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Messages - Utterfool

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The Conversation Parlor / Re: Surprise.....Your dead.
« on: February 14, 2013, 09:01:21 PM »
could have gone with the standard three dots ... and then fit it in.

excellent a gun control debate.
This probably won't be of interest to most of the members outside of the US, since most of their countries have acceptable gun control.
But to US Mericans this is becoming (slowly as certain groups keep trying to hide the debate) talking point number 1.

Just a short break down to help you realize where you should fall on the argument from the people we really all should actually be listening to.

Pro Gun Control
Tonny Bennet
Chris Rock
Sylvester Stallone
Kevin Bacon
Matt Damon
Danny Devito

Anti Gun control
Ted Nugent
James Earl Jones
Bruce Willis
Clint Eastwood
Hunter S. Thompson (killed himself with agun, but still anti gun control to this day)
Chuck "Mother F'in" Norris

Hollywood has spoken.
So I think we can see where we should stand

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hey Amigo's
« on: February 14, 2013, 08:45:58 PM »
WUDDUP Big Daddy Cool!
I have to be honest, I fucking love this theme on the forum. It's just so simple and clean.

You really needed to put a warning on that

Well Hello There

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Fontaine playing cards
« on: February 14, 2013, 08:38:39 PM »
Every time I read the name of this deck I just keep thinking Bioshock and although It was a very good game and the decks is done is a "classic" casino style which would fit the game, I just can't bring myself to want to buy the deck.
In the end much as Ace Fulton's casino was ugly and Jerry's nuggets are ugly (this is obviosly my opinion and I know there are other reasons to own a Jerrys)  The Fontaine deck is ugly.
The NOC deck was simple yes, but I didn't see it as ugly I think the simple solid back may be more pleasing to me than a simple solid back broken up by a not to innovative and simple motif.

The nail in the coffin for me though was the use of the word "Supreme" on the box. I don't know why but it irks me

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Your Next Chance
« on: February 12, 2013, 09:06:55 PM »
I'm honestly surprised no one pays attention to the birthdays in our info center. I used to make threads for people but now I don't have time to do that. =P

Happy birthday man! It would be cool if we got some kind of birthday gift exchange going on or something. I wouldn't mind sending like 10 decks to 10 people, knowing that I get 10 decks back on my birthday.

That is actually a fantastic idea.
Definitely a real community builder

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Founders Playing Cards (KS)
« on: February 12, 2013, 09:02:00 PM »
I am very impressed with this deck.
It definitely feels like a good deal of effort went into it.
I also like the choice of court cards. Unfortunately I feel there was one miss on the courts. Rosie the Riveter
There are enough influential american woman that I feel they could have chosen a real woman (I know the character of Rosie was based off of a real woman, but still a character) to represent American achievements.
Betsy Ross
Sandra Day O'connor
Rosa Parks
Martha Washington
Abigail Adams
Molly Pitcher
(you get the idea)

Rosie is indeed iconic and I can understand why she was chosen. It is just something I feel could have been better
One of the only things really, as I said I like this deck a lot and have certainly pledged.

A Cellar of Fine Vintages / Re: Anyone want to buy some FAKE vintage decks?
« on: February 08, 2013, 06:31:40 AM »

The seller claims that the buyer would have "bragging rights" - can you think of anyone who'd actually brag about having an old tax stamp on a new deck?  And worse - that they paid 1,400-2,000% of the deck's retail price?  The stamps are only worth a couple of bucks a piece!  Only an utter fool would think that's worth bragging about!

Actually I am pretty sure I wouldn't even brag about an old tax stamp

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Escalating an issue with an eBay seller
« on: February 08, 2013, 01:01:18 AM »
Ebay has buyer protection
so if you don't receive your item Ebay will refund you.
They suggest waiting 15 days (I believe that is the time amount) before filing a complaint.
If you don't receive it by the 14th you can go to the item and click on the drop down menu next to it. Click on resolve a problem and follow the links.
Eventually it will get to file a complaint.
It then sends a message to the seller and if they don't get back in a few days ebay issues you a refund.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: NEW KICKSTARTER DECK- UltraViolet Deck
« on: February 08, 2013, 12:56:21 AM »
Has anyone received their Ultraviolet decks yet?
Or had the creators reply to any emails?

Finally - I've been keeping that secret for months!  :))

Congratulations on finally seeing your dreams come to fruition.

I know what you mean Don.
Emmanuel lives close to me, on the day I met him at one of his art showings he was talking with the guys from Blue Crown . He asked me not to mention anything back then.

By the way if any of you have a chance to see the actual cut out cards I suggest you do it, the 2 foot cut outs are really something to see and the dimension added by the layered paper is really neat.

Definitely will be picking up a few of these.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: NEW DECK -- Aurum from Encarded
« on: October 25, 2012, 08:39:41 AM »
I hear you, and can see why you'd think that. However, I'd argue that these are actually quite different scenarios.

What you are talking about (and what I still don't like) is when a company designs a deck, sells it out, and then decides to do a new version. In most cases, this new version requires no actual work by the designer. They spec a new ink color, and USPC already has all the art. It's done, easy as that. That is a decision to simply extend a deck and drive collectors to want "all the versions" by doing no actual work.

With Aurum, it is quite different. There will still only be 5,000 of them. A very tiny portion will be special, and each one of those special editions required me to do box designs, negotiate for excessively expensive custom papers, go back and forth for weeks on how to actually accomplish things in a way that could be produced, design, test, redesign, test and redesign again. Yes, the cards are the same but these special versions are the "dream" deck. I wanted all of them to have the design of the laser cuts. That was unfortunately impossible, so I got as many of those made as I reasonably could. The mid-level deck has the amazing box stock, but again was very costly so I decided to do the portion I could. The purple deck has all the features but had to scale back to normal stock.

I did not want to give up on the "dream" version, so I made what I could. I think they will be amazing both in rarity and look. My prototype, sitting on the shelf in the sun, is (IMO) a beautiful object. Less a deck of cards and more an intricate small-scale sculpture. And my prototype does not even feature the gold foil, metallic inks and embossing. In a perfect world, there would be 5,000 of those for everyone to enjoy, but I'd have to mortgage my house to create that and it would still cost too much for most people. So, special versions are the result.

I hope that gives a little perspective. With unlimited funds, Aurum would be a different thing. But instead of simply giving up, I thought it best to bring at least a few into existence so a few more people could see the ultimate vision.

I would have preferred a pre-order where you make the decks to suite the audience that wants them. If this is truthfully a deck box design you wished everyone could have you should have done it that way, the people who wanted it would wait for it to get made to order. You have the people pay up front so that way you don't have to mortgage the house and everyone who wants one of those unbelievable decks will get one. The value will still be good on the deck, but people who want them will actually get them, instead of the re-sellers with fast connections.
I would love one of the laser cut decks and am quite willing to pay the asking price, but I already know even at that asking price I have absolutely no chance in getting one. Yet at the same time I can name at least 3 Ebay sellers who will have them available hours after you sell out at 2 to 3 times that price.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: New KS Deck - Misc Goods Co by Pedale Design
« on: October 20, 2012, 02:07:11 AM »
The thing that is really the most amazing to me is how well this deck is doing despite Tyler's lack of involvement/interaction with his backers.

The projects I have seen that usually do the bests are the ones where the creator keeps in near constant contact (throug updates and the comments) with the backers. One where they offer plenty of stretch goals and teasers for "cool stuff" to come, which will be revealed when the project reaches some number.

Tyler has done none of this, he has only had 7 updates, done an addition of new items once, and offered no stretch goals. He hasn't really even posted on these forums that much.
It really is amazing how far advertising and getting noticed in the right place can take you. I think The reason you don't see him here or on other card forums that much, is that he realized that we are a small community and early adopters of a deck, we either like it or don't and unless the creator makes major adjustments ( which some have), will probably not change our minds.
I bet you can find Tyler quite busy in some other communities (not card collectors but ones that his deck would still appeal to) with larger populations trying to win them over, and then I bet on to the next.
This is not a criticism it is a observation on why he has been so successful on this campaign. If it is the case it is quite clever

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Rare decks: to open, or not to open?
« on: October 19, 2012, 10:56:32 AM »
If you don't mind me asking Don, how much did you pay for the auction?

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Rare decks: to open, or not to open?
« on: October 19, 2012, 03:54:41 AM »
Rarest modern deck I opened was "Broken Spell."  NO ONE sells the blasted things - I got mine at a charity auction for Japanese tsunami/earthquake/nuclear disaster victims.  You can look it up on Kickstarter, it was possibly the first deck project, or at least among the first.  I've also opened Gold Seal White New Fan Backs (only 1,000 made) and White Monarchs.  BG1E, Gold Arcane, Red Artifice...  I usually open one, and if it's the only one I have, I open it.

The "Broken Spell" deck is rare?
I had absolutely no clue.  I was at the small press expo last month in Bethesda and one of the creators of the deck had a table where she had 3 or 4 of the decks for sale ( I think she was asking $15) along with some of her comics. I picked one up "because, addiction".
She had a sample there open, the art was nice but the card quality was low (definitely an art deck not a performance deck). I actually opened my deck up that evening at the hotel and was going to get her to sign the card she contributed to the deck, unfortunately she wasn't there the next day, she had a friend manning her table.

My point is, the things you run into when you aren't expecting.


This sounds very interesting sell.

Really?  Does it?  Maybe that's why we posted it here, don't you think?

Noodle, you're new as a poster here so please allow me to give you a little friendly advice.  Most of the time, people who post here like to write something that's more substantial than a  "me, too" post or a "that's interesting" post.  If it's interesting to you, tell us why you find it interesting.

We all post spam and messages that contribute nothing to the conversation now and again, but we also try to keep it to a minimum.

I agree

Playing Card Plethora / Re: NEW DECK - RITUAL by Elite Playing Cards
« on: October 15, 2012, 01:19:51 AM »
And any money that didn't go to the Cthulhu deck is being diverted to the Misc. Goods deck

Playing Card Plethora / Re: So the pizza guy saw my decks yesterday...
« on: October 15, 2012, 01:18:05 AM »
Some of my friends know that I collect playing cards, but they really have no idea how many decks I have.  I opened another FB profile a year or so ago so my friends wouldn't think I was nuts  ???

Collecting playing cards seems like an odd hobby to a lot of people, but they totally understand comic/stamp/coin collecting.  It makes no sense to me


Really when it comes to my active collections, I think playing cards is one that people can grasp onto and say "ok I understand that"
I know it is one of the few that friends and family are willing to help me build on. I regularly have a friend come back from somewhere and bring me a souvenir deck (so they don't grasp it completely, it is the though that counts)
I actually would say playing cards ranks second or third in my collections as far as normal things to collect. Again I think when people think about it it makes sense to them. It just that playing cards have been a tool or a toy for so long and the fact that they are so easily destroyed (as Don mentioned)
Like bottle caps collecting cards is more of a modern hobby (I mean 40 to 50 years) collections before that were of things that had a definitive value and rarity (cards, art, currency). The creation of rare or limited decks is a newer phenom so the idea of collecting your standard run of the mill Bicycle deck probably didn't hit people. It is only when those decks are out of print does someones say "huh, I wish I had one of those decks I used as a kid" (again as Don as stated, it fits into the comic book mold) The forced rarity, like comic books is newer and will make decks worth something for a little while but eventually forced rare decks will go the way of forced rare comic books, and become nearly valueless ( or so history has lead me to believe)

Playing Card Plethora / Re: New KS Deck - Misc Goods Co by Pedale Design
« on: October 15, 2012, 01:04:03 AM »
Collectors are a little hesitant to invest because they're used to finding Kickstarter decks that are cheap - cheaper than retail.  I can't say that I blame them, really - who doesn't love a bargain.  But it's become ingrained in them that a Kickstarter deck is cheap, so when someone comes along with a deck that costs more, well...

I think their issue is that the deck doesn't cost more, nothing Tyler has done sets this deck apart price wise from other decks on Kickstarter.
Kickstarter is set up as a way to "kickstart" ones ideas, so the idea of getting in on the ground floor is kind of part of it, as well as getting in on the ground floor people expect ground floor prices.

That being said, Kickstarter has turned into more of a market place in the last few months than just a place to starter your project or business. Many established businesses are putting projects up on Kickstarter that would be made anyway, sometimes at the same quality or sometimes because of kickstarter they get those last bit of funds. They offer their product at just below retail as an incentive, however they still make profit on them since they don't have to go through retailer.

However this is not the case with Tylers project. Something Don has said before and something that I feel justifies the asking price of this deck is this. Tyler set this project up as a art / design project. I will not comment on if it was done for profit or out of a love of the art form, because that doesn't matter, the fact is he made a great and well thought out deck. If you look at the other playing card projects that were set up as design / art projects you will see they are all in the range of $15 - $20 a deck (the Redraw and Tacoma projects for most recent examples). This is the difference between a deck design/company and a design / artist. The art / design projects are never meant to be as big or go as far they are meant to display the work and talent of the creator first and be a usable deck of playing cards second (I am not saying this deck is not usable). A artist / designer wants to get one or two decks into the hands of multiple people but wants to make sure they get paid for their work. A deck design/company wants to get many decks into the hands of as many people as they can to spread the name of their company and the image of their cards.
Neither of these approaches are right or wrong. Of course the quality of a $15 deck may be the same as that $5 early bird special you picked up. You just have to decide if you like their decision and approach, and then decide if and how you wish to back it.

The thing that makes Tyler's deck different from other art / design deck is the advertising / coverage that his deck has gotten. His deck has been featured on a lot of websites that people with surplus money go to. This has caused his art / design deck to move into the mainstream market and be able to be produced at the levels of the card design/companies.

The only odd example here is probably Uusi. This is a company you probably could hold up against Tyler as why Tyler is asking to much. They are artist / designers selling their decks at the lower "kickstarter" rate. So if you want to compare the two then you could have an argument against Tyler. The point is though that Tyler's is a justified position if you agree with it.
(on a side note though I like Tyler's deck a lot and am glad to see it doing well, I personally feel it does not hold a candle to Uusi's new deck and wish that they could get the buzz going about their deck that Tyler has about his)

Anyway You wasted another perfectly good hour listening to my rambling

and although the IT department permanently wipes all the mainframes when I say it
This is Utterfool

Playing Card Plethora / Re: NEW DECK - Mythos: NECRONOMICON is LIVE
« on: October 14, 2012, 03:25:54 AM »
Yesterday we have added a new reward to go with our ARC Card Clips and NECRODICE. These are Gold Polished Coins we call NECRONOMICOINS...see what we did there? These are not ceramic or plastic chips, these are "put a dent in someone's head" Brass Metal. They are only one sided but still look pretty cool. (We do not endorse putting a dent in someone's head :))

Cool idea, bro, but I'll draw the line at chewing gum and deodorant.  A.k.a. "Necrochew" and "Necrostink".

Or nail care products....

wait for it


Playing Card Plethora / Re: T11, E, and Skulkor Marketing trend
« on: October 10, 2012, 07:33:48 AM »
Didn't the Batman comic books just do something about the order of the Owl?

Now is this question
If you managed to save everything else of importance and were able to grab one deck, what would it be?
Or is it
In a disaster which deck would you save?

Because in a disaster my playing card collection is probably pretty low on the list of things to save.

Pictures and projects are backed up in multiple places so I wouldn't need those.
But my Grandfather's Conductors hat and Kaleidoscope, my other grandfathers military medals, and my grandmothers incense burner would probably be first. Then my temple stamps. Then if I had time, what parts of the record collection I could. The irony is I would probably die in a fire going back in for a gasmask.

But if we got down to the playing cards, I would definitely grab box #1 that is the box I keep the ones I have picked up in my travels or have some meaning to me.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: New KS Deck - Key West Resort Casino Cards
« on: September 30, 2012, 01:55:34 PM »
I think that
A. You can do your own advertising at gaming websites, so don't pay an advertising guy to do it. There aren't that many big gaming websites and the boards, like this one are freely, open to all.
B.I don't think gamers are your audience. This deck would not appeal to most gamers, so advertising on those sites (except for Board game Geek which has a wider audience) will not be worth your time.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Altruism Deck from The Blue Crown- Coming Soon
« on: September 29, 2012, 11:48:59 PM »
She's a Witch!!

She turned me into a newt.....

I got better

I seem to be the only one on any of the forums who doesn't like this deck.

I suppose that is good for the creator, maybe it will get funded in this glut of kickstarter decks

To me this deck seems unfinished. All the art looks like early concept art that didn't have the details put in for the finished deck.
I don't know I guess when I think black tie I see something less cartoony and something a bit more sophisticated.

A Cellar of Fine Vintages / Re: What classifies as vintage, antique, etc?
« on: September 25, 2012, 08:22:54 PM »
That is a tough question to define, as there is often a lot of opinion on if something is really vintage. Antique is usually a little easier but still opinion takes some part.

Antique is usually something that is old, made with techniques that are completely out of date and may not be easily or accurately reproduced. Antique also should have an aesthetic value of some kind, be it quaint, artistic, rustic. Otherwise it is just an old piece of junk.

Vintage is typically something that is outdated but made with easily reproducible techniques. It usually is something that was mass produced but is representative of a certain style. You can have vintage things from the 90s you can have vintage things from the early aughts. So although in the past is an aspect a specific date in the past is not a requirement.

I believe the basic requirements would be
made in modern era by outdated but still used or easily reproducible techniques
mass produced
representative of a style and an era

where as antiques would be
made in different era with techniques that are not easily reproduced or completely outdated and not used.
Having an aesthetic value that may not be marked to a specific era but to an early time

I am not sure what the etc.. would be for this topic

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Dan Dave Variety Box Encore
« on: September 24, 2012, 07:06:39 PM »

@Don: I don't know, I'd probably sell them for $25-35. I kind of want to exchange one of my IAOCP decks for a v2 Magic Con, as that is the one big deck I'm missing from D&D.

I think Don was referring to the IAOCP book not the deck. I think he was curious if you would part with one of them. At least that is the way I interpreted it.

If I was wrong and Don wanted a deck ignore this next statement.
I would trade one of my Magic Con V2 for one of you IAOCP decks.. It would make my decision not to buy the variety box that much easier.

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