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Messages - kdklown

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Playing Card Plethora / Re: Foto Grafis v 2.0 Now Live on Kickstarter
« on: January 03, 2014, 12:23:55 AM »
I may come off like a snob here but I can't see backing these without the USPC.  Bear in mind that I was all over the original to the point that I bumped his original project near the deadline in an effort to rustle up some extra backers.  I also should make it clear that I am not a USPC nerd as Legends V1 is pretty much my all time favorite deck.  I appreciate designers looking for other printing outlets but with my collection getting annoyingly large I have to be guaranteed quality cards in addition to a beautiful deck.  With all that being said I hope that the cards turn out lovely and I have a chance to pick some up in the aftermarket.  I wish him the absolute best in his project as his work deserves to be on a deck.  Of course there's always a chance I wake up tomorrow and back it.   ;)

Playing Card Plethora / Re: what im getting for DOTM
« on: January 03, 2014, 12:11:00 AM »
I was happy to find this in my mailbox today as well.  First time since joining the club that I've been really excited to get their DOTM.  Kind of nice to get the Bruce Lee deck last time as I didn't want to come out of pocket for it (yes, I realize I paid for it but it was long ago and it works out to 8.25 per deck shipping included).  Anyway very nice addition.  Would be wonderful if these aren't available to the general public but I seriously doubt thats the case.  Tuck box is significantly bigger in all directions than the std.  Seemingly larger even than what would be necessary to house the foil wrapping that holds the deck. 

Deck Reviews! / Re: What Deck Battles Do YOU Want to See?
« on: December 22, 2013, 12:23:51 PM »
With the release of the Gaff system how about letting the different Gaff decks battle it out. 

Fantastic turn of events.  What a wealth of knowledge unleashed on the Discourse.  I agree, the melding of vintage and new deck collectors will help to cultivate the hobby I enjoy.  Kudos Alex on all your efforts in getting this forum to the place it is today.  I know we are in good hands.

+1 For Sharpie.  A+.  Every positive statement posted throughout this thread X10.  Bought a brick + from him through UC.  Nothing but good stuff to say about the purchase.  Thank You!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Uncut Sheet Purchase?
« on: December 11, 2013, 07:48:21 PM »
I wish I had more, but my budget is tight. So far, I only have the uncut sheet of my first deck.

This is probably the only Uncut I would like to have.  I feel like it could be framed and displayed as a piece of art.  I fear picking up any other uncuts would just be a slippery slope.  I can't even come close to displaying all my decks on the wall so uncuts would just remain "tubed" and dusty. 

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Post Your Collection / Your Newest Acquisitions
« on: December 10, 2013, 06:29:38 PM »
Thanks kd, I was actually using the same chart. So F has multiple dates and yes, the non-tax stamp rules out the earlier dates. But can you pin point it more accuratley? I assume the chart means that with the letter "F" it was printed between 1984 and that correct? Not that it's that important with this deck, just trying to understand how to date things a little better.

No, it goes in a rotation so you would read that chart as narrowing it down to 1984 OR 2004 as opposed 1984-2004.  For instance, a deck printed in 1985 would have a G, 86 an H etc.  Gives them a 20+ year rotation. 

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Post Your Collection / Your Newest Acquisitions
« on: December 10, 2013, 06:22:45 PM »
Sorry for the double post.  The first pic is from Sharpie's cleaning out the closet sale over at UC.  Best black friday deal there was.  Bakers dozen for $25 shipping included.  I did't think my odds were good but did manage to have 1 deck in there that I don't own.  Some other nice scores in that brick as well.  Well done Sharpie!  The second pic is almost everything else I picked up around black friday including some KS deliveries.  The bottom of that pic are the 3 D&D Mystery decks. 

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Post Your Collection / Your Newest Acquisitions
« on: December 10, 2013, 05:25:22 PM »
Not even close to matching Jackson's haul, but I did come across these helping a friend clean out his folks garage. Hadn't seen these Racer Backs before. I know there are 2 versions, but the dating of these decks still seems a bit confusing. I'm guessing not very old, but cool non the less.

Also picked up a buddy for my White deck......

See the attached link.  Those should be from 1984 or 2004.  If there's no tax stamp then they shouldn't be earlier than that.  Use the chart in the link provided and match it to the first letter on your AOS.  If you want to dig a little deeper you should be able to find the different time periods that racer backs were printed.  I'd guess these to be 1984 not 2004 but it's just a guess.  Fun game this card collecting.  Nice find regardless!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Dan and Dave: Mystery deck V2
« on: December 08, 2013, 12:59:43 AM »
I bit and bought 3.  They came today. 

V7 Mirror
Fournier 605 Brown
Fulton's Chinatown: Game of Death

All in all I think I was lucky enough to have gotten my moneys worth. 

I won nothing with my first spin, so no everyone doesn't win with their first.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Deck Awards?
« on: December 07, 2013, 12:47:10 AM »
Well it's basically a giant annual deck battle and the MOD for the deck battles thread just gave the go ahead, so I think it's a go.  Let me know if you guys need anything.  I'm happy to help.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Deck Awards?
« on: December 06, 2013, 07:30:45 PM »
I know UC did something similar in the past, but I'm not sure about this forum. Maybe we could get the ball rolling with the idea. There have been plenty of releases in 2013, certainly enough to make it an interesting topic.

Yup, run with it Sparkz!   PM me if you need some help.  Still some good releases hitting mailboxes the next couple weeks.  You should wait a little bit, maybe just before Christmas. 

Awesome teamwork here for you folks.  Would be a huge coup for all of you if you could get this thing into full swing. 

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Card clips
« on: December 05, 2013, 01:12:15 AM »
I haven't had too much luck with the search function and this seemed like a good place to ask for opinions and suggestions.

[Edited to ammend a question]

Quick tip on the search function...
It only searches the board you are in so make sure you search from the home page for the widest variety of hits.  Took me a while to figure this out but I thought it might be limiting your searches unbeknownst to you.  This of course doesn't mean you can't ask the question I just thought this may help in the future.  If you already knew this then carry on.   :)

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Post Your Collection / Your Newest Acquisitions
« on: December 02, 2013, 09:59:53 PM »
Not really an acquisition, but I wanted to show you guys the cases my dad and I made over the weekend. Ignore the lame wallpaper.

I made them so the fronts come off and you can take each deck out individually and replace it with another instead of stacking them all atop one another. And used some door trim to make the decks lean back a little instead of stand flat against the back.

Those are great!  I'm counting 84 decks per.  Looks excellent.  Just don't leave that door open too long.  Salt air could mess your decks up!   :)

Playing Card Plethora / Re: University of Chicago Playing Cards
« on: December 02, 2013, 09:37:04 PM »
Porting this over from the UC...

I was poking around Mr. Philip Cheaney's website (the designer of The Amazing Deck), and found photos of another deck he designed for the University of Chicago Alumni. Very cool looking cards using the University's stained glass windows and many gargoyles as inspiration.

Mr. Cheaney is not able to help acquire any. But over the last few months, I've been researching and negotiating with one of the University Bookstores that has contacts in the Alumni (where the cards are given away for a donation of $50).

Kevin Bendle is my contact. Email him at to purchase this deck of cards. They're $9.98 USD each.

Not sure if it's ok to link to the UC discussion on these. There's some useful info there, plus pictures.
Sorry, if it isn't:


Trying to add pictures... here goes...

I'm not a Mod here but I think pertinent info is pertinent info regardless of where it comes from.  I posted my U of C deck in the new acquisitions thread and it sparked a brief conversation there.  I think I posted the same court pics you did here.  Probably deserves it's own thread.  Especially considering all the leg work you did to bring them to the masses at a reasonable price.  Great work Sharpie! 

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Post Your Collection / Your Newest Acquisitions
« on: December 02, 2013, 09:23:50 PM »
Not Sparkz, but that'd be the Rarebit deck.  Very limited release from T11 a few months back, buy $50 or something like that and receive a deck, or you can still get them using points.  Alternatively you can go to the Rarebit restaurant in Charleston, rack up a $100 tab and have the option to get a deck from them.  Or buy one for $$ on eBay if you can find a listing.!!!-next-theory11-deck/

I was going to post a link to the Rarebits in the Archive at T 11 so Speedy could get a better look.  Seems they're no longer available.  Seems like a lot of items are gone since the last time I was there.  I would imagine they are still going for big bucks on ebay.

EDIT: Yup, looks like the cheapest buy it now on ebay is $90 + $7 S&H.

Feedback + Support / Re: Go Down/ Go Up Button
« on: December 02, 2013, 05:10:51 PM »
If you're on here often enough like me...  It may benefit you to go into your settings and flip the post order so the newest posts are first.  I find that to be very user friendly. 

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Dan and Dave: Mystery deck V2
« on: November 29, 2013, 09:07:37 PM »
Did I spot a pack of Massas in there?  I'm going to pay $10 for the chance to get a $2 deck?!  Nope.  There's some nice decks there, but I own or don't want most of the ones I see displayed.  Oh, there's over a hundred different decks, sure, but if some of them are Studs and Massas and assorted Fulton's decks, I'm not so sure I'd wanna spend $10 on the chance of getting a goose egg that could be had for less or that I simply don't want.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the deck you're referring to isn't Massas; it's the Bee Watermelon Deck.

You are correct.  Didn't feel like correcting them earlier. 

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Questions about the Forum
« on: November 28, 2013, 03:18:10 PM »
So after looking up the stats, we currently have 9,588,223 page views. We average 12,122 page views per day (this value is rounded). Therefore, mathematically that means, based on this average, we should be reaching 10,000,000 in about 34 days. 34 days from now is January 1st, 2014. I am anticipating the views per day to increase slightly due to the holidays and people chatting about what they like/hate. With the increase, I am calculating the views per day to be 12,300. That gives 33 days. So I will be choosing December 31st, 2013. Just figured I would share this for those that have actually read my topic =D enjoy my math lol

Basically the some quick idiot math I did (no offense).  I subtracted a couple day as I feel like the hobby is on the uptick and we seem to gain members a little more frequently of late. 

Don, who the hell would want to just read what we write.   :)

There is a lot of "cross pollination" in this business and I think that is where all the confusion lies.  I am sure Don will expound on and correct what I say here but...

Conjuring Arts Research Center (Established by Bill Kalush) Specializes in Magic.  They don't necessarily sell magic as much as they deal in all things Magic Theory, history and study.  They're focused more on the record keeping and preserving magic knowledge.  This, however, also includes a number of playing card projects.  Bill Kalush seems to focus on reviving vintage designs and definitely takes painstaking efforts to increase the usability and handling of his cards, for the purposes of magic/sleight of hand.  Recently he has created an offshoot of CARC devoted solely to playing cards. 

Enter the Expert Playing Card Company.  Now I say offshoot however to my knowledge they are sold through CARC and do not have their own devoted Website.  They are , though, sold through different outlets as well (see Global Titans).  Bill has also focused his efforts with this project toward companies outside of the USPC.  In my opinion Bill's effort on this front will loosen the stranglehold the USPC has on the market.  He generally develops excellent quality cards and when people get their hands on his products it should serve to weaken the monopoly.

The Legends Playing Card Company is a new effort by the original Legends creator and magician, Lawrence Sullivan.  This is seemingly created for the Legends v2 in an effort drive exposure.  The original Legends were also sold through multiple outlets. 

Hope this helps, I'm sure Don will be along soon to amend.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: what im getting for DOTM
« on: November 28, 2013, 09:56:12 AM »
September- New Fan Back (Mine was Blue)
October- October (Whoa)
November- Bruce Lee

December 30, 2013

Thanks Don.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Post Your Collection / Your Newest Acquisitions
« on: November 28, 2013, 12:55:01 AM »
Scored these today via D&D Deck of the Month Club.  Nice, one Holiday release off the list with zero effort.

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