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Messages - Mydnyghte

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A Cellar of Fine Vintages / Re: Books on collecting Playing Cards
« on: October 12, 2013, 07:43:55 PM »
Pretty interested in this myself, I do enjoy reading and would love to know a little history. The Google machine is fine, but there will always be a place for books. Damn the e-readers!

+1 danbaer

Posting this before the decks arrive, but know all will be well. This guy is, how the kids say, the bees knees.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Dale Mathis “3D and Mechanical” Deck (KS)
« on: October 12, 2013, 01:12:53 PM »
So I just pre-spent a lot of money. Very intrigued with what you've got planned for the rest of the campaign!

The Conversation Parlor / Re: How often do you drink tea?
« on: October 09, 2013, 11:15:18 PM »
Don, it's funny you mention it catching on in other places. I've traveled up north numerous times and out of habit I always ask for sweet tea at restaurants. To which the response is always "Sugar is on the table" However, I did find if you go far enough north, to Canada, sweet tea reemerges. BUT, it is unlike anything I've ever experienced. If I told you I knew what it was sweetened with, it would imply the glass remained on the table long enough for me to ask.

Sparkz, your story made me think of my aunt, who's specialty is making sun tea. And that, you can't beat with a stick. True story.

Speaking of switches, better the ass than the legs.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Jackson to do Sherlock Holmes
« on: October 08, 2013, 04:20:33 PM »
Sneak peak courtesy of Scott from

Looks like i have to get back in the prostitution business again.. sigh Jackson why must you do this! =p

Need a pimp? I don't hit too hard.

Saw the Tuckcase article earlier, and realized I'm going to have to save some money. Those designs are GORGEOUS and stand apart in a league of their own. No WAY I'm missing another one of your projects sir, especially this one. A whole villain deck would be badass, possibility of metallic inks? Stretch goals in this case is an inappropriate term, as I think regardless of what is set, it will be achieved. More like grasp goals, I tell you!

Don, were you born in a card factory? I'd even believe you were conceived in the vicinity of one. Causedamn, your card knowledge is just intense.

I never would have thought the Asian market was so rife with cards and exclusives, I figured they were too wrapped up creating masturbatory killer movies and urination competitions. Regardless, their artwork is renowned as are a good portion of their action figure creations, so I will have to look into some of those decks. Because the list of things I want certainly isn't long enough.

Here are a few things I would love to give up for some of your gorgeous decks:

Shadow Masters
Masters, red, blue, black
White Ghost

And if you're interested:

Blue Crown luxury, handmade red and blue
S&M V7 box set
S&M V7 Carbon copy box set

My email is


Very awesome fellow, way to help kickstart a collection! Awesome transaction, awesome communication, awesome.


Another great dude. Great cards, fast delivery, and fantastic communication!

I think the only exclusive that comes to mind would be buy X dollars/decks and get this special decks that Theory11, Ellusionist, Dan & Dave and The Blue Crown sites run. I believe Ellusionist has a few this year for 1st edition Black Ghost, Red Rounders and Scarlet Madison dealers. And of course some decks are "limited" though it's hard to say how rare it is unless it is specifically stated.

I think the thing for action figures is that is a way huger market than playing cards. Take the Star Wars action figures for example (and that's a huge line of Hasbro who . Look at exclusive for stores (ie. Wal-Mart, Targets, comic shops, etc) and then you've got convention exclusives and then sometimes they've got promotion mail-in exclusive.

But I can see with the ease of eBay, there can be less of a chase to get something. For me, the thrill of the chase is get a cool deck I like without having to fork over an arm and a leg for it.

I agree, I think the market is larger. Although I was quite surprised to see all the variants, whether intended by the manufacturer or not, that there are for playing cards. 

Sprouts you working on a Kickstarter? Because I know someone that would back it. This guy.

The Conversation Parlor / Re: How often do you drink tea?
« on: October 06, 2013, 02:14:53 PM »
I live in the South, so when you say "tea", I think a tall glass full of ice with more sugar than tea in it. THAT is my vice, I drink that with just about every meal. I highly doubt I could survive if I needed to give it up for any reason, or at the very least, my beard might wither away. And that kids, is not how this mountain man rolls.

I've noticed from place to place that not everyone carries the same style. Given, magic shops have the most variety that I've seen, but as far as anything exclusive or limited I wasn't sure how commonplace that was. With action figures, there was always the thrill of the hunt for that one chase figure, but it doesn't look like the case here, especially since everything I've seen is available on the google machine.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: THE PERSIAN EMPIRE playing card deck (KS)
« on: October 06, 2013, 01:29:35 PM »
I won't be too heart broken if this plays out according to the way he's conducted himself, I didn't pledge a lot. And I had read through his past projects comments section, wow, that was a fun read! And it sounds like I've only tread upon the tip of the iceberg between this thread and the comments.

Sprouts, yeah it was like a couple days after I pledged when I found this thread. Talk about a palm to the forehead. Regardless of the odds, maybe he will deliver though. i probably won't hold my breath though....

I come from years and years of collecting action figures; the variants, repaints, exclusives...etc. In my short time here, I've found cards are along the same line. However, after leaving Walgreens the other day with my hands full of cards and the drugs I originally went in to purchase, I started wondering about something. Is there any difference between cards bought at one retail store than another?
 With action figures, there was usually mass market versions (Wal-mart, Target, toy stores....) and specialty store versions (Spencer's, Hot Topic, Suncoast....). So I was curious if this was the case with any cards, whether they came from a website or a brick and mortar store. I keep scrubbing, but this green stuff is slow to go....

Playing Card Plethora / Re: THE PERSIAN EMPIRE playing card deck (KS)
« on: October 06, 2013, 10:34:56 AM »
That's kind of a red flag. If this indeed is going where it looks, then that last donation makes sender. Not a bad investment, pledge $600 of your own to make $11k. Maybe against all odds we will see a deck instead of tire tracks.

I don't think there's a strong indication of a scam as of now. If you browse through the previous pages you'll know that i absolutely despise Cy.. But from what i can see with the updates, it looks normal, as of now. Be patient and wait it out. There's a certain period of time (a few months i think) in which you'll be able to raise a dispute via Amazon/Your credit card company to get a full refund. Don't be so quick to come to a conclusion as this may cause a flurry of panic among the other backers and shit'll take off before you know it.

I really hope everything turns out well for you and the other backers' sake! (:

That's why I've kept my thoughts here. I tend to have faith in people to a fault, so until I see a postcard in the mail with his mug on it smiling on a Hawaiian beach will I finally be like "Bad man, man bad!".

Playing Card Plethora / Re: THE PERSIAN EMPIRE playing card deck (KS)
« on: October 06, 2013, 09:29:08 AM »
That's kind of a red flag. If this indeed is going where it looks, then that last donation makes sender. Not a bad investment, pledge $600 of your own to make $11k. Maybe against all odds we will see a deck instead of tire tracks.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Learning about the birds and the "BEE's"
« on: October 05, 2013, 04:27:58 PM »
I'm like you Sparkz, trying to make sense of all this wonderful madness. Like a baby in a titty bar, I just don't know which way to go.

From the Kickstarters I've back, I gathered Bicycle branding is just that; branding. Other than collector appeal, is there really any reason to pay the extra money for the name?

The whole coating thing threw me off too. It seems everyone has their own term for the same thing.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: THE PERSIAN EMPIRE playing card deck (KS)
« on: October 04, 2013, 09:10:46 PM »
Well crap

I suppose every noob makes mistakes, and let it be known throughout, this might have been my first one. I back this campaign, and was watching it right down to it's close. And indeed, there were no new backers in the last hour, but in the last 30 seconds, someone pledged just over $600. An existing "backer". Needless to say, I thought it was a tad fishy. Had I seen this thread, or even bothered to check his history, I would have steered clear.

He's had one small update since it's close, where other projects I've seen have rolled out regular updates even after the funding has closed. Guess we will see how this shakes down. Regardless, lesson learned.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Jackson to do Holmes
« on: October 04, 2013, 09:26:45 AM »
See, that is just classy right there. And it is a far cry more unique than most, okay nearly all, the stuff on KS right now. Will definitely be onboard for this one. I've been throttling myself for not finding KS sooner and missing out on your Federal 52 series. Needless to say, you've garnered quite a following and I foresee this deck getting funded in less than a week. Again, very classy.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: New deck from Card Experiment: Utopia deck
« on: October 04, 2013, 01:23:19 AM »
Card Experiment has put so much effort into designing a custom back, pips, joker and 4 custom large Aces. I wish they'd do something more than slightly modified court cards.

I like everything they've done with the deck,, tuckcase, the whole kabob. But the thing that really tickles my beard is what they've done with the court cards. Just simply removing the mouth really gets me, especially when taken in context to the backstory.  Given, I'm brand spankin (gently now, nothing weird) new to this hobby and haven't seen a whole lot, when I do see something that hasn't been done, especially in regards to details, I get intrigued.

Actually, there's been a few decks in the past that have used mouthless courts like this.  One was Card Experiment's own Babel deck, the others were the Mystery deck from BeDeceived and the Bicycle Clot Ltd. Edition deck (a promo deck for a Hong Kong-based clothing company).

Hmm. Can't blame the alcohol on that.
I suppose I shouldn't post when running on two hours sleep. It is the Babel deck I was thinking of. I've had that page open waiting for their pre-order to begin before I order a couple decks.

Just Fred, no you're safe. So long as my wee ones keep keep my wife and I in a drunkish, sleep deprived state, this is likely to happen again. Crap, have to grab the bat. That damn penguin is at the door again selling chocolate bars.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: New deck from Card Experiment: Utopia deck
« on: October 03, 2013, 09:39:21 PM »
Card Experiment has put so much effort into designing a custom back, pips, joker and 4 custom large Aces. I wish they'd do something more than slightly modified court cards.

I like everything they've done with the deck,, tuckcase, the whole kabob. But the thing that really tickles my beard is what they've done with the court cards. Just simply removing the mouth really gets me, especially when taken in context to the backstory.  Given, I'm brand spankin (gently now, nothing weird) new to this hobby and haven't seen a whole lot, when I do see something that hasn't been done, especially in regards to details, I get intrigued.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Dale Mathis “3D and Mechanical” Deck (KS)
« on: October 02, 2013, 10:47:22 PM »
When I saw your work, it made me cuss. And I mean like "f%&#! That's cool" How soon before the rest of the deck gets it's debut? I'm very intrigued with what you have so far, and most definitely with what's coming.

there's more to them than meets the eye.

Dammit! Now I want to see Playing Card Transformers!

That's actually what was on my mind when I typed that... I'm confident that phrase has only ever been used in a Transformers context. Ever.

« on: October 02, 2013, 03:59:00 PM »

Okay, I know I'm new here and everything, but damn hell that was funny. That should  the new welcome poster. Membership would skyrocket. Or plummet.

I noticed with the Arcanes that the ones labeled Air Cushion had the seal, while the ones with Performance Coating had no seal. Was that just part of the transition to the playing card division?

Also didn't realize there we two different decks to the one style Monarch box. I've been eyeballing those for awhile now but evidently there's more to them than meets the eye.

The completionist will remain in the backseat, but will be allowed to drive every once in awhile....

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Dale Mathis “3D and Mechanical” Deck (KS)
« on: October 02, 2013, 12:17:09 PM »
That's a pretty eclectic piece of equipment. I'm impressed nonetheless, and might back it, but I don't really know if it's so much playing cards with a nifty case and picture frame as it is a neat picture frame and tuckcase with cool playing cards.

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