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Messages - RSLancastr

Pages: 1 [2] 3
The Conversation Parlor / Re: MY "DOUBLE-POSTING", ETCETERA
« on: February 17, 2013, 07:40:36 PM »

Although my beard started coming in strong when I wasz 19 or so, I didn't have a decent moustache until I was around 30. In the meantime, with a full beard and sideburns but to moustache, I looked Amish.

Once,m during an after-hours function where I worked (as a computer programmer), a co-worker who I did not know well approached me and said "Say, you're Amish, right?"

After a beat, I replied "Yes, I'm one of those Amish computer programmers you hear so much about." :D

Years later (after I grew a 'stache), someone else approached me at work and said "What are you, a Mormon or something?" I assume it was a comment on my facial hair, and told the guy that Modern-day Mormons almost never grow facial hair.

Another time, I was sitting in my car in a McDonald's drive-thru line when a woman came up and knocked on my window. When I opened the window, the woman said "Mazeltov, Rabbi!"

Another time, a man approached me in a park and said "Are you the rabbi?"

Evidently, many people equate facial hair with religions.

The Conversation Parlor / Re: MY "DOUBLE-POSTING", ETCETERA
« on: February 17, 2013, 02:27:30 PM »
Yes, that's me allright, all decked out in my Purple Camo.

Here's a closeup, from my Wikipedia page:

I'm glad you like my beard, but if I gave it to you, nobody would recognize me - I've had it since I was 19 years old (36 year ago)!

I trim it back from time to time, but the only time I have been clean-shaven in more than thirty years was when, after my stroke, one of my doctors had a nurse shave it off while I was in a coma, so he could perform a tracheotomy on me. My kids visited me in the hospital right after that and were freaked out to see their Dad without a beard for the first time in their lives (they were 26, 25 and 23 at the time)!

Plus, my wife likes running her fingers through it, so I kinda have to keep it Alex - sorry! :D

The Conversation Parlor / Re: MY "DOUBLE-POSTING", ETCETERA
« on: February 17, 2013, 06:27:05 AM »
"Key indicator"? No.

But a stroke can seriously mess up a person's sense of the passage of time.

After my stroke (Aug 4 2008), I spent eleven months in a hospital, various physical rehab facilities and a nursing home before I was finally discharged back home on June 30 2009.

Not long after that, my wife Susan and I visited with a couple we had not seen since my stroke, so I had tons of stories of my Adventures in Healthcare to share with them. As soon as we got there, the four of us sat down and I started in on my stories. Some time later, Susan clearedher throat and said "Robert, do you realize that you have been talking for eight straight hours now?"

I had no clue.

We had sat down and I had started talking at around 8am, and Susan interrupted me at around 4pm - Holy smokes! I would have guessed I had been talking for 30-40 minutes, tops.

That was the most dramatic example, but there have been many others.

The Conversation Parlor / Re: MY "DOUBLE-POSTING", ETCETERA
« on: February 17, 2013, 03:50:40 AM »
Thanks for posting, Don - if only so I can add to the thread without "double-posting"!

Thanks also for the PM explaining why what you call "double posting" is a faux pas here (because some may use it to artificially inflate their post count, thus artifificially inflating their "reputation".

That not only explains why it is frowned upon here, but also why I have never seen it frowned upon anywhere else - This is the first forum I have been on which has a "reputation" score system, and the only thing I'm aware of Post Counts being used for elsewhere is for the forum software to automatically determine a user's "User Type" (Newbie, Regular User, Expert User, Uber User, etc). Since that was worth nothing more than "bragging right", whereas the "Reputation" figure here is used for other, sometimes more tangible behenifts, which can tempt some into trying to artificially inflate their post count here, whereas elsewhere, there is no benefit for them toi do so.

Mystery solved!

And yes, I do tend to go on and on at times, sorry.

And, as much as I hate to play the "stroke card", I have been told that my going on and on at times is largely a result of the stroke (I sometimes think that it damaged my brain's STFU Center) :D

The Conversation Parlor / MY "DOUBLE-POSTING", ETCETERA
« on: February 17, 2013, 02:46:50 AM »

==========[ "DOUBLE POSTING" ]==========

It has been brought to my attention that I have been doing a fair amount here of what is called "double-posting" here on The Discourse.

My apologies to any who I have annoyed and/or offended by my having done so.

A few thoughts on this:

1. I have NEVER, in more than a decade of frequent posting on dozens of internet forums, and even moderating on a few of them, seen the practice of making two different posts in a row within a given thread/topic forbidden, discouraged, nor even frowned upon.

2. I have never even heard the tern "double posting" used to describe such an occurance. I have only seen it used to describe the EXACT SAME POST beying made two times in a row by the same user in one thread/topic.

But okay, that IS what it is called here, and it IS frowned upon here, so I will try not to do it any more (When in Rome...). I onl;y mention the two points above to explain why I have evidently been doing it here. Avoiding it has never been a part of my frame of reference.

There are some other things I catch myself occasionally doing in posts here (and elsewhere), and want to mention here:

==========[ OCCASIONAL ALL-CAPS "SHOUTING" ]==========

This is a piece of "nettiquette" (or however that is spelled) of which I've been aware since the old BBS days of  the 1980s.
TYPING IN ALL-CAPS IS CONSIDERED "SHOUTING", and is considered rude and annoying.

So why do I occasionally do it here (and elsewhere)? Because...

1 I do not touch-type
...and so I watch the keys as I type rather than the characters as they appear on the monitor. So, if I inadvertently press the CapsLock key (usually when trying to press the letter A), or intentionally press it in order to key something in all caps (either for emphasis, or because it is an acronym (NASA, NATO, ZIP, etcetera) or an initialism (IBM, CRT, ATM,    etcetera) -and then forget to turn CapsLock off, I don't see the resulting "shouting" because I am watching the keyboard, not the monitor. So a whole word, sentence, paragraph or post can be in all-caps before I happen to look up and notice it. I will usually backspace over it and retype it in the correct case at that point, but not if I am being lazy, or am in too much of a hurry. My apologies for that.

2. I type everything with my right hand only.

My stroke, in August of 2008 was in the right hemisphere of my brain, and severely compromised my brain's control of the muscles in the left half of my body (I am what is medically known as a "Left-side Hemiplegic"). As a result, my left leg/foot is nearly useless (thus confining me to a wheel chair), as is my left arm/hand, forcing me to type everything using only my right hand (not the "naughty" one-handed typing you see mentioned some times, I (regretfully) assure you.

Actually, I have ALWAYS typed with only my right hand, throughout my thirty-plus-year career (1976-2008) as a computer programmer. But that is a story for another time.

==========[ OTHER MISCELLANEOUS TYPOS ]==========


See, I just accidentally "shouted", inadvertently pressing CapsLock when typing the A in "Also"!

Also due to my stroke, and due to my unique style of typing, I frequently press two keys at the same time, or just press the wrong key, and, since I am watching the keyboard instead of the monitor, I usually do not notice it until later, if at all. I have tried some spell-checking plug-ins and such, but with limited success.

==========[ IN CONCLUSION ]==========

I typed all of the above not as a plea for pity, but so that the reasons for some of my frequently garbled and/or frowned-upon method of posting will be a bit better understood.

My thanks to any who took the time to read all of this.

And to those who reply (or even think) "tl;dr", let me say:

tb;fy. :D


The Conversation Parlor / Re: Funny stories of picking up girls
« on: February 16, 2013, 11:07:27 PM »
Before I hooked up with my girlfriend, me n my mates use to go out on th town tryna pull as many girls as we could (as u do lol). I didn't so much have a pickup line but I had a move. At th card machines people would print out receipts and leave them around th ATM, I'd go around looking for one that had th largest amount n stick it in my pocket. So when it came to giving a girl my number, is take th receipt out n write my number on th back of it n leave it wit them .. U hav some greedy women out there lol

There was a well-known radio talk show host (I forget his name) who used to recommend that very same ruse, and would even name some of the best banks in the Los Angeles area for finding the biggest receipts.

ETA: The talk show host's name was Tom Lykis.

I don't recall the last pickup line I used, just that it was on

Whatever it was, it worked - we've been married for five and a half years now.


I still have to wait until May to get mine - Waaaah!!!

I still have to wait until...wait, I'm NOT GETTING ANY!  Waaaah!!!  :))

You'll get one when pigs fl...

Wait a minute! You can still donate (and thus get a deck) on the film's web site:

The people behind the Kickstarter project sent out this "sneak peek" of "The Amazing Deck", the pledge reward:

That's Randi as the joker, Houdini as the King of Spades, and Randi's "Pigasus" on the card back.

I still have to wait until May to get mine - Waaaah!!!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Your Next Chance
« on: February 13, 2013, 07:22:51 PM »
Thanks a lot, Collector!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Your Next Chance
« on: February 12, 2013, 10:48:21 PM »
Happy birthday man! It would be cool if we got some kind of birthday gift exchange going on or something. I wouldn't mind sending like 10 decks to 10 people, knowing that I get 10 decks back on my birthday.


Sounds like a great idea, but why couldn't you have come up with it say, a few days ago? :D

Playing Card Plethora / Is UC Down For The Count?
« on: February 12, 2013, 11:47:23 AM »
Sorry if this has been addressed elsewhere (I can't find the thread about it from a week ago), but last I heard, the site's webmaster was coming back from a week's vacation "the next day" (ths was several days ago) and all would be fixed then.

So far, nope!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Your Next Chance
« on: February 12, 2013, 11:07:01 AM »
Happy belated Birthday sir!

Thank you, kind sir (or madam?)

It was  actually quite nice, card-wise:

I got a shipment from bmpokerworld, with:

  • Bicycle Asura
  • Bicycle Venom
  • Bicycle Venom Strike
  • Bicycle Karnival Z-Ray
  • Bicycle Karnival Earttone9
  • Bicycle War of Currents

...and a package from my dear friend James "The Amazing" Randi, containing:
  • "Invisible Playing Cards" *(A transparent plastic deck, not the trick deck of the same name)
  • Bicycle Coffin Fodder (signed by the artist)
  • "Randi" (a deck with his face on the back)
  • "Magic Bar 2010" (a deck from (I presume) a magician's conference)
  • "Sydney Australia" (a simple souvenir deck from his travels).

All in all, a nice haul!

Playing Card Plethora / Your Next Chance
« on: February 12, 2013, 09:17:24 AM »

You all missed my birthday (yesterday), but I have another one coming up NEXT year, so you have enough time to save up:


I'll act all surprised.

      I said that none of you remembered my birthday, but I did receive shipment of an order from bmpokerworld yesterday, containing:

  • Bicycle War of Currents Playing Cards
  • Bicycle Venom Playing Cards
  • Bicycle Venom Strike Playing Cards
  • Bicycle Karnival Z-Ray Deck Playing Cards
  • Bicycle  Karnival Eathtone9 Playing Cards
  • Bicycle Asura Playing Cards

I also received a package from my dear frien James "The Amazing" Randi, containing:

  • "Invisible Playing Cards" (a transparent plastic deck, not the gaffed/trick deck for performing the "Invisible Deck" illusion).
  • Bicycle Coffin Fodder deck, signed by the artist.
  • A deck with Randi's face on the back (definitely one-sided)
  • A deck with "Magic Bar 2010" on the back - some sort of gathering of magicians, I presume.
  • A souvenir deck from Sydney, Australia

All in all, a very cool haul for a card collector's birthday!

I just noticed that the "ebay" tags in the previous post are apparently not supported by trhe aethercards forum software.


Playing Card Plethora / Re: A Plethera of Playing Card Scans
« on: February 08, 2013, 11:25:44 PM »
Simply incredible collection!

And that's less than 1/20th of it - but I don't have the other decks scanned.


Thanks for sharing.

You're quite welcome - thanks for posting on it!

Design & Development / Re: Embossed vs. Smooth Finish
« on: February 08, 2013, 05:35:14 PM »
This does not answer your question (in the OP), but it is related, so I will talk about it here:

As I have porobably mentioned multiple times here, I am NOT a cardist/flourisher/fanner.

In fact, I only have one functioning hand (my right), due to a massive stroke I had in 2008.

As you might imagine, this makes simply opening a sealed box of cards and looking at the cards problematic.

I pull the deck out and set it, face up, on the table or desk before me, I then take the cards - one at a time - from the stack, examine each card, and then place it, face down, in a new stack next to the face-up one.

This is where the deck's finish can be a problem for me. There are times when the top card on one of the stacks of cards will start...sliding off of the stack. If I do not catch it in time, it starts an avalanche of the rest of the cards in the stack, and they cascade to the floor. This means that I then have to use my mechanical reacher/grabber to pick those cards up, one by one, which is damned difficult to do without damaging or bending them.

So, while I imagine that certain finishes make fanning and flourishing easier, some of them apparently make what I am doing far more difficult.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled topic.


Very interesting, thanks for sharing.

You're quite welcome - Thanks for reading it!

I've seen it somewhere :)

must have been at that place that is setting a record for downtime of late...

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Escalating an issue with an eBay seller
« on: February 08, 2013, 07:43:11 AM »
The seller issued me a full refund.

I would rather have had the cards, but a refund is good, too.

Back around 2001, when my now-defunct web site about my collection was still a going concern, I was contacted by an editor of M-U-M Magazine, a publication of S.A.M (The Society of American Magicians) and asked to write an article about collecting unusual playing cards for an upcoming issue of the magazine, which was scheduled to be about non-magical uses of playing cards.

It was fun, writing something for a readership of magicians, rather than my site's usual readership of collectors.

The article was accepted, and appeared in this issue of M-U-M:

Here is the first page of the article:

...Here is the second, including scans they asked me to provide of some cards from my collection:

...And the third, with some more scans:

It was fun, seeing my words in an actual magazine (they sent me a complimentary copy of the issue, since I was not a member of the S.A.M.)

Hope you enjoyed it!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: A Plethera of Playing Card Scans
« on: February 08, 2013, 06:49:58 AM »
Hey, we were all new once, right?  I'm just pleased that at my age I can still find things that I'm new at!  :))

I can relate, Don!

But, after my stroke in 2008, it's sometimes like the joke:

Q: What's the one good thing about having Alzheimer's?

A: Every day you meet new people.


(My apologies to anyone that may offend).

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Escalating an issue with an eBay seller
« on: February 08, 2013, 01:54:59 AM »
I had placed this in the Plethora of Playing Cards subforum because the eBay item in question was a lot of three decks of playing cards (Two Skull & Bones Bikes and a Sultan)

Guess I should have mentioned that in the OP - sorry.

The Conversation Parlor / Escalating an issue with an eBay seller
« on: February 08, 2013, 12:33:31 AM »
I just sent the following eBay message to the seller of an eBay item I bought via "Buy It Now":

Dear [seller's name],

- I paid for this item on Jan 28

- Estimated Delivery: Feb 1 - Feb 2

- I Messaged you on Feb 5 saying I had not yet received the item.

- is now Feb 7, and I have still not received the item, nor a reply to my message.

What's up?

- rslancastr

How do I escalate my complaint, and when should I do so?


I have purchased more than 300 items on eBay over the past 15 years, and have NEVER had this problem before.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello Out There!
« on: February 07, 2013, 11:54:17 PM »
Welcome, PrincessTrouble!

I'm neither a Mom nor a Lego enthusiast, but other than that, our CVs are quite similar.

Enjoy the boards,


That's some exciting stuff - I trust you'll send us some scans?  :))

That's the plan!

Some of you - particularly those interested in stage magic - may be familiar with James "The Amazing" Randi, a retired stage magician and escape artist, now best known for his decades of investigating (and thus debunking) claims of "paranormal" abilities (psychics, etc).

Those who are not familiar withRandi (as he prefers to be called) can read about him here:

Randi has been an idol of mine (for his investigations) since the early 1980s, when he exposed televangelist Peter Popoff on the old Tonight Show (with Johnny Carson) for the lying charlatan that he was.

In 2004 and 2007, I emulated Randi in a small way when I created two skeptical investigation web sites:

Through my work on those sites, I became known to Randi, and we became friends, much to my astonishment!

I was invited to speak at several of the annual conventions of The James Randi Educational Foundation (The JREF) and, in 2009, was given their first Citizen Skeptic Award, which was presented to me onstage at that year's convention, by Randi himself!:

- I'm in the wheelchair, wearing the black T-shirt with Randi's face on it.

- Randi is the short, white-bearded gent holding my award.

- My wife Susan is standing between and behind us

- My "Beeg Seestor" (a family in-joke) Janie is on the left in the picture.

I have been a regular poster on the JREF's online forum ( since 2001, and frequently post there about my playing card collection.

Recently, someone there posted in one of my playing card-related threads/topics that there was a Kickstarter project to help with funding the documentary film "An Honest Liar: The James Randi Story":

and that one of the rewards on the project was "The Amazing Deck", a Skepticism-themed deck of playing cards!

From the project's page:

NEW!!! "The Amazing Deck" - A 100% custom-designed unique deck of playing cards. Available nowhere else, this beautiful, intricately illustrated deck is an ode to Randi, skepticism, & science. The face cards have gorgeous illustrations of his heroes of choice, including, as the Kings: Houdini, Isaac Asimov, Martin Gardener, and Carl Sagan. Randi is the Joker - but in this deck, it's the "Charlatan"! We'll reveal the Queens & Jacks soon, so stay tuned! (Any guesses?) "The Amazing Deck" is no novelty reward - it will be professionally manufactured by the U.S. Playing Card Company, on the same Q1 highest quality casino regulation poker card stock used in Bicycle and Bee decks with the "Magic Finish" (the preferred finish for professionals and magicians.) The cool, vintage-style illustrations will ensure this stylish limited-edition deck will be a cherished collectible!

I immediately pledged, and then wrote to Randi, telling him about my collection, and that I was looking forward to seeing the deck in May.

He replied and said that he had rummaged around in his stuff and found four decks of cards he thought might interest me, and would mail them soon! Over the next couple of days I received more emails from him, saying "Found another deck for you!"

I am anxiously awaiting their arrival.

Will they be decks he used in his magic act?

Decks with custom courts?

Something else?

I will describe them here as they arrive.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: A Plethera of Playing Card Scans
« on: February 07, 2013, 12:09:12 PM »
I'm amazed. So many custom decks. What a collection you got there!

Looks awesome man! Keep it up!

Okay, I see now. Not very intuitive, but I will try to remember it - thanks!

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