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Messages - Will W.

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 13
Gotta give this guy some respect. At least he doesn't give up.

Now using MPC as printer instead of USPC, and i'm wondering why does he put "Pre-Order" when it is a crown funding project.
No he does not give up and he is definitely taking a step back using MPC instead of USPC.  :mindf-ck:

Playing Card Plethora / Re: ONIDA by Legends PCC
« on: December 18, 2014, 01:32:40 AM »
Reminds me of an old school cigarette deck.  Like Newports or Golden Lights..... Sorta...

Design & Development / Re: The second edition of the Lumberjacks
« on: December 17, 2014, 11:31:01 PM »
The jokers are sweet! But, to me, it looks like the sawdust is on the wrong side. The red guy looks like he is pulling and the blue guy is pushing so the saw would be moving to the left. And that would make the dust travel left? Right?
The sawdust is at the end of the stroke, right before the return stroke. Its on the proper side.

Design & Development / Re: The second edition of the Lumberjacks
« on: December 17, 2014, 09:14:04 PM »
Looks great!  One question for you though. Are you going to offer the original Lumberjacks on your kickstarter as well?  Maybe as an add on or in a tier where you get one of each. The only reason I ask is because I missed out on the original and have yet to acquire it but would like to.  ;D

I don't see why not!
Thats awesome!   :D

Design & Development / Re: The second edition of the Lumberjacks
« on: December 17, 2014, 04:42:46 PM »
Looks great!  One question for you though. Are you going to offer the original Lumberjacks on your kickstarter as well?  Maybe as an add on or in a tier where you get one of each. The only reason I ask is because I missed out on the original and have yet to acquire it but would like to.  ;D

Hmm...  A little too self-referential for my tastes.  It's nearly as bad as naming a deck "Playing Card-Themed Playing Cards!"  Ever hear of anyone naming a car "Driver" or naming a pistol "Shooter"?  (Or calling a toilet "Crapper" - wait, people actually do that!)

It's one thing to make a gorgeous deck based on a specific theme.  It's quite another to call it "Bicycle Collectors" and wait for the Bicycle collectors to roll in by the hundreds or thousands...

I love this - the first sentence:

Bicycle® Collectors. 56 Luxury Handcrafted Playing Cards. Limited Edition. Printed by the USPCC.
  • Luxury?  It's the same paper used to make Bees and Bicycles!  It's like the term "Corinthian leather" - a term that was made up by Chrysler's ad agency to sell their luxury cards in the mid-1970s, made famous by Cordoba brand spokesman Ricardo Montalban.  In reality, the leather was never anywhere near Corinth - it was purchased from a company in Newark, New Jersey!
  • Handcrafted?  The definition of this in the transitive verb form is "To  fashion  or  make  by  hand," implying the lack of a machine-driven process.  So someone is painting in each and every card by hand?  Or running a manual press and creating each uncut sheet a page at a time?  I could use the same term for the manufacturing of automobiles or computer processors - at some point, humans laid hands on those object as well while they were "crafted"...  So, hand-drawn, yes; hand-designed, maybe or maybe not; handcrafted, not a chance.  It implies the deck is completely handmade when only the artwork is.  Considering the amount of tweaking that even hand drawings receive before a deck is press-ready, the term is somewhat deceptive - but I supposed not more so than many ad campaigns.
  • Limited Edition?  Duh.  Is that still a selling point any more?  Has any deck on Kickstarter ever been mass-produced in more than one print run?  It's like saying, "Now with AIR, version 2.0!"  It's become meaningless.  The very nature of using Kickstarter to create a deck forces all but a rare few of them to be limited editions, because the amount of funds raised is finite and usually not enough to launch a full-time deck company.
  • Printed by the USPCC?  Well, the Bicycle brand is kind of a giveaway...
In short, it looks like a "Corinthian leather" deck.  I'll grant that the court cards look nice and all (though the images on the cards could be a bit larger), but Elite's work was always a bit too baroque for my tastes and it's a turn-off to be "sold to" so forcefully as this.

Forgive me if I seem cranky.  I didn't get enough sleep.
Cranky or not, I agree with everything you said.  Way too self-serving and presumptuous.   :karrit:

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Post Your Collection / Your Newest Acquisitions
« on: December 15, 2014, 09:26:52 PM »
Received these today.  I now have 1200 plus decks but these are my very first signed and personalized.  These will always be special for that reason and because they are from an all around great person..  Thanks Rose!   

Phone pic.. Sorry for the less than stellar quality.

Design & Development / Re: The second edition of the Lumberjacks
« on: December 15, 2014, 05:09:47 PM »
I think the jokers are the cherry on top!  You can sense the movement with the way they are positioned and the sawdust on the end of the stroke.  Nicely done! 

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Best Face Design Cards of 2014
« on: December 15, 2014, 11:34:31 AM »
This one was hard.

The hive by Brendan Hong
Run standard playing cards by Jason brumbalow

You're only allowed to nominate one.  As per Rose's instructions, only the first one will count - the Hive.
Ok, then I will second The Hive and Nominate Run by Jason Brumbalow.  ;)

Playing Card Plethora / Re: New NOUVEAU Bicycle deck
« on: December 14, 2014, 06:32:43 PM »
I really like the brighter corner dials on 1,2 and 4, but the overall even tone look of the 3rd one, and thing the third option with the higher contract corner dials would looks stellar.

Thank you Justin O. for your opinion  :) I tried what you said but it didn't look very good. The problem is printing the 3rd option so we're going with a colored version :)
I tried different options and finally chose the right back; I think it portrays both the Art Nouveau mosaics and our deck's style. Check it out :) We'll be launching the project on KS this week!  :D
Great end result.  I look forward to backing your project.

Design & Development / Re: Scopa Scuro idea
« on: December 14, 2014, 01:20:56 PM »
You really have the eye for this, Don. Behold!
I agree. Looks so much better.  Nice job!  :D

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Not on Ebay...
« on: December 13, 2014, 11:47:19 PM »
Specially if they smuggle the decks, in their pants.  :t11:
Is that a highlighter in your pocket or have you been cheating at cards again....? Lol  ;D

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Playing Cards Can be Dangerous
« on: December 13, 2014, 10:20:20 PM »
Why not?  Its entertaining and I know if I find it interesting others might also.   :karrit:

I know, but you suddenly spurted out so many of them at once.  Binge!
Did I mention that I have been off work for a month now?  Idle hands and all that.....  :t11:

The article states that only 5 sets of silver playing cards are known.  One of the sets was on view at the Jewish Museum in Amsterdam.  Perhaps they are still on display.
That would be awesome to see but Im afraid Amsterdam is a little too far from home for me.  :)

Design & Development / Re: Bēhance: Playing card designs
« on: December 13, 2014, 03:55:26 PM »
Thanks for the info Collector. That would make a great art print but I only collect full decks of playing cards. That takes up a lot of space as it is. My wife would kill me if I started hanging art prints on the wall also.   >:(

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Have You Ever?
« on: December 13, 2014, 09:42:13 AM »
SOMEONE'S been wandering the backroads of the Interwebs...
More like the dark, dirty alleyways... ;)

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Playing Cards Can be Dangerous
« on: December 13, 2014, 09:39:06 AM »
Why not?  Its entertaining and I know if I find it interesting others might also.   :karrit:

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Playing Cards Can be Dangerous
« on: December 12, 2014, 11:23:44 PM »
Ouch, something tells me they weren't quite the best of friends.
I've been to Jamaica. Sure glad I didnt play cards while I was there.... :karrit:

The Conversation Parlor / Playing Cards Can be Dangerous
« on: December 12, 2014, 10:10:58 PM »
Not sure if it's playing cards or playing cards in Jamaica that is truly dangerous.   :karrit:

The Conversation Parlor / Not on Ebay...
« on: December 12, 2014, 10:02:46 PM »
This is a deck of cards you wont find on Ebay.  Or at least I would hope not.... :mindf-ck:

The Conversation Parlor / Have You Ever?
« on: December 12, 2014, 09:37:08 PM »
Have you ever been caught playing cards while on the clock?  Bet it wasnt as bad as this... >:(

The Conversation Parlor / If I go to jail.....
« on: December 12, 2014, 09:08:13 PM »

Playing Card Plethora / Playing Card Battery Charger
« on: December 12, 2014, 08:55:05 PM »
Stumbled upon this novel idea. Not sure how good it will work but Im going to try it and at the very least it will go in my oddball playing card cabinet.

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