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favourite magician/magician inspiration

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favourite magician/magician inspiration
« on: December 19, 2011, 01:02:41 AM »


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so what made you guys really into magic? and who is ur inspiration currently?

The person who probably most inspired me into magic is lennart green
Amongst my favourites currently are:
1. Lennart green (obviously)
2. Dani daortiz (he's like the 2nd lennart green but all my friends say he looks as old as lennart green so he can't be the second -.-)
3. Helder guimaraes (i would agree he's probably the most creative magician of generation Y)

Re: favourite magician/magician inspiration
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2011, 01:26:53 AM »

Jin Jian

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the reason why i started card collecting is because of cardsrfun but he is not much of a magician .. and lu chen

Re: favourite magician/magician inspiration
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2011, 03:12:02 AM »

Don Boyer

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the reason why i started card collecting is because of cardsrfun but he is not much of a magician .. and lu chen

OK, but what was your favorite MAGICIAN, who made you want to get into MAGIC?  Card collecting isn't anywhere in the question.

I remember watching Paul Wilson on TV Saturday mornings while I was a young child.  Then came Doug Henning and David Copperfield.  I didn't pay much attention to magic after that until David Blaine made a name for himself.  I'm also a fan of Michael Ammar, Daniel Garcia, Greg Wilson, Brad Christian and Justin Miller - these were among my first instructors by way of the DVDs they'd appeared in.  Brad was probably the biggest one for me at first, since I started getting serious about magic about a year ago in large part by buying a number of his E videos.  At this point I probably have most of them that he appeared in.
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
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Re: favourite magician/magician inspiration
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2011, 03:56:27 AM »

Jin Jian

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i mentioned lu chen .... i dun really know justin miller david blanie daniel garcia gregory wilson all those people  i only know them until i started magic .. but before i started magic i alway watch tv show and there is alway taiwan show and lu chen is always up there performing magic and stuff and they what make me intersted.. and i know that he has a dvd

Re: favourite magician/magician inspiration
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2011, 06:16:34 AM »


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the reason why i started card collecting is because of cardsrfun but he is not much of a magician .. and lu chen

OK, but what was your favorite MAGICIAN, who made you want to get into MAGIC?  Card collecting isn't anywhere in the question.

I remember watching Paul Wilson on TV Saturday mornings while I was a young child.  Then came Doug Henning and David Copperfield.  I didn't pay much attention to magic after that until David Blaine made a name for himself.  I'm also a fan of Michael Ammar, Daniel Garcia, Greg Wilson, Brad Christian and Justin Miller - these were among my first instructors by way of the DVDs they'd appeared in.  Brad was probably the biggest one for me at first, since I started getting serious about magic about a year ago in large part by buying a number of his E videos.  At this point I probably have most of them that he appeared in.

wow sabacc no idea u only started magic a year ago? i always thought u were like a professional magician since forever from ur stories. so not really into the old style magicians?paul wilson i guess is pretty old

Re: favourite magician/magician inspiration
« Reply #5 on: December 19, 2011, 10:40:23 AM »


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Paul Daniels was my first contact with magic.  In recent years, Derren Brown, Penn and Teller and Ricky Jay.

Re: favourite magician/magician inspiration
« Reply #6 on: December 19, 2011, 10:56:00 AM »


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i had always been into magic as a kid.  When I was 16 I went to Vegas and saw Lance Burton, who was pretty much my idol at the time.  I still deeply respect the man, but my interests in magic will never be stage style.  I do magic as a hobby, not a career, and for my interest in street magic I have Brad Christian and Ellusionist in general to thank.
They say the greatest trick the devil ever pulled, was convincing the world that he didn't exist.

Re: favourite magician/magician inspiration
« Reply #7 on: December 20, 2011, 05:19:59 AM »


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All we use to get here in Australia in regards to magic was David Copperfields TV specials, so as cliche as it may sound ultimately my inspiration in magic is from him, even if I dont do the same style of magic as him.
Mystery is the basic appeal of magic. Once the secrets are known, the magician becomes a mere manipulator, an actor in a suspense drama which has little impact because the audience knows the ending in advance.

Re: favourite magician/magician inspiration
« Reply #8 on: December 20, 2011, 06:35:15 AM »

Don Boyer

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the reason why i started card collecting is because of cardsrfun but he is not much of a magician .. and lu chen

OK, but what was your favorite MAGICIAN, who made you want to get into MAGIC?  Card collecting isn't anywhere in the question.

I remember watching Paul Wilson on TV Saturday mornings while I was a young child.  Then came Doug Henning and David Copperfield.  I didn't pay much attention to magic after that until David Blaine made a name for himself.  I'm also a fan of Michael Ammar, Daniel Garcia, Greg Wilson, Brad Christian and Justin Miller - these were among my first instructors by way of the DVDs they'd appeared in.  Brad was probably the biggest one for me at first, since I started getting serious about magic about a year ago in large part by buying a number of his E videos.  At this point I probably have most of them that he appeared in.
i mentioned lu chen .... i dun really know justin miller david blanie daniel garcia gregory wilson all those people  i only know them until i started magic .. but before i started magic i alway watch tv show and there is alway taiwan show and lu chen is always up there performing magic and stuff and they what make me intersted.. and i know that he has a dvd

You may have mentioned Lu Chen, but you stated that he and cardsrfun are the reasons you got into CARD COLLECTING, not MAGIC.  I've never heard of cardsrfun, you didn't provide a name for him, and Lu Chen could be the greatest magician in his country of Taiwan, but on this side of the world, I've never heard his name mentioned once.  Not saying that's a bad thing, but you're assuming we all know he's a magician when you're saying he inspired you to collect cards...

And by the way, all those magicians you listed from my list?  They're all performers who created magic training videos for Ellusionist.  Except David Blaine, the WORLD RENOWN magician and escape artist who's performed on probably every continent except Antartica.  Y'know, the guy who makes the Split Spades and White Lions cards that most people here collect...because he uses them in his shows...because they were originally intended solely for him to use in his shows...the guy you should probably know about since you're an avid card collector...

No one expects perfect English around here, but try to make yourself more clearly understood by checking (and EDITING) what you write BEFORE you click "Post"...  It's tiring to read errors and inaccuracies in practically everything you write.  When what someone writes is tiring and wears on one's patience, people stop reading it.

wow sabacc no idea u only started magic a year ago? i always thought u were like a professional magician since forever from ur stories. so not really into the old style magicians?paul wilson i guess is pretty old

My first shipment from E arrived on December 24th, 2010 - it was then I started practicing more seriously, having only dabbled before.  I know some of the older names, like Dai Vernon, Slydini, Michael Ammar, etc. but they weren't my inspirations.  I didn't know much about them until recently.

Most people (non-magician spectators and/or friends/associates) think I've been performing for as much as fifteen years when they see some of the magic I perform.  I'm forced to blush a little when I hear this.  After trying to correct them for so long, I'm just getting ready to simply smile and say "thank you" - it maintains a deeper veil of mystery around my act, always a good thing for a magician.

I've had very few paid gigs, but I do volunteer at a local hospital, performing for the kids in the pediatric unit.  This Wednesday I want to try making it a really good performance for them, since it's my last visit to them before Christmas and my next-to-last visit before the New Year.  It's great experience and pleasure for me, and the kids really get a kick out of having me perform a few minor miracles for them and leaving them with a deck of playing cards as a souvenir and something to pass the time with besides a television or a handheld game machine.  The staff especially gets a laugh out of it when I teach them a trick and the next day they're performing the trick for the nurses and doctors.

I found out about the gig though a posting by Jason Brumbalow on the Ellusionist blog.  When I wrote him back later to thank him for telling me about the opportunity, he asked me to call him, even providing his cellphone number.  We spoke a while, and he mentioned that I'm inspiring to him, because he does the same type of volunteer work near where he lives and I showed him that he wasn't alone in his efforts.  As a thank you, he sent me a stack of decks, including the Inifinity deck before it was released for sale, plus some extras when I asked for donations for the kids - most of those decks are now in the hands of kids who were inpatients at the hospital.  I was also featured in the E blog shortly before the Infinity deck was released - you can find my story in the archives, dated November 19, 2011.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2011, 06:35:57 AM by Good@Sabacc »
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