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Messages - JacksonRobinson

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The back designs here are ubiquitous, they are all versions of the same deck, the KW Tally-Ho, with the significant difference between them being color, to me that is a re-color, even if the design isn't a carbon copy of the deck before it.
It's subjective, and for me, doesn't make them any less desirable.

I'm refreshing my pledge manager page every chance I get hoping I can get the F1.
This will be the first KW Tally-Ho project I am not a part of and it is killing me, I really don't want to end up with a partial collection.

Fingers are crossed

Thank you for the kind words.

However, there is nothing I hate more as a card designer than a recolor. I guess we just have different definitions of recolor and that's ok.

Wow i wasn't expecting this to create all this backlash.

Please don't take my comments too deeply as harsh as they might sound. I respect Jackson a lot, though i have never been a fan of his projects, i do respect the fact that he has been pushing the boundaries of how decks should look and feel. Quality on his projects shouldn't be questioned (from a designer point of view, I am an architect and do understand the complexity, time and effort he put into his work)

My real issue has been addressed by Don, on how KS was originally intended and how its used nowadays.

I do understand the Metalux technology is not cheap and that Bicycle is charging more for his foil deck with his classic design than Jackson, He is indeed offering way more than that with this project.

The risks of KS can be discussed even more, (as im also an avid video gamer and have been exposed to KS "riskless" projects more than once) but i will leave that for another topic but i would like to mention that there are plenty of articles telling stories of how people just disappear with the money or how they promise something and then never deliver.

The other issue is that this is kind of a recolor  ???
If the metalux tech is the only real difference aside from small tweaks in the design, then its not enough for me to pop $27 on 1 deck (my opinion guys), its still a beautiful deck, I like the design and the new color scheme, but after the scarlet tally ho, and the emerald tally ho and the normal tally ho, i guess i will pass on this one.

None of the Tally Ho series has been a recolor, the back designs and tuck are from scratch and completely different than the previous ones and courts also change color scheme and design motif depending on which deck it is.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Black Diamond Tally-Ho [KS]
« on: November 17, 2015, 12:29:06 AM »
In my opinion the card bubble has burst already even months ago. We are at a point now where most collectors have established what they do and don't like, and as designers go the only people who will survive are going to be the ones that distance themselves from the "norm". With that said it doesn't just mean more bells and whistles thus more expinsive decks. It just means the competition will only get tougher and the minimum level of accepted quality will just continue to rise. It will also become increasingly harder for the new guy to get in.

I also find it very interesting when people say "he's using someone elses money" that It somehow erases all risk. Just like some already have mentioned in earlier comments, this could not be more from the truth. The truth is, the moment the KS as funded and a creator gets "other peoples money" it becomes THEIR money. The creator then has to handle and use that money just as if it was his. Sure it may have not come out of his pocket but if something goes wrong or he miss manages "other people's money" the creator will learn very quickly that it was indeed their money and that there was just as much risk. I would argue that there is even more risk in a way. If someone like T11 or D&D pay for and produce a deck with their own money and it flops or something goes wrong, all they are out is their investment. With a Kickstarter if something goes wrong or someone doesn't deliver you are out more than just your money. You're reputation is now thrashed but more importantly you are now legally libel to every single backer which now multiplies your problems because now you not only have to recoup the money lost you also have to still pay for the production of the product. If you don't a backer has full right to take legal action. If a T11 deck flops or crashes and burns the costumer isn't going to be able to sue them or take them to court, they will just get a refund.

The money Kickstarter deposits into a creator's bank is not monopoly money, it just as real as your paycheck.

nope don't pm me here, I never check my pms.

Hi Don,
This is the deck that I received.

Here is my take on both this deck and also the deck that is for sale on ebay for $850.

When I made the "Private Reserve" decks I did so with the specific intention to give them only to a select few of people that were considered friends or my family. I don't feel good about charging my mother for any of the work I do.

I put the "Private Reserve" seal on a total of about 15 decks.

When I gave these decks to a select few of people I did so under as a gesture of friendship and also did so with free of charge. I know every single person who I gave these decks to and also which decks I gave to which people. I also made it clear to these people that these were gifts and not to be resold or let go of. If they wanted to let go of them I asked them just to send them back to me.

The deck that is on ebay or any other "Private Reserve" deck that is on the market in my view is worthless and a fraud. I only feel bad for anyone who had to pay a big price tag to get these as who ever the seller was (and I know who the original seller(s) are) sold them out dishonesty to me and obviously against our friendship.

Yin, unfortunately your deck has been altered even passed the point at which I passed out the private reserve decks. That is not my handwriting and I would have for sure composed the placement of my numbering a little better than to just stick the number off centered in the middle of a huge empty space. (That is just my design snob talking)

As for the deck that is on ebay for $850 was $1000 I think you should go back to the person who sold it to you and ask for your money back as the deck you have is a fraud in the eyes of the creator, and unfortunately I hope no one purchases that deck.

I have learned alot of hard lessons while being a card designer, I have also learned who to trust and also who is a scoundrel as well, as this world called the playing card world is very very small.

Hi Jackson,

Thanks for clearing it up somehow, but I received the two decks from you directly (one numbered 12 and the other 24), with the rest of my kickstarter rewards. I have no idea what to think now. Are these fakes? :(

interesting indeed. If you say that you received them from me directly from I would more than happy to send you a pair that I numbered by myself. You're welcome to send me an email (again ;)) and we can work out shipping.

If you pledge for 1 unbranded reserve during the Kickstarter there were a few that were damaged that had seals on them, that I had number to replace the damaged ones. This could be where you got them. If that is the case again send them back and I can send you ones that are numbered by me.

Hi Don,
This is the deck that I received.

Here is my take on both this deck and also the deck that is for sale on ebay for $850.

When I made the "Private Reserve" decks I did so with the specific intention to give them only to a select few of people that were considered friends or my family. I don't feel good about charging my mother for any of the work I do.

I put the "Private Reserve" seal on a total of about 15 decks.

When I gave these decks to a select few of people I did so under as a gesture of friendship and also did so with free of charge. I know every single person who I gave these decks to and also which decks I gave to which people. I also made it clear to these people that these were gifts and not to be resold or let go of. If they wanted to let go of them I asked them just to send them back to me.

The deck that is on ebay or any other "Private Reserve" deck that is on the market in my view is worthless and a fraud. I only feel bad for anyone who had to pay a big price tag to get these as who ever the seller was (and I know who the original seller(s) are) sold them out dishonesty to me and obviously against our friendship.

Yin, unfortunately your deck has been altered even passed the point at which I passed out the private reserve decks. That is not my handwriting and I would have for sure composed the placement of my numbering a little better than to just stick the number off centered in the middle of a huge empty space. (That is just my design snob talking)

As for the deck that is on ebay for $850 was $1000 I think you should go back to the person who sold it to you and ask for your money back as the deck you have is a fraud in the eyes of the creator, and unfortunately I hope no one purchases that deck.

I have learned alot of hard lessons while being a card designer, I have also learned who to trust and also who is a scoundrel as well, as this world called the playing card world is very very small.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Tally Ho - Unreached Quality!?
« on: October 28, 2015, 04:32:49 PM »
If it's a recently made USPCC deck no matter what brand the quality is going to be the same as they are the exact same paper stock and printed with the same process.

Even Bee is the same stock that is crushed to a different level.

Those are gorgeous, any online retailers selling them?

Sorry no, we printed just enough decks to fulfill the orders from the project and no decks were wholesaled to anyone.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Texas by KWP (Coming 08/08/2015 KS)
« on: July 30, 2015, 02:54:30 PM »
Jackson said there would be a limited edition of this as well.  But other than a traditionally Intaglio Engraved tax stamp, I'm not sure what all will be limited about the limited edition deck.  I'm in for both standard and limited editions, of course!

The LTD edition will also have 23 Karat Gold Hand applied gilding.

Just to clarify - we're talking about 23-karat gold leaf, not gold paint, right?  I recall you mentioned you planned to use the higher quality leaf process for this deck.  Who's doing the work for you?

Yes I'm talking about actual gold leaf not gold paint or the stuff USPCC uses. I have been building an incredibly relationship with a high end book binder and print house in New York state that is doing both the gold leafing and intaglio printing for the tax stamp. This book/print house is one of the best in the world and they do the majority of the print / binding for the White house historical society in DC. The work and they have done for me has bee unrivaled in quality.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Texas by KWP (Coming 08/08/2015 KS)
« on: July 30, 2015, 12:32:04 PM »
Jackson said there would be a limited edition of this as well.  But other than a traditionally Intaglio Engraved tax stamp, I'm not sure what all will be limited about the limited edition deck.  I'm in for both standard and limited editions, of course!

The LTD edition will also have 23 Karat Gold Hand applied gilding.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Top Modern Decks to Collect
« on: June 19, 2015, 10:42:57 PM »
If anyone ever ask what the top 10 or so modern decks to collect I will ALWAYS add

Korchma Taras Bulba - 2005

Pekelna Horugva - “Hell Gonfalon” - 2012

Both decks designed by Vladislav Erko, and in my opinion are the most beautiful decks to date both modern and antique.

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Theft is always theft!
« on: June 15, 2015, 03:01:32 AM »
LOL, it will get cleared up a whole lot faster when he receives his letter.

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Theft is always theft!
« on: June 14, 2015, 06:22:31 PM »
Does anybody with any legal background (or legal knowledge on the matter) know whether Pandrea has any high ground on this issue?

If a person sends a response like the one he did, it usually means one of two things (1) they've spoken to their lawyer and got it confirmed that they're 100% safe, or (2) they're overconfident, and they think that even if their is some sort of violation, nobody will take the time and effort to escelate the matter.

It makes no difference what legal advice Pandrea has received, what he did is copywrite infringement plain and simple. Even if he kept Sparkz watermark on it. Do you think getty or corvus would mind someone running an add with a watermarked image?

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Crazy 8s (Kings Wild)
« on: June 14, 2015, 06:19:29 PM »
Last I heard, he left the fulfillment business and relocated back to Texas.  Or at least I think it was Texas - he's moved a lot since Fed52.

For me, the bigger questions are:
1) Is this deck Jackson's or one of his other artists'?
2) Is this deck on commission, similar to the decks he did for USPC, or is it an independent project?

The only deck the decks that have the Kings Wild brand on it that I didn't design myself are the Hives, Brendan Hong is the artist responsible for those. I simply facilitated the production.

The crazy 8s are one of my own designs and are not a commission piece or for USPCC corporate. They are a concept and style I have been throwing around for over a year now, and I'm just shaking the dust off.

USPCC does not paint on the gilding. It is the same process that UUSI uses just with a heat roller machine. Decks are sanded, sizing is applied to the cards the the foil / leaf is laid on the cards the they are pressed or heat pressed in the case of USPCC. The only real difference between UUSI's process and USPCC is the heat roller machine and the fact that UUSI uses 23 Karat gold and not just faux gold / silver foil.

I suspect little things likely make up quite a bit of difference; things like levels of quality of leafing and differences in the sizing used that Uusi probably doesn't make any allowences on where a large company like USPCC I imagine buys in bulk and buys more based on cost effectiveness and less for quality of materials to a point. And Uusi really sells the particular method they use for application which I think adds some character if only conceptually.

There is a noticable difference between the two mostly in handling, but both are absolutely gorgeous in their gilding.

You are absolutely right. I was only comparing the process and not so much the quality. I assure you that the quality of materials UUSI uses for gilding their decks is on a whole different level the what USPCC uses to gild my decks. That is easily seen in the quantity and also price difference. I'm currently working solidify my own process of producing hand gilded decks that use 24 Karat and Sterling silver leaf much like UUSI.

Is USPC doing his gilding?  Or is he having a third party do it?  Last I heard, USPC used paint for gilding, not leaf.

I like more Tally Ho out there - but I'm missing the more traditional faces as well as some of the classic back designs.  Most people don't even realize the numerous different TH backs that were made over the years - they see Circle Back and Fan Back and think that's the end of it.
Jackson, from the Scarlett thread on PCF:
"USPCC did all of the gilding for this deck, UUSI does every single one of there decks by hand and also with 24 Karat Gold. Not that USPCC did a poor job on the Scarletts, but the quality bar is always much higher with handwork and also top shelf materials... and also price. If I gilded my cards by hand and with 24 Karat Gold I would also charge UUSI prices for gilded decks...

FYI I will have hand gilded decks with 24 Gold leaf for Legal Tendar ;)"

USPC hand-gilds ALL of their decks - there is no machine for the process.  The difference I was pointing out was that USPC uses painted gold while Uusi uses gold leaf, and it wasn't clear to me which of the two processes were being used here.  I know now that since USPC did it, it was probably painted, and that for his next deck, he'll be using the gold leaf process.

USPCC does not paint on the gilding. It is the same process that UUSI uses just with a heat roller machine. Decks are sanded, sizing is applied to the cards the the foil / leaf is laid on the cards the they are pressed or heat pressed in the case of USPCC. The only real difference between UUSI's process and USPCC is the heat roller machine and the fact that UUSI uses 23 Karat gold and not just faux gold / silver foil.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Scarlett Tally-Ho No.13 by KWP (KS)
« on: April 24, 2015, 10:10:23 AM »
USPCC did all of the gilding for this deck, UUSI does every single one of there decks by hand and also with 24 Karat Gold. Not that USPCC did a poor job on the Scarletts, but the quality bar is always much higher with handwork and also top shelf materials... and also price. If I gilded my cards by hand and with 24 Karat Gold I would also charge UUSI prices for gilded decks...

FYI I will have hand gilded decks with 24 Gold leaf for Legal Tendar ;)

Not all rough and gritty styles are necessarily stained or weathered. This was a specific choice combining two of my favorite art styles. It is a mixture of both Japanese watercolor, hand lettered Japanese typography and one of my favorite oil painters Richard Schmid. I also was very inspired by the Japanese conceptual art of the Metal Gear Solid franchise. Oh and there will be old and historic elements as well.

Richard Schmid Gallery
I agree that MGS is fantastic, but isn't the artist Ashley Wood, who's Australian? :)
I love all of his work. Not to digress, but the absolute best Japanese artist is Yoshitaka Amano.


Bama, I think you might have made an error.  He's not claiming that Schmid is the artist of the Metal Gear Solid conceptual art.

For me, it's simply a matter of wait and see.  I like much of what I'm seeing thus far and find it to be a welcome departure from the style of your previous work, Jackson.
I often make mistakes.
But in this case my point is that MGS was not drawn by a Japanese artist, so its not really Japanese conceptual art.
I was being nitpicky, my bad.
MGS is great. Schmid is great.
I'm sure this deck will be great.
Can't wait to see the pip cards.


I'm actually speaking of Yoji Shinkawa. He is the Japanese artist who makes all the brush like paintings and also title sequences. 

Love the art.  Hate the "stained/weathered" look.  Just so tired of it by now.

I'm glad to see it's a modern version of the army he's portraying - we've all seen our share of historical military decks.

Not all rough and gritty styles are necessarily stained or weathered. This was a specific choice combining two of my favorite art styles. It is a mixture of both Japanese watercolor, hand lettered Japanese typography and one of my favorite oil painters Richard Schmid. I also was very inspired by the Japanese conceptual art of the Metal Gear Solid franchise. Oh and there will be old and historic elements as well.

Richard Schmid Gallery

+1 from Bhong received decks in great shape.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Scarlett Tally-Ho No.13 by KWP (KS)
« on: November 17, 2014, 10:49:08 AM »
I feel no need to continue but I understand your point completely. However I would like to make sure that you are aware of the facts. I did not introduce the $15 deck at all. None of my standard decks have  been anything over $12. The only deck that was set at $15 was the Army Premium and it was not the standard deck. You may give that award to someone else. My prices have been reasonable and steadfast from the beginning.

Standard Decks Including Shipping
Fed 52 $11
Gold Cert $11
White Reserve $12
Silver Cert $12
Baker Street $12
Holmes $12
Moriarty $12
Hounds $12
Crown Standard $12
Continental Standard $12
Standard Army $10

other decks that have been above this price point have been much higher in production cost and also NON standard.

I looked and you are indeed correct.  I must have mixed up the projects that were out around that time.  So who was it with the first $15 deck?  Do you guys know?  PM me if you find out.

I might be wrong but I think Pedal was the first $15 deck and that was months before I came onto the scene.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Scarlett Tally-Ho No.13 by KWP (KS)
« on: November 16, 2014, 10:22:17 PM »
I feel no need to continue but I understand your point completely. However I would like to make sure that you are aware of the facts. I did not introduce the $15 deck at all. None of my standard decks have  been anything over $12. The only deck that was set at $15 was the Army Premium and it was not the standard deck. You may give that award to someone else. My prices have been reasonable and steadfast from the beginning.

Standard Decks Including Shipping
Fed 52 $11
Gold Cert $11
White Reserve $12
Silver Cert $12
Baker Street $12
Holmes $12
Moriarty $12
Hounds $12
Crown Standard $12
Continental Standard $12
Standard Army $10

other decks that have been above this price point have been much higher in production cost and also NON standard.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Scarlett Tally-Ho No.13 by KWP (KS)
« on: November 16, 2014, 04:05:02 PM »
There was absolutely nothing limited edition in the silver arrow project. Nothing....... Nothing. What drowned out the conversation was people wanted kings wild to do what kings wild did. I'm not sure how it can be any more crystal clear than the first nine minutes of the Scarlett project even in the midst of a super saturated market AND at Christmas time when people won't even get their rewards until April.

This is really frustrating for me to read. Your Arrow project was killed by the Pearl edition, because it was limited. Not due to having a production cap or a number/a slighter larger number printed on a shiny sticker on the cello, but it was limited because not everyone could get it, it came with a prerequisite, and while you may have intended it as a thank you for the brick backers, it was an F*** you to the other backers. The Pearl Edition completely compromised what that project was supposed to be about, and the community believes that project would have been a success without it and haven't given up on that belief.

The problem here for me, and what is so frustrating, is that I believe you are the only person in the position to actually change the market intentionally, the only designer that could have made the Arrow ideal work, and you see it's failure as people not wanting that and I think that is flawed. Scarlett isn't proof of the opposite, Scarlett is proof that people aren't willing to miss out on one of your decks regardless of the price or availability. I myself am willing to put my living situation at risk so that I don't miss out on the Legacy box, where the only tier I could get is the J1 and I'm not willing to try and trade it and lose my opportunity to get the deck I want. That is my choice, and not the point of this post.

But you are making all of the cues and the crowd-fund design community is following your lead. the Arrow project was a good first step to correcting the problem in the community, but you scrapped that ideal after one failed attempt and rebounded harder than a high school girl that got dumped on prom and created the Scarlett project. People will see this, everyone will see this, and follow suit and the market is going to get more and more expensive and exclusive as Don is prophesying. You are the only person that has a power and the following to single-handedly direct the market and I hate believing that you took the absolute worst perspective away from the Arrow project.

While I don't get to say, even remotely, how you should run your business and how you should do what makes you happy and that people absolutely love, I just want to try and provide some lateral perspective on the situation, because you hold all of the cards (see what I did there? Eh..? Eeehhhh...??), and while you don't have any obligation whatsoever, people look to you for next steps.

And no matter what, I will continue to do what I have to do to make sure I get exactly what I want from every one of your projects. But I hope that that won't always see me pledging $370 I will never be able to afford so I don't miss out on your decks. Not because I want expensive, super limited edition decks (even if I love having something other people don't get to have.), but because I don't want to miss out on the best Jackson Robinson decks regardless of the cost.

Edited to remove a tacky smiley that somehow got in there...

While I absolutely cherish your support I think that this conversation is a never-ending black hole of nothingness. On one hand you have people that view what I'm doing and the way it plays on the market as a bad thing and call it a "problem" with the market and then you have people including myself that don't see it as a problem mearly a call to all designers to step up their game and fight even harder for people's business and patronage. If I pushed for cheaper decks you as a Kings Wild fan would get less than my best because cheaper decks can't afford the things I want to do with the entire vision of a deck. People are quick to rush into the "We don't Bells and whistles" on our decks, when bells and whistles are exactly what brought me into this industry.

Wine and Spirit labeling is what indirectly brought me to playing cards. And in that world you have a wide range of labeling for a wide range of price tags on beverages. Just because you can go to the grocery story and buy a can of Colt 45 for $3 doesn't mean that a $4000 bottle of 100 year old scotch is a "problem" in the industry. It only means that the industry is deepening and widening.

This is really the one thousandth time I've conversed about this topic and it always comes down to one thing. It is up to each and every person to choose or not to choose to swipe their credit card. If my decks are to expensive or you feel they are not worth the price tag don't buy them. If no one buys them I will be forced to change my direction.

I feel my decks are the highest quality of design and thought I wouldn't remain in the playing card business if I had was forced to make diet Kings Wild decks. That doesn't interest me at all. What interests me is doing things no one else is doing, and that calls for a price tag both on my part and the consumers. For every 1 person who thinks what i'm doing is leading the industry down a problematic path there are 3 people who don't even care because they are not even in the industry but back everyone of my projects.

On a different note, I can't see in any world or universe how me creating a deck that was offered as an intensive was a big F U to my supporters. THE ONLY way the Arrows were going to be successful was if I sold a TON of decks and that was my incentive to sell a TON of decks. The average pledge for the arrows was $20 and around 2 decks a person. At that rate I would have need multiple thousands of backers to make it work. Even if I offered both decks to every one my backers would have still only bought two decks because those are the types of backers that make up the majority of my customer base. I don't heard thousands of magicians like Blain who buy brick upon brick. There were only round 90 people who bought a brick during the Arrow project when they were cheaper than two Gold Editions in the Scarlett project. The reasoning why the Arrows fails was simple my customers, for the most part do not buy bricks, they buy one or two decks.

What is the most disheartening aspect of this industry is for some reason everyone and their dog has taken it upon themselves to mount a all out attack on me and my moral motives as a designer and a business man. That is why I have left the pipe dream of making everyone happy behind me and am now laser focusing on enriching the experiences of those who back me and support me.

Justin like a mentioned first off, I cherish your support and promise you that no matter how long you chose to support me and buy my decks you will be assured that they will be unlike any other.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Scarlett Tally-Ho No.13 by KWP (KS)
« on: November 16, 2014, 08:43:59 AM »
Hi Jackson,
Congratulations on your deck! :)  Also I have 4 questions.
1. I noticed you "will be teaming up with JP Playing Cards to fulfill all of my UK and EU rewards." Is there some reason that your KW fulfillment is unable to do this?
2. What are your plans for the remainder of the printed decks?
3. What does your daughter Scarlett think of the deck?
4. What are your plans for the Arrow deck? If any?

1. I'm teaming up with JP because it makes it cheaper for the backer. KW Fulfillment has 100% capability to do it. I just wanted to try and evolve with the system to bring a little more savings (and hopefully more backers) to international backers.

2. The are no remaining printed decks the few slots left are all the decks that are left.

3. Scarlett is two and she thinks all of my decks are just another opportunity for her to practice her ripping skills. :)

4. The Arrow deck will return next year for sure. It will have a standard edition and a LTD edition.

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