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Messages - bhong

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Playing Card Plethora / Re: tempx
« on: October 09, 2013, 04:55:57 PM »
I think that is a pretty sweet magic number for the limit. I've got the same one myself. I think the most expensive deck I paid money for is the Mana Deck at just under 20$ for an unopen deck. It's not too bad considering CARC sold them at 15.99 starting. Playing cards are interesting and great, but I think you've said it best, Sparkz, at the end of the day they're just that, a deck of playing cards.

If it helps, look at your collection at pre-vintage. Give it another 40-50 years and tada, it's morphed into a vintage collection. Just wait it out.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Full custom or Semi custom?
« on: October 09, 2013, 12:00:56 AM »
I second that disappointment about the D&D deck. I've got it arriving soon, but have heard news of repeated courts. I think they could have done so many cool things with the deck and had the chance to go all out. I think my disappointment with the D&D deck is that exactly what Fred said. It felt like they were selling it as a full custom courts, but they really weren't.

I think it varies. As a collector, I love a full-custom deck done well. Maybe unique and make it special. But I think it's that that the new designers are honest about it. I don't mind semi-custom decks. They can be really nice too and there are quite a few that I want to add to my collection, but I want something more to it whether it be the idea behind the deck is cool/interesting (ie. Legends deck, all black decks, any CARC decks, etc.). I think, for semi-custom decks, I want to know before hand that's what it is. I think all it is is transparency. What I'd like big companies to do would do their own signature decks, which I guess Ellusionist has done already with modify re-drawn courts and pips.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Titanium Decks
« on: October 08, 2013, 12:09:29 AM »
Hey Sparkz

Yeah, the Titanium decks (by Theory11 , in case some other version exist ... real titanium cards?) are pretty much all about the metallic inks. Metallic inks on the back of the decks, red for the diamond and heart pips are metallic and all the court cards are re-done in metallic inks. I believe that the black ink is metallic, but it's hard to tell. The current Titanium decks (v2) have embossed tuck boxes with metallic foils on them. I guess calling them "titanium" was better than "oooo! shiny!". The only other deck that is almost as all metallic, that comes to me, are the JAQK decks (Theory11 version). I honestly wish some would create a green metallic deck.

+ 1 for JacksonRobinson

Decks arrived in amazing condition and excellent trader.


great seller: fast delivery, great variety of decks and excellent packaging.


great seller: fast communication and great packaging

You will find some variants between retailers, but in the end, most if not all of them do end up on the aftermarket, either through eBay or resellers.

The really tough decks to find are the overseas exclusives.  There are quite a few decks made by Asian designers that are meant for exclusive distribution in their home country.  Most are either Japanese or Chinese, Hong Kong being one focal point.  Taiwan, too.  Some of these exclusives are made in Taiwan, like the Misdirection's Mystery (MSM) decks, or in mainland China, while others come from USPC.  There's way too many examples to list individually.

There were two sets of vintage decks that were BJ's Wholesale Club exclusives - the second set was eventually offered through Dan and Dave.

There was also a Wal-Mart exclusive design for Rider Backs - same cards, different boxes, sold in red/blue sets.  The back of the box was the same as the front of a "Standard" box, while the front had the Bicycle logo printed on it in landscape orientation.  I never spotted any aftermarket retailers for that one, but I did see a few on eBay.  I was smart, got mine from Wal-Mart before they sold out and switched to the standard two-deck set.

They also used to be a good source for American-made Streamline decks, only $1 each, but lately I can't find them there.  Streamlines from USPC's own plant are as good as Aviators or Bikes - smooth finish.  There were also made in Spain for a while, presumably out of the Fournier plant in Vitoria (it's a USPC-owned company).  But the Chinese-made ones were really bad - USPC canceled the contract with that company because the quality was so poor.  The same company was making other USPC brands as well: Mavericks, Aviators, and I think Hoyle.  USPC has a standing order with retail chains to return those Chinese-made decks, the quality was so bad.

Any interesting Asian market exclusive decks you might want to mention, Don?

I can attest to the really awful Chinese-made Streamline cards. I picked up a back in Canada in a bargain discount store, which I guess didn't return them, and originally did a double take when I noticed it was USPCC and then "printed in China". They feel almost like postcards and I honestly can't imagine how long they'd last.

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Good deeds feel good
« on: October 06, 2013, 03:03:34 PM »
I think I'd, too, be wow-ed and stunned as a kid if someone performed some cool magic tricks and gave me their "magician" 's deck of cards. I know it's just a deck of cards and everything, but honestly it's an amazing act of generosity.

 :D three cheers for that !

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Playing Cards - "Fact or Fiction?" + Links
« on: October 06, 2013, 02:29:00 PM »
A quick question for anyone that might know the answer. Technically there's only two real finishes by USPCC, air cushion and magic finish, but CARC developed the special finish on the Erdnase 216 playing cards. Is that finish exclusively CARC or will others be allowed to use that finish for their own decks in the future?

I think the only exclusive that comes to mind would be buy X dollars/decks and get this special decks that Theory11, Ellusionist, Dan & Dave and The Blue Crown sites run. I believe Ellusionist has a few this year for 1st edition Black Ghost, Red Rounders and Scarlet Madison dealers. And of course some decks are "limited" though it's hard to say how rare it is unless it is specifically stated.

I think the thing for action figures is that is a way huger market than playing cards. Take the Star Wars action figures for example (and that's a huge line of Hasbro who . Look at exclusive for stores (ie. Wal-Mart, Targets, comic shops, etc) and then you've got convention exclusives and then sometimes they've got promotion mail-in exclusive.

But I can see with the ease of eBay, there can be less of a chase to get something. For me, the thrill of the chase is get a cool deck I like without having to fork over an arm and a leg for it.

Sometimes some stores get exclusive versions of a specific deck. For recent example, the Bicycle Pluma deck. The standard one is the blue deck while Wal-Mart has its own orange version. Other times, the only different is the tuck box so that inside the box, the cards would be standard (cheap) Streamline playing cards. So I guess playing cards are just like action figures in their variants, exclusives, etc.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Learning about the birds and the "BEE's"
« on: October 05, 2013, 07:55:34 PM »
As another newbie to the playing card world. I totally understand the confusion. I think half the problem is usage of older terms that are no longer applicable.

The Conversation Parlor / Re: How often do you drink tea?
« on: October 05, 2013, 07:52:41 PM »
I use to drink a cup a day but then I got lazy to heat up the water.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Blue Crown Sale
« on: October 03, 2013, 02:06:00 PM »
I'd imagine the gilded edge and how it'd have to be gilded after the deck is cut would cause that issue.

I'm kind of surprised that they haven't sold out yet of their rare decks yet.

Sorry if this is the wrong area to post this, but going through my cluttered desk, I found two Blue Crown 2012 holiday scratch off vouchers that I have. I've got one code for 5% and one for 10% that are both valid and unused. If anyone would like them, please PM. First come, first serve.
edit: gone

Playing Card Plethora / Re: New deck from Card Experiment: Utopia deck
« on: October 03, 2013, 01:55:53 PM »
Card Experiment has put so much effort into designing a custom back, pips, joker and 4 custom large Aces. I wish they'd do something more than slightly modified court cards.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: aqua colored cards
« on: October 03, 2013, 01:53:25 PM »
I think the cheapest option is different coloured versions of Bicycle playing cards that USPCC put out. I believe there's an aqua or turquoise coloured Rider back.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Fulton October deck from Dan and Dave
« on: October 01, 2013, 11:09:08 PM »
That sold out super fast. I wonder how many decks were actually printed and how many were held for the future (ie. Variety boxes, etc).

edit: Even though it'd give them more negative space, I think the courts could have worked well without the border. And I guess they're back in stock again.

I grew up watching a ton of Hong Kong cinema and especially gambling movies. The Bee deck were featured primarily in most if not all of those movies. I grew fond of that simple borderless back design and cool bee hive ace of spades.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Theory11 FIVE uncut sheets for $50 Sale
« on: September 28, 2013, 10:27:39 AM »
Actually that might be a fun thing to do next time someone is buying a new car. Now I do wonder how much the dealership will charge extra for the "privilege".

I found out that there is actually two different version of the Purple Artifice deck. The older has the vertical element of the back design on the court cards while the newer version doesn't. I've included pictures to better show what I mean.

edit: I forgot that the spades and club pips are changed a bit too. They're solid instead of having that purple glow in the middle of them.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Theory11 FIVE uncut sheets for $50 Sale
« on: September 27, 2013, 10:55:24 PM »
I think any company is willing to try to sell something for as high as they think someone is willing to pay for it. But it's a pretty good deal on Theory11's part. I wish they had included the Animal Kingdom sheet in the deal though.

Don, how long ago was it when uncut sheets first went for 200$? And I'm curious as to what sheets started off the uncut sheet craze.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hi Discourse
« on: September 27, 2013, 10:47:22 PM »
Some, but not all dealers ship north of the border though sometimes the shipping and then duty fees can add up pretty quick. But I've found it funny to see how the bigger companies label playing cards. Ellusionist labels what anything they ship as "educational" or "teaching items".

Thanks again, ronyo_faukx. The MollaSpace card look pretty sweet.

Now, I guess this wasn't their original purpose, but having a poker game with Hofzinser cards would be pretty fun. More so if you're the only one to know there's something special about them.

Don, it begs the question, how much space that 1700 decks of cards take up?

Welcome Mydnyghte! Good luck with the cardistry. I honestly thing it's just practise, practise and some more practise. Anything yet you've learned that you're proud of?

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hi Discourse
« on: September 26, 2013, 11:19:36 PM »
That glow in the dark one sounds like a fun one to get. The only problem with the Amazon search is that I'm in Canada ... I think our Amazon inventory is years behind the US one.

I had the thought of "I wonder if USPCC would try to make a see through paper playing card" ... until I realized they went through all that trouble with their special glue to prevent the cards for being see through to begin with.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hi Discourse
« on: September 23, 2013, 04:02:55 PM »
Thanks for the welcome, Curt.

I see two clear plastic decks in the top right.

I approve. There is no hiding a lack of poker face behind those.

Would you care to recommend any other clear plastic deck? I know there's a Hoyle one that I've been meaning to get.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Whether to open decks or not
« on: September 13, 2013, 08:01:49 PM »
Hey Benny,

I know that feeling, but I think the best question to ask is whether you see your decks as an investment or not. If it's an "yes" to the investment, I'd say keep them seal so you can get the full value when you might resell in the future.

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