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Messages - BiggerDee

Pages: 1 ... 23 24 [25]
Playing Card Plethora / Re: New KS deck: New York Lights
« on: February 17, 2013, 08:11:59 AM »
Well, I backed it for one deck just to see how the campaign played out. 83% funded. Curiosity gets me sometimes!
Let's just see where this ride goes...

Even I'M not THAT crazy!!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: New KS Deck: Yellow Lotus
« on: February 15, 2013, 02:43:57 PM »
Definitely some odd circumstances surrounding this one...Sometimes I wonder if people post an idea just to see what happens, then pull it once they realize that there is a good chance that they will have to turn their "Just to see what happens" idea into reality!

I'm already a backer for SiShou as well!! :-)

I'm fairly certain that I'm addicted to cards!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: New KS Deck: Yellow Lotus
« on: February 15, 2013, 01:57:20 PM »
Project cancelled by designer due to uncut sheets no longer being available from the card company:

"Thank you kickstarters for all your support unfortunetly i am going to have to cancel the project. The card company that i was currently going to publish this deck with, says that they can no longer offer me uncut sheets. Since alot of you payed for uncut sheets, i am going to have to cancel the funding for this project. I will re launch this project again with a shorter duration so if you are still interested please back it again. I will also try to make this deck better, if there is something you will like changed from this deck or something added, please let me know and i will consider it. Any comments is appreciated.Thank you for all your support."

Yes, I was a backer, but for two decks. I try to acquire at least two decks of almost (almost) everything, just to have them. There have been a few that I have passed onn though! :-)

Hmmmm...upon further examination, there were several levels that included uncut sheets, and 16 backers for the 16 sheets available, including the one $500 backer that included 10 uncut sheets in the reward. It was at $2,055 ($55 over funding goal) when the plug was pulled. So basically, if we are to take the above cancellation at face value, the progect was scrapped due to the project's inability to deliver the 16 uncut sheets to the 7 backers that pledged for them.

Ha! Mine just showed up! UPS

Did the kit come via USPS, or was it delivered by another carrier?

Sine the brick is to commemorate play more cards day, I'm sure that the intent is not to send out special cards that we will keep, but rather for us to be ambassadors for Bicycle and to give the cards away (since they didn't technically cost anything) to encourage others to put down electronic devices and rediscover and play more card games. More people interested in card games=more people interested in cards overall=more business for them, and more unique decks fir collectors/cardists/magicians due to an expanded pool of new buyers! To that note, I think that I will hand mine out at my office.

A! Based on their letter, I just assumed that it would be a single deck. I was happy just to get the 808 deck, and the ability to buy some possibly rarer (club only) decks for my club price. They didn't have to send a whole brick so if they are going this far to take care of members, I can't wait to see what's coming. The Griffin deck is really nice with all of the foil on the tuck.

I know that high-end designs take a lot of manpower to design, but I've always wondered why they didn't design some art-type decks (like many designers here and on KS do) and sell them for more than $3.99 or $5.99. I know that their main sales are to casinos, but they also make/sell a good many decks that aren't high volume. A custom designed deck, completely custom adn low printing numbers, could be a good seller for 808. That might be next though, the club has already exceeded my expectations. It's a nice change to get more than your money's worth from a large company!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Is UC Down For The Count?
« on: February 12, 2013, 02:26:57 PM »
In a nutshell, changes by the ISP raised prices for concurrent user connections to the point that it was no longer feasible to run as an un-sponsored site without ads. Ths all apparently happened over a very short period of time. The person running the site couldn't/didn't want to (understandably) bear the increased burden alone.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Playing Card Notebook
« on: February 12, 2013, 01:04:55 PM »
My guess is that it's just thin card stock, and not truly playing card stock. I would definitely buy some but the conversion from pounds to American dollars, plus shipping to the states, would most likely make them prohibitively expensive for me.

Found a similar one on Amazon for about $10 with free shipping (Prime members). Only one review that stated that it was "garbage", but of course didn't explain why.

You know, that might be a good KS stretch goal for a deck with a really nice back design such as Ornate or Aurum. Maybe a desk notepad or individual sheets in a holder, with the deck back printed on one side of thinner cardstock, and the other side blank. It it were going to be padded, I personally think that padding along the short side (the top) would be more practical. A pad not quite as thick would be better as well...I think that the 52 sheet count is clever, but may be too thick.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Is UC Down For The Count?
« on: February 12, 2013, 01:00:36 PM », a playing card forum similar to this one.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Is UC Down For The Count?
« on: February 12, 2013, 12:17:41 PM »
From what I read, there's a 99+% chance that it is gone for good.

Introduce Yourself / Hello all!
« on: February 12, 2013, 12:16:27 PM »
I just wanted to stop in and say hello! Some of you may remember me from the UC forum, although I hadn't been a memeber there for long before it went down. I have lurked on both of these forums for quite a few months. I joined US because I ran across it first, adn didn't want to be on two forums posting the same things twice to many of the same members, so I just opted to stay on there and keep lurking here.

I am a pure card collector. I love to watch flourishing, but seriously doubt that I would even be able to perform the simplest tasks. I love magic, and buy many tricks from E, T11, and Penguin, just to play around with them. I never attempt to perform them for anyone, they are just for my own amusement but even so, I always honor the magician's code and never reveal what I know to anyone. I LOVE knowing how the tricks work, adn enjoy being fooled! I can watch most tricks now and figure out how they are done, but I truly appreciate the skill and imaginitive thinking that goes into creating these tricks and I buy the ones that I especially like to support the artists and companies. I first got into collecting on a serious scale through these magic companies.

Being a pure collector, I never open the decks that I buy (yes, sad, I ageree) unless I ahve a lot of them and they aren't super rare. I but them as art pieces, with no intent on every selling any of them (much to my wife's dismay!). There really aren't a lot of decks that I won't buy at least a couple of.

From the time that I was very young, I remember being fascinated by that weighty card box in my hand. The size, the slight rattle of cards inside, the feeling opening a new deck and fanning through the cards, Just something about it speaks to me. I don't know how, adn I don't know why, but I'm sure that some of you know those feelings. I still go through my collection weekly, scrutinizing each and every deck, wondering about the artwork inside. Maybe it's nostalgia, but something about having the decks just does something for me psychologically. It's so cliche, but it is a magical experience. Yeah, weird...I know. :-)

I look forward to being able to give back to the board and the members as they have given me tips and information over the months.

Have a great day!


Playing Card Plethora / Re: Founders Playing Cards (KS)
« on: February 12, 2013, 09:40:52 AM »
The first thing that I thought of when I saw these was "The official custom card of The President of the United States of America, and the only cards used in The White House"! They have that official business-like flair to them! I like them!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: New Deck - Babel Deck
« on: February 12, 2013, 09:38:40 AM »
Very nice, I will be in on these!

I swear, I just need a big bucket of money out in front of my house. Card designers and companies can just come by, drop a few decks in, and take some cash. That will make it much easier than having to order! :-)

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Bicycle Truth Garden No. 03 coming out soon
« on: February 12, 2013, 09:35:03 AM »
Great info! I didn't know if the 850 figure was just what was released outside of China, or just what Aloys would be selling.

Don, I saw your post on another topic about low deck sales amounts where you noted that the minimum print run is at least 2,500. That was a fantastic point, one that to be perfectly honest, I hadn't ever thought of before. Thank you for that new angle of thought on "limited release" decks! I don't know why that thought had never run through my mind, but your post made it sink in!

Well, I'm going to have to be in on these as well. Bring 'em on!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Bicycle Truth Garden No. 03 coming out soon
« on: February 12, 2013, 02:36:06 AM »
I find this deck very interesting. I received the pre-release notification about it a few days back, and I have been wondering about the details of the back story and what the deck looked like. I know that Aloys stated that only 850 decks would be in "store stock", but I'd love to know a total production/distribution number. The "x" number of decks will be "released" and availability for a "limited time only" statements tend to make me lose a bit of enthusiasm for a release such as this. I don't buy as an investment to re-sell, but I do love the challenge and reward of obtaining truly rare decks. Vague production quantity numbers leave so many doors open. Obviously this will be popular in China and surrounding areas, I just wonder about the interest of the standard collector.

Don, thank you for the welcome!

Oddly enough, I found out by asking! We had talked about it on UC, so I contacted D&D about it. They stated that it wasn't part of their package, and suggested that I get in touch with Stranger & Stranger. I did, and the person there gave me the heads-up. This person had obviously answered that same question before, and I got the strong impression that it was already in the works to do a very limited (their words) release. That should be easy to accomplish. The artwork, stock selection, test runs, et cetera, were done initially for their employee handout, or whatever the initial boxes were used for, so it would just be a matter of having a larger print run done. I wish that I had more details, but tats all that I have heard so far, although I was told that I'd be kept in the loop when more details were released.

I'm purely a collector, so my decks will never be opened so the beatifically detailed tucks ( I personally LOVE the tax stamp like seal!) in a matching detailed box is icing on the cake for me! I was very excited to hear that info from them, especially since I wasn't even confident that they would call back! I'll believe it when I see it, but I am very optimistic that we'll have something soon! I just hope that it's not priced like its solid gold!

I do agree that $25 is steep for a deck, but when you really think about the number of artists that contributed, as we as the probable production cost of the deck itself, it's not totally unreasonable, whether you choose to buy or not. I'm in for a few. I've bought far pricier decks than this one! Heck, you'd think that I would be skinny based on how little cash is left for food after all of the new cards are purchased every month!!  :)

From what I understand, yes, you are correct, but technically with the collector's item being the storage box for the two decks!

The question will boil down to this...will it be two decks and the box for $50, or $75 ( or more)? What will be ya value of that little box, albeit cool and a really nice design, to casual or serious collectors? I'm sure that it will be a polarizing subject!

I don't know if there will be gilded decks, or just standard ones, as part of the deal. I got the impression that was all still being worked out, but there has apparently been a great deal of interest in the set as a whole.

Hello to all my fellow posters from UC. For those who don't know me, I have lurked here for a while but had not joined TD, probably just out of laziness. I hope that I can contribute in a meaningful and helpful way. Along those lines...

The Ultimate Deck box set that you saw in the UD pre-release pics will be available "soon" in a "very limited quantity". I don't know if the velvet bags are included, or exactly what "soon"  or in a "very limited quantity" mean.

Yeah, I'm just as curious as all of you are.

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