Your points are valid ones, Alex. I have done far too much online buying for me to recall just how much, but in all that business I have never had a problem like the one here. I guess that is where I found grounds on making the promise I did in regards to the free product. My thoughts on doing so were more a show of confidence in what will become my customer service, than a show of money or lack of caring. I do see clearly how it can be seen as such though. I have worked several places that have recognized my "making the customer happy" (not fast food lol). I find that a company can stand on or crumble by their customer service. I must say that Alex and team have paid extra attention to their foundation (the supporters), and would do what they could to make things right if a problem were to ever arise. Other companies such as Ellusionist and Blue Crown also have spot on customer service.
I do not see how posting a word for word conversation can be taken out of context, but that is not here nor there. I have said my piece and I am done doing so on this topic. Everyone is free to make their own judgments and decisions. And to be completely honest, my grudges only last as long as they are fueled. If CC turned things around in their customer service department, I would not be opposed to supporting them again...but until then, I just want what I paid for and call it good until down the road. Americana looked like a great deck too, I'll hit up ebay or a private seller to get a couple.
@Kanped, your account should have already taken the hit on the Revision. I know mine did. At the end of its funding time they charged all the pledges, so you should be good on that. We now just wait patiently for them to actually be made. Much love to Adam and his original thinking on this deck.