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Messages - CLCPC Studio 52

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Hi there,

I was hoping for some of your thoughts on a fictional story that I have been putting together for a Kickstarter Exclusive Deck that I have been developing especially to thank supporters for my Vintage Label Playing Cards project on Kickstarter.

Included in the commemorative plaque image below are character Biography's for each court card character in the KS Exclusive signature edition decks, and was hoping you might be able to let me know what you think of the fictional story that plays out in the character bio's.

If you are able to proof read these for me also to let me know if I have made any spelling mistakes that would be great :)

Hope you enjoy reading about the characters in this deck and look forward to your responses,

Best Regards,
Craig Lewis Maidment

(The new Kickstarter Exclusive deck that has been unlocked)

These wine themed playing cards are full of flavour, offering both premium quality as well as an in depth look into traditional wine production methods from the 1900's.  Decks include illustrations depicting wine bottle labels with characters from the Vintage Label Winery, Brewery and Distillery (Spades) as well as winery estate landscapes (Hearts), wine production equipment (Diamonds) and wine production/storage processes (Clubs).  Decks include many bonus cards and features for both card magic and poker as well as featuring a back story that creates intrigue for you to further enjoy this unique collectable set of playing cards.

Can you unravel the story behind these decks?

Please Come and support my new Kickstarter project, and in return,  get your hands on one or more of these unique Kickstarter Exclusive Decks
 (Only 500 KS Exclusive 'Signature Edition' Decks will be printed).

Thankyou for taking the time to learn more about my new playing card project and hope to have you supporting me :)

Kind Regards,
Craig L Maidment

Images uploaded are on low resolution file size to fit on page so it is hard to read the Character Bio's for each court card but higher quality images are uploaded to the Kickstarter page at or available to read from my design studio website at

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Feedback on new Court Card Designs
« on: June 03, 2019, 07:44:37 AM »
Hi Don!,

Sorry for the late reply as I have been busy and just noticed your message,

To answer your queston,

When designing these decks, the centrepoint of focus was on have the intricate framework in place to showcase each of the playing card suits that are used within a deck of playing cards.....This framework then became the foundation to work with and was applied to both the tuck box design as well as being applied throughout the decks design to present each card in the deck.....the indices sizing and placement eventuated by working within the framework that was first established for presenting a set of playing cards in..... and although unconventional in respect to application purposes,  the card illustrations still have a good table presence and readability from a distance for card games such as poker, being that the larger indicies on the court cards as well as the large suits and centre text for each of the cards allows for card functionality as players are able to see the card values from a distance around a table during gameplay......and although card values are printed small in the corners of the cards, a positive to this is that when peeking at your cards in a game of poker, you yourself can read the card values up close, however the other players, and also spectators, are unable to read the values in the corners from a distance, so your hand is not compromised in this regard. 

The private reserve decks where designed as a form of artistic expression for a set of playing cards while keeping with the theme of the decks, while the premier edition decks were designed with card functionallity at the fore-front by having standard USA Card faces and including additional cards for card magic (Decks include double backer plus a gaff card and an inbuilt card trick that requires no skill level to perform straight out of the pack with a powerful card magic effect). 

Between the  deck styles on offer (both Standard and custom) I wanted to present decks of playing cards that project a sense of fine quality, class and sophistication, to be primarily offered as collectors editions, and to also include fully functional decks with added features (for the standard card face designed decks), which although are designed as collectors editions also,  still have great card functionality and can be used for card magic, cardistry, card games, poker etc by having standard card face designs that the card community is familiar with. 

Thanks for the question by the way Don, and I hope this helps give you more of an insight into my approach for designing these decks :)

Best Regards,


Just wanted to share my new Kickstarter Exclusive deck that I have recently revealed on my current Kickstarter project for backers to pledge for.

These new limited Edition decks are being designed exclusively for backers for my current Kickstarter Project to thank them for their support of my new playing card project and the decks will include new alternate 100% customised illustration court cards, silver gilded card edging and my personal signature included on the back of the tuck box.

Please come and check these out on Kickstarter and let me know what you think and maybe make a pledge to get your hands on one of the KS Exclusive decks.

There are also several new reward options available on the Kickstarter for backers, including Limited Edition, Giant Sized, signed and date stamped, illustration court cards.... as well as a Wooden Vintage Label Wine/Deck Case that contains a signature edition private reserve deck set (Includes one [SILVER GILDED] Private Reserve White Deck plus one [SIGNATURE EDITION] Private Reserve White Deck with Silver Gilded card edging).

There will only be 500 Signature Edition Decks produced and made available exclusively to backers for Vintage Label Playing Cards on Kickstarter.

Please come and support us and get you hands on these new Signature Edition Decks that have been inspired by Vintage Wine Bottle Labelling and Wine Making from the 1900's to be able award to backers as a thankyou for supporting  my playing card projects on Kickstarter.

Thanks everyone for your support!

Grab the Gold before it's gone forever!

We are now 100% funded on Kickstarter and celebrating by giving out gold!!

Don't miss out on grabbing your ''MINI'' Gold Gilded Deck today before the are all gone!

These won't last long! Less than half remaining already!!! grab yours now from the Kickstarter page at

The Vintage Label Limo has just arrived on Kickstarter, so I invite you to join us and to take a seat and relax, as we are about to head out for a tour of the vineyards!.

TAKE THE FULL TOUR HERE for Vintage Label Playing Cards (Live on Kickstarter)

Inspiration for this playing card project was derived from vintage wine bottle labelling from the 1900's to bring you a unique wine/deck collection in a range of wine colours....

I wanted these decks to be of premium quality and to have a classical look and feel that would project a sense of fine quality, class and sophistication, perfect for your next high stakes poker night, cardistry or magic trick performance.

Much like wine, a deck of playing cards increases in value over time...... the earlier the vintage, the more valuable both wine and playing cards become.....Here is your chance to invest in the first editions of Vintage Label Playing Cards and to start your very own Vintage Label Wine/Deck Collection!

These decks have been in development for quite some time in my imagination and I am hoping to now make this unique wine/deck collection a reality for everyone to enjoy!

Will you help me?

Project is live now on Kickstarter at

Hey everyone,

This is an official announcement to let you know that Vintage Label Playing Cards is now LIVE on Kickstarter!

It would be great if you could come and take a look and let us know what you think?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated and I look forward to hopefully having your support for my new playing card project :)

Project is now live at

These new Limited Edition are customisable to include [Gold and Silver Gilding] as well as including [Gold and Silver Foil Box Seals] and are exclusive to Kickstarter and designs are inspired by vintage wine bottle labelling from the 1900's to bring you a unique wine/deck collection in a tasty range of wine colours. 

Much like wine, a deck of playing cards increases in value over time...... the earlier the vintage, the more valuable both wine and playing cards become,
Here is your chance to invest in the first editions of Vintage Label Playing Cards and to start your Vintage Label Wine/Deck Collection :D

Looking forward to having your support!

Warmest Regards,
Craig Lewis Maidment,

Feel free to check out our design studio website here:

You can also Follow us on facebook here:

Project is now live at

Design & Development / Re: Feedback on new brand of playing Cards
« on: February 01, 2019, 05:16:00 AM »
Hi Don!,

Wow thankyou for the great advice and for answering my many questions! I really appreciate your feedback on this project Don and will be taking it all into consideration while moving forward with the development of these decks :D.

Hoping that I can reign in on my creativity to develop this wine/deck collection in a way that will be appealing to deck collectors and thankyou again for the great advice and also for your words of encouragment!.

Best Regards,

Design & Development / Feedback on new brand of playing Cards
« on: January 24, 2019, 09:01:03 AM »
Hi everyone,

Craig here,

Just hoping to have some feedback on my card designs for my new brand of playing cards, 'Vintage Label'. 

These cards have been designed with a modern vintage approach to playing card design, with inspiration derived from vintage labelling of products from the 1900's which I have then merged with modern design.

These decks are being designed with standard card faces as well as 100% custom Vintage Label card Faces for limited edition version of the decks as well as developing a Vintage Label Wine/Deck Collection that will be available in 6 flavours - Champagne White, Malbec Black, Vinho Verde, Shiraz Red, Golden Chardonnay and Pink Champagne.

More card images plus an introdutory video for the Vintage Label Decks can be found here -

The plan is to launch the first Vintage Label decks in Black and White on Kickstarter to gauge how much of an interest there is for these type of decks before hopefully being able to return to Kickstarter to launch the Vintage Label Wine/Deck Collection that I have been developing to showcase the Vintage Label Brand.

I am planning to have these decks produced in collaboration with Legends Playing Card Company as they offer some of the finest quality playing cards and I will be using their diamond cut finish for the card stock should I receive enough funidng support to produce these decks. 

It would be great if everyone on this forum could take a look at my designs and provide feedback for this playing card project (please see more pictures from link below to help with answering some of these questions.....

Here are some questions I hope to have answers for to help guide this project - (You don't need to answer all of them but if there are any there that you might like to answer for us that would be great)

Do you like the way that this project is developing in terms of the design?

Do you like the card backing designs and range of colours to be available for the wine/deck collection?
Vintage Label poker set?

Would you like to see these decks include additional cards for card magic such as gaff cards, double backer cards, stacked decks, or whould you prefer them to be in new deck order as standard poker type decks?

Would you use the standard card face versions of these decks for perfoming card magic?

Do you like the youtube promotional trailer for the Vintage Label WIne/Deck Collection?

What other advice could you give to help with the development of these decks?

Do you have any questions about this project that you might like me to answer?

If you like what you see here from the sample images for these decks, please follow the link below to check out more images and details for this project and let us know what you think :)

Also, feel free send us your email from our landing page for the Decks on our studio website if you llike what you see and would like to receive email notifications when the decks are ready to launch on Kickstarter. 

Thanks everyone, hope to hear your thoughts!

Best Regards,

More card images plus an introductory video for the Vintage Label Decks can be found here -

Playing Card Plethora / Gold Dragon Playing Cards
« on: January 16, 2019, 07:54:11 AM »
Hey everyone,
Gold Dragon Playing Cards are now available now from leading retailers!

Best Regards,

Design & Development / Re: Thoughts on best quality card manufacturers?
« on: October 02, 2018, 03:47:46 AM »
Hi Don!,
Thanks so much for your reply!,
I agree with you on Oath Playing Cards for sure, and Lotreks Golden Oath deck is definately a sight to behold!, as are all of his decks, and their level of quality is definitely in line with what I would be hoping to be able to achieve.... although I think I would be limited to some degree in being able to achieve that extra level of customisation for the tuck boxes that applies with the Oath Decks, unless working directly with Lotrek to achieve this added level customisation.  I'm thinking when the time is right, Lotrek will be one of the designers that I will present my completed design to and kindly ask for his expertise in designing decks, and hopefully he might like to jump on board and assist me with achieving the best quality deck that I would be able to produce with that extra guidance...... One option I am just thinking of is to completely finish the deck design ready to develop through Legends or Expert PCC first and then seek the assistance of Lotrek to have a Limited Edition Tuck box version of the deck created, along with foil ink versions of cards to then package as a limited edition version of the deck to achieve that added level of customisation. This way I will still be able to have a version of the deck ready to produce either way and still to a high level of quality by going through Legends or Expert PCC, and If Lotrek would like to collaborate with me in extending the decks production further to be able to include a limited Edition version with all the extras, that would be an awesome addition to the project! :D.

Thanks so much again for your comments Don and for your help with this new deck development, I think you have really helped to bring some great options to light for creating this deck and I can't wait to get to work on having it produced to the highest quality standards that may become available to me in the near future!

Best Regards,
CLCPC Studio 52

Design & Development / Thoughts on best quality card manufacturers?
« on: October 01, 2018, 05:52:50 AM »
Hi Everyone,

I am currently working on a new highly intricate detailed, fully custom set of playing cards (yet to be revealed) that I am hoping to be able to produce to the highest standards possible for the collectable playing card market and hoping to hear your thoughts and opinions.  These designs I feel are deserving of the best in quality, quality of which I will hopefully be able to deliver in the near future as more support for my designs grows and more funds become available to me.  So If you were planning on producing, looking to purchase, or hoping to see from a deck of cards being launched on Kickstarter, as a new premium deck of cards of highest quality to add to your deck collection, which card manufacturer would you consider as the best for offering highest quality, along with which card stock you would consider as the highest quality that you would want the cards to be made from?.  I would like the deck to include all the extras, such as foil box seals, embossed tuck case, Mettalic inks, printed inner tuck case etc, and the design is one that I am hoping everyone will appreciate for it's level of detail and would like it produced to the highest standards possible for a deck of playing cards.

I am also considering sharing my finished deck design by collaborating with another card designer to help produce my finished product with their extended skills in launching decks of such quality, and if there are also any other top card designers on here that would be interested in this opportunity, feel free to send me an email to .  I will be taking care of all of the card designing, promotional images, product samples, Kickstarter page presentation etc that I assure you will all be to the highest standard that you can be proud to be a part of, and all you will have to do is help guide me in the best direction to assist me with producing the deck to the highest quality possible with your extended knowledge and skills in the industry for producing premium decks with all the extras included. I will be happy extend my offer for a % of funds raised for your efforts in helping me to create this deck.  Currently I am considering Legends Playing Card Company as from my research so far, their quality is top notch, plus they seem easy to work with.  Your thoughts?

P.S This new deck is planned to be launched after I finish launching the Silver Dragon (Currently on Kickstarter), Gold Dragon and a Limited Edition Turning Japanese deck to finish off my first deck series since starting out as custom playing card designer.  By this stage I will hopefully have enough funding and support to help raise the extra funds needed to launch a premium deck of highest quality possible with all the extras and I will be investing extra time and money to finish preparing the highly intricate details that will be present throughout the design.  I will be taking everything I have learned so far in card designing to the next level to bring you my greatest masterpiece yet, and it will be a deck that I hope other card designers will be proud to be a part of by collaborating with me to launch it on Kickstarter and help to guide me with it's production.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts, opinions and help with making this next dream of mine a reality, and if all goes well this deck will be launching in early 2020 :) 
So stay tuned for updates and reveals......
Best Regards,
CLCPC Studio 52

P.S If you would like to help see this deck become a reality, please help by supporting us :D
You can do so by following all of our deck developments at -
- Facebook page - 
- Studio Website -
- Black Dragon Inner Circle -
as well as clicking the 'Follow Creator' button on Kickstarter at -

Hey everyone!,
Craig here back with next deck launch for the Black Dragon Series of Playing Cards, with our standard edition specially marked and stacked Decks designed specifically for card magic.

Launch day offer includes up to 2 free decks to go with your pledge for support.

Free Limited Edition Decks are also available if you would like head over to our Kickstarter page now and check out whats on offer before all the free decks are claimed :)

Hi Don,

Thanks for merging the posts and appologies for posting seperate, I will remeber this in future. Thanks

Just 3 days left in our Kickstarter Campaign everyone.  We are now over 243% funded and we really appreciate all the support you have given us for our new decks of playing cards! If you haven't made a pledge for this project yet and would like to receive one or more of these new decks, there is still time to head over to the Kickstarter page now and choose which decks you would like to receive.  Thanks again for all your support!

Built upon legend and inspired by ancient tradition, this Limited Edition deck is a 60 card deck of premium playing cards featuring illustrations by world famous artist Marine Loup.  Each deck contains 52 playing cards, 2 joker cards (1 signed), 1 double backer card, 1 unique gaff card plus 5 bonus illustration cards all featuring Marine Loups signature.  Made in collaboration with CLCPC Studio 52 this deck was inspired by an ancient Japanese legend of the koi fish - The legend goes that through determination and perseverance, a single koi fish was able to swim upstream to reach the top of a waterfall against all odds. It overcame demons that laughed at and mocked its efforts and who had also heightened the waterfall out of malice. According to this legend, after reaching the top of the waterfall, the gods who had witnessed the koi's efforts turned the koi into a Golden Dragon, the image of power and strength. This deck draws its inspiration from this legend and from Marine Loup and her Turning Japanese illustrations, and represents the determination and perseverance demonstrated by the koi, battling against all odds to succeed. Koi fish are a feature in the deck and are smimming around the centre suit makings of each Ace card as well as a black Koi fish featured on the Joker cards to sybolise the perseverence and determination of the single Koi fish that was able to reach the top of the waterfall.

Funded in just over 24hrs there are still Stretch Goals to unlock for these decks to have them include numbered box seal stickers, emossed tuck box, card stock upgrades plus other bonus rewards and more being available for backers of this project.  Please come and help us on this campaign to having these decks produced for collectors and fans of Marine Loups Turning Japanese art collection.

Live on Kickstarter now at -

Now live on Kickstarter!.
Green Dragon (Standard Edition)
[LIMITED EDITION] Turning Japanese Deck)
(Be early as there is only 250 Limited Edition Decks available in this campaign). Kickstarter campaign link here -

Hope to have you supporting us!

Best Regards,

Launching today on Kickstarter!.
Green Dragon (Standard Edition) which is the second 'Standard Edition' deck to be launched for the Black Dragon Series Of Playing Cards! Designed specifically for card magic (includes a 3 level marking system) with many card tricks ready to perform straight out of the pack! includes 1 Gaff card plus 1 hidden reveal (Full details on Kickstarter page). 

Also launching a [LIMITED EDITION] Turning Japanese deck (Be early as there is only 250 Limited Edition Decks available in this campaign) more updates when we launch. For more details and link to Kickstarter page visit or follow us on our Facebook page at

Playing Card Plethora / Fate Series Collectors Set (4 Deck Set)
« on: March 16, 2018, 03:46:23 AM »
Hi Everyone,
Craig here from CLCPC Studio 52,
Since launching the Shapeshifter Playing Card Project recently on Kickstarter, I have been busy developing a new collectors set called the Fate Series based on feedback on the Shapeshifter Decks and that they would look great if they featured Traditional Card suits in the design.  Since the Shapeshifter decks require the non traditional card suits to go with the Shapeshifter theme for the Card Game, I have come up with an alternative series of decks that still incorporate the same meaning behind the project but in a more traditional setting.  To fill you in on the Shapeshifter Project, These decks symbolise overcoming oppression with power, and are designed to empower people to take control of their fate, to stand firm against all the injustices of the world and to fight for freedom and liberty while they strive for Truth Loyalty Honor and Justice. The Purpose of the 'Egyptian Theme' for the card imagery in the decks is to symbolise that since the time of the anicient egyptians, mankind has suffered from oppression and slavery, as they have long sought to be free within society from the oppressive restrictions imposed on them by those of authority. Around the world people are suffering, as well as the environment, and it's people like you and I that can help make a differenece.  The meaning behind Shapeshifter Playing Cards - A Shapeshifter in relation to the Shapeshifter Project is someone who has the ability to shift a state of motion....and within our society, Shapeshifters are influential people that have the ability to create change. There are also both good Shapeshifters and evil Shapeshifters in the world....those that are good, are able to inspire and create change for the greater good of mankind.... and those that are evil, impose changes to the world that are for their own self benfeit and self interests, and do so with little regard for others. For us to Take Control Of Our Fate and to create change, we need to become an influential figure in the world....we need to become Shapeshifters! you have what it takes to be a Shapeshifter?.....will you stand for freedom and liberty? or will you stand for dominance and power, and will you use that power to abuse and manipulate the world for your own self interests?. These truths about the world are expressed in this project by way of the Traditional set of playing cards for the Fate Series as well as a series of Shapeshifter decks with Shapes instead of traditional suits for playing the Shapeshifter card game. As an extended part of the Kickstarter Project, there is also a Shapeshifter Story and Comic Book Series that merge the oppressive realities of the world into a Science Fiction Story where mankind must face the challenge of rising up against an evil race of alien beings who have taken control over the world. They are the evil Shapeshifters who are manipulating the world for their own self interests as they carry out their evil plan for us on Earth.  This story is being written to empower the youth of today to take control of their fate and the fate of the world by making positive changes around us to ensure that for generations to come we can live peacefully on Earth without destroying it.  Oppression, Greed and Corruption are laying waste to the world around us..... it is having detrimental effects on society and the environment and we need to find a diplomatic solution to create change before it's too late.  Are you ready to take control of your fate? Will you join us in the fight for freedom and liberty and to strive for Truth, Loyalty, Honor and Justice? if so head over to our Kickstarter Project and show your support for the greater good of mankind....before it's too late!....The Shapeshifter Playing Cards Project is currently live on Kickstarter at until the 8th of April 2018.  See project at -

Hi Don,
Thanks for the great pointers mate, I will keep them in mind going forward with this project.  I have a few other card projects I am working on that I plan to release later this year but I'm not going to give up on this current project just yet, so if it doesn't turn out well this time round I will be back to relaunch it at some stage with just the traditional Blue Fate deck in both standard and holographic Print, with the additional of a Wooden Collectors Box with LED UV PRINTING on the lid.  For the Standard print decks I will be going with USPPC for manufacturing as well.  Hopefully the new offerings plus the simplicity of the campaign will gain some more interest within the card community when it relaunches.   Thanks again and I will let you know when I'm about to launch my next project in a few months  :)

Hi Eddie,
Thanks mate, I will definately try and bounce back from this and in the future I will be sticking to the traditional suits.  Since chatting with you guys I have actually been busy redesigning the Shapeshifter Decks to include the traditional suits and may try and offer them as an alternative in the current Kickstarter if I get the cards designed in time...or thinking of just cancelling it all and launching fresh......and next time I will just keep it simple with one deck and keep the other projects seperate.  Below is a sample of where im at with the new design. It would be great to hear your honest feedback again.  Do you think I am on the right track with this and will card collectors like this sort of design?  Thanks guys

Hey Don, both yourself and Eddie have made a valuable point that collectors tend to prefer traditional suits for a decks of cards.  I was definately stepping outside the box for this development and taking a risk. It may be that this set of cards would be better marketed as a card game as suggested, despite me trying to design them specifically to include features for cardistry and magic trick performances......if it be that card collectors arn't fans of non traditional suits than that will be unfortunate...whether or not this includes cardists or card magicians as well, I am unsure?.  With all thing aside, the final design for this deck series really just came about after deciding to replace the traditional markings on a deck that was in development with four 'Shapes' to go with the theme of the Shapeshifter Story(A story I had been writing as a seperate project .  In turn the four shapes were then included into story line and they serve much deeper purpose then just random shapes which I have outlined below.
 (This may seem a bit out there to read for you if your not into the world of Science Fiction but should never the less be interesting for you I hope).

The suit marking in this deck series have been created based on the Shapeshifter Story, a story within which a secret society existed to defend humanity against an evil threat to mankind, a threat that began during the time of the ancient egyptians when an alien race of beings called Gouanen (aka Shapeshifters) first arrive on Earth to deceive and manipulate mankind for their own pleasures and secret agenda for Earth. In the Shapeshifters Story, in the year 2031, there is an uprising againt the Shapeshifters, after which humanity is able to return to a peaceful existence on Earth. A utopian world then emerges that is free from all the opppression, slavery and injustice that was brought upon us by the Shapeshifters. The secret society in the story that leads the uprising against the Shapeshifters is called The Four Pillars, who fought for Truth, Loyaly, Honor and Justice for mankind as they sought to expose the shapeshifters and to free us from their evil clutches. The story concludes as mankind begins to rebuild after the war on the Shapeshifters and they emerge to be able to enjoy their true freedoms from oppression and of slavery and injustice. They finally begin to relax and return to everyday life, enjoying music, art, dance and other social interactions while having a greater respect for one another. During this time a new set of playing cards emerge that have been designed to symbolise the common values of the new world and of The Four Pillars.... that of Truth, Loyalty, Honor, and Justice.  These are represented by the following four shapes in the deck series and in the story- Circles(Truth), Pentagons(Loyalty), Triangles(Honor), and Crosses(Justice). In the story.  In the future (in 2077), these cards serve as a constant reminder for people of the true values of humanity in order to continue living a peaceful existance on Earth, and they also serve as a reminder of the time when mankind was able to take control of their fate and reclaim their freedom from Earths oppressors. The Shapeshifters Card Game reflects this storyline and players must strategise as they try to see through all the lies and deceipt around them from the other players to be able to take control of their fate and to expose the shapeshifters to be able to win the game (plays a bit like a game of poker with the inclusion a shapshifter cards that are able to take the form of any card of a matching colour, as well as The Four Pillars card that can be used to expose Shapeshifter cards from a players hand.  The Four Pillars Card can be also used to represent any shape/suit in the game to help with making the best 5 card hand to win a round).
For this project, I really wanted to create something that had a deep and valuable that I have tried to expressed in the form of both a deck series, card game and a science fiction story/comic book series. And although having a sci fi theme for each, at the core of it all are some important truths about humanity and about the world. My intention for this project is for it to serve as a guide to reshaping the world in which we live, by encouraging people to take control of their fate and to find ways to introduce changes in order to free the world from all the corruption and injustice that has plagued us since the dawn of civilisation.  Eventually I want to be able to offer the Shapeshifter Card Game in a pack that also includes the shapeshifter comic book when it is completed, so people can get into the story and then play the game and have fun while learning valuable lessons on life.... I am hoping for this project to be able to influence kids in a positive way while not being too serious by making it into a fun card game and sci fi story/comic book that has a message behind it, that in order to change the world we need to take control of our fate, (and also, that other influential people around us have the power to deceive, hence the Green Deck in the series titled 'The Power To Deceive'.  (I included design features for cardistry and card magic to try and reach a wider audience to be able to share my message with).
More about the decks design features -
The Green deck also serves as a gaff deck for the Blue 'Take Control Of Your Fate' deck as you ca introduce cards from the Green Deck into the Blue Deck to perform deceptive card tricks with, such as using the card manipulation technique that David Blaine uses for one of his card tricks that is called 'The Shapeshifter' that involves changing a card from one shape to another with thes cards.  The Shapeshifter trick has long been one of my favourite card tricks to perform and can be used with the Shapeshifter Decks to not only change the shape of a card in a trick, but also to change the colour of a shape on the card by using the same method of card manipulation.  While im on the topic of the design features for the decks, the green triangles on the card backings form part of a one way design that if placed back in the deck in the opposite direction to the other cards, the green triangles serve as indicators and allow the deck handler to see specific cards in the deck since the green triangles will be facing in a slightly different direction that goes by unoticed by the spectator but is easily recognised by the trained eye.  Theres a lot more to the design features that I wont get into for now as im sure I have raved on enough lol.

Thanks for reading my rather long post by the way, im sure it was a lot to take in, but thanks if you got this far into reading it lol. I just want to say that really appreciate the feedback you have been giving me on everything and it is great to have your opinions on my deck designs..... even though some of it wasn't what I was hoping to hear its still great to have honest and constructive feedback that will be useful moving forward from here.  Thanks guys :)

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Feedback On Kickstarter Presentation
« on: March 05, 2018, 01:56:24 PM »
Hi Eddie,

Thankyou for the reply and complements on the artwork.  Appreciate your opinon and total respect your preferences mate thanks for the feedback.  As for myself, do like to think outside the box with all my creative projects and always seeking a new and innovative approach to things.  I have great respect and admiration for the traditions associated with playing cards though once in a while someone will always come along and test the boundaries of something which is all part of an evolutionary process.  See image for example,  I have equal admiration for each version of suits that have been created over the course of history as do each and every one of us as card collectors.  My new approach to the suits is something that I hope people will also come to admire over time and hope that it may open the door to new creativity in the future.  These playing cards are an extension of a great idea that started long ago (with first playing cards created around the 9th century AD I think)  and I hope that they may serve the card community in a positve way leading into the future.

Playing Card Plethora / Feedback On Kickstarter Presentation
« on: March 05, 2018, 08:33:47 AM »
Hi everyone,
Craig here again from CLCPC Studio 52, just hoping to hear from you guys on how our new Kickstarter campaign is currently being presented, and if you have any thoughts or suggestions for us on ways to  improve how it looks that would be great.

Thanks guys, really appreciate your help :)

Hey everyone, just wanted to officially announce that we have just launched our new playing cards project on Kickstarter! Shapeshifter Playing Cards is now live if you wanted to head over to our Kickstarter page and support us with our latest card development!, Thanks everyone, hope to see you there :D

Shapeshifter Playing Cards Kickstarter Link  (Link for Cardistry/Card Magic/Deck Collectors) -
(For Cardistry/Card Magic/Deck Collectors)

Shapeshifter Card Game Introduction/Tutorial Here (Link for Tabletop Game enthusiasts/poker players/strategic card game enthusiasts) -

Shapeshifter Story/Comic Book/Movie introduction (Link for Sci Fi Fans and Comic Book Collectors) -

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