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Messages - Jonathan

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Magical Cardistry Bonanza / Re: slippery cards
« on: January 04, 2014, 08:47:50 AM »
Hey Boss,

Another way that's been discussed on these forums fairly recently (although it was apparantly for dirty vintage decks) is using a banana to clean the front and back. It looks interesting and they posted a video on the topic but I haven't had a banana at home recently to try it out haha.
As for your problem; unfortunately I've heard that the bicycle black scorpions - while a great looking deck - are one of those decks that apparantly just don't perform as well and get run down fairly quickly.
If you can't clean them all is not lost however - my suggestion would be to get a new, inexpensive unlimited deck for practice use (such as nearly any decks from ellusionist, theory11, blue crown or house of playing cards for 3-8 USD) and keep the black scorpions for special occasions/display/ only use the black scorpions to practice flourishes where stickiness is a good thing (think cuts where you're holding a number of packets?). Having a clumpy deck isn't bad - for some flourishes it actually helps to learn them on a clumpy deck and then move to a slippery deck.

To give you an example my current setup is this:
I have an old standard blue bicycle deck (from the 1990s) that I use to practice and learn/improve my new moves. It's a little stickier than most of the new custom magic-finish decks from all the use.
I have another old standard blue bicycle deck in a stainless steel clip that I use to practice moves that really bend and warp the cards (read: card springs).
I then have a LTD blue from ellusionist (it's a standard, inexpensive, slippery deck) that I use to practice moves that I've gotten better at and want to try with a more slippery deck of cards.
And I'll have one or two more decks out that are my most recent acquisitions /just nice to look at (at the moment those are black madison rounders and green madison dealers)

Another thing that'll help in the future is to make sure you wash your hands before handling your deck of cards - cleaner hands, less dirt and oils get onto your cards and then they won't degrade as quickly.

I completely understand if you want to keep it stateside; international postage sucks.
I'm in the worst of international posting destinations - aka Australia haha :D.

Is this open to internationals?
If yes, please say so here or pm me :D

Hey again Lee,

May I suggest you update your original post to indicate which colour (or both) you're in search of and whether you're looking for the decks that had a deck seal or decks that didn't have a deck seal?

Good luck mate!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Best decks of cards under $15
« on: January 03, 2014, 07:23:32 AM »
Hey AtomSmash!

Check this thread out:
It's a bit long but there are a few good ones on there.

If you have the time I'd recommend checking out kickstarter - alot of good decks started there for ~$10 USD + shipping a deck.
Regarding your price limit, do you mean readily available at <$15? The reason I ask is because recently on this board a guy sold red bohemias for $7, which is less than your limit but usually red bohemias would be more than your limit.
If you can get your hands on Uusi's cards I don't think you'd be disappointed. Encarded's cards also look amazing. And Zenneth Kwok has a small range of decks for sale with free wolrdwide shipping - you can get a Fatboy eat all day V2 for $10.90.

I personally like the Medallions. But if I really had to choose between them and the Monarchs, I think I'd take the monarchs. The recent T11 black JAQKs were less than $15 when released and are a great deck, one of my favourites. Unfortunately they were a limited release from T11 and their site doesn't sell them any more. Good news though I think JP Playing Cards is going to stock them... I might be getting mixed up with the black legends V2 though.


Black JAQK from T11
Uusi Blue bloods
Medallions from T11
Arcanes and artifices from Ellusionist (not going to name a particular colour but there are... LOTS)

Thanks Jon. Good selection & tips. I'm aware of all of the decks you've listed. Not sure if you know but I was one of the original T11 artists, and I was also one of the main Ellusionist artists for the initial Arcane launch.

No worries Lee.
Holy s%&^ ummmm lol? All I knew is that you are a legend and you sell J Nuggs in some sort of really popular annual online event thing.
OBVIOUSLY I'm new... very new to card collecting and magic and still have plenty plenty to learn XD :D.

On another note.
Ha! I knew Jackson would've been interested :D.
Sorry Don -.- I'm a chatty kind of guy XD. But I did make a serious offer! I offered to be the off state fall back if Lee couldn't find anyone :D.


I tried to keep it broad to spark discussion. But I understand what you mean about detail and making it easier, so I will narrow things down a bit to help you. Kickstarter, CARC, D&D, T11, E, HOPC, USPC, etc. Basically anything custom made within the last 10 years.

Nice! Let's start talking. Throw out a few deck names that you think I should have in my collection. Something is bound to stick.

Hahaha that didn't narrow it down any :P. (I'm not as leet as you, I can't quote, comment, quote, comment I can only quote one block and reply all at once XD.

I'm glad to see you found a stateside trader :D.

As for decks that I think you should have in your collection, I don't know what your tastes are/what you're looking for in a deck, or what you currently have in your collection but maybe try this forum topic?

A lot of the decks mentioned in that thread are beautiful (because if you're going for a custom deck, why have standard courts right?)

If that thread is tl;dr these are a few custom decks that I like off the top of my head (this only includes decks I've personally seen/handled in real life, so other designers out there, please don't be offended if I don't mention yours - it probably means I don't have it ... yet, or I have it and can't bear to open it):
Black JAQK from T11
Uusi Blue bloods
Medallions from T11
Arcanes and artifices from Ellusionist (not going to name a particular colour but there are... LOTS)

That's a small start :D; like I said it depends on what you're looking for - nice art, good handling, an interesting story behind the deck's creation, cool reveals, and/or rarity of the deck.


Finally! I built up over 25 posts to be here, so I'm going to try this out.

Because this is my first trade, and I'm trying to get a fundamental understanding for how all of this works, I'm willing to trade this 1972 deck for just about anything within reason. I will take any sealed custom deck USPC has made within the last 10 years.

PM me if you have questions or want more info. Let the trading begin!

Lee Asher

ps. I hear your first trade is the luckiest trade!

Hey Lee,

I chuckle a little seeing your comment about the 25 posts to get to the STISO board.
It makes me wonder what Don/Admin would have said/done had you posted this before 25 posts :D.

As for the trade, I suspect many on this board, me definitely included, have no idea about vintage decks like these, hell I didn't even know what a pinochle deck was until a few weeks ago. Maybe Jackson might be into these?

"any sealed custom deck USPC has made within the last 10 years" is really, REALLY broad.
Is there any chance you could add some detail to make it easier for people to offer stuff? Colour, theme and/or designer maybe?

I'm willing to trade and I have a decent-ish collection to trade from, but I'm from Australia, so international shipping would kill us both. If you can't find a trade stateside and desperately want a trade, pm me, I'd be happy to oblige.


P.s. The only other thing I forgot to add is be careful of fraudulent traders. I don't know how much your vintage deck is worth or whether you keep up with the topics here but it seems you'd be wise to take precautions against fraud. Someone on this board (might have been Don) suggested for valuable trades it's a good idea to use Paypal as an escrow account of sorts.

Deck Reviews! / Re: Battle 60: Ultra Gaff vs The Gaff System
« on: January 01, 2014, 06:13:16 PM »
Yeah this'll need a revote in the future.
I think this is a really interesting deck battle though I don't remember if there have been gaffed deck battles in the past. Come to think of it perhaps an idea for another poll/topic (or series of topics) in the future could be best gaffed deck and best marked deck.

As for the Gaff System it was released for preorder months ago, then was due to be shipped starting Nov 26th but got delayed and with the black friday/cyber monday sales the shipping got even more delayed. I ordered the gaff system Nov 26th or so and I still haven't got it yet haha

Also, I'm REALLY stoked that E released some more ultragaff bundles as part of cyber monday. I was thinking I'd never get my hands on it seemed rare to me.

Deck Reviews! / Re: Battle 59: Split Spades vs White Lions
« on: January 01, 2014, 07:13:06 AM »

I think the Series A White Lions had the same marking system.

Im not really sure Ive only ever had one deck of the Series A and I don't know where it went.  I think I left it on a cruise ship but that was before I knew that they were marked.   I really believe that they are the most complicated marked decks to read which I like.  There is a bit of a learning curve in reading the marks properly.  They are still deceptive especially because there are a lot of people who own them that don't even know that they are marked.

Until about 3 seconds ago I didn't know it was marked either XD.
Time to search the forums to see how to read the markings.
Split spades aren't marked are they?

I agree with your topic title, some very cheap prices for sure.
I sent you an email :D


The company sticker you remember seeing is "Connell Bros." - they were actually importing Bee decks perhaps a decade or so ago through Hong Kong, I believe, but not any longer.  Forgers still use the stickers now and then.

Yeah you're right that was them! Your breadth of knowledge never ceases to amaze.
Yeah I looked up bee forgeries because in my wanderings through Hong Kong I found bee decks for 1 USD in a random market stall (the stall was selling random goods like electronics and battteries and stuff) I bought a red and a blue one and opened em up to compare to some other bees I had. The ones I found in the market had the Connell Bros sticker on them but the cards inside handled just like real bees and the AoS and tuck box all seemed to be either legit or really, really good copies haha. I still don't know if they're real or not haha.


The short answer is yes, it's relatively simple to present something that looks like a USPC product, and there are factories doing just that.

Thanks Don.
Mmm I remember reading about bee forgeries and them being listed as distributed by a particular company I forget the name now.
What I was meaning is if you opened a box of chinese made forgeries, would they actually pass for USPCC's cards finish and handling wise, not just if you saw a fake and a real one on the shelf.
I was recently in Hong Kong and someone told me about the chinese made jerry's nuggets for sale - their shop owner was upfront and said they're chinese made replicas so I bought one anyway and opened it - it actually handles pretty well but I've never handled real nuggets so I can't compare.

I've seen his listings on eBay; some of them are asking for rather high amounts of money too.
To think they're fake is sad.
Don, do you know if there are many realistic fakes out there? I thought that USPCC quality and designs were pretty hard to counterfeit. I've bought cards from sellers in singapore and hong kong and wasn't too worried about them being fakes at the time because I thought noone could dupe USPCC's stuff.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Decks with complete customisation?
« on: December 28, 2013, 06:10:12 PM »
Thanks,  PurpleIce!

I'm glad you mentioned the Vanity Fair deck because that was the one vintage deck I was referring to that I could not remember for some reason. 

Also,  to add to the list,  here are some of my favorite fully customized decks. They have custom courts and different pips in addition to a custom back and tuck,  but unlike the ones I've previously listed,  they don't have 54 unique illustrations (I hope that makes sense to you).

Aurum by Encarded (Paul Carpenter)
- Intricate, detailed,  continuous,  and symmetrical line work on both the backs and faces of each card.
- custom die cut on tuck box
- gold foil and embossing
- redrawn perfectly imperfect courts

Deco by Encarded
- detailed Deco pattern on face cards
- metallic inks on both cards and tuck box
- foil on inside of tuck box

Federal 52 series by Jackson Robinson
- custom courts inspired by U.S. currency
- intricate line work on faces of non court cards
- foil and embossing on tuck box
- print on inside of tuck box

Couple more to check out:
- Tendril by Encarded
- Sherlock Holmes series by Jackson Robinson
- Bohemia by Uusi
- Royal Optik by Uusi
- Pagan by Uusi
- White Rabbit by Albino Dragon
- Call of the Cthulhu by Albino Dragon
- Synthesis by Albino Dragon
- Call of the Cthulhu: The Writhing Dark by Shane Tyree
- Steampunk Cthulhu by Nat Iwata
- Elves and Orcs by Nat Iwata
- Steampunk Pirates by Nat Iwata
- Grid by 4PM Designs
- Grid 2.0 by 4PM Designs
- The Black Book of Cards by Uncommon Beat

All of the above were Kickstarter projects. At the moment it's difficult for me to think of any from Dan & Dave,  The Blue Crown,  Theory 11, Ellusionist,  or CARC that are fully custom.  I think maybe Animal Kingdom by Theory11?

I would add:

RSVP "Timeless"
RSVP "Butterfly"
Bicycle "Venexiana"


Haha Lotrek, thanks for the adds there.
I didn't actually know Venexiana wasn't your first deck until I found a butterfly deck while overseas, bought it, and read the bottom of the tuck box :P.
Funnily enough I have a pair of venexiana's on my desk waiting to be opened and a few of the coins already opened on my desk, I suspected the cards were full custom but haven't opened them yet to confirm :P. I'm stretching out the suspence. P.s. I like the little paper book you included to explain the courst characters!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Decks with complete customisation?
« on: December 28, 2013, 12:33:24 PM »
There are thousands of antique/vintage decks that meet the criteria of each card being non-standard. Categories include - souvenirs, transformations, promotions, novelties, design contests, etc etc. The idea of having each card unique goes back to the 15th century if not earlier!  Check out some vintage card websites.

Thanks, yeah I have seen some nice vintage decks, but like most on this forum alot of those are out of my price range haha. I know that the idea of full customisation is not new and there are many antique/vintage decks out there that aren't standard.

For this topic I was thinking modern custom cards (now I have no idea how you would go about defining "modern" but I'm thinking last 20 years ie USPCC printed) because I've heard on these forums that in the last few years the number of new deck releases has skyrocketed with many deck releases being "custom" but using standard courts and/or slightly recoloured but standard design courts.
Another thing I forgot to add was I'm also not a fan of repeating courts, for example the recent D$D October Fulton's release I would not include in my "full custom" list (for want of a more eloquent term) as the courts repeated (except the king of hearts).

I guess a similar question I could pose is: what other decks out there have as much design and thought put into them as decks like the Uusi blue bloods, Jackson's Fed 52 series etc? I think sher143 definitely put a good list of the kickstarter ones up in his/her post

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Decks with complete customisation?
« on: December 28, 2013, 12:03:13 PM »
Thanks guys!
Perhaps if we get enough info here, the PCP admins may be able to create a stickied topic that list full custom decks.
I do notice alot of the beautiful good quality kickstarters have great designs. I've heard of all the ones you mentioned :D but I wouldn't have been able to come up with a list like that off the top of my head haha.

As for ellusionist decks I can think of a few:
The artifice series are custom, but I think what draws away a little from them is how they release 5 million recolours *exageration* so it seems like the design is more common (that and the print runs for them are much higher than those kickstarters). I still love the purple artifice though (I'm using a purple artifice at this very moment in fact haha :D).
The arcanes are full custom (I love the black arcanes).
I think the executive deck is too.
Actually now that I'm thinking about it, correct me if I'm wrong, but I think most of ellusionists' decks are full custom; same goes for theory 11.
What I don't like so much is opening/buying a deck of cards, finding a custom tuckbox, back design, jokers, ad card and ace and then finding all the number cards and courts are pretty much completely standard.

What I DO like is the blue blood deck by uusi and how they've got art on all four aces and not just the ace of spades. I wonder what other decks out there have that kind of level of customisation and thought put into them. I'm waiting on a few more uusi decks I've ordered but I'm sure I won't be disappointed. As for those decks that have 54 unique illustrations they're good but I feel they're more art than easier usable playing cards (such as the anne stokes collection - they're beautiful and have unique illustrations but they sacrifice having pips on the number cards to accomplish that).

Playing Card Plethora / Decks with complete customisation?
« on: December 28, 2013, 09:31:06 AM »
Hey guys,

For those that have been around these forums longer I was wondering if theres a list anywhere of the modern custom decks that have full customisation - ie back design, courts and pips?
I tried doing a search but couldn't find a forum topic on it.

The reason I ask is I'm relatively new to the card collecting scene and I've bought a few decks and notice I like decks like the uusi blue blood deck (which has completely custom court design as well as really, really nice touches to aces) more than decks that are just a different back design and tuck box but have standard faces and pips.
I remember reading somewhere someone saying that non-standard courts aren't as good for magicians because people aren't as familiar with them/don't recognise them as they would the standard courts.


Playing Card Plethora / Re: Where is a good place to shop at.....
« on: December 25, 2013, 02:10:23 PM »

I do have a friend who takes personal group tours around the whole of Taiwan. Though i doubt he collects cards, I may get some info from him on possible sites where the factory is located.

Good luck.  I've heard there's over a hundred playing card factories in Taiwan.  I found dozens in a casual web search.  I was looking for the Legends factory and said to myself, "Well, there can't be that many card printers in Taiwan, right?  There's only a handful in the US that actually print here."  Sh'yeah...

I did some rummaging through forum posts and i think i found the thread you were mentioning.

It is still in PCP though.  :)

Ugh.  Oh, well, back it goes...  I get easily confused...  :))

That Hong Kong post was my thread.
Lol I think I originally put it in STISO but it got moved to PCP XD bahaha.
Verloren was a huge help on that thread and seeing as you found it looks like you read the thread.

I got back from Hong Kong with a HUGE haul of cards. They weren't particularly cheap but mind you though I come from Australia where you can barely buy any variety of playing cards and international shipping costs a lot.
I managed to find 4 card stores in Hong Kong. 2 of them were in the 188 wan chai building; they have similar but slightly different stock. If you're in the Causeway Bay/Wan Chai district I recommend you check em out they have a lot of variety. Price wise they're about 12 USD a deck on average. They have some 30 USD/deck decks too (more limited/sold out ones like Encarded's Tendrils, JAQKs etc). There's also a card store in Sham Shui Po that again has a slightly different range, something unique about them: they have fake jerry's nuggets for about 10USD.
In my opinion the cheapest store (but a smaller range) was in Mong Kok above a Bauhaus. I think the name of the building is Ginza plaza/place or something.

As for your other destinations; can't help you there sorry. But in Japan I think if you looked around you could find some interesting palying cards. I noticed a fair few japanese brands make playing cards through USPC (eg Rilakkuma's, hello kitty, tokidoki ?Bape not sure if they're Japanese though )

Not sure if this is the right thread to post this in but I just opened a Black JAQK and was blown away by them.
Everything from the tuck to the embossing to the cards and the way they handle was so impressive. Might be my new favourite deck (at the moment its between these and the monarchs for me).

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Post Your Collection / Your Newest Acquisitions
« on: December 09, 2013, 11:01:45 PM »
Wow yeah that is a very impressive haul indeed!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Post Your Collection / Your Newest Acquisitions
« on: December 09, 2013, 02:33:12 AM »
Hey Paul and verloren,
Yeah I was so stoked about finding a tendril deck!!!
Verloren I found the tendril in the magicpro shop on the 2nd level of 188. I think they still have one in stock but I think you have to specially ask for it.
Also Paul, I love the encarded decks dunno if you noticed I also picked up an aurum deck that box is just so amazing. I realised I made a mistake when I backed your deck project; I stupidly only backed for one pair XD. Now that they're here in Australia I can't bring myself to open them they're that beautiful haha.
Also Paul, I think it's even rare to see a tendril on eBay!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Post Your Collection / Your Newest Acquisitions
« on: December 08, 2013, 09:47:34 AM »
Hey guys,
I just got back from Hong Kong where I went a bit crazy buying decks because they can't be found in Australia.
Here's a picture of each unique deck in my haul (I also got duplicates of some that I didn't include in the picture).
What do you guys think?
I can't even say which one of those decks was the best find (Note: the jerry's in the photo aren't real, the shop keeper was upfront about that - I just bought one to feel what the handling of fake jerry's are like then I remembered I've never handled real Jerry's so... I can't compare XD. But scarily enough they handle well, they fan like crap but riffle beautifully.)

This image is a compressed one because the full one kept giving me an error :S

Dammit I thought they were due to be released on Black Friday isn't it still Thursday over there?
Guess I'll have to get em in the aftermarket XD.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Where to buy playing cards in Hong Kong
« on: November 28, 2013, 12:15:24 PM »
Not until I get those turquoise Bees. I don't think they were opened.

Their collection isn't as vast as the other ones mentioned here. The only intriguing decks I saw were Altruism (not sure which version), Animal Kingdom and Phoenix Apocalypse.

I'm not sure if fake Nuggets count as intriguing.
What are turquoise bees? Are they a specially expensive/rare deck why do you mention those in particular?

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