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Messages - Benjam

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I love Arrcos in general, but since the US Regulations aren't REALLY to be considered "vintage", I'd have to say an original deck of Arrco Tahoes :D that would be awesome to own haha
I love the reprints, but I've heard so many amazing things about the originals! Plus the design is lovely...

Now I don't have every deck that's come out of Kentucky, and in fact I really dislike a lot of the custom decks coming out these days so that kinda narrows it down for me... But I do have to say that the handling on decks like the Monarchs and Rebels are amazing, in my view at least. But I would have to say my favourite handling deck right now from Kentucky are the Arrco Tahoe reprints (the ones done by dealing deuces).
I just think they're great haha and the design is a plus!

Actually now that I think of it, I feel this is a suitable place to ask this question...
Is it true that the handling of USPC's standard decks is getting better and better in the new Kentucky factory? Because the standard bicycles that I've been using are all from 2009 (I bought them in Costco), and they are all absolutely shit! That's the only way to describe them... they clump up super fast, and the stock just feels awful and un-springy after a short usage time (nothing like the old Ohio bikes!).
The tally hos are no different... I've never actually handled an old ohio deck of tally hos but I hear they're fantastic. Yet, I just can't bring myself to like the tally deck that I have from kentucky. And lots of people agree with me.
SO long question short, is the USPCC improving on their quality in the new factory? I would have thought that they'd be making better cards than the old Ohio decks, rather than cards that are infinitely worse!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Fontaine playing cards
« on: February 16, 2013, 02:59:11 AM »
I actually agree with you :) I too am a fan of the minimalism, I really like the design of the backs, and I'm alright with the jokers and ace of spades.... but like we've all been saying, its simply not worth it haha
Also, the page says that they have "linen finish", but who knows what that is like... would it be the same as the finish on the aristocrat banknotes? I dunno haha

Anyways, I'm a big fan of Zach Mueller, I think he's got a lot of talent, and since he's my age, I have a lot of respect for the way he's already building a career for himself in magic by working for T11 and all the rest of it.
BUT, I agree with what most of you guys are saying in terms of usability vs price tag, SO I'm gonna have to give these a miss...
Just my two cents :)

i personally love the look of these cards. i l'm a HUGE fan of minimalism and hate so many recent releases that this deck is one of the few that i really like. i love the vibrant red and blue, and how the skinny lettering makes the back of the card look fat. i'm surprised more people don't like these. if you are a fan of the way jerry's or wynn's look this shouldn't be too much of a stretch from those decks. i will however admit that i'm not too fond of the ace of spades, but other than that, everything else is fine, and the back looks elegant to me at least i even like the box. but ... to each his own.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Fontaine playing cards
« on: February 15, 2013, 02:27:43 AM »
I agree! I hate the fact he used "supreme" cause it reminds me of those stupid supreme hats that all those hipsters wear... thats just what bugs me about it xD

As for the overall deck of cards, I personally like the design and MIGHT consider picking up 1 or 2 of these decks... but what I don't understand is why everyone is getting SO hyped up about a deck of cards which they know NOTHING about... I mean, so far the advertisement has been purely design-based, there is no mentioning of how the cards will handle, which is the most important thing! All these fanboys are getting hyped over a nice looking deck of cards but they have no idea if they have smooth or air cushioned finish, what kind of stock its printed on and everything else like that. If we don't find anything out about the handling of the cards before Zach releases them, we'll just have to assume they're standard bikes with a customised back, ace of spades, box and jokers... if that's the case, its simply not worth buying them.

Every time I read the name of this deck I just keep thinking Bioshock and although It was a very good game and the decks is done is a "classic" casino style which would fit the game, I just can't bring myself to want to buy the deck.
In the end much as Ace Fulton's casino was ugly and Jerry's nuggets are ugly (this is obviosly my opinion and I know there are other reasons to own a Jerrys)  The Fontaine deck is ugly.
The NOC deck was simple yes, but I didn't see it as ugly I think the simple solid back may be more pleasing to me than a simple solid back broken up by a not to innovative and simple motif.

The nail in the coffin for me though was the use of the word "Supreme" on the box. I don't know why but it irks me

+1 for Angel_magic

He was a very thorough and reliable seller, willing to answer my many questions and queries... would definitely buy again :)
He also shipped as soon as I made the payment, which was much appreciated!

While I'm on this thread...

+1 for Joshua Robinson
He was a great seller who packaged my decks very safely and was very courteous and apologetic when his shipping time was a tad delayed... that didn't bother me at all!
And since we're both in Australia, cheap shipping was a massive bonus... Australians, look out for this guy!

Just received my decks :)
I couldn't possibly be happier with the way the 15 decks arrived! They were in perfect condition, thanks to the expert packaging, and very well protected.
Nick is also a great seller for the way he helped with my questions before I actually purchased the cards...
Very thorough, very reliable, a great seller!

A Cellar of Fine Vintages / Re: Different version of Jerry's Nuggets?
« on: February 11, 2013, 01:11:19 AM »
Thanks for the replies, guys :)
I was just a little curious as to what the history behind them was haha I definitely didn't have much interest in buying them, was just interested haha
Thanks again, very helpful!

A Cellar of Fine Vintages / Different version of Jerry's Nuggets?
« on: February 09, 2013, 04:49:28 AM »
Hey guys,
I was just browsing on ebay and I happened to come across these:

So does anyone know what the deal with these is? Of course I know they not highly prized like the Jerry's Nuggets that everyone knows, but I'm just wondering what the history with these cards is... they seem interesting enough haha though not usable obviously, because of the clipped corners.
Still, can anyone enlighten me as to what these cards are all about?

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