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Messages - HankMan

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Playing Card Plethora / Re: Chancellor - Encarded Signature Series
« on: December 09, 2015, 04:53:15 PM »
Chancellor is moving right along, and I think you will enjoy these new images. Check Facebook for more.

Oh my.. looks so gooooodddd...  ;D

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Blue Crown Black Friday Playing Cards
« on: December 09, 2015, 02:56:22 AM »

One double backer (one side black the other side white)

The phrase you're looking for here is "blank facer."  :))

I think what he means is double backer with different colour (black and white)  ;D

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Robusto Classic by EPCC
« on: December 09, 2015, 02:40:03 AM »
The foiling looks terrific.  Can you give us any details about the Robusto stock?

It was covered in 1 of the card culture edition - October if I am not mistaken.
In the card culture it was calles something else - Iron Stock (somewhere along that)

Oh is this their mysterious 'iron stock'? I have been curious to see this hit the market. Heaviest stock available from what I understand..?

Robusto is indeed the market name for what was being called "Iron Stock" while it was still in development.  Cigar smokers will easily recognize the name - it's the largest of cigar sizes.

I can't recall which CARD CULTURE had the article on EPCC's stocks, but I do recall that the mid-year special issue reprinted it, so it was definitely before October.  That special issue was free of charge to the public and a link should still be around here if you wanted to check it out.

The stock is SIGNIFICANTLY thicker than anything else EPCC offers, and makes old-school Bee Casino look more like modern Bicycle stock.  I think an entire deck, measured in haste with a caliper, was in the ballpark of 10mm thicker than any of their other stocks!  You can see and feel the difference immediately.  If you like your stock bullet-proof, this is the next best thing.  If you want to practice card throwing with it, stay away from the windows and any delicate or not-so-delicate breakables and don't throw them at your little brother!

I just checked it, it was the July edition... oh my time really flies too quick..

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Robusto Classic by EPCC
« on: December 08, 2015, 04:52:39 PM »
The foiling looks terrific.  Can you give us any details about the Robusto stock?

It was covered in 1 of the card culture edition - October if I am not mistaken.
In the card culture it was calles something else - Iron Stock (somewhere along that)

hmm when I missed the white silver deck I was disappointed, but now I am lucky enough to get the silver edition  :P

This is a very difficult situation for Jackson..

I don't think anyone wins in this situation. And Jackson has made his decision, I don't think it is the best option, but it is his call and I know that he doesn't take his backers lightly. The anti-russian conspiracy seems a little extreme though...

Looks like the situation had calmed down..

I did a comparison test a while back using LPCC diamond finish against USPCC Air Cushion finish. I put the card under running tap water for 5 seconds then dry it immediately. The test result showed that the water almost had no effect to the diamond finish, I might had rubbed off some of the coating when drying it off but the card is still very strong and didn't warped at all. The UPCC deck on the other hand, didn't hold up too well and as expected the graphite layer was visible on the edges.

Then came the fish tank, I thought lets try another comparison test between Serpentine - Emerald Finish, LUXX - Diamond Finish (both from LPCC) vs D&D Aviator Heritage - Magic Finish (USPCC).
This time I drop each cards into the fish tank and let it sink all the way to the bottom. it takes about 4 seconds (the depth is about 48 cm) and by the time I removed the cards, it should be in the water for almost 7 seconds. As I said the emerald finish did warped but that is about all, where as the diamond finish hold up very well.
Well for the Magic Finish, I don't think I have to say much. It was completely destroyed...

Anyway I didn't mean to go off the topic, I got to excited when you mention the fish tank  :P


oh I had experience this twice, once with the Serpentine deck and the second with Mantecore...
I don't normally wash my hand before use and even when I do, I always completely dry my hand.

That is the reason why I think only the emerald finish had this issue.

The only possible cause I can think of that makes sense is that somehow you transferred moisture from your hands to the cards.  It's not like the ink isn't dry when you get them.  If you look at the card edges, have they warped at all or do they have any odd black stains?  I kept wondering where the black stains on the edges were coming from on a lot of my decks, even tried to remove/erase them, until I accidentally got a deck wet and saw the edge turn black - it's exposed graphite from the card's glue layer.  When they get a little wet, it shows up like a sore thumb, especially on USPC's stock.

I don't think that was the case, the card didn't warped at all. If you look at the first photo this is a comparison between Mantecore and Bicycle deck, from here you can see the colour difference. You might not see much difference on the photo but from what I can see the Mantecore deck edges had turned pinkish I am assuming this is the colour transfer after use.

On the second photo, you should be able to see a slight pinkish colour on the first phalanx of my index finger. I started to notice that when I did a couple dribbles and classic passes.

and the last photo look at the warped card on the top of the deck, I purposely drop that card into my fish tank and let it sink all the way to the bottom. After I picked it up from the tank I just wiped it with dry cloth. Apart from it being warped, the card doesn't expose any graphite layer or any black edges.
Hence I don't think moisture transfer from hand will exposed the graphite layer on any EPCC or LPCC deck.

hmm when I missed the white silver deck I was disappointed, but now I am lucky enough to get the silver edition  :P

This is a very difficult situation for Jackson..

Are these going to be available for purchase anywhere? I didn't want to sign up for Indie GoGo just for this campaign and therefore missed it.

This deck is available from since they co-produce this deck.

1 thing I noticed about the emerald finish that I received last week. After playing with it for a while doing riffle shuffle, dribbling, passes and faro, I found some colour stains on my fingers and the card edges as well.

Has anyone open their diamond finish mantecore deck? I just want to know if it has the same issue.

I've run into this at the hospital with a variety of decks.  If you use hand sanitizer, make sure your hands are completely dry before handling the cards.  Better to wash and dry your hands, especially with collectibles.

oh I had experience this twice, once with the Serpentine deck and the second with Mantecore...
I don't normally wash my hand before use and even when I do, I always completely dry my hand.

That is the reason why I think only the emerald finish had this issue.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Draconian by Midnight Card Company (KS)
« on: December 04, 2015, 06:06:25 AM »
I have to admit... I had a dream of the brimstone deck a few nights ago.. oh boy I really can't wait for it  :P

Dude, it's a great deck and all that...but you need help!  :))

 ;D I think I do need help  :-[

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Draconian by Midnight Card Company (KS)
« on: December 03, 2015, 05:05:39 PM »
I have to admit... I had a dream of the brimstone deck a few nights ago.. oh boy I really can't wait for it  :P

Are these going to be available for purchase anywhere? I didn't want to sign up for Indie GoGo just for this campaign and therefore missed it.

This deck is available from since they co-produce this deck.

1 thing I noticed about the emerald finish that I received last week. After playing with it for a while doing riffle shuffle, dribbling, passes and faro, I found some colour stains on my fingers and the card edges as well.

Has anyone open their diamond finish mantecore deck? I just want to know if it has the same issue.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Black Lions - David Blaine
« on: December 03, 2015, 04:54:18 PM »
after the release I am going to be officially broke.

This is where my wallet says "NO!!!" but my hand keeps clicking the buy button anyway.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello from Germany! :)
« on: December 03, 2015, 04:51:33 PM »
Hi Ralph welcome to the Forum  :D interesting how you changed from computer gaming to card magic. I was in similar boat, I was into a few games but I stopped all that since I got into card collecting and magic.

If you think collecting modern decks is fun, wait until you discover VINTAGE decks...  :))

Don is right collecting modern decks is super fun!! but till now I dare NOT to collect vintage decks.. my profession won't be able to handle the bill, but maybe someday I will get into it as well  :P

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Draconian by Midnight Card Company (KS)
« on: November 25, 2015, 05:08:33 PM »
Oh where do you get that photo? I didnt see any updates with brimstone draconians

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Black Lions, Silver Edition - David Blaine
« on: November 24, 2015, 10:23:16 PM »
Interesting, something obviously changed along the way  ???

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Chancellor - Encarded Signature Series
« on: November 24, 2015, 10:21:37 PM »
I am truly excited for this as well  :D
this by far wins any deck that is coming out this Friday.

Justin, I think I understand why think it is a "Recolor" rather than a new design. I believe you are referring the KWTH somewhat a recolor of "Circle Back" design tally ho.

If you think that is the case, what do you think of rider back and madolin back?
they both have the same exact layout, but 1 has an angel riding bicycle and 1 has a maiden. Would you consider this a different design or recolor?

The Conversation Parlor / Re: USPCC vs EPCC/LPCC
« on: November 19, 2015, 06:52:50 PM »
Never tried LPCC.
Only got 1 deck from EPCC (NOCv3).  But I don't like it.  The feeling is so plastic.  And it started clump together after around 2 weeks.  Yes I agreed the plastic feel might make the deck last a bit longer.  But I prefer paper feels.
However, I don't mind to pick some LPCC or EPCC to try on, in the case there are some great designs available.

Although I prefer USPCC a bit more, I am a bit disappointed with their recent years production.  It seems that all are from the similar (if not the same) stock.

I love my UV500 decks, I love my OHIO Propaganda, I love my Split Spades Lions.  They are all bold, solid and with luxury paper feeling.  Sadly such feeling is too difficult to find from those decks produced in recent years.

I would suggest you try classic finish from either EPCC or LPCC. Some example will be Mirage deck, Soundboard Deck, Draconians (LPCC) or Classic Twins (EPCC). To me they do have that plastic feel, not as much as diamond or master but still better than USPCC deck.

It will take some time to get the hang of it, but once you broke in the deck it feels much better than any USPCC deck.

The Conversation Parlor / Re: USPCC vs EPCC/LPCC
« on: November 19, 2015, 06:58:10 AM »
That might be a stupid question, but I always thought LPCC and EPCC are the same? Whats the difference between those two?

you might want to go the official company thread to find the details, but as far as I know they are using the same printing company in Taiwan.
But they are 2 separate entities.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Black Diamond Tally-Ho [KS]
« on: November 16, 2015, 05:17:07 PM »
The deck looks great but i don't like this new trend in KS decks... specially from mister kings wild.

They are getting too expensive for no real reason.

$27 Dollars each deck? for an artificially scarce new deck? With no discount or free shipping or any kind of "reward" to the backers?

I know this decks are not cheap to make, but when you fund all your projects with kickstarter and basically take out the "risk" factor from it, aaand you use someone else's money to create it... then why so expensive? why the need to make it ultra unique? just for the sake of it?

The bubble is just growing...

I guess it is really depends on what you have in mind as a designer. When you create a deck, do you want it to be Standard edition or Collectible edition? that question will determine the price.

I think to many people $$$ is important, but I don't understand why people will try to get profit over friendship and trust. That is something $$$ can't buy!!  :-[

I was thankful that Paul signed a set of Tendril Nightfall and Ascendant when I requested for it on the survey. Although it is not personalised, I am proud to display it and show it to my friend when they come around. To me it means a lot  ;)

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Chancellor - Encarded Signature Series
« on: November 16, 2015, 04:59:42 PM »
Looking AMAZING Paul, can't wait for it  :D

Another awesome edition.. and what an interesting story behind the club deck.
Paul is definitely a Legend for making it happened in 7 days  :D

Thanks everyone behind the Card Culture, I truly enjoyed reading it.   :)

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Black Diamond Tally-Ho [KS]
« on: November 15, 2015, 03:15:23 AM »
At this point, I'm simply wondering why he bothered making it a two-week project when he could have made it a single day and sped up the process.

The first update indicate that, this time he has some aces up his sleeves.. we will see what he will bring to the table  :)

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