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Messages - Cosmo Solano

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Wow, too difficult to post from my phone I will answer everyone's questions later

Why do you think its $15? It's not, I'm on my phone very difficult to post , sorry

Video is reuploading... but all looks good!

BOOM! it's launched!  woooo hooo! Sorry I'm pretty excited!
here's the link!

thanks all!


dangit! THE kickstarter page hung!  okay one more sec!!! LOL






Thanks addictz, to each his own! I'm sure to some it is about the design, and that's okay! 

Thanks everyone for the suggestions on the box... will kick it around, I've got a couple of day and I am pretty fast when it comes to designing this stuff.

I posted (I thought I did) that the launch was happening any minute just a few minutes ago, and looking at it the post isn't there?
has this sight been weird for anyone else? I couldn't get on it all day til just a bit ago.

One more thing, the faces have to match bike decks for those who wish to do a routine.

I'm not for a minute expecting this to compete with an artist's custom creation, the design IS the rainbow in bikes.

any minute now... I'll post a direct link.


hey all! Okay so ironed out the problem with Amazon Payments, essentially it locked me out and I had to fax stuff and everything that should have been instantaneous could have taken a week! I followed every little instruction from them and it was fixed this morning. Whew!

I'm just going over the kickstarter page right now to make final corrections etc.  any minute now... okay any hour now is more fair.

I'm dying to get feedback about the box, after so many accolades on the box to see some on here not pleased with it I'd love to hear some constructive criticism!

I'm actually curious to see how the Spectrum deck would look with all of those Dan and Dave type flourishes... I do just a little of my own but right now my prototype deck (used in the video) really doesn't handle well, and the decks I made ten years ago which do handle well aren't a full spectrum of colors.

@ digipunk, funny one of the first designs had a black card and a reverse/white card as the gaffs...


Glad to hear this, the double backer is exactly what I want. Hope we are not thinking about the same trick (so that we may have 2 different tricks). Will your tricks come along with the deck, or they will be sold separately?
Separately, but as you'll see there'll be a special price on kickstarter (really low) for access to the private web site, just to say thanks! I know not everyone who buys cards are magicians, so the routines are just for those who want them.

The Private web site will have all the same videos the DVD will, but will grow as ideas and routines come.  A forum too just for deck switch/rainbow deck related discussion.

Love to hear your idea!  I'll be trying to shoot live performance video of the routine as soon as I can, but with my schedule it might be a while... of course I'll have it for the DVD etc.

I was going to just put a double backer with some really odd color, but the rainbow of colors on the back is way better.

The SPECTRUM deck is based on a deck I designed (well created and made) a little over 10 years ago. I made the deck on an inkjet printer, to go with a rainbow deck routine I had created and was a staple in my act.  Actually made three of them!  Anyway... the whole point of this deck isn't just the rainbow idea, but that it matches the most common deck in the world, Bicycle.  This fact alone gives it serious real world use built in, super easy to ring in a real deck since you can't throw a rock without hitting a place you can pick up a bike deck.  I used to do the routine with borrowed cards when at someone's home!  In all my searches it's odd that I never ran across the Anglo cards, (very nice BTW!) in fact I've had nightmares over the past decade that someone would do this! 
I actually would have done this deck years ago if I wanted to come up with an original design (and I did) but without the Bicycle backs I wasn't interested.

So I read somewhere (sorry lots going on here, head's a little foggy) that the SPECTRUM deck isn't anything new, the Bicycle design is the WHOLE point.  I'm extremely lucky and blessed that this idea stayed in my head for this long and didn't leak out and sneak into someone else's brain!  When I started searching I honestly was prepared to be devastated and find a rainbow, Bicycle deck.  Not trying to compete with Anglo, just clarifying my motives in this release and the most important quality, Bicycle backs.  I'm awfully proud to become a part of the Bicycle legacy!

Is there any gaff card? a double backer with different colors?

Yes, a gaff, double backer, blue on one side, rainbow on the other, I went round and round with the jokers and other gaff ideas trying to make the most of the gaff card(s).  After a ridiculous amount of thought and indecision, I settled on this double backer, due to the creation of a new, strong and easy to do rainbow deck routine.  The rainbow double backer fits perfectly in the routine. I created the routine this morning and love it! Sent the artwork to USPCC this afternoon. 

Also the extra Bicycle Ace of Spades with some new touches for added "bonus" effect. So the deck has the Spectrum Ace of Spades and the Bike Ace.

The faces match those of Bicycle decks, so that it can be used with regular bicycle cards of course.  (Deck switches etc)

Now that the work on the deck is done, I'll be putting the DVD together, which will be available also as a less expensive, private website for members only.
The website allows for me to add new ideas should they creep in!

Hey if anyone has any ideas, requests etc for this deck there's still a few days (esp. this weekend) for me to make changes. Any ideas that would make the deck even more usable for you will be entertained! No promises, but I'm all ears!

Thanks everyone for such nice support so early on!
Just days away from the proofs from USPCC! Woo Hoo!

"Ya see Timmy, dreams can come true!"


sorry, not sure about the time... unfortunately there's a snag in the final steps to get the amazon account set up (I'll spare you the details) I had to fax things and instead of insant I am awaiting the verification which is being done manually. I have a work around but it could take up half the day tomorrow... then back to the computer to reset it up with amazon... I'll try and keep you posted.

Oh sorry, one more thing...

The deck comes with a standard Ace too, except that the spade is "spectrum" colored. The back of it fits the spectrum right where the traditional bike blue would go so you can replace it with an AS from any blue deck and it works perfectly. Again those details and more will be discussed/revealed in the details after the launch.

Hey all, I was surprised to see this thread pop up so quickly!

I won't be butting in much here, but I thought I'd answer a question that seems to have come up often already...

The pics above, (someone snagged from the video's I guess?) show the POSTER, NOT the uncut sheet. 
I made the poster for myself and several people wanted one (not even card people) so I decided on making some posters.

YES there will be uncut sheets!
And they are laid out pretty much the same so they look pretty cool (imho).

Funny about the box! The biggest and most compliments I've gotten so far are for the box, from the folks who've seen it and the art dept at USPCC went out of their way to tell me that it's one of their faves!

It's great info to hear what you all think! SERIOUS food for thought!!!

No worries! It's good feedback! The ball's already rolling at USPCC but I still have time to adjust if I find it's necessary.

By the way, I hand made a deck similar to this over 10 years ago, they weren't a nice spectrum, and the mish-mash of colors (should you mix them etc) actually looks very cool too. 

Well I'm tempted to talk more about the fine tuning I've done over the past couple of months, regarding deck order etc, but I'll leave it til the launch.

I'm very excited about this I've been wanting to do this for soooooo long!  So forgive me if I toot my horn a little loud!

Thanks for discussing it no matter what!

What a cool forum, thanks brown bags for telling me about it.


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