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Messages - kack

Pages: [1]
A Cellar of Fine Vintages / My Collection
« on: September 03, 2020, 02:54:54 PM »
Heres a few pics of my collection. I am moving, so i took then out of storage and have cut it down to these decks. Im missing a few decks, cant seem to remember where i put them.

I finally decided to open this deck. It feels so nice, the pictures are great and the gold gilt is premium.
My guess is these are from Japan as all of the cards have a picture of a Japanese city.

Introduce Yourself / New comer
« on: August 24, 2020, 06:05:54 PM »

My names Kevin, I live in the GTA Canada. I'm new to the forum (obviously) but not to cards.

I am a collector, and lately have been trying out some cardistry.

I have collected a couple of decks over the past few years. Mostly just when I see something cool or need cards. Over the past few years I have noticed a huge increase in premium cards, the art and tuck cases are phenomenal and I have been sucked in.

The majority of my collection comes from my Grandfather. When he passed away about 20 years ago, I received his playing card collection from the UK. For the most part they have been in storage, until NOW.

I have pulled them out and am currently going through them. Im trying to reduce the size of my collection, I hope to find out what is worth keeping and what I should donate.
My total collection is at 300 decks. No duplicates.

A lot of stuff to go through, but having fun doing it.

I'm sure I will post some pics and I'll have questions about brands and dating.

I look forward to being part of the forum.

Take care.

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