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Messages - 10ofclubs

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Kinda wish I got this deck. I really like the back design and I'm sure my farming friends would love it. Yes, I live in Indiana.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Blue Fontaine by Zach Mueller (KS)
« on: December 23, 2013, 11:22:01 AM »
Honestly, if I was in his position I would be doing the exact same thing. He's experimenting with the market and probably making some good money. And he's also only a teenager. If he isn't a good designer and knows it, he won't try and sell the cards based on their design, but he'll sell the image. That's why the trailer was a bunch of cool flourishers (who everyone in the community looks up to) having a good time.

Did he write a poem about an orangutan? Because I've never heard of it and it seems ridiculously random. Like putting a tiger in one of those revolutionary war decks.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Blue Fontaines
« on: December 20, 2013, 10:36:13 PM »
$12 for a deck. I clearly need teenage fanboys.

Learn how to flourish and make dubstep cardistry videos. It will come in time, young one.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Blue Fontaines
« on: December 20, 2013, 06:40:52 PM »
Don, I would bet big bucks that the utility built into the box is the ability to "convert" the box into his Vintage Holdout. See the line under "playing cards" on the front of the box? Cut along that line and you can slide stuff in there. He released it on the Wire I believe. Maybe a year ago.

What I'm wondering is why he didn't move the box that "playing cards" is in down just a tad further. The upside down f looks like a shepard's hook.


Thought I would leave my congrats real quick. Congratulations Tom, Judy and Lee! It's very reassuring to know that The Discourse is in good hands and has a bright future. Especially since it looks like Mike is pretty much killing off the UC by banning anyone who has an honest opinion.

It's also great to see so many people planning on going to the 52Plus Joker convention in SC. My wife and I will definitely be attending this year. It looks like it will be a great Forum gathering!

Thanks, Randy

Where should I go to find information on the convention? Is it on the 52+Joker website?

Magical Cardistry Bonanza / Re: So I work in a bank now...
« on: December 19, 2013, 08:48:30 AM »
On the Wizard Product Review yesterday, they discussed a toppit by Wayne Fox that fits on your sleeve. They said it could be used to perform a bill switch. Not original, but worth looking into.

I think a vintage/antique section would be really helpful. It can be difficult to find information when you have to sift through the modern deck topics.

Maybe all the cards in that deck had twos of hearts on them. Like a double face deck. Which could get quite confusing.

OR it was put in backwards. Just rip it off and let's find out  ;)

Wow jmrock, that is a fantastic piece. I've only seen one of those go up for auction, and I think it was a Bicycle one. You are one lucky guy. You mind sharing what something like this would fetch at auction?

Back No. 154 looks like the recently released Bicycle Leaf Back decks or the WWII Patriotic decks.

Design & Development / Re: Kings Wild - Signature Series
« on: December 12, 2013, 06:11:33 PM »
That is the most America thing I've ever seen. I know that that would be a HUGE seller. It would appeal to tons of people that wouldn't normally collect cards or back a Kickstarter project. I think it'd be much more successful than the other back designs you posted.
You could have one of the red back designs be your "signature series" deck and this be something completely different. Like The Freedom Deck, The Liberty Deck, etc.

U know what I mean ;). "Uncut" sheet. How would you call it then?

Actually, I don't.  You're talking about taking a deck of loose, cut-out playing cards and as if by using a torn-and-restored trick, reassembling them back to the uncut sheet they were punched out of at the factory.  You might not realize it, but that's what you said, in essence.  If you were talking about making a print based on the deck design, or framing the individual cards to loosely simulate the look of an uncut sheet, that would be another story, but it's still unclear what you wanted to do.

Don, that sounds like a sweet magic trick. Taking the Torn & Restored to a new level and restoring a deck of cards into an uncut sheet. Not sure how it would work, but I think it'd be a sweet ass stage trick.
Sorry to interrupt the thread, but I had to say it.

The courts are okay, don't love the backs. But I LOVE the M.C. Escher-esque king of spades. It really reminds me of his "Drawing Hands" I think it's a really interesting idea.

So, I decided to buy one of AP's personal stash bricks from TBC when they had them on sale, and the decks came in today. It was $40 plus shipping for the following:

2x Green Crown v1
1x Blue Crown v1
1x Red Crown v1
1x Expert at the Card Table
1x Mechanic
1x Red Bee Squeezers No.92
1x Erdnase 1902 Black Acorn
1x Fulton's Clip Joint
1x Black Altruism
1x Brimstone
1x Gold Arcane

I think I more than got my money's worth. Anyone else pick up any of the stash decks? I'm curious to see what others received.

I'm still pretty bitter about the checkout system not working, but I'm happy you got some nice deck. I'd say the best part is that you got a variety. Only one duplicate is awesome.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Post Your Collection / Your Newest Acquisitions
« on: December 11, 2013, 07:15:29 AM »
Thanks Don. I didn't know that little tidbit about the bar codes. So did they use stamp seals from 1966 (no more tax stamps) to the 80s (sticker seals)? And do you know a good reference page for box designs? I have a few sealed vintage decks that I'd like to know more about.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Post Your Collection / Your Newest Acquisitions
« on: December 10, 2013, 06:03:03 AM »
How old is that red Bicycle deck next to the Steamboat?

The dual fan ability is really cool, and a great feature. I actually like these.

Except if any of the cards got inverted, it would ruin the fan. I stated this above. Yeah, the fans look neat but it would be a pain in the ass to keep your deck the same direction throughout a game or performance. Not worth it at all.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Gold Artifice -- Black Club renewal
« on: December 09, 2013, 03:34:19 PM »
Bought a black club membership this past Black Friday (it was discounted 37 dollars), I wonder if I'll have the opportunity to purchase them as well. I think several people are also in my position.

The fan is kind if cool, but if you get the cards inverted, it would absolutely ruin it.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Post Your Collection / Your Newest Acquisitions
« on: December 06, 2013, 07:51:45 PM »
HandSkillz, just be glad you didn't get stuck with all the same deck. Last year, of the brick I bought, 4 were Ask Alexander decks. I found out I hate them.
The S&M reprints are actually pretty nice cards. I really enjoy practicing with them and my spectators love the way they look. Wouldn't pay ten bucks for one, but close.

These are sold out at T11.

If you missed out, you can pick them up at the1eyedjack for $8


That's a pretty good deal. The1eyedjack has solid prices but unfortunately they don't have the red and blue JAQK decks. Anyone know where to find those at a decent price?

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Pressers Deck from Ellusionist
« on: December 04, 2013, 10:47:19 PM »
These are now available for Black Club members.

Then I'm guessing they'll be out soon for the general public. I've got a feeling that the Cyber Monday server crashes and the extended sale delayed the Pressers coming out sooner.

They could have even been the final deal of the Facebook event. There was one left that they didn't announce. But I'd be surprised if they were saving a brand new deck release for it. But maybe.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Dan and Dave: Mystery deck V2
« on: December 04, 2013, 10:29:46 PM »
They have to have a lot of less than $10 value decks to make a profit.

This is only true if the current value of these decks is what they paid to acquire them.  I suspect that in most cases, certainly the case for their own decks, they paid significantly less than what they are worth now.  As long as they acquired most of these decks for less than $10, they are still making a profit.  Just not nearly as much as they could.

When figuring how much profit they gain from this deal, you have to also consider how many people will be making a purchase. I'm sure a majority of you guys know more about business and economics than I do, but I have to think that while raising the price will gain more revenue per deck, you'd also be lowering the number of buyers. For example, I bought a brick of these mystery decks last year when they were only seven dollars, but due to the price increase I won't be buying any this time round. And from what I'm hearing, several others are in the same boat.
Now that may be partly attributed to the results we got last year (I got four of the same deck I already had and hated) but I think it'd be ludicrous to say that the price increase has nothing to do with it.

Just a thought that occurred to me and I didn't see anyone else mention it. Hopefully I got it across well enough.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Post Your Collection / Your Newest Acquisitions
« on: December 02, 2013, 09:53:33 PM »
Not really an acquisition, but I wanted to show you guys the cases my dad and I made over the weekend. Ignore the lame wallpaper.

I made them so the fronts come off and you can take each deck out individually and replace it with another instead of stacking them all atop one another. And used some door trim to make the decks lean back a little instead of stand flat against the back.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Exquisite Playing Cards from CARC
« on: December 02, 2013, 06:41:10 PM »
Got these today. They handle alright, but feel very much like plastic. And smell like it to. The scent is quite strong right out of the box.

They also seem to have a one way back. The cross/club shape in the center angles different ways on each side of the card.

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