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Messages - aldazar

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Playing Card Plethora / Re: Jason Brumbalow's "Run" Coming soon
« on: November 04, 2014, 06:09:54 PM »
Official trailer (and yes, you can actually see the cards ;) )

That is a sweet a$$ trailer if I ever saw one!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Best Marked deck of 2014
« on: November 04, 2014, 09:34:18 AM »
v2 Dealers by Daniel Madison/Ellusionist

Sharps by Legends Playing Card Co.

Oi, one nomination!  When voting for president, do you get to pick more than one person?  :))  And please remember it still has to be seconded.

So, now that you have to choose, which is the better of the two?

Just to be clear, there is a very big difference between nominating and voting, and there are many electoral systems that permit multiple nominations from a single potential voter. Comparing multiple nominations to voting for the president is a red herring, and a poor one at that.

Obviously, you set the rules for your competition, and in this case, you've set it such that each person can only nominate one deck (or other item, as the case may be) per category, but that's an arbitrary rule and not one based on a universal standard (the fact that there have been many attempts to nominate multiple items in a single category points toward this), or even any (publicly stated) logic or reasoning.

That being said, I have no objection to the 1 nomination per category per person rule - just want to point out that it's an arbitrary rule and has little to nothing to do with how many votes one gets when voting for a president...

PS: To answer your (irrelevant) question on presidential voting (with an equally irrelevant answer since it has no application whatsoever to this competition), as a matter of fact, when you vote for President, at least in the US, you actually are technically voting for at least 2 people - the President and the Vice President, since they run together on the same ticket.

Jackson's Sherlock Campaign.

I have backed nearly 40 projects and that one was one of the most fun, and most exciting ones to be a part of. Secret teirs, and a lot of drama that came with them, google chat sessions with Jackson, a metric digital ton of comments and discussion on the project page, great assisting staff, tons of awesome updates and add ons. It was a stellar campeign the whole way through and had me checking back daily to check for opened up teirs and new comments.

Just to clarify, are we voting on the best deck that happened to be crowdfunded, or the best crowdfunding exercise that happened to be for a deck?

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Simplex Playing Cards KS
« on: November 04, 2014, 09:21:32 AM »
Love the creative use of the number and word combined it reads flawlessly.

Don't like the bare faces of the cards at all though.

Second both these points, but particularly the first!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Best Brick/Half-Brick Box
« on: November 04, 2014, 09:05:59 AM »
Heretic Playing Cards by Requiem Team

I personally dislike the "theme" of this deck, but the brick box is by far the most beautiful I've ever seen!

Seconded, if it hasn't been already!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Jason Brumbalow's "Run" Coming soon
« on: November 04, 2014, 05:30:15 AM »
Here are two more pictures of the Bankroll Edition for those interested. My favorite, and naturally they ended up making this one limited to 5,000 and not up for sale. Story of my life.   ;)

I know, right? It's my favorite too! Was so sad to hear that I most likely won't be able to get my hands on them! =(

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Gatorback Riders from David Blaine
« on: November 03, 2014, 10:32:16 PM »
To be clear - I'm not complaining about the pricing or even the differential - I'm not one of those whiners - I conpletely respect the perogative of the owners to sell at a price of their choice and the power of the free market to determine if that price is "fair" and/or the success of the sale.

I'm just curious if there are any differences between the two decks other than color, that's all. The price difference indicated to me that there could be a difference, but it turns out I was wrong - oddly, the "superior" deck (ie metallic inked greens) were cheaper than the "inferior" deck (supposedly identical but for color and the lack of metallic ink). I'm not objecting to or complaining about it - Just curious!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: ABSINTHE - New E deck
« on: November 03, 2014, 09:04:41 AM »
Card backs look amazing! Not so sure about the courts from the limited amount I've seen...

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Gatorback Riders from David Blaine
« on: November 03, 2014, 08:48:45 AM »
The blacks look good, word is that the stock isn''t as good though. I am gonna buy a brick and find out.

Oddly, The BLACK will cost slightly more then the green did. 2 decks for $16 & brick (12) for $80. I won't complain.  Blaine has always been fair to us!

Could be because of the stock. Saw DB's comment in Instagram that this is Bee stock.

I'm inclined to agree - the green ones didn't use "casino stock"; they're much softer than Bees.

So the above turned out not to be the case then?

November 30!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Gatorback Riders from David Blaine
« on: November 02, 2014, 10:09:15 PM »
Interesting... So stock, finish, etc is identical?

The fact that the blacks were a fair bit more expensive than the greens in spite of the lack of metallic inks is merely a function of the market/David Blaine's perception of the market? Or am I missing something here?

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Gatorback Riders from David Blaine
« on: October 30, 2014, 09:00:31 PM »
Anyone had a chance to do a side-by-side comparison between the greens and the blacks yet?

Boobs instead of guns, I think that's something most woman can agree on.

And I'm guessing many (if not most) guys can agree that both boobs and guns would be better than either one alone! =P


Of course it sells cards... That's why they did it. Next promotion will be the half naked woman in lingerie. :))

Because that sells cards, too?  To women?  And impressionable children?  Who said sexism is dead!  :))

After that, they'll have a promo with half naked men, to avoid the gender discrimination lawsuits...=P *shudders*

Playing Card Plethora / Re: EXCLUSIVE First Look: 52 Plus Joker Club Deck
« on: October 27, 2014, 10:08:57 AM »
I thought the same thing.  The gold looks better than the silver ones which makes the decision easier to wait and open a gold and save all silvers ones.

I haven't seen either the silver or the gold decks in real life, but in pictures, I think I favor the silver - it's more subtle but still cool looking! I find the gold a bit too "in your face" relative to the silver... That being said, I'll still be picking up some of the gold decks as they're still pretty cool in my book! =)

How far would that go? Could I make a deck and claim I worked with USPCC to design a specially made unicorn blood coating that handles like magic because it is, in fact, magical; with a finish you have never experienced before that comes from the hide of the very unicorn that was used to produce the magic coating. A deck so unique, in a super limited 5000 deck print run, you will never feel cards this special again if you miss out? Until I make a slightly different color variant for another super limited run of course.

I'd totally buy a unicorn blood/hide deck...=P

Playing Card Plethora / Re: *** Orbiter Playing Card Display - LIVE ON KS
« on: October 27, 2014, 09:59:27 AM »
Sure, they could do the math and figure it out, but in the spirit of openness and honesty it would be a nice gesture and it shows you're treating your customers better than the average project creator.

The way it's currently shown is neither opaque/closed nor dishonest. It may be a bit difficult for people who can't do simple math or use a basic calculator, but the implication that it is dishonest seems somewhat unfair...

The plain-Jane version presented here is just fine - if it ain't broke, don't fix it!

If everyone subscribed to this logic, we would not have the wonderful variety of custom designed playing cards that we have today... After all, good old Bikes aren't exactly broken... So much hatorade...=P

I think it's....289!

Yeah, definitely don't even consider using this deck for a poker game (or any game with money involved) - you might not walk away from that game...=P

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Jon Noir- Rion
« on: October 22, 2014, 11:00:03 AM »
If looking at their other products is any indicator, it's going to be crazy-expensive.

Close-up pad in leather and velvet (blanketed with the company logo)
8"x11": $145 - 10"x15": $200

That does seem like a lot of money, but I don't have much of a frame of reference - what do you guys reckon is a reasonable price for a high quality (assuming this is high quality) close up pad of this nature?

Playing Card Plethora / Re: O..............? from Legends PCC
« on: October 22, 2014, 10:56:31 AM »
This is making me think of the classic video game, Frogger. :)

It does remind me of frogger! It also sorta makes me feel a bit dizzy when I look at it...

Magical Cardistry Bonanza / Re: KINGS - MADISON & MCKINNON
« on: October 22, 2014, 10:54:08 AM »
(unless it just comes marked in the first place)

It most definitely is... Pretty cool system too, though probably a bit too obvious in any situation where someone can examine more than a single card for more than a few seconds... Put another way, it would fail the "riffle test" in a half second...=P

PS: Please delete this post if that's too much of a spoiler or anything like that...

PPS: Paul, I personally would be interested to hear what your thoughts were... Always valuable (to me) to hear the views of different experts as I try to educate myself on the world of card design... Positive or negative, there's always something to be learned for me...

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Defunctorum Playing Cards
« on: October 22, 2014, 10:51:45 AM »
a) I like the look of this deck, even if it is rather derivative/too similar to those that have come before it

b) I'm not pledging for it because I don't like skulls (and yes, there have been far too many decks with skulls in them of late), so a deck has to be spectacular for me to be interested if it features skulls as more than a tiny background element

c) I know Don is the head honcho around here, and I readily acknowledge that he knows more about cards and card design than I'll ever learn - mad props to him for that. However, I must say that having hung around these forums for a while now, I do feel that he is very quick to judge, and unnecessarily rude and sarcastic when he doesn't like or agree with something. Everyone's entitled to an opinion, and I do acknowledge that he runs this place, but it's just not necessary to be as rude and offensive and sarcastic as he sometimes (often) is, nor is it necessary for him to put people down so often just because their opinions don't match his/their ideas don't fit his fancy. It's especially sad to me because he often uses his superior knowledge and/or status in the community as leverage in his put downs. This, from my perspective, is the cyber equivalent of a guy in real life who is bigger and stronger than another kid beating him up and/or mercilessly making fun of him because the other kid is smaller/weaker than him and can't do much about it, especially because the big kid has lots of friends/supporters everywhere.

Point c above is a bit of a rant, and I hope I won't be penalized too severely for expressing my opinion, though I fear I may be. It's been bugging me for a while how Don treats people/projects/whatever which he doesn't like, and I guess this is where I throw in my two cents... Please don't ban me/exile me/declare me persona non grata here...=P

Looks pretty cool at first glance, but as has been pointed out already, it's quite hard to read the indices!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Gatorback Riders from David Blaine
« on: October 17, 2014, 08:26:50 AM »
I actually really like how the greens feel!

So hey, I have a (dumb) question: How many different versions of gatorbacks are there? I know of the green and black... Any others? Red, for example?

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