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Messages - Blot153

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Cardistry has been a part of my life since I started seriously looking into what elements, make up a playing card, what a magician would want in a deck, how magic works and why, and what would someone that is a cardist look for in a playing card's design?

Sadly, the word 'cardistry' is not in the dictionary. 'Le Paul' Spreads? Merriam Webster has no idea what that is. Every time I write that beautiful word, it has a lil red squiggly underneath it. And that has to stop.

So Alien Ink has started a petition to have Merriam Webster put in the dictionary. Let's seal the deal and make history together. Let's get Flowers printed and at the same time put your name on something that will make playing card history.

Go sign it and let's make history.

Playing Card Plethora / Super High Quality Mini-Decks
« on: March 22, 2013, 06:54:08 PM »
Just wanted to let you all know  ;D  that there are minis available as add-ons for my Flowers Playing Cards Project!  :D

They are 310 GSM, same as Bee Stock, and the finish is Cardistry and Magic ready right out the box! I posted a vid on the project to show how awesome they are. Hope you come and pledge! It's a beautiful deck for sure.

Don is listed as a platinum level buyer!!! Dear God Don!! 3,000 decks!!?? pffft ;D

Something that is evident the more I look around the interwebular, is that you can make something incredible, unique and detailed; and if it is expressive, it can be misinterpreted, or misunderstood, or altogether looked past. These things occurring do not signify success or failure. Success is measured in whether or not what you envisioned, has been brought into this world because you bled for it.

One of the most important aspects of this process for A.I., was that we knew that no matter what, come hell or high water, GalaxY CardS would be made and printed and people would get to experience them. We have something to express and I hope that no matter what, Elite keeps designing cards, because the trend line, of the level of detail for their series of decks, looks very clean and gradual and i think that there is a great place in the world of custom playing cards for just that. Hell, I think there is a need for it.

Where are the detail pics of the Pips on the current project? I've only seen Aces so far... No detailed huge pics of the pips...
I don't think people have said enough on this thread, about how beautiful and ornate these are btw. Love em.

One more '?'...
Ritual is an Air Cushion Finish Deck... as opposed to Magic. Any reason? and will Divine be the same?

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Bicycle Flowers, by Alien Ink [KS]
« on: November 25, 2012, 12:23:02 AM »
I think that flowers are a pretty common object. One that people can immediately relate to and recognize. Especially women and girls.

If you are a magician for kids parties, I think even kids would recognize the suits. I've shown people the Flower deck concept and no one has ever been confused. It's up to you.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Bicycle Flowers, by Alien Ink [KS]
« on: November 25, 2012, 12:05:06 AM »
Bicycle Stock, Magic Finish.
And we are 'advertising' in other forums, it just seems like the perfect deck to go out and do magic for girls so I figured the people here should know what the deck was about. I made my case above, it's up to the magicians here to decide if it makes sense for them.

I'm certain that anyone that visits Kickstarter knows about our deck and all the other decks, so this is not a post to say "There's a new deck on Kickstarter!!"

Instead this is to let you know the intent, purpose and features of the deck in a way that the community here I think, and hope, will get.

We've all, (us magicians anyway,) certainly done a magic trick for a girl before. I'm sure you used your favorite deck. You know, the one that's all dark and scary with skulls and blood colored pips. Sooo freakin cool!! And I'm sure that she was impressed with the trick, (you are after all, an excellent magician).

But the chances are slim, that she thought that your death deck with a skull and crossbones and blood dripping into a cup that a demon is drinking really garnered her admiration. Attention, sure; it's hard not to notice those kind of things. But it's rare that you'll find a woman or girl that is really going to remember and admire the deck, which can be a large portion of the performance, (otherwise we would all use the same standard deck).

This deck is made for girls to visually enjoy when they play card games, much more than with a death deck. And so by association, if you do a performance with them, they will also enjoy the experience and chances are they will remember the performance and you much more vividly.

Don't believe me? Take the test. Show 5 girls the Flowers project and see their reactions. It's immediate and consistent. Girls love these cards. They were drawn by a girl and designed with girls in mind. Not made EXCLUSIVELY FOR girls, but made with them in mind, something that you don't often see.

So take a moment to check out the project again, and do it with a girl there. Note their reaction and then feel free to comment here. I know that it will be positive, because we showed the design to dozens of girls of all ages while designing the deck, and when the design was final.

The deck is also in line with the USPCC to be in your hands before Valentine's. This deck is perfect for forcing a Q of Roses and asking that special girl if she'll be your Q of Roses for Valentine's. The Gaff card will be a Q of Roses without the Rose on it, which will be perfect for vanishing the rose and then pulling it out of your coat, etc. Get creative.

The card back is designed in a way that will look incredible in cardistry and fans, and again will appeal to your favorite girl.

And giving a girl a deck of cards, she can relate to and cherish for Valentine's, means that she will get way more into cards, be it Poker, or magic, or cardistry.

Comments, feedback, (other than 'you talk too much') cheers, jeers or whatever, I'd love to to hear it.

-Jeremiah and Sebastian
-AlieN InK

What's up Aethercards!
Just wanted to say thanks to ALL our supporters! We needed 5K to make the project possible, and we got it. The cards will be made, they will be delivered, and then we will see on the reviews what everyone has to say about them. One thing is for sure, AlieN InK, GalaxY CardS will be delivered to Plaliens around the world, since they had the vision and the courage to suppport us from the beginning, through the whole process, till today, Funding day, and Mars rover landing day! Be confident that AlieN InK will only be making these cards with the high quality stock and finish that a designer playing card is expected to have.
At this time, we are focusing all our energy into the completion of GalaxY CardS. We will release information later on about future decks.
We also want to wish the best of luck to Lazarus, and we have enjoyed being a part of this journey on kickstarter. Congratulations to Genesis for their funding.
We still have 4 days left on the project, so for those of you that want to support the project, there is still time.
Thanks so much for ALL your support!
Jeremiah and Sebastian
-AlieN InK

We appreciated your feedback very much.
We incorporated what we could into this deck and think that the features that we have, make a great Cardistry and Magic deck. There are even more revisions in the next deck after GalaxY CardS 1st Edition and we are really stepping up the total design elements to be mouthwatering for Cardists and Magicians. I won't give anything away here, but we will have a sneak peek of the next deck in the last few days of this project. Getting this project funded means the next deck that has been built from the ground up incorporating all the feedback from experts in the field had to offer up will happen soon after.
As you can see, we sought out people with experience in this field and asked what they wanted to see in a deck and we have done our best to incorporate what we could into the current design. It is important for us to listen to the constructive criticism we receive from our supporters. I really can't thank the community enough for being willing to help us, and we love the idea of the community having a say in what the would like in a deck. That process is a cornerstone of AlieN InK and you will always see us reaching out to the community.
There is still time to get a deck, and the project is doing great! Hope to see you on Kickstarter! 

You are right on, extraordinaire... That's exactly what we want to do, and we love the support of open minded Cardists like yourself. We want to share these decks with as many people around the world as we can. We've got plenty of decks lined up after this one and can't wait to hear your thoughts on those as well! Thank you very much for your comment!   


Re: Galaxy deck at Kickstarter

Postby xmetal ยป Wed Jul 25, 2012 4:06 pm

    Utterfool wrote:These guys just put up a video for this deck.


In this case, the smilies perfectly encapsulate my overall reaction. I know it's tricky to market yourself and your ideas, but oh my sweet Lord in Heaven that is not the way to do it.

Kill it! Burns it with fire!
Paul Carpenter - Encarded Designer
Tendril: Sold Out | Aurum: Coming Late 2012

    Posts: 81
    Joined: Wed Nov 09, 2011 6:44 pm
    Location: Sarasota, FL, USA

That was Spider Realms that said they were being acquired by a larger company, not us.

I own a Casino Bee deck and have done some research, and 'cambric finish' is not owned by USPCC. 'Bee-Cambric Finish' and the absolutely brilliant designs on their court cards, backs and stunning jokers are.

I did appreciate your advice Don, and I will be applying much of it to our next deck. I understand your position in the world of Cardistry and it would be silly not to pay close attention to what you recommended. However, many of the design changes you recommended are as design heavy as they are brilliant, and our design is what people on Kickstarter have pledged for. Look for them in the next edition of GalaxY CardS.

Sorry to hear about those that won't pledge their dimes, but as you can see, it is a select few that will be able to say that they were there at the beginning of AlieN InK. Fewer I would think even, than could say they bought Bicycle or Bee's first deck. Fortune favors the bold.

It is hard for me to imagine anyone feeling comfortable giving away information (namely our printer) to a group of people that have done nothing but accuse us of stealing the images used on the deck after we clearly stated how we made them, and seriously attempting to drive our deck into the ground. The thread made to simply make people aware of our deck on UC became an all out war against us, before we had even gotten to the board to speak a word. We were contacted and advised to go to the boards to defend ourselves. With as many people up in arms, we know we are doing something right. I could care less when an ant walks in front of me but people get really upset when there is a lion in the room don't they?

I believe the creator of Tendril went so far as to yell that our deck should be burned, (twice) like it was some kind of witch hunt. (correct me if I'm wrong, I have a copy of the forum I can double-check, but his name and 'Tendril sold out' was in the signature) We will not miss their pledges.

We will miss yours though Don, as we really did appreciate the time you took to give us some advice and it was very rewarding to hear that you were following the project and had backed us. We will always be a fan of you and your composure and your willingness to be open with us.

Well I'm sure that this has again, been nothing but blah blah blah, so I bid you farewell.

-AlieN InK   


Hello Aether Cards!
This is AlieN InK's official id on this forum... The Blot153 reference will makes sense relatively soon, as we have lots of great ideas we are working with. This id just got approved and I am working on getting an official AlieN InK id here.

I just want to say our piece, on where we are coming from, so you can make judgements based on what's real. First, we really appreciate that people are enjoying the art for the project. We spent 6 months with our handpicked artist, Heavenwill on deviantart to make these cards as absolutely beautiful as we could. It is rewarding to see that people appreciate what we put so much work into.

Let me just say, that my brother posting on the UC forums was unsolicited, and I was not very happy with the way he went about explaining that 'cards are just cards'. It does not reflect our views in any way. We spent 4 months buying cards and getting samples and searching the entire globe to find the right printer for our cards. We understand that a lot of ink means we have to adjust our finish. We know that card stock, cut, and finish are absolutely vital to how a card handles. We are, (albeit relatively new) cardists ourselves and would never create decks that we couldn't use ourselves. Street magic, Cardistry, Fans, Flips! We love that stuff as much as you do, and we know that you take cards very seriously.

It is a bit disheartening to see so much distrust about this project but we understand that is it not your fault and that you are just being careful. We really are sorry if you have been jaded or hurt and we understand that as a company we will have to earn the community's trust. The one thing that we know, is that once we get these cards into the hands of reviewers and cardists, there won't be any doubt that we have done our homework and that we very much intend to be making cards especially for cardists and magicians for a long time to come. We love cards, and we are willing to put in the time and work. 

We have deck designs lined up that we think are really creative and we want to make a real impact and show everyone some really beautiful and original decks. We love cards, have some great ideas and want to participate in this community. We found our printer after unending research and know that we have a quality product. It is because of our goal to be in this business for a long time that we want to keep our proprietary printer proprietary. What I can tell you is that it is a great company, prints for an international magician that uses his own cards in his performances, multiple casinos and that they exclusively print playing cards. We hand picked every aspect of these cards, and know what is needed in the way of performance from them. They are 310 gsm, Casino quality paper, linen embossed and have a cambric finish to make them slick and fluid.

At this point we are hoping that people see that the rewards outweigh the risks. This is a first edition deck from a design company that is creative enough to replace the suits with celestial bodies and reinvent the court cards. Dedicated enough to spend 6 months on the designs alone and put great care into every single card, including the jokers. Our next decks are just as unique. We see the future of this company. We see the beautiful decks that we have in store for you all. I promise, you will be delighted. We hope you see a glimpse of the future too, and see what a special thing it will be to be one of the people that saw our creativity and supported us from the start. We know that all it would take is one bad product from any company to turn people off to them. We know the first impression is vital. And we will do what it takes to earn the trust of Cardist internationally.

The gist is. We love cards, and no matter what, if we have to crawl through broken glass to get these cards made, whether it takes only this project to kickstart us, or if it takes us a lifetime, we will stop at nothing to see these cards and our future decks around the world in the hands of people that really enjoy them as much as we do. We are a designer company that insists on offering the highest quality playing cards with the most unique and out there designs we can imagine. We hope you see our vision, the amount of work we have put into these cards and this project, and join us.

Thank you to everyone for your support, and we hope to see you be a part of this project. Ask us anything you like, just please understand that we would like to keep our printer private. This is just the beginning, and there is much more we will be sharing with you all in the coming months and years. Hope to see you support us on Kickstarter, and we hope to have a deck of GalaxY CardS in your hands soon!

Here is a link to my (Jeremiah's) first cardistry video. I know, it's not insanely awesome, but I love cards and wanted to document me getting a grip on the first few things I learned. I made this a few days after we launched the first project.

-Jeremiah and Sebastian
-AlieN InK

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