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Messages - Derek

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 :D I finished
Beautiful! They look really cool! But I just think the Q is a little weird looking. Looks like an odd 2...

Yeah I know what you're saying. I'll try to make it look more Queenish but widening the circle part and making the point closer.


 :D I finished

Maybe you could make the diamonds each a bit smaller. Idk, but I am sure that having the D in the corner would be completely worth it!

Haha, idk if it's that big of a deal honestly. As long as it's symmetrical I think it'll look good  ::)
Well, ok. But if you have time, can you just try? Because I really would like it to look nice in fans with Discourse running along the sides of the cards.

I can try, but if you go pick up any deck of cards with a border, and do a good fan with the backs... you can only see a very slight sliver of the back. there's no way if i put the D in the corner that you would be able to see more than D - I - maybe S.....

Maybe you could make the diamonds each a bit smaller. Idk, but I am sure that having the D in the corner would be completely worth it!

Haha, idk if it's that big of a deal honestly. As long as it's symmetrical I think it'll look good  ::)

@Nathan: Idk if you've ever designed in photoshop, but I can't just move them into the corners. They're a certain size and to keep it uniform, I have to have them there. Unless I stretch them which would look odd  ::) I'll see what I can do, but it's not simple..
What I meant was for you to add an additional row for them to be closer to the corners.

Adding an extra row would make it 10 going down? That would mean the diamond couldn't be in the middle because there needs to be an odd number of rows. If that makes sense..
And also a row on the sides which would make it impossible to have the diamond in the middle.

@Nathan: Idk if you've ever designed in photoshop, but I can't just move them into the corners. They're a certain size and to keep it uniform, I have to have them there. Unless I stretch them which would look odd  ::) I'll see what I can do, but it's not simple..

@Nathan: I like the ideas, I still don't know if the second ten should be completely blurry? Also, are you trying to make some of your faces black and some white? Kind of like a reverse Artifice v1?

Also, here is a revision of my back - the D's can be switched to make it a two way back. For all you 'subtle one-way' back lovers, the red D in the middle makes it a subtle one way.

I think it should be a signature, no matter how crazy or unreadable. It'll be recognizable by us and the signee, which is most important and it would looked cool  :D

Our own signatures would not only look better IMO, but it would be more original and personal. You don't have to scan it, you can literally take a pic with your cell phone and ill be able to edit it.

I really like the look of this...

I understand how you feel and am sorry about that. I wanted to know if, in the next week or so, you would be able to make a couple changes to your backs, just for experimenting:
1) First of all, would you be able to take the first design, with the green back, and just make the Ds wavy, just like for the second design, while keeping everything else (the green, the "invisible" Ds, and the "Discourse" running down the sides of the back), the same?
2) Would you be able to change your last design, add +s so the only empty space on the card is between each +. Now, can you make all the pieces of +s that overlap fade into white borders? And finally, can you make each + slightly bigger so we can see a D in the corner when fanning the cards?
Thank you, Nathan
PS: I am going to get to work on the 10s.

I'll work on doing the D's design, but for the + design, When you fan, you can't really see anything except a sliver. It doesn't really matter what's in the corner for the fan, just for the overall look of it.

 :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[

^ That's how I feel right now hahaha.

I just got about 10 different opinions and twice as many suggestions..

I love what Randy did to it, I think thinner borders with the +'s filling in the sides would be great.. I think my latest back is more elegant and better looking honestly.

I didn't go with an X lol BUT i love it  ;D ;D ;D

Thanks for the input everyone! i knew it would need to be tweaked and I have some great ideas. I'm going to try to make it only made of 4 pips. This will make it easy for a 2 way back.
QUESTION: If it's 4 pips, should i make it look like a plus sign or an 'X'? I'll also make it small enough so I can spell DISCOURSE down each side. I think that would be awesome  :-* :-* :-*

Design & Development / Re: I need YOUR name for the Discourse Deck!!
« on: February 09, 2012, 01:18:59 AM »

Sorry for the large word BUT, This is important - I need your name if you are working on the deck and it's not listed above. MORE importantly I now need your signature. You need to write it in some sort of sharpie on white paper. Then scan or take a picture of it and email it to me at -


This is just an idea. It's expandable. i realize right now it's a one way back but I can change that if you guys like the idea.

Me too, and Nathan.. idk why Aaron said we decided not to?

Okay well do people still want the Ace of Spades to be the names? I'm willing to do it but I need a consensus of agreement.

The names were for the back design which we abandoned.. The AoS was going to be done by you wasn't it?

@Nathan: I don't mind just doing the back, but when did the AoD get switched from me to Z?
I thought that you already had a lot of work with the AoS and the back design and zaganh is a very good artist who wanted to pitch in a long time ago already. I decided to give others a chance. But if you want, I can change it back.

I was never doing the AoS  ;D I was doing the AoD and the back. I'm fine if he wants to design the diamonds though....

@Nathan: I don't mind just doing the back, but when did the AoD get switched from me to Z?

@Aaron: I'm sure Moone can do a great job but I'm here for help too   :D

@Nathan: I didn't realize I had colored them in differently. I have them outlined and filled in so I can change the inside color to anything. I'll play around with it :D

The back poll is still split down the middle. I'm going to work with my sister tomorrow on a back thats different and more elegant but also has meaning to the Discourse. Then I'll post it and hopefully we can all agree it's THE ONE. Hopefully.. haha

Here's a few I've done so far. So tired I'm heading to bed lol. I'll have the rest done tomorrow. I love them!

I'm filling them in and they look great dude. I'll have them done by tonight or definitely by tomorrow since it's late here.

Quick question - Do you want them to be the outlines? Or can I fill them in? Because they look great now but It might be iffy when you shrink them to the corners, the outline may be too thin or look off.

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