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Messages - LauR

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Playing Card Plethora / Re: Rare decks: to open, or not to open?
« on: October 23, 2012, 11:18:40 PM »
Exactly, the issue compounding that is of those thousands practically none were used by the casinos due to the back

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Rare decks: to open, or not to open?
« on: October 23, 2012, 06:51:30 PM »
At the current rate of resell the rarity of jerry nuggets is really called into question. So far 144 x 3 decks have been released by Lee, and we know Dan and Dave have quite a few as well.

It wasn't a hard conclusion to come to, if Dan and Dave really did make a gold foil edition no doubt their marketing department would've made it known.

Of the recent decks so far, only the Arcos from DealingDueces had gold foil.

What is interesting is that that may be a breach of patent depending on the circumstances.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: New Deck from E - Sultan Republic
« on: October 23, 2012, 06:44:34 PM »

Looks pretty black, but then again Chinatowns looked pretty red.

trade between me n Zaganh:

The transaction is for 6 blue fultons casino + 6 red fultons casino +1 midnight fultons (original; non stripper deck) sent to Zaganh, for 6 Orange fultons casino+ 6 tobacco fultons casino + 1 midnight fultons (original; non stripper deck) sent to LauR.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Cards VS Boxes, and a price issue
« on: October 22, 2012, 04:19:34 AM »
The whole issue is a simple economic supply and demand, some people may complain the prices are too high yet other individuals still find that reasonable and purchase the deck. therefore, as long as the demand meets the supply there is no reason for them to drop the price for those individuals who feel its too pricey.

how many decks were you after?

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Rare decks: to open, or not to open?
« on: October 19, 2012, 04:02:54 AM »
Rarest modern deck I opened was "Broken Spell."  NO ONE sells the blasted things - I got mine at a charity auction for Japanese tsunami/earthquake/nuclear disaster victims.  You can look it up on Kickstarter, it was possibly the first deck project, or at least among the first.  I've also opened Gold Seal White New Fan Backs (only 1,000 made) and White Monarchs.  BG1E, Gold Arcane, Red Artifice...  I usually open one, and if it's the only one I have, I open it.

The "Broken Spell" deck is rare?
I had absolutely no clue.  I was at the small press expo last month in Bethesda and one of the creators of the deck had a table where she had 3 or 4 of the decks for sale ( I think she was asking $15) along with some of her comics. I picked one up "because, addiction".
She had a sample there open, the art was nice but the card quality was low (definitely an art deck not a performance deck). I actually opened my deck up that evening at the hotel and was going to get her to sign the card she contributed to the deck, unfortunately she wasn't there the next day, she had a friend manning her table.

My point is, the things you run into when you aren't expecting.

lol if only captain hindsight was there, he could've saved you

Lowest I got was $210 and didn't buy it. Even if I got the $99 tier I probably wouldn't buy it unless I was guaranteed a blue deck since I already have a red one.

You'd say no to a free ~$100? Buy it for $99 and put it on ebay $200? Easy as hell.

Also did these come with the pelican case?

Have it cross anyone mind ?? Why does he have so many decks ?

Hype is overpowered man, beats logic every single time

This is his third release so if prices haven't changed much he's pulled in roughly 90k

Allow me to quote from someone who posted previously AND did the math...


He'll pull in $37,842 for 144 decks of cards. ($262.79 per deck)

Simply insane


LauR, what did we learn?  :))

I was referring to his 2009, 2010, and 2012 total earnings

This is his third release so if prices haven't changed much he's pulled in roughly 90k

Playing Card Plethora / Re: So the pizza guy saw my decks yesterday...
« on: October 13, 2012, 06:52:58 PM »
I would've thought card collecting had quite a decent market, going from the amount of decks being released to the market and the prices of rare decks.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: what im getting for DOTM
« on: October 12, 2012, 08:35:33 PM »
that's a pretty good dotm, the stripper decks like $40 now.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Seasons Playing Cards - Platinum Series
« on: October 11, 2012, 08:55:15 PM »

Are you kidding me right now that you believe that is a justified reason for reprinting, just because ppl missed out on a limited deck is no reason to make a slight variation of essentially the same deck and releasing it again under a different title. That is the whole purpose of creating "limited" editions. The high price natures of post release limited editions item is what contributes to its exclusiveness and the rush to buy it before it sells out. That is how it is in every industry, from watches, shoes, etc.

Also you portrayal of collectors is also poorly construed, oppose to whining that the deck was limited, that is an actual legitimate concern. When they advertised that the decks would be a limited run, that is the marketing strategy employed by these sellers and do contribute to the pro and cons of an individual when deciding to buy a deck. Like for all the collectors now, who own like theory 11 white centurions, if theory 11 now reveals that they will do an unlimited run of white centurion v 2 with a different joker, the price of v1s would go down as the demand for v1s decrease as individuals opt to go for the cheaper alternative. Therefore, they would in fact have a well founded and justified reasoning for being opposed to reprints.

The "reprints" were announced the SAME DAY the originals released.  They were no secret.  Yet for weeks after, they were still highly sought-after cards.

You used David Blaine's decks as an example.  Can you honestly tell me that the release of the Split Spades Bees had a negative impact on the Split Spades Tally Ho decks?  Or that the Split Spades Lions affected either?  There were only sleight tweaks from one version to the other - but they were still different versions.

I've not seen a single bit less demand for the WL Series A since the WL Series B came out.  They're similar, sure, but they're NOT the same deck.  I don't think the release of the Platinum Edition will alter the demand for the originals, especially among collectors.  Some collectors never even crack open the tuck box, preferring instead to look at the still-sealed deck on display on their wall or in their cabinet.  Can you honestly tell me that the release of the Platinums will affect the demand for the originals among those collectors?

Its not a matter of whether they will or not as no-one can say one thing or another for sure, but that there is a possibility. Infact in most industries the opposite of what is happening in the card industry is the opposite, if they release similar runs of limited edition items the prices goes down. Can you honestly say that the demand for v1 crown decks hasn't been affected by the v2s?

Also when was it told day one that the seasons will be reprinted? Even currently on their website, it does mention that the cards will be reprinted.

"The SEASONS Set is a limited set of playing cards that visually captures the changing seasons. Unique from other deck sets, these cards embrace two different illustrated artworks while still maintaining a consistency for the set"

Can you honestly tell me that tag line is not trying to promote its rarity as a selling point?

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Seasons Playing Cards - Platinum Series
« on: October 11, 2012, 01:20:25 AM »
Yikes, as sexy as the boxes are, not changing anything else and printing 10k decks...

Even on the best decks, like these, I don't believe in the T11 route to deck releases.

The thing is he's not the only one doing this, I mean DB has been doing that with all this decks from split spades tally ho, to his white lions.

They're exploiting the main thing wrong with the card industry, people buying large quantities of decks which they believe are "limited," which really aren't. 5k print though limited is probably a realistic estimate of how many decks they were going to sell anyway.

What the heck are you talking about?

First of all, the "T11 route" Alex refers to is taking the same exact deck and upgrading just the box, then calling it "version 2", "special edition" or some similar nonsense and waiting for the collectors to drool and throw money at them.

David Blaine's decks have never done what you've described.  Each run had distinct differences going beyond just the box.

Split Spades (Tally Ho) - Tally Ho AoS, custom jokers
Split Spades (Bee) - Bee AoS, I think it had Bee jokers as well.
Split Spades Lions - different back design, SS AoS introduced, "jester face" joker
White Lions Series A - different back design, WL AoS, "lion in rain" jokers
White Lions Series B & Black Label - same back as Series A, but SS AoS and jokers.

These differences aren't huge, but they're far more different than, say, the difference between Bicycle Titanium v1 and v2, or DeckONE v1 and v2.

A realistic estimate?  That's nonsense.  It's an EXACT NUMBER.  You make X amount of decks, they sell out and lo and behold, your "realistic estimate" becomes fact.  They ARE limited.  Even if made in quantities of THIRTY or FORTY THOUSAND.  In this industry, "limited" basically means this: we made a single print run and we don't plan to make more - it might be as little as 1,000, it might be much, much larger, but this print run is it and nothing else comes after this.  As opposed to "unlimited", meaning "we're just gonna keep churning these out, print run after print run, until you nice people stop buying them."

This new print run exists for one reason and one reason only - there were a LOT of people who missed out on the initial sale of these decks and would love to get some without having to spend a king's ransom.  Alex Chin is trying to make these people happy while at the same time not piss off the collectors screaming "but I thought this deck was LIMITED."  Well, it is - in the original gold foil and whatnot.  Think of this like the Crown decks - version one came and went, so version two (the unlimited edition) came into being and just keeps getting reprinted when it sells out.  Version one is still "rare" and "limited".

Are you kidding me right now that you believe that is a justified reason for reprinting, just because ppl missed out on a limited deck is no reason to make a slight variation of essentially the same deck and releasing it again under a different title. That is the whole purpose of creating "limited" editions. The high price natures of post release limited editions item is what contributes to its exclusiveness and the rush to buy it before it sells out. That is how it is in every industry, from watches, shoes, etc.

Also you portrayal of collectors is also poorly construed, oppose to whining that the deck was limited, that is an actual legitimate concern. When they advertised that the decks would be a limited run, that is the marketing strategy employed by these sellers and do contribute to the pro and cons of an individual when deciding to buy a deck. Like for all the collectors now, who own like theory 11 white centurions, if theory 11 now reveals that they will do an unlimited run of white centurion v 2 with a different joker, the price of v1s would go down as the demand for v1s decrease as individuals opt to go for the cheaper alternative. Therefore, they would in fact have a well founded and justified reasoning for being opposed to reprints.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Seasons Playing Cards - Platinum Series
« on: October 10, 2012, 07:04:03 AM »
Yikes, as sexy as the boxes are, not changing anything else and printing 10k decks...

Even on the best decks, like these, I don't believe in the T11 route to deck releases.

The thing is he's not the only one doing this, I mean DB has been doing that with all this decks from split spades tally ho, to his white lions.

They're exploiting the main thing wrong with the card industry, people buying large quantities of decks which they believe are "limited," which really aren't. 5k print though limited is probably a realistic estimate of how many decks they were going to sell anyway.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: T11, E, and Skulkor Marketing trend
« on: October 09, 2012, 10:52:47 PM »
"In 2010 stories and artwork were discovered in a book from the early 1700’s that appear to provide evidence about a secret society of magicians. Formed to protect magicians during the Salem Witch Trials of the late 1600’s, the Order of the Owl was founded in the Northeastern US. We have painstakingly restored and recreated the artwork we found in order to put this deck into the hands of modern magicians and keep the memory of this society alive. Some believe that the order still exists, though we cannot be sure. Secrets are everywhere."

yet another skulkor like marketing...
the things in bold makes be believe they all hired the same person for marketing... or copying each's kind of funny in a way

Is that from the blue crown website?

This tin set is only worth like $200-250ish top from ebay history, they used to go for $180 but prices of golden nuggets went up.

Bought 2 bricks of magic con v2 for $220.

Paypal invoice has been sent.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: new fultons tax stamped deck
« on: October 03, 2012, 11:09:36 PM »
I'm very enthusiastic about the v7's. I've been waiting for them for what seems like an eternity. Furthermore, I am about the complete opposite about the recolored Fulton's. In my opinion, they remind me too much about Jerry Nuggets. It's nearly the same color and the backs are identical except for one small aspect. Again, I can't wait for the new S&M deck though.

that's kind of the whole point of this deck

Playing Card Plethora / Re: New Deck - Bicycle Heraldry Playing Cards
« on: October 03, 2012, 07:01:08 PM »
I don't see the connection between Heraldry and the flower or feather theme going on

Playing Card Plethora / Re: NEW DECK - RITUAL by Elite Playing Cards
« on: October 03, 2012, 06:28:08 PM »
Is there a photo showing a close up of the court cards? Can't really make it out well from the kick starter photo, just looks like standard with a filled in background.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: new fultons tax stamped deck
« on: October 03, 2012, 06:25:05 PM »
Wonder if this will be a marked up version with starting price $30/deck

Playing Card Plethora / Re: NEW DECK- Split Spades Silver Edition
« on: October 03, 2012, 05:15:56 AM »
Hopefully the decks won't be that expensive, I love how the Series B red lions were only $4.95 ea for 12, bit disappointed about the increase for the black labels.

I'm also astounded by the the funding given to certain decks. I mean, the Cthulhu deck has raised 68k almost which simply dumbfounds me.

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