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Messages - bhong

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Playing Card Plethora / Re: Purple LTD - with bonus rare deck, White LTD!
« on: November 12, 2013, 09:39:11 PM »
I'm guessing they'll have this link: on their playing card page tomorrow when it goes live for everyone, but when I find interesting is that court cards for the limited White LTD has the Madison court faces instead of standard re-coloured courts.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Paid Card Clubs?
« on: November 12, 2013, 09:34:07 PM »
I might join Black Club for Black Friday. I have a feeling E is going to top itself for year two.

I belong to the 808 Club. The play more cards kit was worth the price of entry. However, I never bought anything exclusive.

What's in the 808 club play more cards kit?

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Purple LTD
« on: November 12, 2013, 03:38:37 PM »
Lol don't know why YOU complain, you always end up buying it :/ besides, you don't need to buy a brick to get the white&red LTD, you can purchase Peter McKinnon's DVD and get the deck for free. In fact, you can buy 2 DVDs, get 2 decks for free and still pay less than buying a brick

Did you happen to try that? I tried getting 2 or 3 bricks for the hell of it and only 1 free deck showed up. I think E is limited how many free decks we get per order.

vmagic, if you don't like it, please don't buy it. Complaining doesn't make it better.

As always, I don't begrudge Ellusionist for any other company for creating these promotions. They know it works and though people complain, bricks are still moved so people can 1 or 2 limited edition deck.

Personally, if the LTD was green, I'd be tempted for that brick. The limited white and red LTD does look really nice though. I really like that back of the card with the faded border back design (is there a specific term for it?).

Fanofyankees13, is there any way you could a rough break down of international shipping prices (to Canada)?

Playing Card Plethora / Re: The Zinfandel Deck - by Eric Mana
« on: November 10, 2013, 02:13:09 PM »
Pictures of the tuck, back and aces taken from Mana Playing Cards Facebook page. I'm really liking how it's all looking. There's nice elements from the first Mana deck, but the back looks completely redrawn to me. The Aces are looking really nice. A part of me wishes those pips are used for the regular pip cards, but I guess that's wait to be seen kind of thing.

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Anime/Manga
« on: November 10, 2013, 01:34:56 PM »

If you haven't had the chance, check out Hellsing, the manga version; it's a lot better than the first tv series in terms of both story, action and art or check out the recent OVA Hellsing Ultimate, a more faithful adaptation of the manga series. There's also Blood Blockade Battlefront (manga) by Yasuhiro Nightow that's a lot of the crazy over the top action of the Trigun manga.

For anime there's 5 centimeters per second, Children Who Chase Lost Voices and The Garden of Words (which is amazingly beautiful) by the same director/write of Voices of a Distant Star; like a lot of his work, all the movies deal with relationships between people. The Girl who Leapt through Time is another fun movie to watch. The recent adaptation of Hunter x Hunter looks really good and is a fun shounen series. Gundam Unicorn (OVA) is another great new series; lot of robot fighting fun and it looks amazing.

I'm not sure sure what else to suggestion as I've gotten to the stage where I'm really really picky about what I watch, read and buy.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Carbon Fiber Playing Cards (KS)
« on: November 08, 2013, 09:43:29 PM »
The novelty of carbon fiber is pretty cool, but the price is pretty steep and understandably so. What I'm most curious is the USPCC standard courts and pips being used. Are those copyrighted? Obviously there's nothing wrong with someone that takes inspiration from the standard courts and drawing their own version of them, but how does creating a copy of them work, especially when using for their own profit.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: GOLD Bicycle® Playing Cards (KS)
« on: November 06, 2013, 01:27:55 AM »
Elite seems to be the unofficial home of the baroquely elaborate deck.  Practically all of their designs would fit in that category.  It's never been my cup of tea, but they seem to have a strong enough following that they could print almost anything, put the Bicycle name on it and it would sell in decent numbers.  It kinda makes me wonder why they keep coming back to Kickstarter in the first place - they have their audience and they should have the funds to self-produce by now, right?

It could be that Kickstarter guarantees a certainty of funds. Sort of a safety that you know the decks will move and it covers all of your printing cost already. I believe Erik Mana made a similiar statement on the Mana Playing Card FB page when a fan asked why he was using Kickstarter for the Mana v2.

Every deck designer, good, bad or indifferent, seems to be flocking to Kickstarter now...

I know this is going way off topic, but I think it'll be the day if Ellusionist, Theory11 or Dan & Dave start up a Kickstarter deck.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: GOLD Bicycle® Playing Cards (KS)
« on: November 06, 2013, 01:15:58 AM »
Elite seems to be the unofficial home of the baroquely elaborate deck.  Practically all of their designs would fit in that category.  It's never been my cup of tea, but they seem to have a strong enough following that they could print almost anything, put the Bicycle name on it and it would sell in decent numbers.  It kinda makes me wonder why they keep coming back to Kickstarter in the first place - they have their audience and they should have the funds to self-produce by now, right?

It could be that Kickstarter guarantees a certainty of funds. Sort of a safety that you know the decks will move and it covers all of your printing cost already. I believe Erik Mana made a similiar statement on the Mana Playing Card FB page when a fan asked why he was using Kickstarter for the Mana v2.

Introduce Yourself / Re: I'm such a noob.
« on: November 05, 2013, 12:10:50 PM »
Welcome, Kate!

No worries about being a newbie, we've all got to start somewhere.

Besides Ellusionist, Theory11, there's also Dan & Dave, The Blue Crown/House of Playing Card and Conjuring Art Research Centre. I'm sure I'll stand corrected by someone else, but those are the ones off the top of my head. There's also Kickstarter where solo designers have offered up their own creations, who have created some really really amazing works like Jackson Robinson's Federal 52 series and current Sherlock Holmes decks, Paul Carpenter's Deco deck, Chris Chelko's Whisper Imps, Lee Mckenzie's Empire deck and honestly the list could go on.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello
« on: November 05, 2013, 12:04:52 PM »

I think everyone has given great advice, but I'll echo one of the most important advice I've gotten is: enjoy your collection, pick up what you like and don't go overboard and let the collection ruin the fun of the collection.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: The Zinfandel Deck - by Eric Mana
« on: November 04, 2013, 04:40:45 PM »
While we have kept some elements from the original Oracle, we have made some awesome changes with the box and back design

I'm glad he said that, I really like the Mana deck but would hope for more than just a new color. Can't wait to see more.

I've had the same thoughts; it'd be nice to see something more than just a colour change. I think the Mana deck is pretty cool especially with how the metallic inks are used in the back design for great effects. I'm hoping the Zinfandel does something cool with metallic inks as well as part of its design.

+ 1 for Sparkz

Excellent gentleman to trade with; quick and responsive and it was a great trade.

What is this "bear brick series" you speak of?

The bear brick had a previous deck from before. I'm guessing it was success/popular enough to justify more decks about the collector's toy.

Legit websites. Designers want to entice viewers to fund their project, so their project pages on Kickstarter are visually enticing and endlessly thoughtful. If they’re the real deal, their website will echo a similar level of care and detail, so check out the project website. Can you tell this isn’t the designer’s first rodeo? If it is their first rodeo (that is, first time trying playing card design), do they have past experience as designers or illustrators?

Don't know that I agree with this part. Jackson did not exactly have a great website. On coffee with D&D, Jackson mentioned he is working with someone on a website design. Not sure if it's his personal website or a "Kings Wild" website. I think Jackson was the exception to these Club 808 rules and recommendations.

I think there's more than a few exception to that rule. Chris Chelko didn't and still doesn't have a site (listed) either besides his instagram page; I don't think all the items are delivered yet, but I'd say the Whispering Imps KS is a success. I think those 808 guidelines are good, but in the end you've got to make your own judgement call.

I believe there were their own print run as the Bee deck I have has the trademark address listed as "International Playing Card Co. Ltd. Richmond Hill, Ontario Canada" listed on the two jokers, instructional ad card and guarantee ad card. But the AoS letter code is: 2110-M1102H. I don't have a recent Bicycle deck bought in Canada, but my older one has the AoS letter code as: Y1635.

I just remembered, you're right about that address.  So we know they're not the same cards...

The Bee deck was printed May of 2010.  More precisely, the 21st week of 2010.

That older Bicycle deck was probably made in 1999 - that's the last time the "Z" code was used.  If it was made in 1979, the deck would probably be yellowing by now.

Is there a quick handy guide to reading when the cards were printed? I'm getting the first chunk of the numbers and letters for the Bee AoS was that 2110-M = 21st week of 2010, May)? In theory, would 1109-J being 11st week of 2009 January/June/July? How did you read the Bicycle one?

There's a ton, but some of it is pretty cool. I like the Nintendo decks (Legend of Zelda, Mario, etc). I always wondered how decent they were since Nintendo started off making playing cards for a Japanese game though I honestly can't imagine someone do magic, cardistry or even playing poker with them.

Magical Cardistry Bonanza / Re: A gift from D&D
« on: November 03, 2013, 09:24:24 AM »
Throwing an idea out there, it could be a new Fulton deck. I remember prior to the release of the Clip Joints they teased us with a wrapped package.

I can't imagine it being a Fulton deck so soon after the October Fulton one. I keep thinking it's mystery deck and mystery variety box, but the box is way too big for the variety box.

I believe there were their own print run as the Bee deck I have has the trademark address listed as "International Playing Card Co. Ltd. Richmond Hill, Ontario Canada" listed on the two jokers, instructional ad card and guarantee ad card. But the AoS letter code is: 2110-M1102H. I don't have a recent Bicycle deck bought in Canada, but my older one has the AoS letter code as: Y1635.

It does make collecting fun as I can have both the Canadian version and the American version of a Bicycle deck. The cards are mostly the same, but I find that the ad cards tend to be different. I believe most Canadian regular Bicycle and Bee decks come with two poker instruction cards over USPCC ad cards.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Post Your Collection / Your Newest Acquisitions
« on: November 02, 2013, 01:23:15 PM »
hey kdklown,

What's the red deck in the Rounders photo and most important, how do I get one?  :)

But amazing haul.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Jackson to do Sherlock Holmes
« on: November 02, 2013, 12:08:05 PM »
Hey Jackson, I just looked through your pledge tiers, and clicked on your spreadsheet for your shipping calculator, the domestic tiers have shipping included, but the international shipping is not the difference between the two, but instead the whole sum. Its as though we internationals pay for shipping twice.

Yes and No. Because the way Kickstarter works their is no way to separate domestic shipping from the pledge tiers. The int. shipping rates are based on 2013 rates and the included domestic shipping accounts for the postage price raise due in 2014

Jackson, you could possibly add on a 10% increase in international postage, or whatever is the expected percentage increase. Then minus the 2014 domestic postage from it. This should be the amount that is added on for the internationals.Otherwise shipping is in excess of $40 for internationals, a little savings for us go a long way.

No matter how you split it, International shipping is going to hurt, and im totally transparent about that. Going over $40 for shipping is an easy task. I really am sorry for it.

As an international backer, I understand about that pain. The transparency really helps as we can all see what the real cost to you is. It's sort of like the bad taste of medicine that will help you get better. It all evens when the decks arrive and we see how amazing they are.

Now if only USPCC International (Canada) would start thinking about this. I think the only unique decks I've seen in Canadian Walmarts are the Bicycle Heritage Edition Playing cards and Bicycle Tragic Royalty. I honestly can imagine they moving a ton of decks with some unique decks in Canada.

The Bicycle 127th Anniversary deck was a Canada exclusive.  Texan Palmetto Backs are also made for exclusive distribution in Canada.

At one point, IPCC was indeed a separate company owned by USPC and they even did their own printing.  It wasn't uncommon in the past for USPC to have several cities printing decks as they acquired the companies the previously ran them, though IPCC was wholly their own creation.  Over time, however, anything outside of the company HQ was shut down, all the decks are made in the greater Cincinnati area (Erlanger is a suburb of Cincinnati) and IPCC is more of a marketing outfit for USPC decks than anything else.

It's not that you'll never see some of the custom decks they distribute in the US going to Canada, but Canadian law would require packaging changes, such as labeling in French and English.  Us lazy, stupid Murricans don't like that as much.  :))  So it's not like USPC can simply dump their English-only decks in your stores.  Packaging changes cost money and the Canadian market isn't as large as the US market, making it hard to justify making Canadian-mandated changes to decks that will sell mostly to Americans.  Back when IPCC was still in operation as a print shop, they did their own printing and it was a non-issue to comply with what was for them the law of the land.  It's not considered efficient today to scatter the company's resources rather than consolidate them in a single place.

You'd think I'm remember something as big as Canadian law requiring packaging in both languages. I guess it's a blessing that the actual cards don't have to be in both languages (ie. having court pips with Heart K/R for king/roi) 'cause then I probably wouldn't be able to get anything Bicycle playing cards at all. I think the funny thing is that I think the law is sort of selective. I've seen speciality stores sell the Dragon Back Bicycle deck (imported from the US) and magic shops carry some of Ellusionist's stock. Thanks as always for the info, Don.

But it's honestly good to see USPCC selling more unique decks in big chain stores. As always, if a company can make a lot of money, they won't back away from it, but I see this to the advantage of everyone as it'd be easier to get more USPCC decks.

Now if only USPCC International (Canada) would start thinking about this. I think the only unique decks I've seen in Canadian Walmarts are the Bicycle Heritage Edition Playing cards and Bicycle Tragic Royalty. I honestly can imagine they moving a ton of decks with some unique decks in Canada.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Red Arcane
« on: November 02, 2013, 01:46:51 AM »
I think Don's point 6 hit is best. When a company sees an opportunity of course they're going to take it. I can't fault them for it. I wish I was a Black Club member to get a complimentary deck. I'll have to wait until the Holiday Sale to see what kind of promotion they're running.

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