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54 To Blame Playing Cards (KS)

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54 To Blame Playing Cards (KS)
« on: March 26, 2013, 11:25:11 PM »


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"This deck of 54 cards features the men and women who were central figures in the financial meltdown and crisis of 2007-2008."

Each deck is priced at a WHONKING $25 each. 
No international shipping at all (but thanks for asking).
And it's pretty clear this is NOT USPCC ... the funding goal is just $2,965.
The project creator says he has chosen a "quality printing company."
He also says that the market for these cards "will be potentially large because card playing is a universal pastime."
Semi-interestingly, "the deck will include a who's who guide sheet with thumbnail profiles on each person."

On an odd side note ... what algorithm causes THIS deck of playing cards to show up on a KickTraq search within minutes of being posted, but when you search on Kickstarter you have to scroll to page three to come up with this?
« Last Edit: March 26, 2013, 11:35:37 PM by GBAllison »

Re: 54 To Blame Playing Cards (KS)
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2013, 12:03:05 AM »


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Very intricate and beautifully designed. I'm considering to pledge for a brick.

Re: 54 To Blame Playing Cards (KS)
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2013, 12:59:55 AM »

Don Boyer

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Very intricate and beautifully designed. I'm considering to pledge for a brick.

You have such dry wit...  downright arid!  :))

Yeah, I've seen better quality attempts at a deck like this - they all crashed and burned.  This one looks like the images were taken from scans of newspapers after someone crumpled them up to use for packing the glasses and china before moving...

There's also this one HUGE question that the deck's designers probably didn't answer for themselves, at least not truthfully.  That is: "Will the common man or woman actually give a damn who these idiots were?"  The follow-up question would be: "Do they want to be reminded of these idiots each time they bust out the cards for a fun game of (fill-in-the-blank)?"

And finally: "Who in their right mind would spend that much per pack for this crap?"  The people most directly affected by the crisis are very unlikely to have the spare cash for this, when they can get good-quality Streamlines for a buck at WalMart...

So, when you get right down to it, the audience for this deck is nearly no one.  The project's one and only saving grace is a stupidly low goal - but I'm thinking they might not even receive that many pledges.
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
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Re: 54 To Blame Playing Cards (KS)
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2013, 06:12:14 PM »


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I think the market will be potentially large because card playing is a universal pastime.

That's like saying "I think people will buy large piles of shit, because defecating is a universal pastime."
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Re: 54 To Blame Playing Cards (KS)
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2013, 07:37:39 PM »

Don Boyer

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I think the market will be potentially large because card playing is a universal pastime.

That's like saying "I think people will buy large piles of shit, because defecating is a universal pastime."

Please, bro - when you make me laugh that hard, I can't breathe...  :))

The whole project has FAIL written all over it.
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
Playing Card Design & Development Consultant
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Re: 54 To Blame Playing Cards (KS)
« Reply #5 on: April 22, 2013, 11:21:58 AM »


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The people making posts to this discussion board are going to burnout the circuits in my BS Detector!

It's pretty hilarious that MrMollusk considers himself an authority on "piles of shit" and "defecating" because he obviously doesn't know his butt from a hole in the ground.  And please Don Boyer-- the only thing that has FAIL "written all over it" are the losers who hang out on a discussion board dedicated to the topic of playing cards.  I'll bet when you people really want to have fun, you dress up like your favorite character and go to Star Wars conventions!

Before you post any more of your lame comments, why don't you try to become mildly informed and educated.  1) the cost of the cards is not $25.00.  Backers of the project can pledge as little as $1.00.  2)  The 54 to Blame Project is not sponsored by "a trucking company."  Whether the project succeeds or fails is not the issue.  It's merely one skirmish in a much larger ongoing war-- a war that is being waged by countless other oganizations and individuals.

Speaking of betting... I'll bet not one of you card nerds would know (without Googling the crap out of it) who Robert Rubin, Hank Paulson, and Timothy Geithner are and what two things all 3 have in common. 
« Last Edit: April 22, 2013, 11:28:49 AM by BS_Detector »

Re: 54 To Blame Playing Cards (KS)
« Reply #6 on: April 22, 2013, 11:43:57 AM »

John B.

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The people making posts to this discussion board are going to burnout the circuits in my BS Detector!

It's pretty hilarious that MrMollusk considers himself an authority on "piles of shit" and "defecating" because he obviously doesn't know his butt from a hole in the ground.  And please Don Boyer-- the only thing that has FAIL "written all over it" are the losers who hang out on a discussion board dedicated to the topic of playing cards.  I'll bet when you people really want to have fun, you dress up like your favorite character and go to Star Wars conventions!

Before you post any more of your lame comments, why don't you try to become mildly informed and educated.  1) the cost of the cards is not $25.00.  Backers of the project can pledge as little as $1.00.  2)  The 54 to Blame Project is not sponsored by "a trucking company."  Whether the project succeeds or fails is not the issue.  It's merely one skirmish in a much larger ongoing war-- a war that is being waged by countless other oganizations and individuals.

Speaking of betting... I'll bet not one of you card nerds would know (without Googling the crap out of it) who Robert Rubin, Hank Paulson, and Timothy Geithner are and what two things all 3 have in common. 

You can pledge what you want, but get no reward. Even if I was rich beyond compare I would not help you found this deck. It does not even say who the printer is. Even if you did go through USPCC this is way over price. And people wonder why I stopped looking at kickstarter. Crap like this is always there.
Do you guys even read this? Like I could have the meaning of life here and I doubt you would know it.

Re: 54 To Blame Playing Cards (KS)
« Reply #7 on: April 22, 2013, 11:46:11 AM »


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Hi to you as well.

You are making a deck of cards. People on this forum tend to have more of a passion for playing cards than most. If the deck is shit, people are going to say it's shit. Grow up and deal with it.

Re: 54 To Blame Playing Cards (KS)
« Reply #8 on: April 22, 2013, 12:46:07 PM »

The Quadfather

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The people making posts to this discussion board are going to burnout the circuits in my BS Detector!

It's pretty hilarious that MrMollusk considers himself an authority on "piles of shit" and "defecating" because he obviously doesn't know his butt from a hole in the ground.  And please Don Boyer-- the only thing that has FAIL "written all over it" are the losers who hang out on a discussion board dedicated to the topic of playing cards.  I'll bet when you people really want to have fun, you dress up like your favorite character and go to Star Wars conventions!

Before you post any more of your lame comments, why don't you try to become mildly informed and educated.  1) the cost of the cards is not $25.00.  Backers of the project can pledge as little as $1.00.  2)  The 54 to Blame Project is not sponsored by "a trucking company."  Whether the project succeeds or fails is not the issue.  It's merely one skirmish in a much larger ongoing war-- a war that is being waged by countless other oganizations and individuals.

Speaking of betting... I'll bet not one of you card nerds would know (without Googling the crap out of it) who Robert Rubin, Hank Paulson, and Timothy Geithner are and what two things all 3 have in common.

This is an excellent way of getting backers. Go onto a forum, where everybody enjoys the medium that you are using for your project, and generally abuse and make fun of their pastime. We are pretty much the only people that may want to back this project, so that right there means you will crash and burn horrendously with your project.

Why even make a deck of cards if you're not interested in them yourself?
My mom always said I'd be great at something. Who'd have thought that something would be zombie killin'.

Re: 54 To Blame Playing Cards (KS)
« Reply #9 on: April 22, 2013, 01:06:22 PM »


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LOL, this guy doesn't even have the decency to identify himself as the creator of the 54 To Blame project.

Despite all the uncalled-for ad hominems he's pronounced, I guess he deserves a sincere answer:

I'm sorry but your cards suck in every possible way; horribly designed, ridiculously high price and, well, WHO ARE YOU exactly to point fingers to 54 people and say those are the responsibles for the financial crisis? Or were you simply copy-pasting names and pictures here and there?

Hell, I can't even tell how you manage to gather up 8 backers. Family and friends, I suppose?

Re: 54 To Blame Playing Cards (KS)
« Reply #10 on: April 22, 2013, 05:28:46 PM »


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I found this passage from the Kickstarter page very telling:
After the project is funded, the most unique challenge I will have is to identify the market that will be most interested in these cards.
I think the project  creator seems to be struggling with that.  But that's something any self-respecting wanna-be Father of Inudstry would do first.

Re: 54 To Blame Playing Cards (KS)
« Reply #11 on: April 22, 2013, 06:32:39 PM »


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Erm, wtf is this shit? .... Maaaaaan, I HATE, with a passion, people who put out projects like this. Why?! I don't get it :/ like don said, it's pretty clear it's got FAIL written all over it
« Last Edit: April 22, 2013, 06:40:56 PM by brownmagician »
SHOGUN Playing Cards coming soon to Kickstarter
snapchat: nurul.alam for updates on the project :)

Re: 54 To Blame Playing Cards (KS)
« Reply #12 on: April 22, 2013, 07:09:45 PM »

Don Boyer

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The people making posts to this discussion board are going to burnout the circuits in my BS Detector!

It's pretty hilarious that MrMollusk considers himself an authority on "piles of shit" and "defecating" because he obviously doesn't know his butt from a hole in the ground.  And please Don Boyer-- the only thing that has FAIL "written all over it" are the losers who hang out on a discussion board dedicated to the topic of playing cards.  I'll bet when you people really want to have fun, you dress up like your favorite character and go to Star Wars conventions!

Before you post any more of your lame comments, why don't you try to become mildly informed and educated.  1) the cost of the cards is not $25.00.  Backers of the project can pledge as little as $1.00.  2)  The 54 to Blame Project is not sponsored by "a trucking company."  Whether the project succeeds or fails is not the issue.  It's merely one skirmish in a much larger ongoing war-- a war that is being waged by countless other oganizations and individuals.

Speaking of betting... I'll bet not one of you card nerds would know (without Googling the crap out of it) who Robert Rubin, Hank Paulson, and Timothy Geithner are and what two things all 3 have in common.

You want to argue politics - on a board about playing cards...  You aimed to fail from the start.  Now, if you want to talk about playing card art and design, then you're in the right place.

Your deck COULD BE a great deck, but in its present state, it's downright ugly.  The images look like poor-quality photocopies from black-and-white newspaper photos.  The card back isn't great - but so far, it's the best thing about this deck.

1) the cost of the cards is not $25.00.  Backers of the project can pledge as little as $1.00.
Sure, they can.  Anyone can, on any project, pledge a dollar.  But your minimum tier for receiving one deck is $25.  So unless I'm missing something, you need to spend $25 to get a deck - assuming this project reaches its goal.

2)  The 54 to Blame Project is not sponsored by "a trucking company."  Whether the project succeeds or fails is not the issue.  It's merely one skirmish in a much larger ongoing war-- a war that is being waged by countless other oganizations and individuals.
Well, your website does say you're looking to buy a tractor trailer and travel with it around the country...  But kidding aside - we're looking at your cards based on their features, their design, their art.  Most of us could have put that deck together while waiting for dinner - and only a few of us are actual playing card designers.  But we know what's good.

You want to see a beautiful pack of cards, look at this one:  It just broke the record for highest-funded playing card project on Kickstarter, earning nearly $150,000.  Beautiful decks, great theme.  Can you see any resemblance between that project and yours, other than that they are playing cards?  I can produce example after example after example of gorgeous decks of cards - and yours will look terrible compared to every single one.

If you want to sell a political manifesto, write a book.  If you want to make a pack of playing cards, hire a designer/artist.  You can do both - make your manifesto into a deck of cards - but you STILL need a designer/artist, one that worth his or her salt.  And also, you need to recognize that most decks of this type - let's just call them "educational" - come with two strikes against them.  These were popular back in WW2 when people were making spotter decks and "escape map" decks, but the only one I've seen succeed in recent memory would be the "Iraq's Most Wanted" deck - and not because of it's beauty, 'cause it was ugly as hell, but because it was being used by our troops out there, trying to find the enemies.  Your deck has strong political motivations, reducing the number of interested potential customers dramatically.  So if you want to overcome those two strikes and hit a home run, you'd better make the most beautiful cards imaginable.

You may think we were harsh with your deck - and we were - but it has everything to do with the fact that we really, REALLY care about playing cards.  It's nothing personal about you and your motivations.

I found this passage from the Kickstarter page very telling:
After the project is funded, the most unique challenge I will have is to identify the market that will be most interested in these cards.
I think the project  creator seems to be struggling with that.  But that's something any self-respecting wanna-be Father of Inudstry would do first.

Too funny!  I think we have our new inside joke!
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
Playing Card Design & Development Consultant
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Re: 54 To Blame Playing Cards (KS)
« Reply #13 on: April 22, 2013, 07:12:50 PM »


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"Grow up and deal with it."

I've got to side with Curt on this one.   The 54 to Blame Card Project is what it is!  Many of those making posts here clearly have no understanding of Kickstarter.  These cards are NOT being sold through kickstarter or anywhere else.  They would NOT be priced at $25.00 per deck.  This is a fundraising project. Now do you get it?

Again, the question isn't whether this particular project will succeed or fail!  Think of it merely as an opening gambit in a much larger chess game.  Judging by the results so far, the fundraising most likely won't succeed on Kickstarter.  This does not necessarily mean it's the end of the line for 54 To Blame.  Whoever posted that the backers of this project are most likely to be the kinds of people who hang out on this message board once again set off my BS Detector and gave be another good belly laugh.  Yes,,, there are only 8 backers so far, but I can assure you of two things.  1)  none are family members and 2) none are playing card enthusiasts.

So regardless of your personal opinions (you know what they say about opinions),  why don't you all take Curt's advice:  "Grow up and deal with it."


Re: 54 To Blame Playing Cards (KS)
« Reply #14 on: April 22, 2013, 07:49:39 PM »


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That quote was directed at you, if you don't like our opinions ( which are based mainly from a collector/magicians perspective ), then don't bother posting on our forum. We share our opinions on many decks, if not all, that get released, some positive (look at what Don linked to) and a few negative. Why should you care about our opinions if the deck is not even directed towards us? Even if you disagree with our opinions, there is no need to ridicule a hobby that we have and we are mature enough to not give a damn if you think that way.

My only issue is that I won't allow you to join the forum just to attempt to degrade our hobby or members of the community and have that as your sole purpose for being on here.

2) none are playing card enthusiasts.

« Last Edit: April 22, 2013, 07:52:01 PM by Curt »

Re: 54 To Blame Playing Cards (KS)
« Reply #15 on: April 22, 2013, 08:03:15 PM »

Don Boyer

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"Grow up and deal with it."

I've got to side with Curt on this one.   The 54 to Blame Card Project is what it is!  Many of those making posts here clearly have no understanding of Kickstarter.  These cards are NOT being sold through kickstarter or anywhere else.  They would NOT be priced at $25.00 per deck.  This is a fundraising project. Now do you get it?

Again, the question isn't whether this particular project will succeed or fail!  Think of it merely as an opening gambit in a much larger chess game.  Judging by the results so far, the fundraising most likely won't succeed on Kickstarter.  This does not necessarily mean it's the end of the line for 54 To Blame.  Whoever posted that the backers of this project are most likely to be the kinds of people who hang out on this message board once again set off my BS Detector and gave be another good belly laugh.  Yes,,, there are only 8 backers so far, but I can assure you of two things.  1)  none are family members and 2) none are playing card enthusiasts.

So regardless of your personal opinions (you know what they say about opinions),  why don't you all take Curt's advice:  "Grow up and deal with it."

Um, Curt's advice was for you, but OK...

No one claimed that this board's members are the only audience for your deck.  In fact, the opposite is more likely to be true.  Which makes it all the more curious that you're still here butting heads over this, but I guess that's your choice.

"Opening gambit in a larger chess game?"  Bro, the point of opening a project on Kickstarter is very simple - achieve your funding goal and make your dream project come to fruition.  If that's an opening gambit, you just gave away a piece for free.  I'd be willing to wager that if you created a fundraiser for your idea about the truck, and for support for your website, you'd have a MUCH STRONGER chance of success - and could actually get things in gear and spread the word rather than dicking around with a bunch of playing card nuts on a message board.  But I do suggest you hire an editor/proofreader first, to improve your chances.
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
Playing Card Design & Development Consultant
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Re: 54 To Blame Playing Cards (KS)
« Reply #16 on: April 23, 2013, 11:44:22 AM »


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Many of those making posts here clearly have no understanding of Kickstarter.  These cards are NOT being sold through kickstarter or anywhere else.  They would NOT be priced at $25.00 per deck.  This is a fundraising project.

Ahhh, so this is like a pledge drive for my local public TV station.  If I pledge at the $10 level I get a DVD of Golden Oldies and if I pledge at the $25 level I get some clumpy deck of playing cards from Zazzle. It could have been napkins, or go cups, but it happened to be playing cards this time. And now a bunch of people who collect playing cards as a hobby are *criticizing* the clumpy deck. I totally get it! ... This is *my* mistake for reading the title of the project--oh and the sub-title as well--and concluding that this was a Playing Cards project.  Clearly I have no understanding of what Kickstarter is, which is why I get tricked by, you know, the project title.  And subtitle.  And the text of the writeup.  Because Kickstarter is never about products.  Well, hardly ever.  Well sometimes.  Maybe.  Especially in the Tabletop Games category. Clearly, I'm the one who doesn't understand Kickstarter. 

Dude.  I get it that Kickstarter is used to raise funds for worthy causes.  But most fundraising projects make it pretty clear that that's what they're doing.  Yours didn't.  It didn't even describe what you want to do with the money you raise.  And it definitely didn't make it clear that this was like a fundraising event for your local TV station--with premiums and miscellaneous giveaways.  So when a bunch of people who actually know something about the type of product you're planning to "give away as a premium" discuss it--AMONGST OURSELVES and not as public comments on your project page--maybe you shouldn't be so incensed.

If you're trying to paint yourself as someone who wants to get things done on a political stage, with a fairly wide audience, I would humbly suggest that opening your conversation with a new group of people by calling them names isn't the best strategy.

Not to put too fine a point on it, but you don't know who you've just spent two posts insulting. A lot of people enjoy very different hobbies.  And instead of dressing up as Star Wars characters, some of these people dress up in suits, or uniforms, or work clothes of every different shape and size.  You cast a pretty broad net when you insult people that way.

Re: 54 To Blame Playing Cards (KS)
« Reply #17 on: April 23, 2013, 05:52:51 PM »

Don Boyer

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Many of those making posts here clearly have no understanding of Kickstarter.  These cards are NOT being sold through kickstarter or anywhere else.  They would NOT be priced at $25.00 per deck.  This is a fundraising project.

Ahhh, so this is like a pledge drive for my local public TV station.  If I pledge at the $10 level I get a DVD of Golden Oldies and if I pledge at the $25 level I get some clumpy deck of playing cards from Zazzle. It could have been napkins, or go cups, but it happened to be playing cards this time. And now a bunch of people who collect playing cards as a hobby are *criticizing* the clumpy deck. I totally get it! ... This is *my* mistake for reading the title of the project--oh and the sub-title as well--and concluding that this was a Playing Cards project.  Clearly I have no understanding of what Kickstarter is, which is why I get tricked by, you know, the project title.  And subtitle.  And the text of the writeup.  Because Kickstarter is never about products.  Well, hardly ever.  Well sometimes.  Maybe.  Especially in the Tabletop Games category. Clearly, I'm the one who doesn't understand Kickstarter. 

Dude.  I get it that Kickstarter is used to raise funds for worthy causes.  But most fundraising projects make it pretty clear that that's what they're doing.  Yours didn't.  It didn't even describe what you want to do with the money you raise.  And it definitely didn't make it clear that this was like a fundraising event for your local TV station--with premiums and miscellaneous giveaways.  So when a bunch of people who actually know something about the type of product you're planning to "give away as a premium" discuss it--AMONGST OURSELVES and not as public comments on your project page--maybe you shouldn't be so incensed.

If you're trying to paint yourself as someone who wants to get things done on a political stage, with a fairly wide audience, I would humbly suggest that opening your conversation with a new group of people by calling them names isn't the best strategy.

Not to put too fine a point on it, but you don't know who you've just spent two posts insulting. A lot of people enjoy very different hobbies.  And instead of dressing up as Star Wars characters, some of these people dress up in suits, or uniforms, or work clothes of every different shape and size.  You cast a pretty broad net when you insult people that way.

To be fair, this is a public forum, not that much different from his KS comments - do a search of his deck and this will likely pop up high on the list.  It's probably how he found us in the first place.

The really big point he's missing is that KS doesn't do fundraisers, per se - you actually have to be producing something, be it a play, a new game, a kitchen tool, a new tour bus for the band or whatever.  The general concept is to allow the little guy with the big idea to make a go of it and start a company.  If I tried creating a project where I'm simply holding out my hat and begging for people to donate to my cause, like perhaps raising money for a kid's operation and medical bills, KS will reject it - no charity projects.  Sure, people can pledge for no reward, but that's up to them.  But if he fails to hit his goal, he gets jack squat.  That, and most people won't pledge if there's no reward to be had for doing so.  So he put up these playing cards as something to pledge for when he's really trying to raise money for his cause.

A better place for a straight up fundraiser would be Indiegogo - they'll let people pledge for anything, and they permit projects to collect on the pledges even if the goal's not met.

As far as the Star Wars dress-up crack - he's just bitter that his project's going nowhere in a hurry...  :))  When someone resorts to that kind of remark, I lose all respect for them in a New York second.
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
Playing Card Design & Development Consultant
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Re: 54 To Blame Playing Cards (KS)
« Reply #18 on: April 24, 2013, 02:28:02 PM »


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this is... shit

Re: 54 To Blame Playing Cards (KS)
« Reply #19 on: April 28, 2013, 01:37:44 PM »


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The people making posts to this discussion board are going to burnout the circuits in my BS Detector!

It's pretty hilarious that MrMollusk considers himself an authority on "piles of shit" and "defecating" because he obviously doesn't know his butt from a hole in the ground.  And please Don Boyer-- the only thing that has FAIL "written all over it" are the losers who hang out on a discussion board dedicated to the topic of playing cards.  I'll bet when you people really want to have fun, you dress up like your favorite character and go to Star Wars conventions!

Before you post any more of your lame comments, why don't you try to become mildly informed and educated.  1) the cost of the cards is not $25.00.  Backers of the project can pledge as little as $1.00.  2)  The 54 to Blame Project is not sponsored by "a trucking company."  Whether the project succeeds or fails is not the issue.  It's merely one skirmish in a much larger ongoing war-- a war that is being waged by countless other oganizations and individuals.

Speaking of betting... I'll bet not one of you card nerds would know (without Googling the crap out of it) who Robert Rubin, Hank Paulson, and Timothy Geithner are and what two things all 3 have in common.

Cool story, bro.
Really sorry that your project is going to fail with all the tact of the Titanic.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2013, 01:41:10 PM by MrMollusk »
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Re: 54 To Blame Playing Cards (KS)
« Reply #20 on: April 28, 2013, 08:59:58 PM »

The Quadfather

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"Grow up and deal with it."

I've got to side with Curt on this one.   The 54 to Blame Card Project is what it is!  Many of those making posts here clearly have no understanding of Kickstarter.  These cards are NOT being sold through kickstarter or anywhere else.  They would NOT be priced at $25.00 per deck.  This is a fundraising project. Now do you get it?

Again, the question isn't whether this particular project will succeed or fail!  Think of it merely as an opening gambit in a much larger chess game.  Judging by the results so far, the fundraising most likely won't succeed on Kickstarter.  This does not necessarily mean it's the end of the line for 54 To Blame.  Whoever posted that the backers of this project are most likely to be the kinds of people who hang out on this message board once again set off my BS Detector and gave be another good belly laugh.  Yes,,, there are only 8 backers so far, but I can assure you of two things.  1)  none are family members and 2) none are playing card enthusiasts.

So regardless of your personal opinions (you know what they say about opinions),  why don't you all take Curt's advice:  "Grow up and deal with it."

Just to let you know, the picture you attached did not sway my opinion and persuade me to back the project what so ever. It looks like you've just selected the 'sketch' option on a basic photo editing program and gone with the outcome, regardless of how.....erm..... Uniquely bland it looks.
My mom always said I'd be great at something. Who'd have thought that something would be zombie killin'.

Re: 54 To Blame Playing Cards (KS)
« Reply #21 on: May 04, 2013, 12:54:15 AM »


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Complete garbage..

He made Clinton and Bush the Jokers.  At least he is being "Fair and Balanced" ;)

Re: 54 To Blame Playing Cards (KS)
« Reply #22 on: May 06, 2013, 02:07:31 PM »


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Just a thought...If this project ever saw the light of day.  I might be tempted to go find some old pictures of ex girlfriends and such.  I'll make a deck called "54 I Banged"  I can at the least guarantee more interesting photos.  :t11:

Re: 54 To Blame Playing Cards (KS)
« Reply #23 on: May 11, 2013, 04:53:18 PM »


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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Re: 54 To Blame Playing Cards (KS)
« Reply #24 on: May 11, 2013, 07:00:46 PM »

Don Boyer

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$265 / $2,965

I'm still trying to figure out why he bothered with this deck.  He could have posted his mission statement from his website about that truck he wants to buy and tour the country with - he would probably have attracted far more backers with deeper pockets.  But hey, I usually vote Democrat and his agenda sounds a good deal more right-wing to me, so I guess his failure is a good thing!
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