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Messages - Barry Hurton

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4
Not sure if they would do anything special - I've ordered a 72 deck order from BMPW before which was $55 or something - way cheaper than the $18 for 12 scaled up (that was what it used to be before shipping increases) now it costs:

Up to 17 Decks INT - $27
Up to 72 Decks INT - $66

If you wanted 12 decks it would cost you $27 shipping, if you could order with others it would cost you $11 shipping plus uk shipping (which might bring the cost back up to $27!

From what I can tell with the big names, they don't seem to make much on the shipping, and I doubt they'll take a loss.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Only One Deck - But Which One?
« on: December 07, 2013, 02:11:21 PM »
Karnival Renegades... I remember them popping when I first opened them, and I think BBM are an underrated magic company; if Owen, Sam Hayles and I could knock out some great gaff cards, I'd use them forever with no problem!

Included Devo (I stay clear of them so I'm thankful for Phantom1412 again!) and I'll add MagicMakers and Carc in the following weeks. Thanks again everyone!

Oh dear that was silly...

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Autocorrect Epic Fail: Playing Cards Deck (KS)
« on: December 06, 2013, 11:18:02 PM »
Oh but of course!

Design & Development / Re: Bicycle Wild West Deck - Eagle Playing Cards
« on: December 06, 2013, 10:27:35 PM »
I see a lot of promise!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Autocorrect Epic Fail: Playing Cards Deck (KS)
« on: December 06, 2013, 10:21:55 PM »
Wow... The flames are there why?


Playing Card Plethora / Re: Gold Arcane Worth?
« on: December 06, 2013, 06:50:32 PM »
Oh thanks guys! reckons £35-£50, not bad! White LTDs are apparently worth £50 with P&P though...

Playing Card Plethora / Gold Arcane Worth?
« on: December 06, 2013, 12:44:21 PM »
Sorry if this is in the wrong section - but because I'm not offering to sell, trade or am looking for one I figured I shouldn't put it in the STISO board.

I was just wondering what a Gold Arcane would be worth? I see loads on ebay - usually around the 80-100 dollar mark; they can't be that high surely? The also always use the "only 1000 in circulation line" which hasn't been true since 2011.

So what would a Gold Arcane be fairly worth?

Sorry if this is in the wrong board again.

Updated it to include DB!

I'm not so much one of those who want tp print out the list and just start buying at one end and work my way across, lol. For me it's more about the information. As Don mentioned, almost every deck has probably been addressed across the boards and while you can search for the info, it would be kind of cool to have a "Data Base" type llist of this stuff all in one spot.........but it is a lot of work.

Perhaps a bit later I will tackle the David Blaine decks (not that hard, it is just getting all of them).
Also, just an FYI, this list was compiled not to long ago in a thread.

I'll try to find that list! It is a lot of work to begin with... But then we've actually hit most of the big names, and once we have all of them I can just update it everytime there is a new release :)

I should probably have added that I'm club808 and might be going black club next year as well. Happy to act as a hub for those or others if you need me!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Post Your Collection / Your Newest Acquisitions
« on: December 05, 2013, 12:34:07 PM »
Nice score on the DB gear.

The last one was a t11 release (printed by USPC obviously)

Ah I thought so.
If this list is popular enough, maybe I'll make it part of the Annual Releases lists or something similar.
Would love to see it happen.

I would love a comprehensive release list, being relatively new, having this information in one spot would be great. As mentioned, if release dates could be included....even better. Great thread!  :D

Yeah that would be good - It helps the obsessive side of things; you can reference what you have and don't have. For me it is about design. It doesn't break my heart I don't have the foil Karnivals... The only one I got was the redux because it was a new design. But to some, I know, they would need every version of every deck of every subset.

Perhaps a bit later I will tackle the David Blaine decks (not that hard, it is just getting all of them).

Introduce Yourself / Re: Greetings from Civil and Global Unrest!!!
« on: December 05, 2013, 11:55:42 AM »
Welcome to the Discourse!

  • The Heritage series was a USPC release, not a T11 release, much like how they sell Bikes, Bees and Tally Ho as well.

There's been 3 releases of Heritages:

It's the last one that I mean - is that USPCC as well?

Thanks again guys! I know I've learnt a few new things :)

So, I realized today that a few decks had snuck past my radar in terms of the big companies - I'm happy if a merz deck flies past, and you expect to not see every kickstarter or independent deck when you are on your own.  But this forum seems pretty tooled up and collabarative, so I wanted to compile a list here, and if I miss anything (which I will) if you write it below, I'll edit this post to include it and then we can strive for a comprehensive list from the main companies (I'll definitely need some help with TBC and D&D). For brevity, I'll only note the substantially different versions of decks (colours, impacts, etc) and let's ignore gaff decks for the time being.

* Denotes gaff/trick decks

Black Ghost
Black Ghost V2
Black Tiger White Pips
Black Tiger Red Pips
Sultan Treasury
Sultan Republic
Republic 2
Red, Blue, Purple, White LTD
Black, White, Gold, Red Arcane,
Red, Blue V1 Artifice
Blue, Green, Tundra, Purple NOT V1 Artifice
Black Artifice
Tally Ho Vipers Circle and Fan
Shadow, Red, Blue Masters
Red and Blue Vintage 1800 Series (V1 and V2 - different box designs).
Brown, Red, Blue, Black Rounders
Green, Scarlet Dealers
*Red, Blue Bicycle Gaff
*Arcane Gaff
*The Gaff System

Guardians V1 V2 V3
White, Black Centurions
Blue,Red,Black (Jaqk)
Bee, Tally Ho, Bicycle Blue and Red Titanium - V1 and V2
White, Silver, Navy, Red, Gold Monarch
Love Me
White Black Artisans
Bicycle Heritage : LOTUS BACK (Blue)
Bicycle Heritage : NAUTIC BACK (Green)
Bicycle Heritage : ACORN BACK (Brown)
Bicycle Heritage : AUTOMOBILE No.2 BACK (Red)
Silver, Bronze (Bronze in V1 V2) Steampunk
Sentinels- reprint on new stock
Charity Water
Deck One V1 V2
Robocycle (Designed for USPCC)
Red, Black Stingers
Brown Wynn (Sold, not produced)

White, Gold Karnival
Karnival Midnight  (V1, Foil)
Red and Green Karnival Assasings  (Red came in V1, Foil)
Blue and Purple Karnival Renegades
Karnival Rujian
Karnival Hornets
Karnival Death Heads Carnage
Karnival Death Heads
Karnival Dose
Dose Redux
Discoverie Deck
Karnival Dead Eyes (V1, Foil)

Smoke V1
Mirrors V1
Smoke V2 : Special Edition
Mirrors V2 : Special Edition
Smoke V3 : Luxury Edition
Mirrors V3 : Luxury Edition
Smoke&Mirrors V4 1st Edition
Smoke&Mirrors V4 2nd Edition
Smoke&Mirrors V5
Smoke&Mirrors V6
Smoke&Mirrors V7 - Smoke
Smoke&Mirrors V7 - Mirror
Smoke&Mirrors V7 - Eco
Smoke&Mirrors V7 - Denim
Smoke&Mirrors V7 - Rouge
Smoke&Mirrors V7 - Carbon
Magic con 2011
Magic con 2012
If An Octopus Could Palm
Bee Erdnasm
Vintage Plaid - Arizona Red
Vintage Plaid - California Blue
Fulton's Clip joint
Fulton's Chinatown deck
Fulton's Chinatown deck : Game of Death
Ace Fulton's Casino Sunset Orange
Ace Fulton's Casino Tabacco Brown
Ace Fulton's Casino Red Hot
Ace Fulton's Casino Dodger Blue
Ace Fulton's Casino Midnight Fuel
Fulton October
Bicycle New Fan Back Vintage Red V1 V2
Bicycle New Fan Back Navy Blue V1 V2
Steamboat 999 Red
Steamboat 999 Blue
Ultimate deck
Bruce Lee

NOC deck 1st ed. - Red
NOC deck 1st ed. - Blue
NOC deck 1st ed. - Green
NOC deck 1st ed. - Yellow
NOC deck 1st ed. - Purple
NOC deck 2nd ed. - Red
NOC deck 2nd ed. - Blue
NOC deck 2nd ed. - Green
NOC deck 2nd ed. - Yellow
NOC deck 2nd ed. - Purple
NOC deck 2nd ed. - Orange
NOC deck 2nd ed. - Light Blue
NOC deck 2nd ed. - Black
Machanic deck
Verve (Red)
Verve (Blue)
Verve (Yellow)
London - Gold
London - Silver
London- Bronze
Ornate - Scarlet
Ornate - Sapphire
Ornate - Emerald
Ornate - Amethyst
The Crown deck
Red crown
Green Crown
Black Crown
The Crown deck v2
Red Crown v2
Green Crown v2
Black Crown
Gold Crown
Luxury Crown Blue
Luxury Crown Red
Luxury Crown White
Altruism : Order of the Owl
White Altruism Snow Owls
Nautical White
Nautical Red
Nautical Blue

David Blaine
Red, Blue Black -Tally Ho Split Spades
Black, Inverted Black - Bee Split Spades
Red, Blue, Black (and Blue in a Sepia Tuck) - Split Spades Lions
^*Red, Blue, Black (Trick decks, Svengali, Stripper, Marked respectively) - Bicycle Split Spades
Blue, Red, White Lions Series A
Rainbow and UV White Lions
Blue UV lions
Purple (red/blue mid print ink switch) White Lions
Blue, Red, Black- White Lionds Series B
*Stealth - White Lions
^4 prototypes of the trick decks - Red box Svengali, White/Red Box Svengali, Black box marked, Blue box stripper. These were not for sale.
+If you bought the Variety Box, you got two prototypes of the Trick decks (Blue and Black), a
^DB's only bicycle brand decks to date.

Blades Silver edition
Blades White edition
Blades Midnight edition
Blades Blood edition
Blades Blood Metal edition
Blades Midnight Edition Blood Spear
Dominion deck
April fool deck
Magician Must Die #1
Magician Must Die Comic Edition
Magician Must Die #2
Magician Must Die #3

Magic Makers


Thanks to Phantom1412, Don Boyer and CBJ.
Let's have some more!

This sounds awesome! The method I've been using at the moment is too do one big shop (from a mass retailer like BMPW, Pokerstud, etc) where I get numerous brands and then set off the shipping against the number of decks - 5 decks runs me like $30 shipping, 50 decks is $50. I also buy extras and sell them on to cover shipping ~ for example I picked up some extra theory11 decks (Black JAQK's and some other things) and I may still buy some stuff from E, in which case I will try to sell the red arcane for what the shipping cost me. It normally works out... But it means I pay more per deck (buying in the aftermarket isn't cheap, and I normally always miss kickstarters because I refuse to pay $20 for a run of the mill custom deck. $20+ are for special decks, or decks I need to complete a sub group of my collection) and I also take the risk of not selling the stock on (a White LTD to me is worth £40-£50, but to everyone else it might be worth £5 and there's me here with a red arcane and white LTD trying to recoup £80 or whatever without anyone biting. This isn't too bad if I can enjoy them in my collection, unless I already have one of the decks and so it's dead weight).

Long story short; Happy to be considered for a group buy (obviously not going to commit to buying everything), will have some pretty decent extras to sell on, bring on the New Year!

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hey
« on: December 04, 2013, 09:54:21 PM »
This evening was a mad night of football...

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Bicycle Global Unrest
« on: December 04, 2013, 04:30:53 AM »
Ah... Yeah!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Bicycle Global Unrest
« on: December 03, 2013, 06:25:19 PM »
I also appreciate the front of the cards - the map and plane details are interesting! Probably look better on an uncut though...

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hey
« on: December 03, 2013, 06:20:09 PM »
Yeah, can't really complain at 2nd - rather they played a bit better  though :)

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Bicycle Global Unrest
« on: December 02, 2013, 10:23:17 PM »
I loved the propaganda deck so much! First theory11 deck I ever received ~ back then it cost me £5 from magicbox :) I'll probably get these just because of that!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Bicycle Elements (4 deck set) - Coming soon
« on: December 02, 2013, 10:22:28 PM »
I like it... But I don't like this whole trend of creators releasing multiple decks at once through kickstarter; it's bad enough when things like Federal 52 or Sherlock come out - but at least with them, you get something different with each deck and so it's potentially worth it, with these it's either pledge for all at around $40 plus $20 shipping or its not pledge at all. Who wants one or two colours of a 4 colour set? And you know the aftermarket is just going to be filled with 4 deck sets anyway!

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