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Feedback on new brand of playing Cards

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Feedback on new brand of playing Cards
« on: January 24, 2019, 09:01:03 AM »

CLCPC Studio 52

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Hi everyone,

Craig here,

Just hoping to have some feedback on my card designs for my new brand of playing cards, 'Vintage Label'. 

These cards have been designed with a modern vintage approach to playing card design, with inspiration derived from vintage labelling of products from the 1900's which I have then merged with modern design.

These decks are being designed with standard card faces as well as 100% custom Vintage Label card Faces for limited edition version of the decks as well as developing a Vintage Label Wine/Deck Collection that will be available in 6 flavours - Champagne White, Malbec Black, Vinho Verde, Shiraz Red, Golden Chardonnay and Pink Champagne.

More card images plus an introdutory video for the Vintage Label Decks can be found here -

The plan is to launch the first Vintage Label decks in Black and White on Kickstarter to gauge how much of an interest there is for these type of decks before hopefully being able to return to Kickstarter to launch the Vintage Label Wine/Deck Collection that I have been developing to showcase the Vintage Label Brand.

I am planning to have these decks produced in collaboration with Legends Playing Card Company as they offer some of the finest quality playing cards and I will be using their diamond cut finish for the card stock should I receive enough funidng support to produce these decks. 

It would be great if everyone on this forum could take a look at my designs and provide feedback for this playing card project (please see more pictures from link below to help with answering some of these questions.....

Here are some questions I hope to have answers for to help guide this project - (You don't need to answer all of them but if there are any there that you might like to answer for us that would be great)

Do you like the way that this project is developing in terms of the design?

Do you like the card backing designs and range of colours to be available for the wine/deck collection?
Vintage Label poker set?

Would you like to see these decks include additional cards for card magic such as gaff cards, double backer cards, stacked decks, or whould you prefer them to be in new deck order as standard poker type decks?

Would you use the standard card face versions of these decks for perfoming card magic?

Do you like the youtube promotional trailer for the Vintage Label WIne/Deck Collection?

What other advice could you give to help with the development of these decks?

Do you have any questions about this project that you might like me to answer?

If you like what you see here from the sample images for these decks, please follow the link below to check out more images and details for this project and let us know what you think :)

Also, feel free send us your email from our landing page for the Decks on our studio website if you llike what you see and would like to receive email notifications when the decks are ready to launch on Kickstarter. 

Thanks everyone, hope to hear your thoughts!

Best Regards,

More card images plus an introductory video for the Vintage Label Decks can be found here -

« Last Edit: January 25, 2019, 05:40:57 AM by CLCPC Studio 52 »

Re: Feedback on new brand of playing Cards
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2019, 03:38:38 AM »

Don Boyer

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Wow, Craig - you have a LOT of questions...

These decks are being designed with standard card faces as well as 100% custom Vintage Label card Faces for limited edition version of the decks as well as developing a Vintage Label Wine/Deck Collection that will be available in 6 flavours - Champagne White, Malbec Black, Vinho Verde, Shiraz Red, Golden Chardonnay and Pink Champagne.

Wow, this is WAAAAAAY too ambitious for an initial project!  Two different face sets, six different backs?  A DOZEN different deck types?

Start a bit more gently, I'd say.  Ditch the black and the white - so many black and white decks are out these days, and you want to play to your concept's strengths.  Stick to wine colors and pick just one or two to start with, perhaps with one or two more as stretch goals, with just ONE face design - go custom rather than standard.  Standard-face decks don't tend to attract as much attention as full-custom and generally sell for less, particularly at Kickstarter.

Do you like the way that this project is developing in terms of the design?

Make the back more interesting and more tied to wine.  Go only with wine colors.  Make the "label" on the back appear more like a real label, with a curvature, as if affixed to the neck of a wine bottle!

Do you like the card backing designs and range of colours to be available for the wine/deck collection?
Vintage Label poker set?

See my notes above.  The current back is a bit bland, really.  Play up the wine theme more.  Maybe even make a "wine label" look for the back designs.

Would you like to see these decks include additional cards for card magic such as gaff cards, double backer cards, stacked decks, or whould you prefer them to be in new deck order as standard poker type decks?

Forget gaff cards and the like.  Believe it or not, most magicians rarely if ever bust out a fancy custom deck like this for performing.  Your target is more the collector than the magician, and perhaps to a lesser degree the cardist.

Would you use the standard card face versions of these decks for perfoming card magic?

When I perform card magic, I try to AVOID using any deck that's either significantly more expensive to replace or just plain rare and hard to find.  That leaves out about 99.99% of what's sold on and created for Kickstarter projects.

Do you like the youtube promotional trailer for the Vintage Label WIne/Deck Collection?

It's a bit slow and boring - more face images.  More cards in action.  Perhaps at the least make it shorter.

What other advice could you give to help with the development of these decks?

I noticed an Ace of Spades that had only the value in the index, not the suit.  Big design mistake.  Don't mess too much with a traditional index design, in that it should have value above suit and both in the proper corners at the correct position and size.  Otherwise, you make your deck less functional, and even collectors who rarely if ever play with their acquisitions tend to like functional decks over less-functional ones.  And really make those faces look more like a true wine label, at the least for the court cards, and maybe for the aces if not for the rest of the "spot" cards.

Good luck with your project!
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
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Re: Feedback on new brand of playing Cards
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2019, 05:16:00 AM »

CLCPC Studio 52

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Hi Don!,

Wow thankyou for the great advice and for answering my many questions! I really appreciate your feedback on this project Don and will be taking it all into consideration while moving forward with the development of these decks :D.

Hoping that I can reign in on my creativity to develop this wine/deck collection in a way that will be appealing to deck collectors and thankyou again for the great advice and also for your words of encouragment!.

Best Regards,