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The meaning of life

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The meaning of life
« on: March 27, 2012, 04:12:03 PM »


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I sometimes ponder the meaning of life and sometimes think it should be "the meaning of your life." Do you think your meaning of life changes depending on your situation. For instance, when someone was in a Nazi concentration camp did there meaning of life change prior to being in the camp. Would someone lost in the Amazon have a different meaning of life than someone buying cards on the internet. Perhaps those with a strong Religous life would have a constant meaning of life. I have my own opinion but I wanted to see what you guys may think. Not looking for an argument, just your ideas.

Re: The meaning of life
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2012, 08:27:37 PM »


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I don't believe life has any intrinsic meaning.  Just try to live well and reap the benefits of life while you're alive.  It's a brief crack of light between two eternities of darkness.

Re: The meaning of life
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2012, 02:02:52 AM »

Don Boyer

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I don't believe life has any intrinsic meaning.  Just try to live well and reap the benefits of life while you're alive.  It's a brief crack of light between two eternities of darkness.

True, at least in my opinion.  I make my social connections, I engage in my day-to-day activities needed to live and I do what I can to ensure my life is a happy one as often as possible.  When it ends, I don't expect to be around to notice it.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2012, 02:03:27 AM by Don Boyer »
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Re: The meaning of life
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2012, 03:02:47 AM »


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You decide your life's meaning, and that is all. You'll die like everyone else, and most likely a few hundred years from now not a soul on the planet will even have the slightest clue who you are.

Perhaps you'll be famous for something, perhaps you'll even change the world, in which case that is what you will be remembered for. Nothing else. Everyone knows who George Washington was, but nobody knows the kind of person he was. Take a look at your life and how complex your thoughts and emotions are. Now look at how broadly generalized our interpretations of a dead person's thoughts are.

You will never be anything more after your death than a one-dimensional semblance of your true life.

However, it's not about people actively attributing things to you that matters. No, the meaning of life is inspiring those around you. When you change the way even one person thinks, you create a chain of events. Your kids will teach their kids how to act based on how you taught your kids. This cycle continues forever.

Do you know anything about any of your ancestors from 500 years ago? You probably don't, but their most seemingly pointless actions could have caused you to be where you are now. Your great-great-great-grandfather skipping lunch one day may be the reason he met your great-great-great grandmother.

When you realize that every tiny action you do affects people hundreds, perhaps thousands of years from now, that's a powerful piece of knowledge. It will without a doubt inspire you to move mountains, even if you choose not to.

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Re: The meaning of life
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2012, 12:58:58 PM »


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Yes Alex, makes sense. I was thinking of our meaning of life right now. Not thinking ahead. Yes, we will all be taking the dirt nap at some time or another. But do you personally have many right now and does it change as your life circumstance change. There is a great book "Mans search for meaning" it is not a self help book but a book unique to its own. I find it so profound I try to read it at least once a year. It helps me keep things in perspective. That is what I based my post on.

Re: The meaning of life
« Reply #5 on: April 03, 2012, 02:33:40 PM »


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Re: The meaning of life
« Reply #6 on: April 03, 2012, 02:41:51 PM »


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No, that's the Ultimate Answer to Life, The Universe and Everything.  It's just that nobody ever knew what the question was.

Re: The meaning of life
« Reply #7 on: April 03, 2012, 06:37:07 PM »


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I guess we never know what the question is. I work in the mental health Field. A number of coworkers and myself have been work on a new treatment model for schizophrenia patients. It is based on cognitive therapy along with medication management. The treatment is quite involved and we have been working on it for a #of years. We have been implementing this treatment model for some time and have seen an excellent response from the patients. I am very happy to say the model will start being used by a # of nonprofits but limited to a large portion of NE for the time being. I suppose this could sound like bragging but I think it is more an expression of joy that hard work we put into our work is statically showing success and will soon be used throughout New England. I guess I would have to say the meaning of my life has been to help my fellow man but know that this project has grown much further than I ever dreamed I realize this became the meaning of my life, creating this treatment, for many years. Although this chapter of life is not over, it will require me to travel, consult and train no doubt my specific purpose in life has been altered. The foundation of my meaning being helping my fellow man, has not changed but aspects of it have. We did not make a lot of money of this, I think now that my  consulting will bring in more money. The possibility of writting a book on the treatment, which we are talking about and have been approached about will bring additional cash but in realization a book specific to a new therapy for schizophrenia will not be breaking any NY times or Amazon book tallies. Still, we did not go into this for the money. My question was based on a book by Victor Frankl, a German MD who survived Auschwitz and later in life developed a psychotherapy called "logotherapy" which he developed almost exclusively from his observations and own experience of the death camps. One question he asks is that an individuals "meaning of life" changes by situations one experiences during life. Others may hold that there meaning in life is constant despite there environment. Since reality is sometimes defined as a "different shade of glasses". It may signal that ones man can change as he views things differently. In closing, If anyone ever questions existence or is going through a tragic event which brings them suffering I really suggest reading "Man's Search for meaning". It is not a self help book even though it does go into Logotherapy. It is not limited to readings for mental health professionals, it is truly a book that can inspire and put suffering into perspective. I have read it once a year for the past ten years and it seems to always helps my personal insight.