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Messages - Utterfool

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Deck Reviews! / Re: Battle 26: Luxury Crown Decks vs. Aurum
« on: April 29, 2013, 07:24:09 AM »
I just am not impressed with the luxury deck. I didn't feel it made enough of a break from the original crowns to be luxurious, and with the multiple color changes obviously in the works it seems just to be their next standard crown deck.
Whereas I feel the Aurum did go that extra step to feel luxurious. So it gets my vote

Design & Development / Re: SHOGUN deck of playing cards
« on: April 27, 2013, 03:01:14 PM »
You may want to check into the copyright issues with the name.
There was a board game called Shogun (MB) in the late 80's that got sued and changed it's name to Samurai swords.
There is a new board game now that has Shogun as the name and I believe it acknowledges the copyright (don't have a copy myself)
It may be good to look into this before you get full swing into your project.
The last thing you need to do is put a project up on KS, get it funded, be told to cease and desist or change your design, have to change the whole design, ignore your backers as you "redo" the art and design.

Where did you live in Japan?
I was in Nagoya for 4 years. Sucker for anything with a Japanese theme now. Makes me "Natsukashi".

Deck Reviews! / Re: Battle 24: White Arrco vs. Artifice Tundra
« on: April 25, 2013, 10:00:55 AM »
Haven't received my Artifice Perma Frost yet. I seem to get all my Ellusionist decks about a week after everyone else gets theirs (except for our foreign patrons)
and since this always annoys me.
I am voting for the White Arrco deck

Deck Reviews! / Re: Battle 23: Bicycle Transducer Aqua vs. Fathom
« on: April 23, 2013, 07:31:58 AM »
I had to vote transducers on the strength of the other transducer decks.
Not sure what it is about the fathom deck, but something about it rubs me the wrong way and I find it to be one of the ugliest decks I own.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Gold Arcane Uncut - for FREE!?
« on: April 19, 2013, 10:28:42 PM »
Remember, we're talking about an item that exists in SMALL quantities.  For a 5,000-deck print run, how many do you think could possibly exist?  A hundred, maybe?  They could have easily marked the sheet down for a clearance sale or made it a prize giveaway, but instead they opted to throw another bone to Black Club members who thought maybe they weren't getting their money's worth.  Now, that argument's dead in the water.

I agree.
It may not be the same value as the Bicycle club (yet)
But it is already worth it.
I was one of those that thought I made a bad decision and was vocal about it.
So I would like to be as vocal with my recant.
" I am pleased I spent the money on the Black Club membership. So far it has been worth at least the value I paid for it."

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Gold Arcane Uncut - for FREE!?
« on: April 19, 2013, 03:57:16 AM »
So I really have mixed feelings about this.

Don't get me wrong a free Gold Arcane sheet to members is awesome and it is making the Black Club membership worth it now.

I just wish they made it a Free Rare uncut sheet or something like that.

I bought a Gold Arcane sheet when they did the give away the deck with the sheet promo. Now I am going to have a second.
To sell you say.
But since they are giving it away the second sales price is going to dive.

Oh well just a gripe at my luck not at the fact that they are giving away the free Gold Arcane reprint uncut sheets.
That is awesome.

Apparently not a popular choice, but I love the Americana. To me it is just a great playable deck.
It is great at cookouts and Bar B Ques. Nothing is more American than those and this deck fits right in.

If we were voting straight on the box I would have to go with the Sultan. The treasure map interior is definitely cool (I am a sucker for decks that do a color change or what not on the inside of the box, it makes them pop)
But I was so meh about the Sultan Republic that it's color change rarer version did not dazzle me.

Oh yeah I remembered to vote this time

This is a difficult one for me as I am not a fan of the fan back.
The D$D decks have the benefit of being readily available, which as a card player is important for my use of cards beyond collecting.
I don't actually own the decks from Zenneth
But for a fan back the black actually looks pretty stylish however I don't feel the same about the white.
Still I guess I will cast my vote for the Zenneth decks as I wouldn't use a fan back for playing. So I will choose one that looks good on the wall.
It also isn't a D$D deck

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Mustache Playing Cards
« on: April 15, 2013, 07:24:32 AM »
I like brown.

I like Lamp

This reference... explain yourself FOOL!

I will explain nothing to no one (anyone?)
How can one explain utter folly.

Except to say "it is an Anchorman reference"

Also Collector
Djinn (or Jinn) live in lamps
Gin lives in bottles and my tummy.

Deck Reviews! / Re: Batle 19: Split Spades Lions vs. The Crown Decks
« on: April 15, 2013, 07:16:42 AM »
I will have to vote for the crown decks.
The ability to still get them at a decent price is number one. The standard look about them makes them great for magic and gaming.
Playing poker with a David Blaine deck makes everyone automatically assume they are marked (as most of them are)
and lastly I do not like David Blaine, I have always considered him a mediocre magician with the majority of his fame from performing stunts.
His cards are nicely designed but since he has put his face on the court cards it makes it difficult for me to play with. Seeing his smug face staring up at me from my hand just gets a bit infuriating.

So yeah
put me down for the Crown decks. Except the red, I never thought the design worked in red

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Mustache Playing Cards
« on: April 13, 2013, 05:16:53 AM »
I like brown.

I like Lamp

sorry couldn't resist
But seriously folks

I like the brown back as well
I also agree with Don 2 colors is always better for the card players.
Try the Brown and the Grey.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Bicycle Federal 52 (KS)
« on: March 20, 2013, 03:45:06 AM »
Match set should be a coin themed deck.
Maybe with a copper colored back

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Bicycle Federal 52 (KS)
« on: March 20, 2013, 01:54:27 AM »
Sprouts was replying to a posting on UC ... I guess it's been a long day (been there, but not quite done that just yet :-)

Apparently I can cause such rage in people it echos across boards.

But back onto this topic.

I really appreciate the designer listening to the community so closely.
I think it is interesting how many actually do seeing how I would bet the majority of their backers don't even know about these boards. (this is of course an assumption)

And one thing that I do not think has been mentioned yet. We have talked so much about cardistry and magic use for this deck if it had a two way back.
Really I mean how perfect is it to play poker with a money themed deck?

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Zombie Origin Playing Cards (KS)
« on: March 05, 2013, 05:22:53 PM »
You know with all the zombie decks that have been coming out lately and all the Cthulhu decks , it is only natural that the next deck will be zombie Cthulhu.

As for the customization of ones face into a card...
After the White rabbit deck I am against it.
Albino Dragon offered that reward in their Call of Cthulhu deck, and I think it worked well there, because they highly customized the images so the people didn't look much like themselves anymore and the cards were still able to fit the theme.
In the White rabbit deck they did a lot less customization (changes) to the pictures that people sent them ( my theory is thy had complaints about the first deck and the people not being recognizable) and I feel it ended up compromising their theme (not enough Alice in wonderland too much picture of guy who paid $500)

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Arcane Printing Plates ( Ellusionist )
« on: March 03, 2013, 07:43:00 AM »
Because of the randomness of the cards, I just can't justify the price. I don't want to pay $40 for a 2.
If the prices were set at different levels so you could guarantee a better choice I might consider it.
Maybe $25 2 - 4 $35 5 - 10 $50 for a back $60 J - A 
That way you would still make the same (possibly more) and you wouldn't end up with unhappy customers.
I could see myself ordering 3 of these and getting 3 low number cards.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Steampunk Cthulhu is out on KS
« on: February 27, 2013, 05:01:00 AM »
Hello Nat

Yes the steam punk thing is getting a bit played out on the playing card circuit and so is the Cthulhu thing
(Never thought I'd hear myself say that, but the "Cthulhu Bicycle Playing Cards Deck- H.P> Lovecraft"deck kind of put the nail in the coffin for it, for me)

That being said
I think the new box design is pretty slick.
It gives it a much more professional feel than the box with a couple cards on the front (the old one was reminiscent of a souvenir deck)
The new deck portrays the theme extremely well, better I think than the back of the cards due.
I think your back comes off as more straight victorian Cthulhu than Steam punk. I know steam punk is set in victorian times but so was most of Lovecrafts stories well early 20th century. But early 20th century New England is pretty indistinguishable from victorian times for most modern people. (that being said I am sure don will correct me in some way)

My point the addition of a couple hard to see gears on the back of the card does not completely convey the steampunk part of the Cthulhu Steam punk theme (IMO).
I wish you could take some more time and try to get that across a little better on the back without muddying it up too much.

Anyway , I backed and if you start showing some more of the court cards and suits I may go in for a uncut sheet.

The Conversation Parlor / Re: favorite cars from movies and tv shows
« on: February 27, 2013, 04:47:37 AM »
So I was wondering what your guys favorite cars from movies and tv. I really like the impala from Supernaturals. In S6E2 when he pulls the tarp off, whew my heart flew.

Yeah my wife would kill for an Impala, mainly because of that show, but she has always liked muscle cars. (I could take them or leave them and am not willing to pay for a restored 67 impala)

My favorite car would have to be the old timey family hearse from the Munsters or Ecto 1.
Of course I wouldn't turn Kit away either

Have you heard if these will be sold directly from the company or will they be doing it through D$D

Design & Development / Re: My New Deck
« on: February 26, 2013, 02:10:48 PM »
I agree with Alex, the E should go.
Due to it's shape it appears off center of the medallion and is a little "off putting"
I unfortunately don't have an alternate suggestion for you as to what to add.
Also love the courts except for the eyes on the jack. they don't seem to fit with the simplicity of the cards and look cut and pasted.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: "Party Proof" Playing Cards (KS)
« on: February 25, 2013, 08:50:15 AM »
"52 hot college Girls"

I think this guy is just using this deck as a "legitimate" front to start up his porn business.

He certainly isn't putting in the effort to make it a card business.

The Conversation Parlor / Re: White Monarch
« on: February 23, 2013, 02:45:05 AM »
Oh, thanks for the info. I was wondering if its worth the 60 bucks on ebay

I don't trust that seller.  He's the same guy who was selling brand new Bicycle Big Gun and Tally Ho decks with salvaged tax stamps from other decks for an outrageously high price.

I remember reading that post so your assessment is a fair cop.
But what can he actually do here. He hasn't hidden info that he is actually another deck in the text so if he sends a different deck than advertised ebay would protect you.
That being said if he has been dishonest in the past why reward him for being honest once.
How does that old saying go "fool me once shame on you fool me twice and ahh errr you won't be ever fool me again!,"

Has anyone here ever tried reporting this guy?

Design & Development / Re: Vända deck now available on kickstarter!
« on: February 16, 2013, 03:46:20 AM »
David announced before the end of his Polaris campaign that these decks had come in.

Has anybody received their pledge rewards yet?

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Surprise.....Your dead.
« on: February 15, 2013, 05:57:55 AM »
^ Poe's law, can't tell if serious or sarcastic =_=

The key to doing it convincingly is to not have a clue yourself while you type, if you are indeed serious or sarcastic.

Really Utterfool? Glad to hear that, as I was about to pay for that E membership.

Granted it is only February so they have time to make it up. But $150 is a lot to make up

And E promised early notification and special releases. So far everything they have released has been open to the general public (besides the Black artifice, and the snowboard... Yippeee!!!!)
and I have received notice of all releases when everyone else does. It could just be my curmudgeonly nature but E doesn't appear that they are going to put to much effort into their "club" 

Really wish I still had my gaming shop.
This would have made a great sales promo.
For people who play cards regularly with the same group of people this is a really nice pack but I am not sure how it promotes Bicycle and playing cards.
Probably would work better for people who play at a bar or club with a rotating group of people and others that "just watch"

still way to go Bicycle actually making a "collectors" club worth it. The brick alone is worth more than the entry fee.
Not like some Black memberships that I wasted $150 on and am only likely to see $20 worth of material.

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