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Messages - Dent-de-Lion

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Playing Card Plethora / Leonardo Masterworks | A Playing Card Renaissance
« on: December 08, 2019, 11:24:10 AM »

Leonardo Masterworks features our most exquisite playing cards
encased in our Studio Limited Edition metal and paper tuck.

We are thrilled to present our Gold Stage and Silver Stage in a Studio Limited Edition of just 500 matched pairs!

Each Leonardo Masterworks | Studio Limited Edition gold and silver pair includes:

The Stage ~ Our visionary metal and paper tuck.
Leonardo Playing Cards ~ The finest USPCC linen card finishes.
Embossed Foil Stamp Seal ~ True three dimensional embossing, very rare!
Inside the Tuck Foil Printing ~ A delight to discover.
Metal Commemorative Card ~ Your certificate of authenticity.

Live now on Kickstarter!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Leonardo Art Playing Cards (KS)
« on: March 10, 2015, 11:27:05 AM »
Leonardo is in it’s very last hours on KS... It’s been a wonderful experience!

I just wanted to take a moment to thank all of you here on PCF for your great support!

To those at PCF who said hello on KS, a big thank you!

First up… SLEEP!! then, refreshed.. the Leonardo production begins!

Backers will get my weekly Leonardo Sunday Times. I will also post here in the forum regularly in the next weeks and months.

kind regards,


Playing Card Plethora / Re: Leonardo Art Playing Cards (KS)
« on: March 05, 2015, 08:46:46 AM »
Thanks Don for the heads-up, I completely agree. Many designers work only in RGB… and hence the surprises that you mentioned… decks with lost details and poor contrast.

I designed Leonardo from the beginning for printing in CMYK - the images I’ve released on the internet are converted to RBG color, which is best for web viewing.

I will of course proof the project thoroughly (old school!) before giving final print approval.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Leonardo Art Playing Cards (KS)
« on: February 15, 2015, 02:53:27 PM »
Hello Cardists here on Playing Card Forum, thank you for your continued support!

Through popular demand from collectors, poker players, and game enthusiasts I would like to show you guys two superlative Leonardo Commemorative Coins!

Leonardo Editions | Commemorative Gold and Silver Coins

The Gold and Silver 2” Engraved Commemorative Coins can be used as dealer buttons, beautiful display pieces, or as card guards / decision makers. Expertly minted and finished, they are the perfect complement to your Leonardo Edition Gold or Edition Silver decks!

The front side features the Leonardo iconic Jack of Spades in full relief. The back displays the Ace of Spades symbol and the name of my studio - Meisterwerke Altstadt.



PS: Thank you for your messages on kickstarter, your suggestions are very valuable!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Leonardo Art Playing Cards
« on: February 10, 2015, 12:09:42 PM »

Was this drawn or composed with pictures?

Both actually! Leonardo of course drew the images that form the basis of the card designs, which I composed, distorted, distressed, adjusted, interpreted, etc! In some cases I had to paint new areas in Leonardo’s style, which took much time. I will add some images in an update soon demonstrating this. Thank you for your question!

Thanks for your honest answer.

IMHO. Each artwork is nice. But they aren’t nice as a pack of playing cards. There is no consistency in art of this deck. Some artworks are graphics (the best in this deck), some are paintings. Paintings and “graphic” backgrounds also don’t suit each other. The same with the tuck case. I think two different decks could be better. One with graphics. One with paintings.  Or it can be divided between Red and Black suits.

The back design looks like something is missed on it. Unfortunately, I can’t name specific things. This is just my perception.

Anyway, good luck. I suspect it will be funded.

Thank you for your honest opinion. I’m glad you find the artwork nice. The work of Leonardo is diverse and I made the conscious decision to fashion each card as best I could, rather than try to homogenize them into a deck. Of course everyone sees Leonardo differently, I received a mail that “...all these paintings and etchings, I am surprised how nice they look together.”

I considered the paintings vs graphics question…. but unfortunately Leonardo didn’t consider that 500 years later someone would use his work for playing cards, and provide more paintings just for me! There are so few Leonardo paintings extant.

Thanks for your suspicions that we will get funded, I suspect so too :-)

all the best ~ Dent-de-Lion

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Leonardo Art Playing Cards (KS)
« on: February 08, 2015, 11:54:31 AM »
Hey there!

Collectors and backers of Leonardo have asked me about the creative process involved in designing the cards. I made this illustration, do you think it answers the question? Or do you think a video would be better? I posted the graphic as an update on Kickstarter, thank you for your support!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Leonardo Art Playing Cards
« on: February 06, 2015, 09:27:08 AM »
They may have a higher minimum order but their prices really aren't too bad. In fact, the prices get really nice once you hit high quantities like 10,000. If I was you, I would print with USPCC. I would also go with 10,000 bringing the price per deck down. Once you sell 2,000 or 3,000 decks on KS then you still have 7,000 to sell to art museum gift shops. I know they (USPCC) just increased their prices but it should still be less then $2 per deck when you get to the high quantities.

Hi! I’m afraid my advance planning never dreamed of numbers like 10,000 decks! But after the funding period is over, and we see how many decks we need to order, hopefully we can follow your good advice and order lots! I have already received some serious interest from museum stores, card dealers, and bookstores, all over the world - it’s very exciting! Thanks so much for your well thought out comments, they are truly appreciated (and mind opening!)

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Leonardo Art Playing Cards
« on: February 05, 2015, 07:14:56 AM »

The playing card collector community takes things like stocks and finishes very seriously.

If you can commit to a single printer, you might find it easier (at least in a community that collects cards such as this) to have people commit to your project.  The best stock and processes of one printer might not hold a candle to those of another printer - and everyone has varying opinions about which is better.  Now, they're forced to guess what the end result will be like.

In addition, the LPCC and EPCC uncut sheet only has 54 cards, not 56 like USPC uses.  It is possible to get extra cards in your deck (I know LPCC has offered it before), but there's an increased cost for this due to having to run off a second deck sheet for the extra cards and having them sorted separately into the deck.

Thank you so much for your thoughtful comments.

I have always expected to print Leonardo at USPCC, and believe that we will reach the goal to print there. They have a 2.5x greater minimum order than everyone else, which is why I would choose another top notch printer if the number of decks needed for backers is smaller.

So let’s get the word around, and then we are printing at USPCC!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Leonardo Art Playing Cards
« on: February 04, 2015, 12:13:03 PM »
The deck looks interesting.
But I didn't backed it because this kind of deck needs a proper stock. And there is no concrete information about where it will be printed and the stock that will be used. The absence of that information, for me, is crucial.

The exact stock depends on the card printer chosen. At the high end they all offer superior options. Be assured that I will choose the best stock for this project, one that fits the fine art feeling that the artwork conveys. I did not work so hard and long on Leonardo to print them on anything but the best! Thank you for your concerns, and let me know if you have any other questions or suggestions.

kind regards, Dent-de-Lion

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Leonardo Art Playing Cards
« on: February 04, 2015, 08:27:04 AM »
Hello Cardists!

I’m Dent-de-Lion du Midi, the creator of Leonardo.

First of all, I would sincerely like to thank all of your for your kind comments and thoughtful responses to Leonardo, it’s really appreciated.

Was this drawn or composed with pictures?

Both actually! Leonardo of course drew the images that form the basis of the card designs, which I composed, distorted, distressed, adjusted, interpreted, etc! In some cases I had to paint new areas in Leonardo’s style, which took much time. I will add some images in an update soon demonstrating this. Thank you for your question!

I really like a couple of the royals enough to want to get a print, but it's just too expensive for me.  Odviyenko has the prints for 50 each through kickstarter and 55 on his website (and he is offering different choices).  Dent-de-lion is offering only one option, the giclee jack of spades print for what he has valued through the rewards tier as $120.

Now from what I've read of giclee prints, you can take an original painting and create extremely high quality reproductions.

They have a lower initial cost to set up, yet a higher cost per print...which seems to be opposite of what Odviyenko's method of creating plates from the original card art.  Higher set up fee, cheaper to reproduce.  I may be totally wrong on this as I am just learning about this now, but I feel like it should be easier for him to not just offer the jack of spades and give us some options for $120...or just have the prints available for 50 like Chris and eat the higher setup fee. 

Not one person has backed the print yet, and I think that is a little telling.  Anyways I'll stop my morning rant.  I don't even know if any of you are into prints like I am.

Thank you for your research and advice... I have now added more information to my FAQ and hope that I have answered your questions.

I have been working with small edition prints and the associated technologies for over 20 years, from making some of the first IRIS prints in the 90’s to creating state-of-the-art book proofs recently. The term Giclee means many things to many people. To me it means this: The Jack of Spades, in Edition Gold or Edition Silver will be a fine art print of the highest quality, a properly calibrated printer, with archival inks, on superior artist paper, then proofed, signed, and numbered, all to the highest gallery standard. This care and devotion to quality is reflected in the price, which with this process and care is close to my cost.

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