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Messages - ruicorreia

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Could they have a better idea for a deck of playing cards? Could they? Noooo! It's such a beautiful deck    :o :o :o :o

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Voltige Deck (D&D)
« on: June 06, 2014, 07:23:32 PM »
On D&D Facebook page, a new deck was announced: "Meet our newest deck of playing cards, Voltige".

It looks very nice. Can this be the return of the Buck twins to really good looking decks? Let's see.

It's hard to say.  We can definitely say this is the return of the Buck twins to really interesting tuck boxes!  Though it is me or does the top of the flip-top lid look a little odd in how it's assembled?

Yes, we must wait and see the rest of the deck. I'm not rising my expectations, considering their last decks.
And yes, I noticed that something was strange on the top of the lid but I assume that is a sample, so it's not perfect.

Playing Card Plethora / Voltige Deck (D&D)
« on: June 06, 2014, 10:01:21 AM »
On D&D Facebook page, a new deck was announced: "Meet our newest deck of playing cards, Voltige".

It looks very nice. Can this be the return of the Buck twins to really good looking decks? Let's see.

   I don't know anything about throwing cards but, like others have already said it, they look very nice!
If the playing card industry is capable of absorving so many several versions of the same deck, why not think on creating a version of this "deck" with regular playing cards?
   I know that I would be interested on that, along with many other people I guess.

Deck Reviews! / Re: [TXT] [pics] Persian Empire Deck
« on: May 14, 2014, 06:28:41 AM »
  "Produced by Cy through Kickstarter;
   Printed on the USPCC, released in 2013;
   Limited Edition;
   Stock and finish: unknown

   The theme of the deck is, of course, inspired by the times of the Persian empire.
   The design of the cards and the box is totally unique, although the figures of the court cards are strangely similar to some images that already existed. Yet it remains an interesting proposition for a deck. The cards are in brown tone (somewhat resemble the Sultan Treasury), the indices of the letters have Persian characters, which makes them a little confusing but the overall is positive.
   I still have some doubts about the stock and finish used but in general they handle very well.
   Score: ***"

   This was my review posted in January on my FB page (
   I'm still not sure, because I haven't any Kem deck, but I could guess that this deck has Kem stock.

A Kem deck is thick and 100% plastic, no paper.  You'd immediately know the difference.  I don't believe he ever got the deck done as a Kem deck.

Could you expand on your rating scale?  You rated this ***" - three asterisks and a quotation mark.  Without a context, that could be the greatest (or worst) rating in the world and we wouldn't know the difference.

Concerning the stock, there's a difference all right. But I can't really say exactly what is the stock used. I hope that another forum member can help me with that.

About the rating: all the review is between quotation marks because it's the transcription of a review posted on FB; and about the asterisks I'm just following the rules posted in the Deck Review section:

***** - This deck is practically flawless, and is the absolute definition of amazing playing cards
**** - This deck is pretty darn good, and definitely worth looking into
*** - This deck was decent and has some outstanding traits, but nothing too special
** - This deck was mediocre and average on all counts
* - This deck is absolutely terrible, but is still somewhat usable
ZERO - This deck can't even perform in card games, and is bad in every possible aspect

He did deliver the goods last time now we have to hope he delivers on the royal edition project!

Perhaps you'd care to write a review for us in the Deck Reviews board?

I know you were not adressing to me Don, but I'll post my brief review (made 3 months ago) on the Deck Review Board. And if someone could help me with the stock used, I would be very grateful.

Deck Reviews! / [TXT] [pics] Persian Empire Deck
« on: May 13, 2014, 12:11:58 PM »
  "Produced by Cy through Kickstarter;
   Printed on the USPCC, released in 2013;
   Limited Edition;
   Stock and finish: unknown

   The theme of the deck is, of course, inspired by the times of the Persian empire.
   The design of the cards and the box is totally unique, although the figures of the court cards are strangely similar to some images that already existed. Yet it remains an interesting proposition for a deck. The cards are in brown tone (somewhat resemble the Sultan Treasury), the indices of the letters have Persian characters, which makes them a little confusing but the overall is positive.
   I still have some doubts about the stock and finish used but in general they handle very well.
   Score: ***"

   This was my review posted in January on my FB page (
   I'm still not sure, because I haven't any Kem deck, but I could guess that this deck has Kem stock.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Asylum Playing Cards Lawsuit
« on: May 06, 2014, 06:09:17 AM »
   These are, of course, good news: people must know that they can be prosecuted by their actions.

   But I must point this: i.m.o. Kickstarter has part of the responsability for not having proper instruments to prevent this from happening. It's rather irresponsable to promote so many projects and not provide any protection at all for the backers. And more, when backers complain about some projects not delivered, Kickstarter doesn't even answers.
   The luck of Kickstarter is that the vast majority of project owners are showing to be serious persons.

$18 for one deck?

As beautiful as I think the red color and the backs of the cards are, I'm gonna have to pass on this one.

I agree... rather expensive.
As more decks are being printed in EPCC, it's a reality that they are getting more expensive.
Is this the future of collecting cards, paying 20 dollars or more for a deck? If it is, something is about to change, probably the buying habits of the collectors. Let's see!

I like what I see so far. I hope that the cards look that good.

Introduce Yourself / Re: I'm the noob
« on: May 01, 2014, 10:20:40 AM »
Welcome! May we know where are you from?

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Anti-KS : Encarded Zenith
« on: April 26, 2014, 12:49:55 PM »
I have been asked in various places about the 4-deck limit and most comments have been complimentary. Honestly I would have sold them much faster without the limit. I'd have to count exactly, but probably 35% of the orders were for the max, so if even a portion of those people would have bought 6 or 8 the deck probably wouldn't have lasted the first hour.

So from a business point of view, I guess that was pretty stupid, but from a collector point of view it seemed like the right thing to do. :)

As of this moment, there are just a few bricks left and if some hardcore collector fan here wanted a couple more to store away for a rainy day, I don't think the guy that runs the place would be all that upset. Just sayin...

   I don't think that was stupid.
   In my opinion that was not only a sign of respect to your clients but also a good marketing move (intended or not).
   First, as Don already pointed, the deck is sold out so there was nothing stupid about it.
   Second, the imposition of a limit in a 1000 deck run it's really an honest way to try to guarantee that everybody has a chance on the deck.
   Third, even with a limit, it's always possible to have multiple accounts.
   And fourth, I really think that the limit helped you to sell more decks to each person. As you pointed out, 35% purchased 4 decks. If you had no limit,some people could buy more, it's true. But, now I'm talking by my personal experience, if there was no limit, I would probably buy 3 decks because they were not cheap. Let's be honnest, 80 dollars by 4 decks was above my limit. But with the (deserved) expectations generated in collectors, the first impulse it's to buy the max. With no limit It wouldn't be a surprise if a great percentage would only buy 3 or 2 decks.

  So, don't feel bad with the limit.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Hotcakes by Uusi (KS) coming April 2014
« on: April 26, 2014, 12:11:14 PM »
More than 50% of the funds in such little time!
Congratulations Linnea and Peter.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Anti-KS : Encarded Zenith
« on: April 22, 2014, 09:26:58 PM »
Picked up 4. Again, thank you for this oportunity

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Anti-KS : Encarded Zenith
« on: April 22, 2014, 08:39:20 PM »
   First of all Paul, thank you for your iniciative of giving forum members the oportunity to buy first. That's really nice of you.
   Second, I'm really mad now... how the hell will I sleep today?

Kinda morbid but interesting at the same time. But the back of the cards could be changed i.m.o. And it could be interesting to know the tuck case.


At least this project shows more work than 90% of the lastest KS projects.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Magic-Con 2014 deck
« on: April 11, 2014, 01:15:42 PM »
It's just a guess, but I think this deck will not sell out so fast as the previous decks.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Tally Ho + Kings Wild=
« on: April 09, 2014, 10:22:34 AM »
That seems so interesting!!! Wanting to know more!

2 of Spades.

Thank you for your inniciative.

Thanks to Paul, we are able to do a partial reveal of the tuck case. The first look is a rendering of images provided to kardify.

... more to come  :D

They now seem more interesting than before. But I'll wait for some pictures of the faces of the cards. Nevertheless, keep up the good work.

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Bicycle Boyer - Coming, er, Soon?
« on: April 08, 2014, 01:22:40 PM »
Why stop? Not only it's being very funny but also very interesting because, who knows, a really great idea can emerge from this?

Playing Card Plethora / Re: GOLD Bicycle® Playing Cards (KS)
« on: April 08, 2014, 01:19:08 PM »
   I've received my decks yesterday. And I've opened one of them, of course.

   As anything in this world, there are good and bad things about this deck.

   The good: they are very nice looking. We can see that there is good work done on the design of the cards. And if we consider the amount of crappy decks lately on Kickstarter, this is not one of them. The quantity of details and the colours used are also positive.

   The bad: although the careful design, it's like someone already said it: the themes of this deck and the previous decks of Elite are now repetitive (with the exception of the Evolution deck). It would be nice that Elite could think more outside this thematic, because it's proved, by the Evolution deck, that they can do really nice and original decks.

   But, that's only my opinion.

I'm not a big fan of the Parrot deck (not my kind of deck). But this deck looks very good. I will surely back that project.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Anti-KS : Encarded Zenith
« on: March 20, 2014, 12:13:09 PM »
I also think you could limit the number of decks.
I don't really know how many decks, because we don't know their price. This will be determinant.
In my case, even if I want to buy a few, I have to remember that I shouldn't pass a determined value, in order to avoid paying taxes in custom services.

But, independently of the price, a limited edition of 1000 decks should have limits. Absolutely.

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