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Should I make this deck?

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Should I make this deck?
« on: June 24, 2018, 04:06:19 PM »


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Hi everyone, I'm kinda new here.

I released a deck on KS a while ago, messed it up, failed, relaunched and got it right 2nd and 3rd time (I split the decks).

I'm looking at doing another, but really want some guidance from those who know!? I did post on UnitedCardists, as I couldn't get in to this forum due to recaptcha but got some help getting in from Don (thank you)! I would more value your thoughts, if you don't mind?

In a nut-shell, I'm creating a deck for my daughters, but would like to kickstart them so I can choose upgraded tucks and quality. I'm interested as to whether there would be interest (if done right).
It is a deck based on biblical characters, basically my daughters love playing cards and I would like a deck where they can recognise the characters from the bible, to make it interesting and encourage learning.

The back is coming along, but I don't quite feel it's 'there' yet, but I don't know what it's missing? The royals are in concept only mode, so just here to give some body - not anywhere near the actual end result.

Back is based on a monstrance, and symbology. These 2 cards are of course Adam and Eve and the fall of Eden.

I would really love your advice, feedback or criticism!

« Last Edit: June 27, 2018, 10:39:10 AM by Albendon »

Re: Should I make this deck?
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2018, 05:22:47 AM »

Don Boyer

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I think you're off to a good start, so far.

While some hardcore card collectors won't be as big on the religious theme, there will be other people, card collectors and non-collectors, who would find the theme very appealing or may be interested just for the sake of the artwork.  It isn't my personal cup of tea, but I can see that there's quality artwork here and that it stands an excellent chance of success.  I would recommend that you try appealing to collectors and art deck buyers by getting a high-quality printer - if you can't afford USPC, then try Cartamundi, Expert PCC or Legends PCC.

I know you're fond of Noir Arts, but they have a less than stellar reputation among card collectors for their quality - I've found their printing to be low contrast and their die-cutting to be low-grade.  The one deck I have from them has a "pressure lip" around the edges of the cards from where they pressed multiple cards through the die at a time, rather than cutting cards individually - this typically happens when cutting as much as a half-dozen decks all at once, using a plunger to force the cards through under great pressure, and results in an edge that's very difficult to weave-shuffle.  If you insist on using them, collectors will likely be less interested and if you have contrast issues, the art won't reproduce well enough to appeal strongly to people into artistic or religious decks.  Unless you manage to sell out your entire print run, it's not just the Kickstarter market you have to think of, it's also the retail market, especially if your deck is successful enough that you decide to go for a second printing or a second deck with a differently-colored back.  A deck that shows up in backers' mailboxes and disappoints will die at retail.
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
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Re: Should I make this deck?
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2018, 06:35:33 AM »


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Thank you Don.

Regarding Noir-Arts, to be fair they are the only company I have used. Realistically because they were affordable for my first Kickstarter and they were understanding. I like to use a person rather than a company, and Roman helped me set up my templates correctly, gave advice on the back of the card - some of the colours, Gold Ink set up of files and the tuck box embossing and foiling - I messed up the tuck templates and he fixed them for me (I put the back as the front) and he rebalanced the bleed on my cards so they looked proper. He also converted my PSDs to AI’s (I have bought the correct software now though) and set the channels correct.
We disagreed on the embossing of the tuck - he wanted one large emboss and I wanted detail. He ended up creating addition plates and double running the embossing at two heights to get what I wanted - then agreed it looked much better. He also added two ‘Gaff Cards’ to the decks.
None of this he charged me for.
I learned a huge amount from him, and he’s been very responsive. The replies I got from the larger companies were curt and impersonal.
That’s not to say I won’t look around, now I have a better understanding, but for first time designers I really would recommend him, for price and support - if not quality.
I wonder if it may be helpful for me to send you my most recent deck, I don’t need the cards reciewing - they are pretty much sold out and it would be moot - but I would be interested to know if you thought his quality had improved?
However, for my next deck I absolutely would appreciate guidance on printer, I was thinking of Cartamundi or  legends - but I am also looking into a special custom tuck as a ‘Kickstarter exclusive’ so I am make one budget run and one special run - is there anyone recommended for such a thing?

Re: Should I make this deck?
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2018, 06:46:13 AM »

Don Boyer

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Thank you Don.

Regarding Noir-Arts, to be fair they are the only company I have used. Realistically because they were affordable for my first Kickstarter and they were understanding. I like to use a person rather than a company, and Roman helped me set up my templates correctly, gave advice on the back of the card - some of the colours, Gold Ink set up of files and the tuck box embossing and foiling - I messed up the tuck templates and he fixed them for me (I put the back as the front) and he rebalanced the bleed on my cards so they looked proper. He also converted my PSDs to AI’s (I have bought the correct software now though) and set the channels correct.
We disagreed on the embossing of the tuck - he wanted one large emboss and I wanted detail. He ended up creating addition plates and double running the embossing at two heights to get what I wanted - then agreed it looked much better. He also added two ‘Gaff Cards’ to the decks.
None of this he charged me for.
I learned a huge amount from him, and he’s been very responsive. The replies I got from the larger companies were curt and impersonal.
That’s not to say I won’t look around, now I have a better understanding, but for first time designers I really would recommend him, for price and support - if not quality.
I wonder if it may be helpful for me to send you my most recent deck, I don’t need the cards reciewing - they are pretty much sold out and it would be moot - but I would be interested to know if you thought his quality had improved?
However, for my next deck I absolutely would appreciate guidance on printer, I was thinking of Cartamundi or  legends - but I am also looking into a special custom tuck as a ‘Kickstarter exclusive’ so I am make one budget run and one special run - is there anyone recommended for such a thing?

If you want to send me a deck, get in touch by private message and I'll give you my mailing address.

For a custom run, you could do well with either printer, Cartamundi or Legends.  People have been raving about Cartamundi's new B9 Cardistry stock.  I know Legends can do some nice work with custom tucks, but what specifically did you have in mind?  There's simple custom, like a die-cut window in the box or some nice embossing or foil, then there's complex custom, like a slipcase box with a ribbon pull-tab (like what Shin Lim recently did, though I'm not sure who his printer was).  Expert PCC is also known for good custom tuck work.  If you go with USPC, they'll refer you to a third party for any custom tucks - in fact, even for their own standard Bee tucks they have to use a third party because they don't have the capability to make them themselves.  The cards are cut the same way and size as Bicycle but the stock is thicker, so the box is a slightly different size as a result.
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
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