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Messages - ecNate

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Playing Card Plethora / Re: Bicycle Titanic - Coming soon!!
« on: September 16, 2014, 03:21:41 PM »
i was thinking about doing something unique. There was (if I remember correctly) 2,223 people who were on the titanic (some lived and some died). That number is pretty close to the size of a print run. So I was thnking I might create Boarding Passes for each person who was on the Titanic to go with each deck. So, for each backer who buys a deck they'll get a boarding pass for one of the passengers of Titanic (randomly choosen). They'll only be one boarding pass per person... no duplicates (unless I do two print runs as stated earlier).

That sounds brilliant.  I assume that means one pass per backer (if buy a brick still a single boarding pass)?  Maybe start out with that, but if the entire total decks sold is less than 2,223 then it could be one per deck.  Also, indicating the fate of your chosen passenger on the pass could be cool too, especially since I know you'll make it visually interesting.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: NEW Egyptian Legends Deck..........
« on: September 16, 2014, 01:44:18 PM »
I don't have Egyptian legends yet, but if the marking system is the same as the V1s then there's already a topic where the secrets and clues have been revealed

If you have a smart phone and have a QR Code Reader app, look close at your box too.   ;)

Playing Card Plethora / Re: "Playing Cards to Publicize Crimes"
« on: September 16, 2014, 01:00:38 PM »
Yeah, they've been doing that up by me as well.  It makes sense too, prisoners have lots of time to play cards and often know or hear rumors of who did what.  Combine the two, along with incentive to talk, some old unsolved crimes might get solved.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: NEW Egyptian Legends Deck..........
« on: September 16, 2014, 12:56:47 PM »
I've received my decks.
Beside the tuck box (very well done) I really like the cut because the edges are now easier to grab. And I like that the cards are marked with the same binary system found on Legends V1. But I still haven't figured out how to spot the suits. Can anyone tell me?

Let's not post here though so the googlers and lurkers don't find out and the secret gets out and ruins it for all of us.  I'll just mention that it's been pointed out that the 8oC and 9oC have the same number markings which kind of ruins it, but you can work that into your routine or maybe add your own additional mark on the 9oC for clarity.  As for the suits, yeah, the answer is LITERALLY right next to where you were looking for the numbers.   ;)  Just look close and compare, you'll see it.  I'm trying to come up with a mnemonic device to remember what each means though.  Yeah, it's only 4 to remember, but something to help me learn will help.

No, I don't. I keep them all in one note, it's much easier to manage. At the same time, it doesn't allow to contain all necessary info(.
I didn't know about the database mention in your post, it looks great. Is it easy in use? Probably I should try.

Just register and try it!   ;)

It's still pretty early, but it's been pretty functional for a while now.  As a new user you'll only have the option to add existing decks in the database to your collection (can't add new decks to the database), but with over 1,000 decks most of yours should be represented.  PM me if you need a new one added so you can add to your collection.

I actually like these better than the Orbiter, although I do like both. These would be great for my game room and unlike the Orbiter, my prized decks would be protected from the hands of my children's friends! Always a plus! As long as the price isn't astronomical, I will be in on these.

It's live and $120 each or $320 for all 4.  Don't know if that qualifies as 'astronomical', but it is definitely on the high side.  Shipping is included, but ONLY ships within the US.  Tiny goal (can make it with just 7 backers if they pick the 4 pack).

Seems too kitsch for me personally and I don't want to give up the wall space anyhow (would rather save for compact deck displays and uncuts).  Still, a neat idea and they have their place.


I sure hope that's a legit pledge that sticks.  Would love to know the situation there - friend/relative or a dealer of some kinds?  That's a HUGE pledge for a single person.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: VeneXiana Dark Edition (8/15 on CL)
« on: September 15, 2014, 05:22:01 PM »
I sure hope this one isn't dead either.  I'm sure a relaunch will happen on CL or KS if needed, but I would really rather this just get funded.  Any other plans to market this one or get another bump in interest?

Design & Development / Re: Good Deck
« on: September 15, 2014, 05:20:55 PM »
I'm really glad you made the evil deck available with good deck.  I'm just hoping this actually gets funded because evil deck is actually the one I'm most excited to get a hold of (over good or the others on CL).  Hopefully you have grand plans for a marketing blitz and they add other payment options if that's the hold up for some people.  It has a long way to go, but hopeful!

Also, shouldn't this thread now be moved since it's now available and no longer in design/development?  I was looking for it in the Plethora section originally.

Yes, I do. I keep all my collection (about 300 decks) in Evernote. Quite comfortable, you may use any device to add a new item.

Do you list each deck as a separate note?  What do you include for details?  Do you have a basic template that you use each time?

I'm totally sold on the PlayingCardDatabase website as it also now has over 1,000 decks to pick from and add to your collection.  Here's my collection there:

Although I have some reservations of having it all outside of my control so I'll still keep updating my BGG entry and looking for other methods to manage the collection that I have full control over.  I also occasionally scrape the contents of my collection for historical and some kind of disaster recovery.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Sawdust by Emmanuel Jose (KS)
« on: September 15, 2014, 05:11:26 PM »
I submitted both of mine earlier via email.  I can say I had a number of different totals depending on where I looked and how close so I can easily see how there will be a number of close answers on these.  The only other thing I'll say is those hidden faces were super clever!  Took me forever to find those.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Modern Fighter Plane Spotter Playing Cards (KS)
« on: September 15, 2014, 11:53:55 AM »
Replace the maidens with fighter jets - pick a generic design rather than a specific plane.  Have them point toward the edge of the card.

Replace the two circles with a side-view of a jet angling toward the sky - night stars work fine both above and below the plane.

I agree with both of these and was just going to make the star background only suggestion as well.  Don't worry about making it an image (grass, mountains, sky) and instead think if it more like a logo of just a plane outline with a starred background.  Given that the military of many countries and especially airforce utilize stars as symbols it's logical that they appear as the background and simplifies the look while removing the confusing aspects.

The maidens also look a bit out of place, but once you fix the jet logo then attention will quickly fall to them as being out of place.  I quite like the jets pointing to the corners concept.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Bicycle Titanic - Coming soon!!
« on: September 15, 2014, 11:46:06 AM »
I would suggest skipping the 2nd tuck (life).  Certainly the ship is more memorable due to the tragedy and that death tuck is much more interesting and has more of a spade look.  Although I don't understand tuck swaps so keep that in mind.  Now if it was a different deck then that might be interesting, especially if the death deck was darker and muted, but the life had metallic and gold inks and somehow focused on the grandeur instead of the tragedy.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Modern Fighter Plane Spotter Playing Cards (KS)
« on: September 11, 2014, 12:39:57 PM »
EDIT - I now see the price of decks is down to $13, much better.  Good luck!

I pledged for it, but I'd really like to be able to add on a deck. An early bird 2-deck tier would be fantastic.

I did create an add-on list and prices if you want to add a deck or two though I have kept the prices equal to the non-earlybird setting.  Let me think about the two-deck early bird idea and we will see.

I am struggling with the price on an individual deck, when I started out l compared over 30 of the most successful playing card projects and over 60% of them had a price set at $15.  I understand that there are some really elegant decks out there, but there was enough of what I would consider on par with my project that did just fine at $15.  Part of what makes this stand out is the fact that every single card is custom, not just the royalty.  I want this to be successful, but at the same time worthwhile.  Any thoughts?

It's already been said, but there is no way you saw very many decks that FUNDED at $15 a deck unless it had a ton of extra options on the tuck like embossing, foil, etc.  Some decks also charge more due to expensive licensing contracts, but I assume you didn't have to pay thousands to get any rights here.

Every card is custom you say?  This deck has every card custom and was HAND made first with cut paper before being converted into digital and then cards.  Price = $11/deck because there are no fancy tuck options and yet USPCC printed, just like yours.  Your decks should be $11 each, $13 at the most.

Don't get me wrong, I still love this deck and LOVE the uncut pricing, but that won't do me any good if nobody else jumps in to make sure it gets funded after the EBs run out.

When this fails to fund (and it very likely will unless you adjust pricing), please re-launch with better pricing and consider some of the suggestions here and elsewhere.  Some of it is personal opinions only, but often it's still good advice.  Just don't lower the deck prices and then do something dumb like double the uncut price (that's not what I meant).   ;)

I think skulls and skeletons are such a cliche and haven't bought any such themed decks yet.  These though I kind of like. The old and worn look is pretty well done. I'll keep an eye on this one.   Thanks for sharing.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Your top 3 in these categories
« on: September 09, 2014, 11:23:52 AM »
I love lists like this.  It really helped me discover decks I wasn't aware of when I first started.  Many of them I just said 'nope' and moved on, but quite a few I was glad I discovered and got while I could. It also allowed me to take a closer look at some I ignored because it wasn't custom enough with faces, but later appreciated due to a great back, tuck, etc. 

I responded to your categories, but also included my overall top 10 further below.  Typically I am focused on courts and face design in general.

Back design - Been too busy to appreciate this and because I'm so focused on face design I'm sure I'm forgetting some so here's the ones that are memorable.
1) Branded Black Reserve Note
2) Seasons Primavera
3) Origins

Face design - see top 10 below

Tuck Box - I suppose this should be more important to me now that I have my decks in a case, but the faces still win out.
1) Branded Black Reserve Note
2) Seasons Primavera
3) Origins

Handling - meh, I started experimenting with cardistry and appreciate a well handling deck for playing card games, but the subtleties between them isn't huge for me.  I have however really appreciated a good handling deck vs some of the garbage I grew up playing cards with. Gave away and threw/burned quite a few older decks that were just crap.

Overall favorites - my list below is borrowed from another 'must have list of modern decks' I participated in, so there are others that I like more, but some were bumped up the list due to cost/availability/etc. I also mostly only included decks I own since I've found a few that were better on the screen than in person (don't meet your heros). I know a few that once I get my hands on will require adjustments to this list (Sawdust, Seasons Verana, N.17, etc)

Honorable Mention. Dark Suits by Mr Mead - This was really the one that started it for me. I somewhat collected neat decks traveling, but this is what caused me to open my eyes and search out what else was out there.
10. Civil War (Blue) [Bicycle] - Simply included as the best standard deck, for the price and artwork and quality you can't beat it.
9. Cigar [Bicycle] - One of my favorite 808 decks (Espionage was close too), there's something about this one combined with the reasonable pricing.
8. Ultimate Deck - The controversy!  :lol: One of the first ones I got and more pricey as well, but it helped sell me on the idea of custom decks, transformation decks and especially uncuts.
7. Joker [Bicycle] - A strange choice perhaps, but I enjoy the Jokers. Too bad it was such a pathetic effort and 'unfinished'.
6. Empire - The only one I DON"T have yet. I like the new version, but there is something about this original.
5. Seasons Primavera - Much prefer this over Seronda, but the level of detail in the artwork is so amazing.
4. Origins First Edition - History, great art and superb quality.
3. Clipped Wings - I'm a sucker for (semi)transformation decks and the cut paper design approach is awesome, the variety and every card is custom.
2. Curator - Same as above, but this gets the additional nod for being the first and having a wider variety.
1. Federal 52 Black Reserve Note [Bicycle] - The best in the Federal series or even all of JR's decks by a long shot. Not even close.

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Other hobbies
« on: September 09, 2014, 11:05:23 AM »
I also mountain bike and enjoy downhill, but not as aggressive as you (only for about 1 year, have hard tail 29er only and regular helmet/no pads = mostly wooded trails/hills and ridges).

In addition, I play competitive sand volleyball, have a race kart (about 60mph max), autocross (race car in parking lots), dabble in music remixing and song writing, brew beer, DIY auto/home, etc.

As for other collections, I have a 1/43 scale car collection which has been neglected since we moved 5 years ago.  It's all still in a box waiting for the room and in wall display to be built.  I guess I also collect board games, but it's more out of desire for new games to play than for the sake of a collection.  It's just that at some point you realize you have a problem and calling it a collection makes it ok somehow.   ;)

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Sawdust by Emmanuel Jose (KS)
« on: September 04, 2014, 01:52:27 PM »
Agree, it is primarily an art deck, but so far his have been mostly functional.  For his prior ones I've gotten uncut and a collector deck, but also added a play deck as well.  May do the same here which is why I was curious.  Not a big deal though, but it would be fun to pull this one out for game nights as well.

EDIT - Emmanuel already replied that the Jokers have the same back.  Apparently they just have 2 different faces that then look like front and back view.   
All 56 cards have the same back.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Sawdust by Emmanuel Jose (KS)
« on: September 04, 2014, 01:28:37 PM »
It's almost embarrassing how much a fan I am of his work.   :D

One thing I just noticed though is that the Jokers have different backs than the rest?  While this is VERY cool in the effect it has as art, this means any games that use Jokers means for those this is a non-functional deck.  I don't often play games like that, but are there ad cards or something else with the same backs that then could be used as Jokers in a game without the back giving them away?
EDIT - Emmanuel already replied that the Jokers have the same back.  Apparently what is shown below is just both Jokers.  The way the video was worded it seemed to imply they had different backs.
All 56 cards have the same back.

I love the idea of this theme, but undecided on how well it will translate to cards.  Will wait and see once face cards are provided.

I don't know how you can incorporate CDs and digital music into the back design, but it would be neat if that could be worked in.  I like that you are planning a cardstock tuckbox that appears to be a cassette case instead of actual plastic.  Radical 80s also had a similar case, but actual plastic there.

I don't understand card clips, but since Empire had a totally custom warrior one maybe it's possible to do a card clip with a built in bottle opener and engraved with some of your artwork as well.

Like this, but with your art and an opener.

Personally I think this is dumb, but I also don't get card clips to begin with, so who knows?   ;)

Otherwise the usual coasters concept with your artwork would be pretty awesome.  Stone, rubber, paper, whatever, as long as the price is right.

Great deck concept! I like the cards you shared. It looks like something I would possibly back, but I offer a little warning. You are going in to this kickstarter campaign just a few days after a heavy hitter in the Kings Wild Army deck. Being limited on funds, this will affect collectors like me that have to make a choice between a highly anticipated deck and your new well crafted entry. As a result if I get to back it will be very late in the campaign as the month ends and at a lower price than I might normally be willing to pay. Maybe consider launching a week or two later to avoid running a parallel campaign and reduce the overlap. This would allow your project to bleed over to the beginning of October and a new budget for people who set a month to month limit. Maybe it is no big deal, just an idea.

Plus Alex chin's seasons and Emanuel's sawdust soon. There may never again be a quiet time for competing projects, but this week is full of big ones

Good luck though, interesting deck and great art. I'll keep an eye on this one.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Bicycle® Arcana Kickstarter now live
« on: August 25, 2014, 04:27:37 PM »
I'm a single deck collector so that's just fine by me!   ;)

Seriously though, having an add-on of a deck for say $10 (since shipping could be combined) should be an option.  This would take care of Josh's concern and may help you sell a few more decks (currently can only be 1, 2, 6 12...what if I want 8?)

2. The design background on the number cards is too much. It worked with the Lee's empire deck. It looks cheap here. Its not your best design. Clean and Functional, you can't go wrong.

I'm not a traditionalist and a collector, so.....

I really like it when there is a background on the number cards.  If I'm paying for a custom deck, I want it CUSTOM.  However, I do agree it is a bit too in your face on the black.  If you can make that more subtle it would be a winner for me.  It worked well with Federal series and I think it works well on your white backed deck very well.  I can see argument about keeping it like the originals, but I really like this.

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