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Messages - Collector

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not bad.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: RAGE Face Playing Cards - KS
« on: February 10, 2015, 12:55:32 AM »
What can I say?

Valentine's Day for this deck was just a narrow-minded marketing. Search engines should catch "Valentine's Day" on their Kickstarter page :)

Technically, this isn't a relaunch.  The first campaign was to create the "dark" version of the deck.  After the campaign failed, they went ahead and created the deck anyway, which is now available on their website.  This campaign is to make a "light" version of the deck.

The first campaign was to create a set :)

"partial relaunch" ;)

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Leonardo Art Playing Cards
« on: February 10, 2015, 12:45:39 AM »

Was this drawn or composed with pictures?

Both actually! Leonardo of course drew the images that form the basis of the card designs, which I composed, distorted, distressed, adjusted, interpreted, etc! In some cases I had to paint new areas in Leonardo’s style, which took much time. I will add some images in an update soon demonstrating this. Thank you for your question!

Thanks for your honest answer.

IMHO. Each artwork is nice. But they aren’t nice as a pack of playing cards. There is no consistency in art of this deck. Some artworks are graphics (the best in this deck), some are paintings. Paintings and “graphic” backgrounds also don’t suit each other. The same with the tuck case. I think two different decks could be better. One with graphics. One with paintings.  Or it can be divided between Red and Black suits.

The back design looks like something is missed on it. Unfortunately, I can’t name specific things. This is just my perception.

Anyway, good luck. I suspect it will be funded.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Maximum Minimalist Deck - By Project 3.19 (KS)
« on: February 10, 2015, 12:41:59 AM »
The best deck, ever. You didn't understand this gap in playing card printing. This is a new type of invisible foil metallic ink! ;)

P.S. Kickstarter can be sometimes very inventive and unpredictable in interpretations of its rules. Don't forget that this rules exists to secure Kickstarter from possible claims and troubles, not you from possible problems.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Hobby Farmer Playing Cards
« on: February 03, 2015, 07:42:29 PM »
Funny :)

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Tallans Playing Cards by Carlos Contreras
« on: February 03, 2015, 07:41:53 PM »
Rethinking of Theory11’s Monarchs?

Do court cards have different characters?

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Leonardo Art Playing Cards
« on: February 03, 2015, 07:31:14 PM »
Was this drawn or composed with pictures?

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Best Custom Courts of 2014
« on: January 30, 2015, 07:19:16 PM »
Perhaps you're right and I was in a bad mood.  I'm under a little stress right now - with the blizzard that's hitting my city, I'll be stuck on Manhattan probably all day Tuesday, not leaving until my shift ends on Wednesday morning.  I managed to arrive at work about 90 minutes before the travel ban went into effect - there's not a car, bus or train running anywhere in New York State south of Albany, and that will likely be the case for at least ten hours.  These situations are never fun.

I apologize for having blown up in the manner I did.

2014 awards have been granted, so let's move on. 2015 will be even more interesting, but complicated.

@Fes, thanks.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Bicycle No.17 by Stockholm 17 (KS 02/17/2015)
« on: January 30, 2015, 07:10:32 PM »
"February 17" - good news.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Heretic Playing Cards (KS)
« on: January 30, 2015, 07:08:14 PM »
...No Photos do these decks justice in my opinion...

You tease me.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Jon Noir- Rion
« on: January 30, 2015, 07:00:17 PM »
It can be a nice deck for poker... if it won't be marked.

Design & Development / Re: The second edition of the Lumberjacks
« on: January 30, 2015, 06:55:50 PM »
Tuck box :)

The flannel interior is a nice touch.  Anxiously awaiting the kickstarter launch....

Agree. So, let's start this hype :)

Design & Development / Re: SHERBERT DECK - New deck design
« on: January 30, 2015, 06:45:19 PM »
...And it's Sherbert, not Sherbet!  One is the name of a deck, the other is the name of a frozen dessert!

You are right :) But I'll leave it as it is - a funny mistake suitable for this positive deck.



    That's nice.  But nominations ended the night of January 1st.  Voting ends Thursday night.

    IMHO, the forum was in a hurry with time periods for its awards. I couldn't visit the forum that time, for example.

    The entire process, start to finish, took about FIVE WEEKS.
    • Were you completely isolated during that entire time, with no access to an Internet-connected computer or smartphone?
    • Were you in a "dead zone" with no cellular signal?
    • Were there no coffee shops or hotels with free WiFi available?
    • Did your local cellular transmitters blow up as part of a plot to keep you off the Internet?
    • Were you violently ill with a gastro-intestinal disease, strapped to your toilet for the entire time with your phone out of reach?
    • Did your teacher confiscate your phone because you were sexting to a lovely young woman during class?
    • Did your keyboard break, damaging the keys necessary to type "" into your browser's address bar?
    • Did the verbal command interface of your smartphone suddenly start speaking Swahili, no longer understanding a word you said?
    • Did you sit on your smartphone and break it while you were a thousand miles away from the nearest phone vendor with not a plane to be had anywhere?
    • Were you kidnapped and held for ransom by a bunch of sweaty guys who don't bathe frequently enough, thus they possessed a stench so strong you were knocked unconscious by it for thirty-plus days?
    • Did you parachute out of a plane, landing on a tiny Pacific island occupied only by you and a Japanese soldier who thinks World War II isn't over?
    • Were you climbing Mount Everest, since everyone else is doing it these days?
    • Were you trapped in a coal mine due to a cave-in?
    • Did you fall down a well?
    • Did you go to the International Space Station only to learn they have crappy Internet connections?
    • Were you separated from your unit and left to wander the desert for days on end, surviving on bugs and your own perspiration?
    • Are you a submariner who was on shift under the Atlantic Ocean for the past five weeks?
    • Did a dominatrix tie you up in her dungeon, refusing to let you go until you licked her boots and forked over your credit card number to pay for her services?
    • Were you trapped in an avalanche?
    • Did you suffer a concussion and were you put into a medically-induced coma to reduce the swelling in your skull?
    • Were you shanghaied by East African pirates and forced to work as part of the crew?
    • Did the pirates sell you to a bar in Thailand to be a sex slave?
    • Were you on a top-secret mission to save the world?
    • Were you vacationing in Tahiti with a bunch of young, nubile women, too blissed out to remember what the Internet is, never mind actually using it?
    • Did you achieve nirvana?
    • Did someone slip a knockout drug into your beverage of choice, stealing a kidney, a testicle and a few feet of intestines as you slept?
    • Did your teacher give you detention?
    • Did you rob a bank and spend the last month-plus on the lam, hiding from the coppers?
    • Did you get a night-shift job with lots of time on your hands?  (Oh, wait - that's MY schtick!)
    • Did you finally complete your Jedi training by confronting Darth Vader on the second Death Star?
    • Were you busy crossing the English Channel with nothing but a boogie board and water wings, thus creating a new world record?
    • Were you cooped up in a lab with Stephen Hawking, finally convincing him that his "Grand Unifying Theory" makes as much sense as a peanut-butter-and-gravel sandwich?
    • Were you on the Serengeti plains observing gazelle migration patterns for your doctoral thesis in zoology?

    Because as far as excuses go, yours was not a very good one at all.  In this day and age, in a modern society with all-pervasive networks, both wired and wireless, and countless gadgets that connect to them, "I couldn't visit the forum" really translates to "I didn't bother to visit the forum, and thus got excluded from part or all of the process."

    There's not much more to be said about this other than "Better luck next year!"  :)) [/list]

    Answer in "Best Custom Courts of 2014" thread.

    Playing Card Plethora / Re: Best Face Design Cards of 2014
    « on: January 26, 2015, 04:46:41 PM »
    Requiem, Origins, Grotesque.

    You can't vote for all three - pick one!  Except Grotesque, of course, since it wasn't on the final list of nominees...

    I did. But you should understand that this list becomes a VERY subjective one in the absence of Grotesque and several other decks. I say this with full respect to forum's staff. I appreciate all efforts behind this awarding procedure on the forum.

    Subjective?  You do realize that it was the members, not the staff, that made the choices?  If you have a complaint about it, complain to them!

    Answer in "Best Custom Courts of 2014" thread.

    Playing Card Plethora / Re: Best Custom Pips of 2014
    « on: January 26, 2015, 04:46:14 PM »

    Brother, you don't have to convince me - but where were you during the nomination period?  It lasted for about 20 days...

    Two close people in hospitals, one ill, I also was ill. Well, I had some tasks which were more important than playing cards :( 

    I'm very sorry to hear that.  You made a conscious decision to be elsewhere mentally and physically, and it was the right decision to make.

    But that doesn't mean the world stops revolving - especially when it's not revolving around you!  :))

    I know - the answer is perhaps ten times larger than you were hoping for.  Sometimes, you get the tiger - and sometimes, the tiger gets you!

    First of all, I am glad that you understand my friendly hints and facetious remarks in a right way (I mean all threads dedicated to awards)... as friendly hints and facetious remarks :)

    It was interesting to read about Oscar. So, I got the tiger, R-R-R  :P

    When the hints and remarks become persistent and continue coming, it gets annoying.  This evening I've lost my temper more than once about some of the remarks you've said.  I'd never tell you you aren't welcome here - you are, as is everyone else, with extremely rare exceptions.  But there is such a thing as taking a joke or a little kidding too far - please keep your eyes open for that line and try not to cross it.  The alternative would be for me to ignore whatever you have to say, and that would be a bad thing.

    I'm not a very religious man, the closest thing to a religion I'd consider my own being Zen Buddhism.  The kind of inner conflict this creates isn't good.  The clearer my mind and my conscience, the calmer and more peaceful my life becomes.

    Answer in "Best Custom Courts of 2014" thread.

    Playing Card Plethora / Re: Best Custom Courts of 2014
    « on: January 26, 2015, 04:44:53 PM »
    This should be a joke.

    Believe me, I was shocked as well.  Next year, I'll probably fold this into the category for best faces.

    Was all this voting really active and massive? I think it will be better to keep the list of all produced decks on the forum and automatically nominate them. Also pictures for each deck will help people to revive their memory and feelings. The voting should be closed in the end of January. Awards should be proclaimed on February 01, 20__.

    P.S. Don't ask me who will do all that crazy work. :)

    I dunno - sounded like you were volunteering!

    Sure, we should do a lot of things.  I should be a rock star, magician and multimillionaire.  You should be married to Angelina Jolie.  My wife should let me make dinner and do the dishes once in a while, and stop worrying about things so much.

    It's been my experience that just because something should happen, doesn't mean that it ever will.  Especially since the person who's whining the most and wants these changes isn't willing to put his money where is mouth is and make the changes himself!

    I hear rumors that the good Lord helps people who help themselves - so either put up or shut up!  I would request hazard pay for this nonsense, but to do that I'd have to actually GET PAID IN THE FIRST PLACE!  I do all this stuff for free, spending a good deal of time helping to create a community, so until you're ready to do the same, don't piss on me from a balcony and tell me it's raining!!  'Cause when I get pissed on, I find it much easier to get pissed off!!

    And NO, nominating ALL the decks that come out is a STUPID idea!!  There were a few really crackpot deck concepts that made it to fruition - you honestly want to NOMINATE them for an AWARD?  The system we used is simple - if at least two people are interested enough in having a deck nominated, it gets nominated.  No decks that everyone hates, no decks that only one person likes and no one else.  This also keeps the list down from several hundred to perhaps a half-dozen or so - something much easier for one to sort through.

    You want to know what the decks look like?  You're welcome to research them and post photos - like some of the OTHER MEMBERS were doing, rather than bemoaning the lack of deck images!!

    Collector, everything aside, if you want to shape this community and their awards into something at least a little like your personal vision of what it should be, then GET INVOLVED.  Participate more often, volunteer to do stuff around here.  DO SOMETHING!  If you want to get all whiny and pissy on the sidelines rather than getting out on the field and in the game, KEEP IT TO YOURSELF.

    @Don, I think you had a hard night. And I am going to take all these (here and in other threads, in the personal message) as regular (unfortunately) misunderstanding on modern forums. I will answer all your resentments here.

    1. "I dunno - sounded like you were volunteering!"
    No. Sounded like I understand what a huge amount of work my propositions and ideas will mean for people that will try to implement them. That is why my question about activity around these awards. I can describe how to launch a space station her. Who will give money? Who will do that? This is my own irony about my own ideas, forestalling your possible reasonable "You are so clever to propose, better do that". I thought you have clear understanding that I am a mature person, respect people on this forum and have quite enough experience due to my site to understand what efforts are behind all these awards issues. I though I could omit some long explanatory clauses here like, "I just want to say that I mean this, but don't mean this...". Unfortunately you didn't understand that.

    2.  "Sure, we should do a lot of things.  I should be a rock star, magician and multimillionaire.  You should be married to Angelina Jolie.  My wife should let me make dinner and do the dishes once in a while, and stop worrying about things so much."
    English isn't my native language, so I assume my possible mistakes. But explain me the difference between "Don should proclaim awards on February 01, 20__." and "Awards should be proclaimed on February 01, 20__". It was short description of my ideas and vision without any negative attack on people organazing awards on this forum. I intentionally indicated this in one of threads saying that I understand amoun of their efforts and respect that. But I thought the forum is for opinions and not just for praising. Sorry that I have my own opinion and shared it. And sorry that I am not a big fan of Angelina Jolie.

    3. "It's been my experience that just because something should happen, doesn't mean that it ever will.  Especially since the person who's whining the most and wants these changes isn't willing to put his money where is mouth is and make the changes himself!"
    I put my money into my site which advertises this forum and 52 Plus Joker Club for free. Also I haven't pay money to be able to state my opinion here. Or have?

    4. "I hear rumors that the good Lord helps people who help themselves - so either put up or shut up!  I would request hazard pay for this nonsense, but to do that I'd have to actually GET PAID IN THE FIRST PLACE!  I do all this stuff for free, spending a good deal of time helping to create a community, so until you're ready to do the same, don't piss on me from a balcony and tell me it's raining!!  'Cause when I get pissed on, I find it much easier to get pissed off!!"
    So, no one have any right to say something you don't like or, better for this case, don't understand? No one pisses on you. You just try to find black cat in the dark room.

    5. "And NO, nominating ALL the decks that come out is a STUPID idea!!  There were a few really crackpot deck concepts that made it to fruition - you honestly want to NOMINATE them for an AWARD?"
    I don't think that all things which were made with 2014 Award on this forum are stupid. Can you imagine that? But you are more categorical in your  valuation of people's opinions, I have to think. And yes, if some strange deck was funded on Kickstarter it deserves forum's attention despite someone's lack of its understanding. Should I remind you your first comments about Misc Goods Playing Cards by Pedale Desing... and later ones after it was funded? That's an objective approach.

    Otherwise you have a fight between active fan-bases of different designers which are active on this forum. And yes, you are right "...No decks that everyone hates, no decks that only one person likes and no one else..." in this case.

    6. "You want to know what the decks look like?  You're welcome to research them and post photos - like some of the OTHER MEMBERS were doing, rather than bemoaning the lack of deck images!!"
    I do that on my site. Don't have enough time to do that here. But that will involve more active participants in the awarding procedure. This is my opinion and I shared it.

    7. "Collector, everything aside, if you want to shape this community and their awards into something at least a little like your personal vision of what it should be, then GET INVOLVED.  Participate more often, volunteer to do stuff around here.  DO SOMETHING!  If you want to get all whiny and pissy on the sidelines rather than getting out on the field and in the game, KEEP IT TO YOURSELF."
    I do, my friend. Show me other blog, site, having active advertisement on this forum, which advertises your club and forum, for example. I just think that you will kill this forum very quickly with such approaches, "Do something on this forum, otherwise shut up and keep your opinions to yourself".

    Unfortunately you don't understand that some people don't live on this forum, aren't English native speakers, so can't post long messages in foreign language. I can assure you that you won't be able to put together even two sentences in my language.

    7. "Subjective?  You do realize that it was the members, not the staff, that made the choices?  If you have a complaint about it, complain to them!"
    Do You realize that I didn't say that the staff made the choices? Do You understand that I didn't have a complaint about anything? I just shared my subjective opinion.

    8. "The entire process, start to finish, took about FIVE WEEKS... Because as far as excuses go, yours was not a very good one at all.  In this day and age, in a modern society with all-pervasive networks, both wired and wireless, and countless gadgets that connect to them, "I couldn't visit the forum" really translates to "I didn't bother to visit the forum, and thus got excluded from part or all of the process."
    From one side it was funny, from other... What can I say? Read above mentioned and for the future - my teacher couldn't confiscate my phone because I were sexting to a lovely young woman during class. There weren't mobile phones that time... Luckily lovely young women were.

    9. "When the hints and remarks become persistent and continue coming, it gets annoying.  This evening I've lost my temper more than once about some of the remarks you've said.  I'd never tell you you aren't welcome here - you are, as is everyone else, with extremely rare exceptions.  But there is such a thing as taking a joke or a little kidding too far - please keep your eyes open for that line and try not to cross it.  The alternative would be for me to ignore whatever you have to say, and that would be a bad thing."
    I promise to avoid any comments connected with forum's life and your activity on it. Maybe it will be better even avoid any comments on this forum. I don't want waste my time on these stupid explanations. I planned an article for my site insted of this narration. You find or invent resentments for yourself on this forum and than try to offence other people. I will never understand this.

    10. "I'm not a very religious man, the closest thing to a religion I'd consider my own being Zen Buddhism.  The kind of inner conflict this creates isn't good.  The clearer my mind and my conscience, the calmer and more peaceful my life becomes."
    Sorry, but you are a very bad Zen Buddhist taking into account all these.

    p.s. This is called " Made several facetious remarks and expressed my joy that they were accepted in a right way, Aha, dream, Collector, about this."

    Interesting, interesting.

    Design & Development / Re: SHERBERT DECK - New deck design
    « on: January 25, 2015, 08:03:46 PM »

    - the back of tuck case is about nothing. Bad choice. Try your back design for the back of tuck case and invent something new for its front part - try a bigger mask from your back design + add some new additional small design elements surrounding it;
    - What is the name of this deck? Sherbet Deck? Sherbet Playing Cards? Digital Petroglyphs Playing Cards? Sherbet Digital Petroglyphs Playing Cards? Digital Petroglyphs by Pixel Iniative Playing Cards? Sherbet Digital Petroglyphs by Pixel Iniative Playing Cards? Any tuck case have enough sides for different inscriptions :) Tuck cases are your weak spot.
    - I don't see any consistency between the Ace of Spades, small pips and court cards (Jokers).

    Courts are crazy, but nice. I hope all faces will be different (I am not about colours). Good luck. Can be a nice deck.

    Is this thread for the "Design and Development" section?

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