The average US resident legal to work here holds an average of 7 jobs over the course of their lifetime, last time I checked the numbers. I'm at more than double that, and I'm still going...
Well, at 23 years old, I guess that puts me ahead of the curve with 15 different jobs in my lifetime.
I'm currently a software developer, and absolutely love my job. I really don't have a lot of 'bad' experiences with the working world. I've almost always held jobs that I love with decent pay and fair hours. The only exception to this would be the summer where I worked door to door sales. For anyone with enough motivation and determination, I am here to tell you, if you want to make a lot of money, go into sales. With commission based selling, there is practically no limit to the amount of money you can make. I make a decent wage now, but I made more doing sales. I also quit that job because it was an unreasonable strain. Long hours, hard work, shirt&tie, lots of travel, 6 days/wk, etc.
Perhaps my favorite job ever (aside from dressing up as Chuck E. Cheese, which was unbelievably fun) has to be a toss up between Bartending and DJing. No I lied, it's bartending. Fun, Social, and Pays well.