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Messages - Lushbob

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A Cellar of Fine Vintages / Re: Friar Club Playing Cards
« on: January 26, 2012, 11:31:13 AM »
Contrary to what some others of you seem to think, I quite like the back design. Very plain, and simple. While I love intricate, detailed designs, I'm also a sucker for minimalism. But, saying that, I wouldn't spend more than a couple of dollars on these decks - no way would I pay the price that they seem to be being sold for.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Dan and Dave Chinatown Uncut Sheet
« on: January 26, 2012, 11:12:21 AM »
If the Clip Joints had the Chinatown  back, but slightly tweaked, I would buy it in a heartbeat. To me, I love the faces of the Clip Joints, but the lack of color isn't doing it for me.
Yeah, I agree about the colour. But, I guess that's what they were going for, right? A black and white silent movie sort of deck?

I love vintage decks, but I don't have the money right now.
That's a nice few decks you have there, though. Where did you get them?

Could you tell me how much shipping to the UK would be for 4 decks?
Aproximately $18

Hm. Okay, thanks. When I get some more money, I might get a couple decks from you. Would 2 decks cost the same for shipping?

Playing Card Plethora / Inconsistencies between Tally-Ho tuckboxes?
« on: January 26, 2012, 10:45:42 AM »
I just bought a friend a few Tally-Ho decks from theory11. They arrived in the mail this morning, so I opened them and took a look at the boxes, just to make sure everything was in good condition. But I spotted something odd that I hadn't seen before on the Tally-Ho boxes.
I've attached a couple of pictures, to help explain what I'm talking about.
Basically, there are a couple of weird differences between the Tally-Ho Circle back and Fan back tuckboxes. On the bottom of the Fan back, the box just says 'Tally-Ho POKER 9'. Yet, on the bottom of the Circle back box, there's a whole bunch of copyright information. And on the sides of the boxes, the Circle back box says 'The U.S. Playing Card Co.', but the Fan back box also says 'Cincinatti, Ohio 45212'.
I know it doesn't really matter much, but I'm just curious as to why the boxes would differ from each other, when it seems that they were both printed at the same time. Does anyone know? Any help would be great! :)
(The Circle back is on top, and the Fan back is on the bottom in both photos)

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello from the northwest
« on: January 25, 2012, 08:11:05 PM »
Welcome! It's good to hear you've pledged for a Vortex deck and an uncut!
Are you a card collector?

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello Everyone
« on: January 25, 2012, 08:10:17 PM »
Just to say, when I made that previous post about being able to relate to a card addiction, I didn't quite know the extent of your collection. xD
You have mightily outdone me on this addiction, my friend. As I can imagine most others on this forum have.
But honestly, watching your collection video, I think you have about 20 times the decks that I have. And that's not even me exaggerating!

Introduce Yourself / Re: Glad to be here! ^_^
« on: January 25, 2012, 08:07:50 PM »
Welcome! It's good to hear that you've already started enjoying the forum, and found it inspiring!

Introduce Yourself / Re: hello there...
« on: January 25, 2012, 08:06:56 PM »
Welcome to the Discourse! Enjoy your stay! ;)

Playing Card Plethora / Re: De'vo's Blades, Blood Edition
« on: January 25, 2012, 08:02:43 PM »
Well IMO doing one edition in metallic ink just to make it "special" is quite lazy and a bad way of doing things. I mean it's like the whole monarch deck scenario where they

just created a "rare" decks themselves in hopes of driving up the price.

While I usually would I agree with this, I think in this case it seems a lot more reasonable, if both editions are going to be the same price, or at least a very similar price.
I would be going mental if the possible metallic ink decks, or the 'special' decks were, for instance, double the price for just some metallic ink or foil or something. But I don't think this will be the case.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Dumb question about tuck case packaging
« on: January 25, 2012, 07:58:49 PM »
I think it depends on the cards. I do remember opening the box and when I'm looking at the back, the backs of the cards would be facing me when I take them out. But I recently just got my Smoke & Mirrors v6 and noticed from the photos my girlfriend took that the the faces were facing me when I opened the box while looking at the back.

Huh. That's weird. I guess it must depend on the deck, then.

Feedback + Support / Re: Hidden images and URL not formatting correctly
« on: January 25, 2012, 07:28:39 PM »
Oh, thank God. Pressing in the mouse wheel on my mouse actually lets me scroll on here again! Thanks! :)

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Dumb question about tuck case packaging
« on: January 25, 2012, 06:16:35 PM »
It's aligned so that if you open up the deck and take them out, while looking at the back of the box, the backs are facing you. So, if you were looking at the front of the deck, the faces would be looking at you from behind the tuckbox.
You can see this by looking at White Centurions or Ramblers - the little window shows the back of the cards, and it's on the back of the box.
For some reason, I always swap it around so that when I open up a deck, the Joker is looking at me. I don't know why I do it, I just do. xD

Could you tell me how much shipping to the UK would be for 4 decks?

im sorry its been sold now if i decide to sell more ill pm you before posting here ^^

Damnit! xD That was pretty quick.
I'll look forward to hearing from you for any good deals!

Design & Development / Re: who likes these ideas for my card website ?
« on: January 24, 2012, 06:34:46 AM »
I agree with Good@Sabacc - idea 3 is bad, but the others all sound really nice. And, to be honest, I agree with everything else that he said, too! ;)

But, I do have some suggestions about your site, and what you could do to make me choose your site over a different UK reseller, or the company's website. I know this is an obvious one, but one thing I would want to see is competitive prices. For instance, cards4magic is one of the cheapest UK playing card shop sites that I have found, yet it is selling Fulton's (which are less than $7 on the D&D site) for the equivalent of about $11. Once you've factored in that they are probably getting a nice discount for resellers from D&D, they could potentially be making a 100% profit on each deck sold. Now, I know that you do need to factor in the shipping costs from the USA, but I think there's a good chance that you'd be able to have more competitive prices, while still making a nice profit.
But to be honest, the main thing that I'd want to see is discounted shipping, and possibly even something like free shipping for orders over £X. I've seen that on a UK site before, and it immediately makes me want to pick some decks up from that site. Shipping from the USA is so expensive when it comes to just a couple of decks, that the chance to be able to spend your money just on decks, and not have to spend some of it on the shipping, is really great.
Of course, I don't expect you to have decks for sale at the same price that D&D/Ellusionist/theory11 have them for, as I understand that the shipping for large quantities of decks would cost quite a bit. What I would want to see is the ability to get the decks plus shipping less than or equal to the decks plus shipping from a US site. And the prospect of free decks would make me even more likely to choose you over the D&D/Ellusionist/theory11/what-have-you website.
I'm not sure if I've explained myself very well - I've just got back from a two and a half hour History exam, and my words seem to be making less and less sense. But I hoped I've outlined the main points well.

This sounds like a nice deal. How much would shipping be to the UK? I'm guessing quite cheap, seeing as it would be domestic shipping prices.

Design & Development / Re: Have you been switched over to Discourse v2?
« on: January 23, 2012, 09:38:06 AM »
Actually, Lushbob, you won the raffle and got switched over for making a purchase. :)

Oh, I see. Cool, thanks! But I'm not a beta tester because of that, am I? I just won an early look at v2, correct?

Feedback + Support / Re: V2 no scroll bar? :)
« on: January 22, 2012, 04:35:06 PM »
I'm on Chrome and it works like a charm. I for one really like the scroll bar as to how it camouflages in with the background. Talk about discrete.

Ooh, yeah. I just opened it up in Chrome. Very nice - the scroll bar is just normal in Firefox. Also, the clicking in of the mouse wheel works when I'm using Chrome. Weird.

Feedback + Support / Re: V2 no scroll bar? :)
« on: January 22, 2012, 03:48:52 PM »
I'm on Firefox and the scrollbar works just fine for me.
The only problem I'm having with scrolling is that my mouse wheel is broken, so instead of 'wheeling' it up or down, I just click it in. Then I just drag my mouse up or down, and the page scrolls. This worked on Discourse v1, but it's not working for me on v2.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: NEW DECK - April Fool's Deck from De'vo.
« on: January 22, 2012, 06:41:26 AM »
If the decks are cheap, I might get one. But I'm sort of dubious about this whole thing. But I mean, if it's just a few dollars, it won't matter that much even if it was something ridiculous like a regular rider back. But we'll see when the price is announced.

Design & Development / Re: Have you been switched over to Discourse v2?
« on: January 22, 2012, 06:27:48 AM »
Has everyone just been changed over to v2, or am I the person chosen to use v2 from the Vortex final sales?
Either way, v2 looks really nice so far.

The known "single-use" codes are D&D's "fancy", T11's code and Ellusionist's "magic10".

I HAVE A NEW CODE: at (NOT at his eBay store) use code 051512 to get 10% off your order - expires May 15, 2012.  (The code number is the same as the expiration date.)

Yeah, thanks. I've already updated the ones that I've been told are single use - so that's all of the Ellusionist codes, theory11's code and D&D's one.

And thanks for the new code, I'll add it in along with the expiration date.

Edit: Oh, and do you know if that code is a single use one?

Okay, guys. Can you do me a favour and post here whenever a code is denied because you've already used it?
As much as I wish I do, I don't have the money to make orders from all of these websites, just to see if the codes work twice.  ;)
Also, if a code has expired and I haven't updated the list, just tell me here and I'll update it as soon as possible. Thanks!

I think he's referring to the fact that you can only use it once on the same account.  These are things we need to note on the list - even if there is a workaround by purchasing as a guest.  Also, some codes expire - the1eyedjack code I gave out earlier expires at the end of this year.  It would be worth noting these things.

Oh, I see. Sorry, I'll add some more information about the codes.

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