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Official Announcement: Black Edition and White Edition Actuators Pre-Order

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Everyone has been very curious about this, so here you go!

- Lance



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how much will it be to pre-order a set ?



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YES! Finally!  :D In all honesty, I checked out your kickstarter project for these but never actually pledged. And since the end of the KS I regret this. And so since mid-January, every single day I have checked your website, hoping they would soon be available for pre-order. And now, the time is close. Thx so much Lance!

EDIT: @Frost It was 20$ for a set on Kickstarter so on his website it will probably be around 25-30$ w/shipping for US residents.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2012, 05:19:50 PM by NathanCanadas »


Lara Krystle "Lane"

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WHITE and BLACK?! I <3 <3 <3 <3

okay time to save up some more and time to work my ass off to get more awesome stuff. No Pain No Gain.
I'm really excited on this one. I really am!
more power to ya @Lance!



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already got myself some of the artist edition actuators, would look forward to getting the black and white one to complete the whole collection. =)
« Last Edit: March 25, 2012, 08:55:44 PM by awretch »



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Awesome news! Can't wait Lance they look purely amazing.
Mystery is the basic appeal of magic. Once the secrets are known, the magician becomes a mere manipulator, an actor in a suspense drama which has little impact because the audience knows the ending in advance.



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We are less than 16 hours from the Official Pre-order of the Black and White Edition Actuators!!!!! ARE YOU READY?

At 12 Midnight the product will hit the store and the frenzy will begin. :D

- Lance


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I was one of the lucky ones who got in on the ground floor over at KS!  Looking forward to your success with the B&W pre-sales, Lance!
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So, does this mean that these are finally being printed? It's been almost a month since there was a Kickstarter update, and I've been seeing other decks getting printed in the meantime.



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Hi everyone and appologies if this has already been made clear but will the black and white actuators have the individual number on each deck as the artists edition had?



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So, does this mean that these are finally being printed? It's been almost a month since there was a Kickstarter update, and I've been seeing other decks getting printed in the meantime.

Yeah Dcell, These are "supposed" to be being printed within the next month. As far as going without an update I think some perspective is needed here.

I feel that there is a misconception people have about just what it takes to get a deck produced. My artwork has been in USPCC's hands since the day the Kickstarter for the Black and Whites ended. From that point it's been pretty much out of my hands. Now, it doesn't help that when their pre-press department is backed up with a little over 15 decks, that they get files that are as complicated and delicate as mine. You see, I am not printing "normal" decks, I have a lot of anti-counterfeit measures that I build into the files that have to be handled in very specific ways. Then, with my artwork being so specific, if they send me things and they are wrong, I have an obligation to the people who are buying my decks to send them back to fix it. I do that, at the risk of making people upset for waiting, but let's say for instance that I, being in a rush to get these cards out, had said "just get the damn things printed!" The Artist's Edition would have been printed on a stock of paper so dark that you couldn't even make out the gears on the front. The backs of the cards themselves would not have had metallic gears, and oh yeah, my favorite little incident, we would have backwards cards on the uncut sheets that weren't meant to be backwards.

Designing, and producing your own deck is no "walk in the park", it requires a lot of things to fall into place in certain ways, and sometimes (as in this case) they are out of your control. I thought, hey, Kickstarter ended, they've got artwork, in a month I'll have the decks... (boy was I mistaken) <------ That's my fault for not realizing the scope of work necessary for them to prep two more variants of my decks. It's OK, because I have learned much from this entire endeavor, and I will be much better prepared for the next deck I release as will Russell, Alex, and anyone else who has gone through the same funding method and processes with USPCC.

It doesn't mean that I am lazy and not updating you guys, I have nothing to update you with. When USPCC says you'll have something in a week, and it's 3 weeks later that you finally receive it, who's fault is that? It's not really anyone's fault. I assure you that USPCC has been working on my files since I sent them in, and they have had a very difficult time making things to my specifications. I'm not making just any old decks here; I am making delicate pieces of art that cost tens of thousands of dollars to produce, and I'm not going to accept anything less than the best for your guy's sake. I suppose this is why the big dogs: E and T11 keep things under wraps until they release a deck. There is no real way to say "This deck is going to be printed on this date and that's that!.....". It just doesn't work that way, and they keep it quiet until the decks are in their hands. People who have publicly funded a deck don't have that luxury, you see when the Kickstarter ends, and you start a mental timer. You're a consumer it's in your nature, and I understand, because I started that same mental timer. In my mind this deck is far too late, but I'm not going to rush it just for the sake of having them done. That's just not my style.

I do thank you for your patience as always, and anyone is always welcome, if they are getting antsy to contact me and ask for a status update. Often there are really no updates of substance and that's why I am not posting. I am reminded here of when De'vo was first printing his blades, he was making post after post, telling everyone, next week I'll have cards. Next week I'll have the cards; the cards are finally being printed; they said next week my cards will be done finally. This went on for months and he looked like a schmuck for not delivering. That was not his fault. He was bringing the news that was brought to him. If I had made updates telling you guys every time I was told something was going to happen "next week", I'd probably have a lot more dissatisfied people flagging me down asking for their money back. Instead I put things simply, as soon as I know something more concrete, everyone else will too.

Pay very close attention. I am not throwing USPCC under the bus. Those guys bust their asses to make sure we have some crazy looking cards that handle well for you guys. You have to realize though, we (Aether, Circle City Cards, Lance Miller Decks) are not their only customers, and in the grand scheme of things we are their smallest customers. Therefore, it stands to reason, if one of their bigger clients has an issue, they drop what they are doing on our projects and quell the fire. They have deck after deck that they print and manage and they never stop working. It's crazy how they handle the work that they do and still sound jovial when you talk to them, but they do, and I am thankful to work with such a great bunch of people.

Sorry for my soapbox here, but it stands to reason that, if I don't educate you guys and just leave you in the dark you'll get frustrated at me even more so and think I am not holding up my side of the bargain from my Kickstarter.

- Lance



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Hi everyone and appologies if this has already been made clear but will the black and white actuators have the individual number on each deck as the artists edition had?

Yes Jay, These are indeed individually numbered :D

- Lance


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Lance, that was very well put.

As consumers, we've become so far removed from the process involved in the creation of the final products we all take for granted, everything from a deck of playing cards to an MP3 player to that veal parmigiana dinner the pizza shop delivered to a hybrid-electric car.  People have no idea of the amount of work involved in getting that concept and those raw materials from the "Gee, wouldn't this be great?" stage to the "On sale now" stage.  We're used to living in the Land of Plenty, where if you throw enough money at something, it gets done yesterday and you have it now - this is more fantasy than reality, but the illusion is very strong and heavily reinforced in a consumer culture such as this one.

The next time you think something like a deck of playing cards isn't being made fast enough for your liking, try making one yourself and see how tolerant of delays you suddenly become due to not having any other choice than to be patient, especially when it comes to dealing with processes that are out of your hands and out of your direct control...

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Pre-ordered mine.  :) will the video showcasing the effects of Sliver and Heartless be up soon?



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The main reason for my question was that you posted about pre-orders here, but you haven't posted about them on the Kickstarter site, and I think there may be people who would like to order additional items, especially now that we have the Artist's Edition Actuators in our hands. And believe me, I do understand that it takes time for these projects to happen. After following all of the other projects for the past year, I realize that it can take more time than expected. I do wish that the people doing the Kickstarter projects would tell us more. You guys tend to shut up when nothing is going on, but there's really no such thing as "nothing going on". Even waiting is something, and it helps other card deck designers. We still see new deck projects coming online with estimated delivery dates that are within 6 weeks of funding.

(In case it matters, Lance, I'm David Elliott from your Kickstarter projects.)



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The main reason for my question was that you posted about pre-orders here, but you haven't posted about them on the Kickstarter site, and I think there may be people who would like to order additional items, especially now that we have the Artist's Edition Actuators in our hands. And believe me, I do understand that it takes time for these projects to happen. After following all of the other projects for the past year, I realize that it can take more time than expected. I do wish that the people doing the Kickstarter projects would tell us more. You guys tend to shut up when nothing is going on, but there's really no such thing as "nothing going on". Even waiting is something, and it helps other card deck designers. We still see new deck projects coming online with estimated delivery dates that are within 6 weeks of funding.

(In case it matters, Lance, I'm David Elliott from your Kickstarter projects.)

David, I understand fully about the uncertainty that can come from no updates at all. I've just made an update on KS though I really don't feel like it contains anything of value. I can't tell people when the decks are being printed because USPCC is so aloof with that kind of information that, if I say what they tell me, I'd have egg on my face about 3 weeks out of the month. Mind you, they're not making idle promises, they are really are intent on accomplishing something within a certain time period and indicate that to me. Then, as always, they get yanked in 50 different directions and mistakes happen. I had to send them back to make changes a couple of times now which of course eats up more time. One of those times was me changing the QR code because of the time that all this has taken; I now have new URL's but that is minimal. The other stuff is just circumstantial and, while I know that I owe it to you guys to provide you with regular, timely updates, I also don't want to make it a habit of blowing smoke up people's arses either.

As to why I didn't post about the pre-orders on KS, I thought it would be considered rude to offer pre-orders on the Kickstarter site since, in effect, they have already committed to their pre-orders. I also am fairly certain that more than a few of the people would begin making statements like "how are you offering pre-orders when we've already given you our money and have nothing to show for it?". Perhaps that is a irrational fear on my part, but I tend to have a pretty good understanding of the consumer mindset and my instincts generally serve me pretty well.

However, since you've contacted me many times Dave, you know that I am always on the up and up with you, and I give you an answer every time even if it isn't anything more than saying "still waiting bro". If I spent every week posting on KS, "still waiting guys", eventually people would give up and want their money back. Whereas, I feel, based on many years in consumer sales and marketing, that if I wait until I have news that includes progress, those same people, while perturbed at the situation, will be more likely to patiently wait it out. Of course, there are exceptions to every rule, and you my friend have been one of the most patient of all. It also helps, that in my eyes, you're kind of a Kickstarter veteran having been around the block with more than just a few projects. Your emails contain highly valuable insight and I have appreciated them every step of the way.

In reference to your statement about new decks cropping up with 6 week post-funding delivery, a lot of those new designers, are looking at what we posted and getting the same positive statements from USPCC, and some of them may have already handed in their artwork. Who knows? What I can say for myself, based on all the experiences that I've had over these three decks, is that I will not be using Kickstarter any longer. Not because it's a bad platform, but more so, so that I can get through the processes with USPCC on a timescale that isn't necessarily going to be scrutinized to the point of exhaustion. That way, when I have the prototypes in hand, I can start the pre-orders, and people can buy as they please, without the hassle of thinking their money is tied up in something that may never show. I seriously made my initial delivery date on the Kickstarter based on a statement from USPCC. I thought hey, they already have all the artwork, should be no big deal to make that time frame. Boy was I wrong.

I guess the moral of the story here is, we have a great platform that offers many people the opportunity to fund creative projects, and a lot of people who aren't project managers step up to the plate. We have stars in our eyes and are dreaming of endless possibilities, but not fully aware of what we have gotten ourselves into until it's been dropped on our heads. We promise the moon and we're hitting the stars, but in the mean time, we are learning that promising anything is dangerous ground, not because we've not upheld our end of making sure artwork is done in a timely manner, but because there are outside influences shaping our timeline that we can't control. We're also learning that we can strike out on our own and make our companies a reality, but it comes at a price. I have lost more than a few people who probably would have been great customers, and that pains me, but I can't dwell on the losses. I have to look at the growth that has been achieved and the change that has been affected in the industry over just the last two years, and realize that there is much more ahead. (sorry for the manifesto in return to your simple inquiry, but I am passionate about what I do).

- Lance