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Messages - Lee Asher

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A Cellar of Fine Vintages / Re: 10¢ Alabama Tax Stamp on Playing Cards
« on: January 07, 2014, 12:57:07 PM »
I wonder what kind of tax liabilities I'd incur if I applied to sell decks in the State of Alabama? I'd spend $3 (cost of the license), then another few bucks on top (for the actual tax) if they sent me a sheet (or two) of these stamps. Hmmmm......

And it gets more complex than that, as you'd probably have to be a licensed retailer in the state of Georgia.  The deck tax also wouldn't include the state and/or local sales taxes that may apply, and you'd have to be licensed to collect sales taxes on behalf of the applicable state and municipal authorities - and actually hand over the taxes collected...  :))

The tax really only applies to in-state residents and business owners, I would think.  If you were that interested, you'd want a lawyer to read the particular tax law in question.

Yeah, I figured it wasn't pretty. I'm just going to watch Ebay for some.

A Cellar of Fine Vintages / Re: Fake Jerry's Nuggets?
« on: January 07, 2014, 09:55:52 AM »
Great questions, and comments everyone!

I'm not sure if this has been discussed in detail before but is there a way to tell authentic from counterfeit?

There are a handful of ways to tell if the decks are counterfeit. Even the hi fidelity fakes have some tells. While some methods are publicly listed in articles I've written (link posted here and above), there are a few methods for spotting fakes that remain private in order not to tip-off the counterfeiters.

BTW, learn more about the near-perfect fakes here.

After looking closely at Agera94's pics on this thread, his cards seem pretty legit. I cannot be 100% sure because they aren't in my hands, but I would say they are real Jerry's Nugget Playing Cards. Go ahead, and bid with confidence.

@Agera94 - If you picked up decks from Al Ackerman, then you have real JNuggs. Al is as honest as they come, and has lived in Vegas over 40 years. Al was one of the main reasons why I moved to Las Vegas for University. He's one of my heroes!

Should all authentic Jerry's Nuggets come with a CoA or are those only the ones Lee Asher sells (at the moment the 2014 Lee Asher J Nuggs sale, and possibly 2015 sale are where I plan to get my Jerry's Nuggets, not eBay)?

Only the JNuggs sold by me have CoAs. As mentioned above, the paper basically says THIS DECK IS REAL.

I would say the decks look way to nice to be real. This is an old deck. They don't look this nice.

@JohnB Don't let your eyes deceive you. If cared for properly, JNuggs (or any deck) can look pristine and brand new. I've even seen cards from the 1800's that looked brand new.

Grade is certainly a major factor in pricing, but not so much in authentication.

Hope that helps...

Lee Asher

Playing Card Plethora / Re: vintage vs modern tuck flaps
« on: January 07, 2014, 09:27:10 AM »
If so with all the appreciation for vintage cards I'm surprised nobody has brought that back with some of the new decks....

My 605s have the vintage tuck flap you speak of (both editions).


Wow I did forget about that Lee.  I personally love your cards.  After getting a mixed brick from you I opened one green deck.  I also gave one to a friend of mine.  I really appreciated the long tuck flap.  I use the living shit out of your cards.  But the box sadly didn't last as long.  I still have yet had to open another deck and its been about a year.  I highly recommend your cards to people.  I even tell them to buy a brick knowing that it will last them the rest of their lives. 

I use it as my practice deck almost every day, I leave it in the bathroom while I shower unboxed,  I throw them loose on the back seat of my car,  Ive done multiple card to mouths (thats why theres only 48 + jokers left), drop them on all sorts of crappy conditions,  took them on two cruise ships (and for those who don't know playing cards turn to mush of cruseships in a matter of minutes) bottom line is.. I just can't kill your cards!

Right on with the tuck flap!  And your card box quality is great, I just wish it lasted as long as the cards!

Thank you for the kind words. Because they are so different than any other United States Playing Card Company product, I was nervous that everyone would be scared to try something new. However, like you, most everyone who to took a chance with these decks were pleasantly surprised.

The 605s are great cards, and only get better the more you use them. Glad to hear you're getting lots of mileage out of them.

I wish the box lasted as long as the deck, too!

BTW, do you know that you can wash your 605s if they get dirty?

A Cellar of Fine Vintages / Re: 10¢ Alabama Tax Stamp on Playing Cards
« on: January 07, 2014, 09:19:41 AM »
I wonder what kind of tax liabilities I'd incur if I applied to sell decks in the State of Alabama? I'd spend $3 (cost of the license), then another few bucks on top (for the actual tax) if they sent me a sheet (or two) of these stamps. Hmmmm......

Playing Card Plethora / Re: ‎"How to make a rose from playing cards"
« on: January 05, 2014, 03:28:37 PM »

Nice Lee!

I can already hear the Collectors fallout "Blasphemy" for folding up a Nugget!!

Thanks Randy. Yeah, I know what you're saying but these are pretty unique and awesome. Those collectors will have to tough this one out.

I have to do this for the GF now. She likes yellow rosses. Any suggestions on a bright yellow deck? I'm thinking the green Erdnase 216's for the leaves.

Nothing says love like some yellow GNuggs!

A Cellar of Fine Vintages / 10¢ Alabama Tax Stamp on Playing Cards
« on: January 05, 2014, 01:44:41 PM »
I want to preface by saying that I'm not from Alabama, so I've never had access to these kinds of tax stamps. For some folks living around that area though, this might be common-place.

I've always read about these kinds of state tax stamps but never owned a deck with one. However, after this last trip to my father's house in Florida, while rummaging through his magic collection,  I found one!

1972 10¢ Alabama Tax Stamp on the cellophane of a Bee Deck

Can anyone informed, or from 'bama confirm if these tax stamps (or a form of) are still being used today?

Lee Asher

Playing Card Plethora / Re: ‎"How to make a rose from playing cards"
« on: January 05, 2014, 10:47:06 AM »
Hey, what did Lee Asher say when he got his?

He said he like them :)
I asked for his signature and he kindly send me some few Jerry's card together for me to make some roses. Maybe you saw the Jerry's nugget rose I posted on my facebook.

I missed that!  I have to look!  Any J-Nuggs fiend would freak out if they saw that!

EDIT: I just checked!  Awesome!  Post those rose photos here!  The Ornates look great as well.

A JNugg rose with green 605 petals. I love 'em!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: vintage vs modern tuck flaps
« on: January 05, 2014, 10:25:43 AM »
If so with all the appreciation for vintage cards I'm surprised nobody has brought that back with some of the new decks....

My 605s have the vintage tuck flap you speak of (both editions).


A Cellar of Fine Vintages / Re: Green and Blue Silver Slipper Casino set
« on: January 04, 2014, 09:35:01 PM »
My pleasure. Glad to be of help...

A Cellar of Fine Vintages / Re: Green and Blue Silver Slipper Casino set
« on: January 04, 2014, 04:33:33 PM »
Both both.... :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Silver Slipper Casino (Las Vegas)

Opened in 1950, the casino was built on the grounds of the Last Frontier Village of the Hotel Last Frontier, and was originally named the Golden Slipper Saloon and Gambling Hall. After a name infringement issue was raised by the owners of downtown's Golden Nugget Casino the Golden Slipper was forced to change its name - which it did by becoming the Silver Slipper.

This casino was known for its rotating slipper which sat atop the building.

During it's influential 38-year reign, people like Howard Hughes and Margaret Elardi owned this property. Eventually it closed its doors in 1988.

Read the full wiki article here. Also see some wonderful vintage images of the Silver Slipper property here.

Silver Slipper Casino Decks

I've seen these decks in the following colors:
  • Maroon
  • Black
  • Blue (Teal)
  • Green

There could possibly be more colors (you never know!), but I am not aware of them.

Judging by the stamps on boxes, white-bordered Silver Slipper decks were most likely printed between 1965 and 1976. Check the Ace of Spades for exact dates. Most of the time, you'll find these decks canceled. But if you're lucky, you'll find them uncancled. If the moon and stars align, you'll find them sealed in As Issued condition.

Hope that helps.

Lee Asher

Curious about that label that appears to say 'rank', everything and 'little' is that a random label attached (presumably) from the retailer that originally sold it, or something else? My first guess is it looked gambling related.

Good eye. Yes, I believe it's a random label attached from the retailer. Maybe a piece of advertising?

Very cool Lee, my spring/summer goal when I start hitting the antique malls again........looking for some vintage decks

That's a great place to find cards...Good luck!

Deck Reviews! / Re: Battle 61: Smith Back vs Acorn Back
« on: January 04, 2014, 11:34:57 AM »
Both are good. Just about anything from the CARC is a win. But if I had to choose, I'd go Acorn.

A Cellar of Fine Vintages / Re: Green and Blue Silver Slipper Casino set
« on: January 04, 2014, 11:33:31 AM »
I've been interested in silver slipper cards for the past month or so and managed to pick up an opened deck to see what all the fuss is about. They look great, but they handle well... yeah, not good. Recently I stumbled across this image:

I was hoping if anyone could help me with some history/background information about this set of Silver Slipper cards. I'm not getting any luck through Mr Google  :(


Background info on the Casino? Or the cards?

The latest addition to the Asher collection:

Steamboat No. 999

Seals... no seals. Red. Blue. You name it, I'll take it.

PM me, and let's make a deal today.


Thanks for your help. Right now, I'll take 'em all... I'm not going to be picky.

I'm looking to acquire a few sets of those beautiful Bohemia Playing cards. I'd prefer to trade for them. If it helps, I'm located in Toronto, Canada.

PM me, and let's get a conversation started.

Lee Asher

The codes in the brackets, what are they exactly? Abbreviations? Codes used when speaking to uspcc about face design?

Exactly. Those are the in-house abbreviations for each of the face types.

Today we live in a world where knowledge & information are at our finger tips like never before.  Technology has made it so that anybody with an interest and a connection can receive a world class playing card education.

Below you'll find an official list of the current face styles USPC uses. Look carefully, and you'll notice that each one is slightly different.

Standard Index

Standard Index Tech-Art (TA2)

Standard Index Tech-Art (RTW)

Jumbo Index

Enhanced Image (EIRB)

Enchanced Image Tech-Art (EITB)

Enchanced Image "No Peak 21" (EIDB)

Jumbo Index Tech-Art (PR0027)

For future reference, when discussing USPC faces (non-custom), try to use the proper termonology. As an example, I cringe when someone mentions over-sized indices. As you can see from the official list above, it's technically referred to as Jumbo Index or Enhanced Image.

Now you know... and knowing is half the battle. (I just showed my age!)

Lee Asher

Magical Cardistry Bonanza / Re: David Blaine Special
« on: January 02, 2014, 11:14:18 PM »
Here's the clip I have of Banacheck in the Magic Video Blog. He's a bad-ass!


Black JAQK from T11
Uusi Blue bloods
Medallions from T11
Arcanes and artifices from Ellusionist (not going to name a particular colour but there are... LOTS)

Thanks Jon. Good selection & tips. I'm aware of all of the decks you've listed. Not sure if you know but I was one of the original T11 artists, and I was also one of the main Ellusionist artists for the initial Arcane launch.

In discussion with MydNyghte right now.

UPDATE: MydNyghte and I have come to an agreement. So far, so good!

Our decks goes in the mail tomorrow.

Magical Cardistry Bonanza / Re: David Blaine Special
« on: January 02, 2014, 04:31:18 PM »
That's interesting - Banachek, at least on TV, is on Criss Angel's creative team now!  "Criss Angel - Believe" is the show.

Yes, he's been a consultant for Criss since the beginning. However, Banachek has been around for a long time. You might remember him from Project Alpha?

Magical Cardistry Bonanza / Re: David Blaine Special
« on: January 02, 2014, 01:13:49 PM »
I thought the new Blaine special was fantastic. I liked everything, but my favorite piece was the 'Card on Ceiling' with Ricky Gervais. It was whimsical, felt impromptu, and had a real magical quality to it. Overall, the special made me proud to be a magician.

The trick he does with Jamie foxx n the smiths where he touches ones shoulder and the other feels it was a trick done by Tom wright. I think it's on his Chill video. I saw him at a lecture where he performed that, it's great to see Blaine using it.

While Mr. Wright may have used this on his video, it's actually by a guy named Banachek (Steve Shaw). The routine is called Psychokinetic Touches, and as you've seen, it's a brilliant piece of theater.

I suggest anyone interested in that piece (or mentalism in general) check out all of Banachek's work. He's one of the best!

Hope that helps.

Lee Asher

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