working as a contract computer programmer at Buena Vista Home Video, the video arm of the Disney Corporation.

It was a large (for the time)"cubicle farm" in a building in Burbank, California.

Not surprisingly, there was Disney-themed stuff on display everywhere there. Even some of the employees' cubicles displayed items from their personal collections of Disneyana. I mentioned my Disney deck to one of them who was an absolute nut about Disney (his entire home was decorated, floor to ceiling with his collection of Disneyana), and he urged me to bring in the deck to display it in my cubicle.

I didn't want to just pin or tape the cards up in my cube, so I found some plexiglass frames which were made to display Baseball cards - four to a frame.

I bought five of them.

I loaded four of them with the J,Q,K & A from the four suits in the Disney deck, and loaded the fifth with a Joker, a card Back, and two small printouts I had made of a wrieup I had done about the deck and my collection.

I brought these five frames to work the following Monday morning and hung them up in my cubicle.

Throughout theday, as people stopped into my cubicle to speak with me about this or that, they would comment on the cards, intrigued by my hobby. More often than not, after they left the cubicle they would later return, bringing another employee with them to see the cards. Soon, people I did not even know were stopping in just to see the cards they had heard about!

Throughout that week, many of the people who had seen the cards told me that they would like to see cards from other decks in my collection!

Be careful asking a collector to show you their collection - you just might get what you asked for!

That Friday I took the frames back home.

Over the weekend I chose another deck from my collection (I think it was the Blacks Factor deck), loaded up the frames from it, and took them to work the following Monday morning, where I hung them again in my cubicle. I also composed an email about the deck and sent it out to all of the people who had expressed an interest in seeing other cards from my collection.

By lunch, most of them had stopped by, looked at the cards and, often, came back with someone else to show the cards to! People really seemed to love looking at playing cards!

From then on, it became a regular start to every workweek: I brought in cards from another deck, put them in the frakes, and sent out an email announcing "this week's deck". Often, within an hour of my sending the email, there would be a line of people standing outside my cubicle waiting to see the cards!

Someone mentioned that it was almost like visiting an art gallery exhibit, and joked that I should get a velvet rope/cordon to keep the waiting line organized.

I started heading each Monday's announcement email "This week's exhibit at The Bob Lancaster Gallery of Unusual Playing Cards" and would print out information about that week's "exhibit" and placed it on an easel next to the frames. This went on for months!

Along about this time, I had been hearing about this new "Internet thing" and joined AOL so that I could take a look.

One of the first things I did on the internet was to search for information about playing cards, but all that was out there then was about PLAYING with playing cards, not COLLECTING them.

I did find eBay (back then it was called Auction Web), and got many unusual decks by winning auctions there.

After my contract at BVHV expired (I had been there more than three years at that point), and was sad that I no longer had a place to share some of my collection with people.

Frustrated that I was finding no web sites for playing card collectors on the Internet, I decided to look into creating one myself! I had been a professional computer programmer for almost twenty years at that point, so I figured "how hard could it be?" and, with those famous last words, I dove into learning HTML, the only way at the time to create a web site. (This was before blogging and such had made it possible for a non-technical person to create web sites).

I caught on fairly quickly, and used the web space which came as part of my AOL account to create a display of cards from four oif the decks from my collection (including the Disney deck and the Blacks Factor deck).

Since I wanted it to be much like what I had done with my cards at BVHV, I named the web site "The Bob Lancaster Gallery of Unusual Playing Cards" too!

As I added more deck displays to the web site (initially, I tried to add at least one every month), I started getting email from others who also collected playing cards (52+J members Rhonda Hawes, Judy Dawson and Michael Gannaway among them) - I wasn't the only person with the hobby!!

Through some of these fellow collectors I learned about - and later joined - card collector clubs, such as 52+J and the IPCS.

Through these organizations - and through my email contacts from my web site - I grew to find that there was faaar more to the hobby than I had imagined, and that there were card collectors all around the globe!

In 1997 I was invited to speak at the annual convention of 52+J, where I spoke on "How to Use the Internet in Collecting Playing Cards"

Few people present there had much experience on the Internet, and many were amazed when I brought up on my projection screen images of my site, eBay auctions of playing cards, a few sites where vendors sold collectible cards, and images of the web site I had just created for 52+J itself!

(I had sold the club's officers on my creating the site in a meeting where they asked me questions like "Do you really think this Internet is going to catch on?" and "Do you really think that people will use the Internet to find information about their hobbies?" (Remember, this was 1997)).

During the presentation, people in the audience Ooohed and Aaahed at the images of playing cards, and asked me lots and lots of questions as they started realizing that there was more to the Internet than they had thought, and that it might be of use to them!

There are many other stories I could tell about my card-collecting adventures, such as my touring playing card museums in Europe, my attempt to design a Transformation deck, a playing card I designed being on display in a museum in Vittoria, Spain, and much more, but I've blathered on far too long already, so I will end with this:

Collecting playing cards is a hobby rich in history and variety, and which has helped me to form lasting friendships with fellow collectors and vendors in countries all over the world.


Re: How I Started This Addiction - er, Collection
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2013, 02:56:47 PM »


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That's pretty neat. I'd guess you're definitely senior to a lot of people here in regards to card collecting.
My money furnace collection started about 2 years ago. I wanted a few decks so I could learn to throw cards, so I went to a Dollar Store and bought a two pack of really crappy cards. They threw fine, and they played fine. I thought I had struck gold by finding such a cheap set. Then I discovered Bicycle. I bought at least 5 packs after I felt how smoothly they handled. After more searching on the internet, i learned how to do a simple thumb fan and Werm. My introduction into cardistry also introduced me to Ellusionist and Theory 11. The next Christmas I got my first custom deck: the Infinity deck by Ellusionist. I really wanted some of the other decks on Dan and Dave, T11, Ebay, Kickstarter, etc. but I couldn't get them. The Paypal. Then no money. Then 90 decks of cards.
I've been accumulating cards online and at thrift stores for the past year. No regrets.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Re: How I Started This Addiction - er, Collection
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2013, 04:43:23 PM »


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fantastic story! It's funny but I've always been a collector of something, baseball cards when i was a kid, then comic books, VHS tapes then DVDs, Furniture (I know weird but when I bought a house I looked at the furnishings as my collection) So, when I got into magic collecting playing cards kind of felt like the natural extension of the art to me. Although I started to buy different decks for their handling capability's and slowly became enamored by the designs. I guess from the outside looking in it is a weird hobby, much like when I have someone show me their spoon or thimble collection. :)

Re: How I Started This Addiction - er, Collection
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2013, 05:06:52 PM »


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That's pretty neat. I'd guess you're definitely senior to a lot of people here in regards to card collecting.

Well, if the poll about people's age here is any indication, I'm senior to most people here in age, if nothing else!

Hell, I have decks in my collection that I purchased before a lot of the folks here were even born! Crap, I feel old...

My money furnace collection started about 2 years ago. I wanted a few decks so I could learn to throw cards, so I went to a Dollar Store and bought a two pack of really crappy cards. They threw fine, and they played fine. I thought I had struck gold by finding such a cheap set. Then I discovered Bicycle. I bought at least 5 packs after I felt how smoothly they handled. After more searching on the internet, i learned how to do a simple thumb fan and Werm. My introduction into cardistry also introduced me to Ellusionist and Theory 11. The next Christmas I got my first custom deck: the Infinity deck by Ellusionist. I really wanted some of the other decks on Dan and Dave, T11, Ebay, Kickstarter, etc. but I couldn't get them. The Paypal. Then no money. Then 90 decks of cards.
I've been accumulating cards online and at thrift stores for the past year. No regrets.

90 decks in two years? That's probably about where I wa at two years in. Look out - in a coupe of decades, you might find yourself the "old guy" on some Internet forum (or whatever has replaced Internet forums by then...)

Re: How I Started This Addiction - er, Collection
« Reply #4 on: February 04, 2013, 05:09:30 PM »


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fantastic story! It's funny but I've always been a collector of something, baseball cards when i was a kid, then comic books, VHS tapes then DVDs, Furniture (I know weird but when I bought a house I looked at the furnishings as my collection) So, when I got into magic collecting playing cards kind of felt like the natural extension of the art to me. Although I started to buy different decks for their handling capability's and slowly became enamored by the designs. I guess from the outside looking in it is a weird hobby, much like when I have someone show me their spoon or thimble collection. :)

Yes, there is definitely a "collecting personality", isn't there?

Re: How I Started This Addiction - er, Collection
« Reply #5 on: February 04, 2013, 05:34:51 PM »


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What a great story, All lead you here, because of Snoopy :)

Re: How I Started This Addiction - er, Collection
« Reply #6 on: February 04, 2013, 05:40:36 PM »


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...and because my mom only wanted to spend one dollar.

Who knows WHAT I would be collecting now if she had given me a bigger budget that day!

Re: How I Started This Addiction - er, Collection
« Reply #7 on: February 04, 2013, 05:52:47 PM »


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Yes, of course. The budget lead you to Snoopy and now here.
Yeah, who knows what you could be collecting. You could also not be collecting anything.

Re: How I Started This Addiction - er, Collection
« Reply #8 on: February 05, 2013, 01:52:25 AM »

Don Boyer

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Welcome, Mr. Lancaster - from a fellow (though rather inactive) 52+J member!

You and I probably have a few friends in common.  I met Lee Asher last spring in Toronto, and he introduced me to Tom and Judy Dawson.  Tom naturally gave Lee and I a good look at a small portion of his collection - incredible.  I ended up joining after Tom "bribed" me with two vintage decks if I bought a membership!  I look forward to the newsletter in the mail, every issue...

I think you're roughly a decade my senior, but our age range is steadily growing around here.  If your experience is anything like mine, you'll eventually have a number of the younger members coming to you for information and advice!  Enjoy, and let me know if you need help with anything.
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
Playing Card Design & Development Consultant
Deck Tailoring: Custom Alterations for Magicians and Card Mechanics
Services for Hire -
Pre-Made Decks for Sale -

Re: How I Started This Addiction - er, Collection
« Reply #9 on: December 24, 2013, 07:02:15 PM »


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Welcome, Mr. Lancaster - from a fellow (though rather inactive) 52+J member!

You and I probably have a few friends in common.  I met Lee Asher last spring in Toronto, and he introduced me to Tom and Judy Dawson.  Tom naturally gave Lee and I a good look at a small portion of his collection - incredible.  I ended up joining after Tom "bribed" me with two vintage decks if I bought a membership!  I look forward to the newsletter in the mail, every issue...

I think you're roughly a decade my senior, but our age range is steadily growing around here.  If your experience is anything like mine, you'll eventually have a number of the younger members coming to you for information and advice!  Enjoy, and let me know if you need help with anything.

Ha! Ha! I wouldn't call it a bribe - more like an incentive. Anyway - glad you stayed with us. Bob Lancaster has been a member for ages of 52+J and was our webmaster for quite a time until personal issues caused him to give it up.
Tom Dawson
52 Plus Joker Playing Card Collectors Club

Re: How I Started This Addiction - er, Collection
« Reply #10 on: December 25, 2013, 01:12:43 AM »

Don Boyer

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Ha! Ha! I wouldn't call it a bribe - more like an incentive. Anyway - glad you stayed with us. Bob Lancaster has been a member for ages of 52+J and was our webmaster for quite a time until personal issues caused him to give it up.

If I hadn't stayed, we wouldn't be here right now, chatting like this!  :))

Bob's been absent from here for a while.  I think he logs into and/or posts more at UC than here these days.
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
Playing Card Design & Development Consultant
Deck Tailoring: Custom Alterations for Magicians and Card Mechanics
Services for Hire -
Pre-Made Decks for Sale -