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Topics - Don Boyer

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This topic came up through a discussion over Golden Nugget playing cards.  I'll copy some quotes from there to kickstart the topic here.

i know that they are 2 video of a golden nugget .. here are the link

 Oh, I know the guy who made these vids. (Not personally but he's famous among Thai cardists.)

 I strongly feel you need a RED Golden Nugget... :t11: :t11: :t11:
 If you were in Japan last year during 311 earthquake, why didn't you come to Taiwan and give us a hug like this

 I flue from Tokyo to Bangkok on 3/10. One day before the earthquake.
 I guess I'm try lucky, because I almost postpone the flight and stay in Tokyo longer.

 Yes, you're very lucky. The power of natural disaster is terrible. Do earthquakes occur in Thailand?
 The 3-11 earthquake accidentally improves the friendship between Taiwan and Japan much. There are hundreds of videos on YouTube if searching "Thank you Taiwan", "謝謝 台灣", or "台湾 ありがとう". So many Japanese say they love Taiwan and lots of youths travel to Taiwan since last year. Actually we don't know how this could have happened. I meant, we just returned the favor for their help in 1999 earthquake here and never expected they would have such responses.  :-\ 


 I don't want to create a new thread (don't think this message is important to everyone), so I post here.
 Today is the anniversary of 3-11 earthquake. Just saw this video from my friends:
 Sometimes my eyes become moist when watching these videos. People in the video said if they don't do anything then nothing will be changed, so they rebuild Japan very hard, meanwhile, they hope Taiwan may guard/stand with them as always.

I think that the Japanese people are very grateful to Taiwan coming to them and supporting them in a time of need.  Japan has prickly relationships with a number of its neighbors, so knowing there was someone nearby, in their own part of the world, willing to help at a moment's notice was a happy and welcome surprise, I'm sure.  US support is nice, but there's been much public sentiment against the US military because of some unfortunate and criminal incidents involving individual American servicemen.

I believe that in the long run, this may give the Japanese the rallying point they need to pull them out of their economic doldrums.  It will be hard for a number of years, but giving them something to focus on may work for them in a similar manner to how entering World War II pulled the US economy out of the Great Depression and into a period of strong economic growth.  It was something for people and companies to pull together for, a common goal of interest to everyone, and it generated a lot of much-needed spending to get the wheels of commerce unfrozen and into high gear.

My heart does go out to the many dead, injured and homeless this disaster created.

I'm posting this in compliance with Discourse rules.
We just completed negotiations and are trading as follows:

I'm sending:
3 Bicycle Clot
3 red/blue pairs of Bicycle Big Gun
total 9 decks

and I'm receiving:
2 Tally Ho Maeda decks, one each red/standard blue (not light blue)
2 Carlton Aviator in red
2 red/blue pairs of Steamboat
total 8 decks

I'm pleased with this trade.  It does mean I no longer have any Bicycle Clot for trade, but to me it's worth it.

Siote is shipping later today via EMS from the Philippines, I'll be shipping from New York via Priority Mail either today or tomorrow, probably today.

Got home a while ago from Fantasma in Manhattan, where Blue Crown hosted their first anniversary party.  There was one guy from South Carolina (remember that contest with hotel and airfare to NYC for the party?), many magicians (I know I saw at least one Buck brother subconsciously weave-shuffling a pack of S&M v6!), got to meet Alex Pandrea and Kevin Reylek, watched some semi-sober magic performances (ROTFLMAO), and...

I got to see THIS: their NEW DECK, due out by month's end - VAUDEVILLE!

Thanks to Alex for giving me permission for posting these pictures here.  He requested I not photograph the uncut tuck box sheet - it was a prototype and didn't have any of the foil and other details that the finished product will.  Honestly, even without the foil, the box looks REALLY nice!  I did get you these two shots of the uncut in a frame.  I think you guys are going to enjoy these - they have the aged patina of an 1800 or an Americana without the dirt and grunge - it's like you found this deck sitting in a vaudevillian's magic cabinet, unopened for the past hundred years.

Enjoy, and I'll post more tomorrow, probably during work.  I am WIPED OUT.

(PS: more was revealed to me about upcoming new features at BC, but I'm keeping it under my hat since Alex and Kevin weren't announcing them publicly at the party just yet.  Just keep your eyes open!)

Introduce Yourself / Is this the Cardaholics Anonymous meeting?
« on: February 29, 2012, 12:57:42 AM »
Hello.  My name is Don [HI, DON.], and I'm a cardaholic...  It's been about five minutes since I opened a fresh deck of cards...

I'm from the greater New York area, have lived here most of my life with the exception of '89/'90, which I spent in Broward County, Florida, either in Coconut Creek or Pompano Beach.

I've always enjoyed playing cards, since childhood.  Loved watching magic on TV and seeing it in person when I could (which wasn't often).  I played around with a few Svengali decks and stripper decks when I was younger, but I didn't get solidly interested in magic until around mid-2010, when I was searching the web for custom playing cards for the family poker night and found Ellusionist.  I hemmed and hawed, finally placed an order in December which I received on Christmas Eve.  I've been hooked ever since.

Got married at 25, got divorced in a messy manner 15 years later, and now, four-plus years later, I'm engaged and very happy.  My fiancee, Anya, is a Ukrainian women who emigrated to the US nearly 20 years ago and has an attractive Russian accent but understands my English very well.  It helps that I enunciate clearly most of the time and don't rush my speech - she has trouble understanding people with thick accents who talk fast.  Interestingly enough, my mother was also from another country - she's Quebecoise and moved to the States in the middle of high school.

Anya and I were born on opposite sides of the Earth but only 30 days apart from each other (I'm the older one).  She has two sons from a prior marriage, one of whom lives on his own and is graduating from the School of Visual Arts in the spring, the other of whom wants to be an FBI agent but is still struggling with the 7th grade.  He's smart, but wisecracks a lot, acts very spoiled and lacks focus and time management skills.  I'm working with him on those.

I practice aikido, a Japanese martial art, and my dojo is with the Takemusu Aikido Association, following the teachings of Saito-shihan (may he rest in peace) and his son, Saito-sensei.  I was hoping to be taking my black belt test this spring, but I've been out of the dojo for over a month now, largely due to a pain in my hip that my orthopedist is diagnosing.  It's probably just osteoarthritis, but I need to make sure it's nothing serious before going back.  So perhaps I'll be testing in the fall instead - we shall see...  For now, I'm ikkyu - 1st grade, the highest rank before obtaining a black belt.  In dojos that use colored belts, it would be a brown belt with a black stripe.  My dojo doesn't - you're white belt or black, that's it.

My wedding will be in south Florida, hopefully on September 1st.  I always visit Florida in the late spring and summer, it just seems to work out that way for me.  It's not as crowded that time of year, but there's a lot of sun-starved European tourists that drop in despite the heat.  We're planning on two receptions: a small one in Florida with some of my friend's family (his dad will be officiating over the ceremony), and a second one a week later for our New York family and friends.  Anya's never been to south Florida, so she's a bit excited about the idea.  I'm still trying to convince her to stay at my buddy's apartment rather than renting a hotel room - summer or winter, good hotels aren't cheap in Florida and bad ones aren't worth the trade-offs.  I'm thinking of trying to book one of those little family run motor lodges, the tiny operations with ten rooms or less - never tried that and I can't imagine it costing more than the Sheraton Fort Lauderdale, my past default hotel.  Trivia: it used to be called the Sheraton Yankee Clipper, and the Wreck Bar with the window behind the bar that's also the side of the outside pool was the location for the bar scene in "Analyze This!" between Billy Crystal and Robert DeNiro.  It's fun watching bikini exhibitionists swim past while enjoying beverages and bar snacks...  :))

What else about me...  I enjoy science fiction and anime, but it's been a while since I kept up with either.  I enjoy reading, but these days most of my reading is magic manuals.  I dabble in video games, but I'm not exactly the greatest - generally stink at a new game, get up to being about average or slightly better, but don't usually devote more time than that to it.  Big movie buff, and a tech geek, but one who doesn't find it necessary to always have the latest and greatest gadget if the one I have is doing the job well enough.  My favorite color is black, I am often wearing something black, my favorite food is freshly-made Tokyo-style ramen with real ingredients and fresh noodles rather than powder stock and a freeze-dried brick.  I aspire some day to have a company of my own, probably a retail magic shop, because I'm tired of having a schedule that's almost completely opposite from that of my partner.

Any questions?

I placed an order over the weekend with Kardwell International (  Among many of the excellent finds were the (I-think-they-are-)out-of-print Cincinnati-made "two-star" Texan '45s and USPC Torpedos.  I haven't opened my Torpedos because they accidentally shipped me the pinochle decks instead of poker decks, but the Texan are the 1889 replica model seen at the bottom of this page:

If you have a decent-sized shopping list, it's a good place to look - these guys sell at prices between wholesale and retail!  My Texans were $6.50 for two red decks (they only come in red).

The other items I got invoiced:
Torpedo Poker: $5/red-blue set
Hoyle PGC: $6/red-blue set
Novelty Decks: $3.95 each - 2 Hoyle dots, 2 Hoyle stripes, 1 The Dog.

BTW: Kardwell also does custom decks at - I suspect they work with USPC on them 'cause one of the custom designs I saw was a modified Rider Back.  Their minimums are WAY lower than most people can order from USPC:

2-color back, standard face: 250 decks
4-color back, standard face: 400 decks
4-color back, custom face: 500 decks ***** this is a low minimum, folks!

They're based on Long Island (waaaay out to the east) so anyone placing an order from New York State will have all applicable sales taxes charged.  But they ship by UPS and it's pretty cheap, all things considered.  I got s/h for fifteen decks at $10.60.

We all know by now about the creative deal that USPC worked out with T11 last year.  So far, the results as seen from the consumer perspective are:

* USPC has a nicer looking website.
* T11's Guardians came out in an excellent USPC version.
* T11's Steam Punk deck, well - not so much.  The USPC version was a big downgrade from something that was already lacking to start with.

Since these two companies are already working hand in hand, what do you think would happen if USPC were to simply buy out T11, making the whole staff there USPC employees in the Creative/Design department?

Would this be a good kick in the pants for the company, making the creative team more inventive in their in-house deck designs?  Would T11 simply get absorbed and forgotten in the gears of the USPC printing presses?  What about the magic side of T11 - do you think USPC would take this opportunity to really start exploring magic and adding it to the company business, or would they cast it aside in favor of just designing decks (or as some people see it, designing pretty boxes to hold cards in)?

Cast a vote and give an opinion - don't be shy about the details.

EDIT: I've expanded the poll to include the purchase of any of the major players in the card/cardistry/magic market.  Imagine them buying out Ellusionist, or Dan and Dave, or perhaps The Blue Crown...  How would that change things?  I reset the poll for people to re-vote on the expanded possibilities.

Playing Card Plethora / Jacks & Jokers playing cards
« on: February 05, 2012, 09:04:12 AM »
Has anyone purchased this deck?  I was curious, but it's a $10 deck and practically everything J&J sells is overpriced.  I figured there was a good chance the same held true for these cards.  Any level of customization beyond the backs?

Playing Card Plethora / Club Angel playing cards, from Japan
« on: January 23, 2012, 05:40:12 AM »
I just got a few decks of this brand in a trade with Lalita/Phantom, and I'm telling you - the quality is impressive to me.  I read around a bit on the net, and poker players love these cards, the plastic versions in particular - they're pretty frequently seen in casinos throughout Macau and Australia.

I would compare them to Bee or Tally Ho in terms of production quality.  They're stiffer and a little thicker than Bees and use variants of the standard courts that actually look kind of cute - the eyes just seem more expressive to me, silly as that might sound.  They're traditionally cut, as well, and faro rather nicely.  The back pattern is simple - reminiscent of Bee Stingers, but with a hard white border instead of a fade, and a line pattern forming diamond shapes, alternating as the back color plain and the back color with a diagonal pattern of small white stripes.

Fresh out of the box, they're flat as a board.  They're curling a little now, but that's largely due to being used on the cold-stone desk I sit at while at work - they cause practically any deck to curl a little, but they flatten out when removed from the cold and played on, say, a wood table.

The colors aren't "casino colors", but they're not as brash and bright as most general-use decks - they're slightly faded, a lot like a plastic deck.  The texture reminds me of Air Cushion, but the dimpling of the paper is much, much tighter, with more dimples, and the paper has a gentle shine to it when held in the light.  They slip over each other very well - it's not Magic Finish quality, but it's an improvement over standard Air Cushion.

I have no idea how they'll hold up over time, but frankly, I'm pretty impressed by these.  I'll try getting some photos taken when I get home in a couple of hours and let you folks get a peek at them.

In theory, they're available in the States as well - the manufacturer, Angel Cards out of Osaka, maintains an office in Henderson, NV.  But what I read on the poker websites about these cards is that the company is far more interested in casino sales than general retail, plus they're extremely slow about replying to email inquiries.  But if you can find them, try them.

EDIT: nearly forgot - my one gripe about them is that the edges aren't a single, uniform color of gray.  They appear mottled, as if the base paper under the laminate wasn't a pure shade of gray, giving the edges a dirty appearance straight out of the box.  But it's a minor issue, I feel.  I'd still recommend getting a pack or two for your arsenal.  Available in blue and red, at the very least.

Playing Card Plethora / Propaganda deck, v2, from T11 - or USPC?
« on: January 15, 2012, 06:37:15 PM »
This is a continuation from the thread on USPC Bicycle Steam Punk decks, where the thread started veering off-topic but into important territory.

When did USPC release their own version of Propagandas?  Guardians I've seen; I have all three versions - two from T11, one from USPC.  I also noticed that BMPokerWorld recently got Propaganda back in stock at a mere $9.95 a deck.  T11 did say there was a Propaganda V2 coming out, but I haven't heard anything about it actually releasing yet, unless those BMPW decks are the new release...

well theres two separate editions that ive found.

from what i gather, one is from ohio and has tally ho stock while the other is from kentucky. i dont believe theory11 sold the kentucky ones so i just considered it as a second verison since they're different.

So, it looks like the Prop v2 decks are finally out.  I'm kind of shocked that T11 didn't try fancifying the box in any way - it would be a first for a v2 from them!

You: have two white Centurions

I: want your WCs, have some rare trade fodder - BG1E, Gold Arcane, Red Artifice, LTD, and a lot of Black Crowns.  I even have Fulton's and white Arrcos, if you need some!  And did I mention I have a LOT of Americanas coming when they're printed?

What do you want?  Let's negotiate...tell me what you're seeking.

This is for trade only.  For the right person, I will trade overseas, but my list of right people is short.

PS: keep an eye out, I'll be posting some magic tricks for sale hopefully tomorrow, and some misc. decks.

Playing Card Plethora / Guess who I had dinner with tonight?
« on: January 07, 2012, 12:18:51 AM »
They say a picture is worth a thousand words.  These should generate at least that much around here!

Playing Card Plethora / Mana deck is MINE!
« on: January 05, 2012, 10:57:23 PM »
I was picked!  I won Pick-A-Card #3!  They're sending me a deck!  I didn't pick the card, but only four people did - I was one of the eight who won the post-pick raffle.


Magical Cardistry Bonanza / Most bizarre magic performance experience
« on: January 05, 2012, 10:46:55 PM »
I was at the doctor's office today, waiting to have a "procedure".  You don't want or need the details.

So here I am, I've been sitting in one office for the past two hours in my socks, a paper gown and nothing else.  Eventually I'm moved to an exam room to prep for the procedure.  I'm giving a table to lie on, an IV connection, a blanket.  I'm just chilling out, flipping through an Erdnase Bible - and within a few minutes, I have four physician's assistants, all women, all begging me to perform magic tricks for them.  Apparently word of my previous performance during the pre-procedure visit got around.

I'm in a freakin' paper gown, NO UNDERWEAR, and I'm performing card sleights for a bunch of women while trying to keep the blanket from falling off my lap.  One of the ladies was apparently of the "know-it-all" variety, trying to point out how my tricks were done.  I fried her not once, but twice!  After she kept begging me to show her how I managed to swap cards with her while she was staring at her card the entire time, I relented - and taught her a simple automatic trick I learned as a kid instead.  I ain't givin' away the keys to the kingdom, even if I am sittin' there with no underwear on...  Would've been nice to have Pure Smoke, but where would I have hid it?

The capper to my performance had to be when I was finally moved into the procedure room.  The doctor asked me, "If you're on a date with a woman, can you make her bra and panties disappear?"

I replied, "Ask my fiancee..."

The Conversation Parlor / Discourse Rank Titles
« on: January 04, 2012, 02:45:00 PM »
Say, Alex - could we trouble you to list the known ranks in the Discourse?  I can't remember them all and I think it'd be cool to see a list of the ones achieved so far and how many posts you need to make to achieve them.

PS: I'm just a handful of posts behind you now!  Fourth place will soon be mine!  Mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha!   8)

Check out this Kickstarter project - it could be right up your alley.

The coins don't look line anything fancy at all - cheap metal, probably about the size of an old token from a video arcade or a laundry room.  But for the price, they're way cheaper than getting the good stuff.  Plus you can even destroy them and not start sweating blood about it.

I recently had this private exchange with John and would rather not have to do it again, so I thought I'd toss it up here and see if it sticks.  Enjoy!

Hey don, I was wondering if you could send me a picture where it says performance coating on the series 1800 decks. Also if you have performance coating arcanes could you send me those pictures?


It doesn't, not yet.  The first-ever Performance Coating deck, the Gold Arcanes, doesn't (and never will) say "Performance Coating" on it.

Read this, it will explain - bear in mind the information is now out of date and MORE decks are being sold with PerfCoat on them, some of which don't specify this fact, while some (new-issue red Masters being an example) do.

Actually it says it on the bottom of the box, above the fine print, as seen here on the white ghost, and the shadow masters:

But back to the original question, could you send me a picture of where it says performance coating on the box.

*Side note* I just realized the 1800 might not have it, because they don't have fine print on the bottom like other E decks. But i am positive the arcanes do.

They DON'T.  Not yet, at least not as far as I know.  The first batch with PerfCoat certainly didn't say as much.

Here's the deal.  Time line!

* E dropped UV500 paper due to massively higher stock costs.  About the same time, USPC Legal said all Bicycle deck coats are called Air Cushion, regardless of their actual composition.  So "UV500 Air-Flow" becomes "Air Cushion", using a heavier-than-normal stock that's similar to but isn't UV500, doesn't glow under UV light.

* E experiments with a new USPC finish with the working name "Performance Coating".  The Gold Arcane is the first to have it.  Slowly, other decks start to get printed with the coating, but still have the "Air Cushion" markings on the box.  (My PerfCoat red 1800 Series deck is dated 2010, has the small print, but no mention of PerfCoat.  The difference is immediately noticeable in the performance of the deck in comparison with older 1800s I own.)  The Gold Arcanes - the whole print run, every deck - has PerfCoat, but not a single deck says so anywhere; it's not even a Bicycle deck, but the coating was still sort of in the "beta test" stage.

* Beta test ends.  USPC starts calling the new coat "Magic Finish" while E retains the classier-sounding "Performance Coating".  USPC Legal allows the name for this finish on new Bike decks - first one to use it and hit market is the Bicycle Brimstone by Russ Kercheval/CCCC.  E still has decks left from the beta testing stage that had the Air Cushion name on them but were given Performance Coating, continues to sell them, publishes a blog post on the topic which I linked to you.

* THE PRESENT DAY.  As older stocks of both UV500 Air-Flow, interim Air Cushion and beta-test PerfCoat/AC-labeled decks run out, E starts getting the Performance Coating name for the finish on the box and using the finish for the new print runs.  The Gold Arcane deck will never be reprinted, though they're all PerfCoat.  The Black Tiger White Pip deck is discontinued; all remaining stocks are the original UV500 Air-Flow and no Air Cushion or PerfCoat versions will ever exist.  As you've started noticing, some decks already have PerfCoat labeling on them.  While red Masters have it big and bold, right where it would normally read Air Cushion on the side, some are more subtle, like the Shadow Masters and White Ghost.  Those "subtle" decks may also be re-designed for yet another future print run - only E knows for sure.

Does ALL of this answer your question?

Playing Card Plethora / Bicycle Tactical Field playing cards
« on: December 28, 2011, 06:02:49 AM »
These have been out a while now, and as far as I know are out of print but still around in decent-enough numbers to keep the price low.  They were designed for use by the US military as a means of portable entertainment for troops in the field, but were discontinued at some point, probably because plain old standard-issue Bikes did the job OK and didn't cost so much.  They aren't expensive by collectors' standards, but when you're a government seeking to equip your entire fighting force, you save enough pennies per soldier and you've saved thousands if not millions of bucks.  Not to mention they likely thought body armor was more of a priority and that field-deployed troops had better things to do than play cards on the company time and dime!

I bought a couple of decks - they come in two Rider Back colors, dark green and black, but the boxes are identical to each other and very difficult to read in normal light.  The only way to know what colors you're getting without actually opening them is by where they're positioned in the brick box, and even then you only know which ones are of the same color, not which color.  Most sellers I know of have been good about preserving this brick order so when you order in multiples of two you get an even mix - but if you ordered more than two, you'd never know which decks were which color until they were opened if the seller didn't somehow pre-sort and label them for you.  The boxes themselves are a super-dark green shade with dark red print, intended for reading under a red-lens flashlight.  The red pips are a deep brown for the same reason.  Soldiers use red-tinted light in the field for when they need just enough additional light to see but not enough to ruin their natural night vision.  The only highly visible feature of the box, oddly enough, is the stark-white background of the barcode.

Anyway, my point here?  These cards are DIFFERENT than the standard stock.  I'd heard they were preferred by cardists but didn't realize why until I tried to shuffle them.  Flourishers like cards that bounce back well and don't warp or bend too easily and they are REALLY hard to bend!  An ordinary riffle shuffle was a bit of a challenge.  I'd bet they're nearly impossible to crimp without ruining them; there's a marked difference.  The tuckbox states that the materials used in the deck were meant to withstand extreme weather conditions - I'm guessing these are a much stiffer version of the Aladdin stock, though they do have an Air Cushion finish to them.

Some collectors may shrug, some may love them.  People who USE cards, though, will find these to be quite the desirable deck to have around.  These are classic Rider Backs in a nigh-bulletproof material that would hold up to countless "field deployments" on street corners and bar tables where lesser, standard Bikes would have become casualties in a much shorter time.

Try here:

I recalled someone was looking for SS Tallys but I can't remember who and can't find the topic.

Playing Card Plethora / Were YOU looking for Propaganda decks?
« on: December 24, 2011, 05:29:15 AM »
Seems that Brooke Michael's Poker World is offering Propaganda decks for a mere $9.95.  They don't state that they're version 2, so these may be V1's.  They're usually sticklers about that sort of thing, and they described the box - it wasn't embossed, foil-covered, debossed, rebossed, yesbossed or anything of the sort, so they don't SEEM to be a T11 redux...

The Conversation Parlor / BRB, gang
« on: December 13, 2011, 06:48:40 AM »
Going to be off the boards for a little while.  I have a busy couple of days, including out-of-town visitors this morning, prepping for a gig Wednesday evening after my volunteer shift at the hospital and taking my GF's son out for some birthday shopping after the company's holiday party on Thursday.  May be back Thursday evening; if not, Friday late night.

Playing Card Plethora / Ron Saylor deck - another "Gemaco wonder deck"...
« on: December 11, 2011, 06:30:09 AM »
Ron Saylor deck - anybody heard of this guy before?

Looks a lot like the Pentad deck in that its most unique feature is the deck back, period.  They even share the same silver peek-a-boo box!  But where the Pentad had interesting back art, this one's little more than an advertisement for the magician in question.

This is a big pass for me.

FYI: for those of you only collecting USPC products, Gemaco is now a subsidiary of USPC as of a couple of years ago.  I think they're still operating out of their own facilities, though, much like Fournier does.

Just checking in, at about 5:30am New York time:

With just 14 hours remaining, Lance Miller's Black and White Actuators are building up steam and raring to go at 157% of his $14K goal met.  It was little surprise that he made it across the finish line with a respectable margin for error.

At 13 days to go, Amanda Cleal's Crimson Gate looks unlikely to make it out of the gate, with only 13% of her $16K goal met.  I know her deck wasn't very popular around here, but's not like she designs for Merz67, that purveyor of fine playing cards, Billy Bob products and fart machines...  (I kid you not; just go to and see for yourself!)  One-stop shopping for all your hillbilly needs!

With a mere 16 days left, Sean Whelan's Galvanic deck is also on shaky though somewhat better ground - he's received 39% of the $15K he requested to get his deck charged up.  Anyone want to give his deck a jump start?  The consensus around here was that it was a design worth seeing daylight.

With just over a month remaining, Ruth Miller's fantasy of creating a Fairy Tale deck based on the art of Arthur Rackham may actually become a reality, having so far met 38% of her $8,800 goal.  Why so low a goal, you may ask?  She's not printing with the USPC, instead opting to use an Indian manufacturer, despite the tuck box mockup on her site clearly stating by the barcode (in very tiny print, I'll admit) that it's a product of USPC...  Naughty, naughty...  But if you're into the artwork and the really cool-looking pips, go for it and help it get over the hump(-ty dumpty)...

Coming in at around a month as well is the Deck of the Living Dead, another non-USPC deck by Chris Pallace of my home state of New York.  His $22K goal is only 24% met so far, but I believe this one will be shambling past the graveyard rather than becoming a resident - his design is very attractive and in addition to the European-style four indices per card, he adds a unique feature of a fourteenth card, the Grim Reaper card, to each suit, bringing the total number of cards to 60 per deck.  It's the more cartoony side of Goth, really...  (That's a GOOD thing - they take themselves way too seriously, those Goths...)

If you haven't checked out the other decks Pallace's Bent Castle Workshop ( is offering, I feel they are not to be missed. There's Pegleg Pete's Deck of Royal Rogues (, a pirate-themed deck in two colors, also with a fourteenth suit card (Serpent) but with only two indices instead of Living Dead's four, and the Pippoglyph deck (, a beautiful reinterpretation of the classic face design in red backs only.  No, they aren't USPC decks, but they're damned pretty...


Go look for the 52cartes post on this deck - the cards look totally amazing and there's a video showing about 80% of what the deck will look like.  Good transformation decks are hard to find, and this one looks great.
For those who have not yet seen the work of José Emmanuel , here's a compilation video and some pictures.   You can see all of its ongoing work on Tumblr .
  All maps were produced using techniques of "paper cutting".
  Hopefully see this game next year printed with kickstarter.

Playing Card Plethora / Say what you will about Streamlines...
« on: December 04, 2011, 05:04:31 AM »
When I'm at work and have time to kill - which is most of my shift - and I'm not on the boards here or window-shopping (drooling, really) on the magic/card sites, I'm playing solitaire or practicing magic.  Usually solitaire.  I work at a rather elaborate desk, constructed out of a heavy, composite-stone material.  It tends to be cool to the touch, even when it's warm inside.

Often, something comes up and I have to leave my desk for a few moments.  Usually when I return, I look at the cards and they're bowed up and away from the table at the sides.  Doesn't matter what cards, most decks do this.  If there's a stack of cards, then the top one or two cards will bow; three in some cases.  Aristocrats, Arcanes, Sentinels, even the venerated Tally Ho is no match for the cool stone desk.

However, when I leave a stack of Streamlines on the desk, they remain flatter than an ironing board, no matter how long they're left.

Go figure.

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